TH¿ NYSSÀ GATE CITY JOURNAL. Classified Advertising think It 'smart' but it actually lowers the opinions o f the ones who hear him." A male quartet sang "See The Mighty Angel Flying". Those tak ing part were O. R. Anderson, M al colm Crawford. Joseph Wheeler and D. W. Anderson. RATES: Two cents per word lor each Issue. Minimum cash In The third speaker was Clarence advance Is 30c. Aston. He stressed the value of the boys of the community and the nation. They are future lead' W ANTED—Can take 3 passengers ers. The great men leading the nation today will not live forever. to Portland October 9. or 10. Dr. J. E. Long 80 lxc Someone will eventually take their d>lace. FOR SALE—Jersey Cow. fresh In W ANTED —Oround hay. K elly Koal, BOYS REHEARSE CHORUS Nampa, Idaho. 80-3xc two weeks. Charles Schweizer, The Aarcnlc Priesthood chorus Sunset Valley 80 2xp held rehearsal after church last Sunday . There were 12 in attend FOR BALE—Two-wheel trailer ho use. Good rubber. 257 Oreen Ave. W ANTED T O B U Y —30 or40 acre ance. The song they will sing In 80 2xp ranch, Improved or partly Improved. Welser on October 25 Is “ I ’ll Go 802—8th St. Park Ave. Where You Want Me to Go, Dear FOR SALE— Thirty head o f good Nyssa, Oregon SO-lxp Lord.’» The boys are asked to wear black ties and white shirts. weaner pigs. one chicken or turkey brooder, In good condition. Priced KALSOM INE, P A IN T at competi (The ties worn for the band uni tive prices. First class quality. form Is the correct type). Soloists reasonable. P. W. Douglas on Over- street farm two miles north of Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and Udell Poulson and Rosel Ander- ln the chorus are M ario Anderson, Adrian. lO 3xC Highway 201, Phone 108. ISMtfc Mrs . D. O. Bybee is the director. F O R SALE— One van body, 12x8x6 81 TO SUNDAY SCHOOL far ltt truck. In good order, well FOR PLUM BER call J. C. Smith Out of the 195 persons enrolled tic. In the Sunday school there were ironed. P. W. Douglas on Overstreet Phone 78J. farm two miles north of Adrian. only 81 present last Sunday. This 10-2*0 drop in enrollment Is due to spec ial meetings held In Salt Lake the FOR BAIR—Medern residence and past week and men working In the 1 asna. 1 mile 8.W. at Nyssa. factory. O. W. Reberger. 20ASXF FOR R E N T —Heated furnished a- Hellen Andersen played the pre liminary music. G. J. Williams FOR SALE O R T R A D E —I-acre, partments. Mrs J. C. Bowman. conducted the services. Opening 24STPC 4-room modern house, double gar Phone 39W. prayer was by Gladys Lewis. The age. hen-house, pasture, well. Close sacrament gem was led by Patty in. Terms. H. E. Collins, Box 808, Shaw. Euvade Aston gave a talk Nyssa 178TFC on "T h e Articles of Faith” . Lee FOR SALE—Two large room house CUSTOM butchering every M on Anderson talked on “ The Ten day and Friday. Beef, sheep and Commandments” . and one lot. good location. The congrega Journal office. XO-5xp pork. Sanitary butchering guaran tion sang three songs with Dar- teed. Phone 05-R-l. One mile west Thell Bybee acting as dhoruster. of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake Various classes then met In groups Fischer. for their lessons. Benediction was W ANTED— Used baby stroller. offered by Vail Dee Child. H. W. Oroott. Rt. 1, Nyssa 10-2xp FASH IO N FOUNDATIONS ATTEND SA LT LAK E Barcley and smart-form founda CONVENTIONS W ANTED TO B U Y—Two room Leaving by train last Friday house. Jake Fischer. 37ATFC. tion garments, Corsets, Girdles, B ra ssieres. Perfect fit assured by ex night were President Luther L. hauler See perienced corsetlere. Alice Collins Fife, andd Bishop Arvel Childs to W ANTED—Manure Flank T. Morgan Box 500, Nyssa. attend special executive meetings called by President Heber J. Grant W B P A Y HIGHEST PRICES for of the L. D. S. Church in Salt Lake live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay- City. Representatives from all parts j7Ntfc of the world were in attendance. W ANTED — Clean, soft cotton “Six days shalt thou labor and DOES BUSINESS V IA PLANE W. J. Beus flew to Ontario last rags. The Gate City Journal. do all thy work. The seventh be week to attend to some business longs to the Lord and should be matters. Arvel Childs met him at kept holy.’» the airport and flew to Caldwell to FO R R E N T O R SALE: 5 acre track attend to some business. Mr. Beus H IG H PR IE STS CONDUCT In Apple Valley. now has his pilot's license after SUNDAY SERVICES Bee. Frank T. Morgan lO -tfc The high priests quorum, under spending the required solo hours in the air. the direction of Clarence A. As Visiting In Ogden— “ SIM ON LAG R E E " TOLD ton, had charge o f the Sunday Mrs R. G. Whitaker and two One of the highlights of the en daughters went to Ogden Saturday evening services. Preliminary mus- to visit Mrs Whitaker's parents for was played by Josephine Rus tertainment given by the Relief a month. They went to Ogden by sell. Fern Anderson led the con society last Wednesday was the automobile with Mr. Whitaker, who gregational singing. Opening pray reading entitled “Simon Lagree” , given from memory by Ray C. returned to Nyssa Sunday. er was by Ray C. Lewis. Lewis. The first speaker was D. O. B y COVERED DISH LUNCH TO bee. His subject was the four sides BE TUESDAY of life which go to make a growth The R elief society held its first of perfection, namely the physical, regular meeting of the season last mental, moral and spiritual. m Real Estate Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Besides the The next speaker was Lorln W. theology lesson the teacher’s topic Gaotes. His subject was "P ro was given. Next Tuesday all the Phone 84 to God's Teachings." He said, “The ladies are asked to provide a cov OREGON NTM A fanlty and Vulgarity Are Contrary ered dish lunch, and to be at the person who uses profanity may meeting at 10 o’clock. President Aston announces that the work and business day, will be an “ All day afalr” with lunoh served at noon. Thsoe who cannot attendd at 10 o'clock should attend later. Vera Jensen Is In charge o f the fancy work department and Anna Jemmett Is in charge o f the re modeling clothes department. CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y Mr. Zink celebrated his birthday October 4. Although he Is a man In his sixties he said he was 16 and MISCELLANEOUS For Sale Wanted To Buy CITY PROPERTY For Rent Butchering WANTED L.D.S. News FARMLANDS Bernard Eastman Professional And Business Directory DENTISTS J. R. C U N D ALL O PTO M ETRISTS QUICK RELIEF FROM DR. J. A. McFALL “See MoFall and Soe S ym ptom s o f Distress A risin g fro m F rM l Dentist Must Phon« 56-J Darazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON jew elry sto res EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON PAULUS JEWELRY STORE PHYSICIANS L. A. Moulding. M.D. Union Pacific Time Inspector Physician and Surgeon JEWELR Y — DIAMONDS WATCHES Phone t l Hour*: 10 to 12 and 1 to 8 Dally— Except Sondny Fry Bunding WYCKOFF IEWELRY STORE S A R A Z IN CLINIC Sarazin, Eve Leuck, G. N. Gfllclal Time Inspector for Union Pacific NT ARIO_________ OREGON KELLER’S CABINET SHOP ( It Is made of wood we an make It or repair it O. Bax a n 842 Main B t SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Shoo Shop eg shoe and hamaaa repairing from poet office. STOM ACH ULCERS due - E X C E SS A C ID J. J. * ells o f Homo Tr eat me n t that -ip or rt Will Cost You Nothing Over t wo million bottles of the W IL L A R D T R E A T M E N T hare been sold for relief of sym ptom s o f distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers dno to Excess Acl J— Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, tiasslness. Heartburn. Sleeplessness, etc., clue to Excess A d d . Sold on 15 days’ trial! Ask for “ W illard’ s Message” which fully explains this treatment— free — at N YSSA PH A R M A C Y Nyssa, Oregon A LASTING TRI- 1 BUTE TO A GREAT LEADER M. D. I General practice of medicine X-Ray Physiotherapy á - i — M ISCELLANEOUS NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT e a o l e s h a l l Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY M IN E R Sea. HERBERT FISH E R Pres. Laundries Nytsa- Steam Laundry young. He enjoys good home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. He has two sons In the O. Z. Matthews. Miss Ruth Matthews was home M.I.A. D RAM A over tthe week-end visiting her The Mutual put on Its first parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Z. Matt drama of the season last W ed hews. nesday evening with Nina Oottle as the director. The title of the T ax Payment Date Changed— J. W. Maloney, collector of Inter' play was “ Battle Front". I t dealt with the necessity of carrying on nal revenue, announced that the the flight for Christ as well as the due date for filing capital stock tax returns for the period ending fight in the army. June 30. 1942 has been extended CONVALESCING Lloyd Lewis, who was recently from September 29 to November 28. Corporations are not required injured when a bus he was driving to file requests for this further ex over turned, is still confined to his tension, which applies In all in bed. stances. The extension will provide RETURNS FRO M C A LIF O R N IA opportunity to give effort to any Mrs. Luther'L. F ife returned last changes with reference to capital week from California where she vis stock tax, which may be enacted ited relatives. , She was accom in the tax measures now before panied home by her son. Henry congress. Gannon, who will spend his va cation here before returning to his Veterans W ill Meet— work in the shipyards. The regular monthly meeting of ATTEND S F A M IL Y REUNION Mr. and' Mrs. Richard Taylor Owyhee post No. 3506, Veterans of attended a fam ily reunion last Foreign wars, will be held In the Monday at Mrs. Taylor’s mother's city hall Friday evening. A special home in Emmett. Guests were Mr. feature o f the meeting will be the and Mrs. Ersal Pope and family, awarding o f a past commander's Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Chrtstison, Mr. pin to Wallace Paul, who has Just and Mrs Myrle Lee and Mr Ter- closed his year as commander. The rll Pope from Sandpoint, Idaho, award will be made by Past Dist and Sergeant Deane Pope o f the rict Commander M. H. Greenlee. Chico, California, airbase. SONG UNDER PU B LIC ATIO N A music publishing house In Portland hag chosen for publlca-1 tion an original snappy dance | number and song, written by Carol] Bybee, entitled “ Do It by Moon- ] IN THE C O U N TY C O URT OF light” . This song will be record THE STATE OF OREGON FOR M ALH EUR CO U NTY ed by Hoyywood artists "Pals of IN THE M A T T E R OF THE ES the Golden West". Sheet music TATE OF CASSIUS M. NICHOLS, will be sent to all the large radio j Deceased hookups over the U. S. and be N O TIC E OF H E AR IN G placed in music stores for sale. Mrs Bybee has written over 50 Notice hereby is given that Mary songs of all types. One song en F. Nichols, Administratrix with titled "Steppln’," was played In W ill Annexed of the above entitled Ogden all winter by a 15-plece estate, has filed her final aocount orchestra at the Bertha-Anna for settlement, together with re ballroom. port of her administration and pet ition for distribution o f such estate, H URTS LEG Miss Lois Bybee, daughter of and that hearing thereof has been Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bybee, suf fixed for November 7, 1942, at 10 fered a nail puncture In the leg o’clock A. M. In the County Oourt- between the knee and ankle last room In the County Courthouse at Monday. She was able to walk a f Vale, Oregon, at which time and place all persons interested are ter treatment by a doctor. notified to appear and show clause, W E IN E R ROAST The trail builder class with the if any they Wave why such account Seagull girls class of the Owyhee and petition and report should not primary branch held a weiner roast be settled and approved and dist last Friday evening. The teach ribution of the estate thereupon made to the persons entitled there ers are Minnie Moyes and Winnie to. Smith. Mary F. Nichols, Administratrix. D INN E R GUESTS Dated and 1st publ. Oct. 8, 1942, Sergeant Deane Pope of C alif Last publ. Nov. 5. 1942 ornia and Miss Betty Jo Craner were dinner guests at the Rich ard Taylor home last Sunday. STATE M E N T O F TH E O W N E R V IS ITO R S AND SHOPPERS SH IP AN D M AN AG EM EN T R E Miss Norma Jensen, who Is em Q UIRED B Y TH E AC T O F CON ployed in Boise, came to Nyssa GRESS OF AU G U ST 24, 1912 AND Sunday to visit her parents. Mr. M ARCH 3, 1933 OF TH E N YSSA and Mrs. M elvin Jensen. G A TE C IT Y JOURNAL, PUB Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Myers LISHED W E E K L Y A T NYSSA, were business visitors In Caldwell OREGON FO R OCTOBER, 1942. last Monday. Before me, a notary public In Mrs. Eldred Brower of Apple Valley has as her guest this week and for the state of Oregon and the her sister. Miss Vera Anderson, of county of Malheur, personally ap peared Klass V. Powell, who, having Ogden. Miss Onlta DuSpain o f Ontario been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he Is one of has moved to Nyssa. where she will the owners o f the Nyssa Gate City make her home while she Is em Journal and that the following Is, ployed In the sugar factory. to the best of his knowledge and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aston belief, a true statement o f the were In Nampa last Saturday. Mrs. ownership and management of the Aston received her last treatment to help correct her ear trouble. She is much Improved. Clyde Dabb returned to his home In Nyssa after being in Ogden the past month. Stanley Dabb and Mr. Tlbbett came with him, but will return to Utah In a few days to resume their defense work. M r and Mrs Wheeler were din ner guests at th Moyes home In the Owyhee district last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Orr were sick last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Campbell of The glass filter rod Weston, Idaho, were visitors at the Deaon Fife home last Thursday and Friday. makes your brewer all The Owyhee branch Relief so ciety members are making the third quilt for Mrs. Parker. They glass. The rod quickly are sewing on It at the home of Minnie Moyes. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Hansen of filters delicious tea and Ontario were Sunday visitors at the Dean Fife home. Legal Advertising lee § NOTICE OF SALE N O TICE H EREBY IS GIVEN. That under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of the County of Malheur and State of Oregon,, made on the 27th day of July, 1942, in the matter of the Guardianship of Marlon L. Adams, an Insane person, the undersigned, as guardian of the estate of said Marlon L. Adams, will sell at pri vate sale, on and after the 17th day o f October, 1942, to the highest bidder, for cash at time of sale, subject to confirmation by said Court, the following described real property In Malheur County, Ore gon: An undivided one-half interest in and to: The Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter (NW14SW14) and Lot 4 of Section 34, Township 21 South of Range 46 E. W. M. excepting therefrom the right of way of Oregon Short Line R ail road Company. in one parcel. Such sale will be at private sale, and all bids shall be in writing accompanied by cash for the amount o f bid, and shall be delivered to Carl H. Coad, at torney for the undersigned, at Nyssa, Oregon. Deed and abstract shall be at the cost of ths pur chaser. Dated the 14th day of Septem ber, 1942. Mabel R. Adams Guardian of the Estate of Marlon L. Adams, an Insane person P in t publication Sept. 17, 1942. Last publication Oct. 15, 1942 IN THE CO UNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR M AL HEUR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF ELIZA SMITH, Deceased Notice of Hearing Notice hereby Is given that Carl H. Coad, Administrator of the above entitled estate herein has filed his final account for settlement, together with report of his admin istration and petition for distri bution of such estate; and that hearing thereof has been fixed for the 10th day of October, 1942, at 11 o’clock A. M. at the County Courtroom In the County Court house at Vale, Oregon, at which time and place all persons inter ested are notified to appear and show cause. If any they have why such aocount and petition and re port should not be settled and ap proved and distribution of the estate thereupon made to the per sons entitled thereto. Carl H. Coad, Administrator. Dated and 1st publ. Sept. 10th, 1942. Last publ. Oct. 8, 1942. BIO BEND IRRIGATIO N DIS TRICT, MALHEUR COUNTY, ORROON Notice hereby Is given that the Board of Directors of the Big Bend Irrigation District, sitting as a Board of Equalization, will meet on Tuesday, the 6th day of Ootober, 1942, at the residence of A. O. Holly In ths district, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of reviewing and correcting Its assessment and ap portionment of taxes for the next ensuing fiscal year. The assessment list and record may be Inspected at the office of ths Secretary at Nyssa, Oregon by any Interested person. By order of the Board of Direct ors, and dated Sept. 1, 1942. Carl H. Coad, Secretary Big Bend Irrigation District. NOTICE That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. N O TIC E IS H EREBY GIVEN that the following warrants will be cancelled and the payments thereof will be refused unless said warrants are presented to the County Treasurer for paymnt on or before Nov ember 1, 1942. GENERAL FUND W ARRANTS Claimant Amount Number Date Issued Vale Trading Co. $ 8.02 14853 Sept. 8, 1934 Ladd Hunt .19 15052 Oct. 8, 1934 Wayne Hiatt .37 15055 Oct. 6, 1934 John Parkins .47 15058 Oct. 5, 1984 Ed Wells Weston 10.00 16140 Dec. 31, 1934 Thos. Guy Price 10.00 16443 Jan. 31, 1935 Kathryn Claypool 2.00 10613 Feb. 11, 1925 Ed Washburn 10.00 16730 Feb. 28, 1935 Franklin Printing Co. .99 16982 Apr. 8, 1935 Mrs. Nancy J. Eads 10.00 17215 Apr. 30. 1935 GENERAL ROAD FUND W ARRANTS Joe Rickley 8.00 9042 Sept. 8. 1934 M. O. Palmer 80.00 9218 Dec. 10, 1934 H. 8. SACKETT County Clerk A M E R IC A S NO. 1 FARM PRODUCTION ip ? f GLASS COFFEE BREWER Alberta Valley Mrs. Jimmy BVack is home vis iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wimp of Nyssa. O Z Matthews went up to Cas cade Monday to do his threshing. Born, to M r and Mrs. Prank Matthews at Holy Rosary hospital, a son, Sunday morning. The boy was named Wayne Dean. Mrs Matthews is recovering nicely at T h i s is th Year fo r ✓ BIG L I T T E R S ✓ FA ST G A IN S • WitK. TURIRA ’ SUPPLEMENTS | i A tins of bogs at a feeding trough is really a war production U m . And on this lino apoed and top production count big, too. For pork product! arc important wartima food for fighting man. Com* in and aak ua about 7 $2.75 to $4.75 Si* « Ask,Us About Doing tho Job coffee I tha Purina Sow-to-Pig-to-Packer Plan— it's a plan built to holp you , do a wartima job on your pork production lint, f P U R I N A * S O W " a n d P IO C H O w } < NORDALE It’s your wartima job to woan big litters of heavy piga tbit year. Feed to do the job — balance out 1 your grain with Purina Sow and P ig Chow— - a real pig-buildsr.. FU R N ITU R E STORE P U R IN A H O G C H O W Purina Hog Chow goee with your our grain to put gel aa pound* quick and thick . . . h elp« pe get to market early. Meana more ay for ^ grain aw tbs boofly-""” Drive in now for a Check-up. weather is prepared for it. W e advise an im mediate check-up for trouble-free enjoyment. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the act of August, 1912. as a- mended by the act o f March 3, 1933, embodied In section 537, pos tal laws and regulations to wit: 1. That the names of the pub lishers are Mildred B. and Klass V. Pc well. 2. That the editor and business manager is Klass V. Powell. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more o f total amount of bonds, mortggages or other secur ities Include only Winifred B. Thomas. " (Signed) Klass V. Powell Sworn and subscribed before me this 30th day of September, 1942. Thaddene Jennings My Commission Expires October 16, 1944. CORY perfect for driv ing if your car is Nyssa's Own ds Hymn Owned — Seventh k Park Streets - Phone !4i felt as health. service. The The Lincoln memorial In the nation's capital stands as a glorious and enduring tribute to a great American. You can give your loved ones an equ ally fitting memorial In a beautiful, dignified Nyssa Funeral Home service. Let us help you In time o f need. PAGE THREE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1942 TOW NE S GARAGE _ » _ _ W orm P ig i at 10 W h I cs of A g é » PURINA'PISTSULES - t L Worm-free hoft moka f eater, more acoaaaa ▼ ¡cal gaina. To rid yearn koga at largo round- * ] worm« wo rocomaand Pa rima Pig-5ulaa> Al THOMPSON and SONS COAL—GRAIN—FEED Phone 26 2nd and Good Are. hVWVkWWJV,