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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1942)
""■RS. The NYSSA G a 'V o l u m e x x x v n ," n 0. China Pheasant Season Closed Until B ig Rain D ecision o f last week reversed; all seas ons closed :n = LETTUCE YIELD HERE VE^RY LOW The lettuce harvest In this area Is expected to be started about October 10. The amount of lettuce harvested Is not expected to equal more th ta half of the usual amount cut In this area, which extends from Wel- ser to Nampa. Lettuce buyers said the stands are poor, but they expect the let tuce to be of good quality. NYSSA OREGON, THUkSDÀŸ, flCTORER 1,1532" Dinner For CAP And Guardsmen Here Scheduled Pheasants to be serv ed if season is opened A community-sponsored dinner will be served the night of October 12 In honor of the Nyssa company of the Oregon state guard the local unit of the civil air patrol. The Nyssa Civic club, the Lions club and the chamber of commerce ligreed this week to support the project. If weather conditions per mit the opening of the Chinese pheasant season in time, pheasant By Helen Sallee will be served at the dinner. Local men will furnish the pheasants (Bulldog Staff Writer) The Snwke River Valley con and the civic club will cock and ference football season went off serve the birds. The Granges will also be asked to assist In the pro with a bang with the Football ject. . • Jamboree held In Ontario Friday Rev. M. H. Greenlee, first lieu The Jamboree has become a tradi tenant in the guard, stoted in pre tion In past years among the dif senting the proposal to the chamber of commerce and Lions clubs that ferent schools of the valley and "We may need this guard company Is a preview of the athletic prow sometime. I think we should show ess, bands, cheers, and glittering the guardsmen our appreciation. display of each individual school, j Corporal A. Chadwick Invited “The Star- Spangled Banner” local residents to watch the com pany drill at the park Sunday played by the combined bands and afternoon, October 11. led by veteran bandmaster J. E. Stoner of Payette, began the pro gram, followed by a presentation CHRISTMAS SEAL of ths color» by a Boy Scout QUOTA RECEIVED Guard-of-Honor. The captain* Malheur county’s quota of the from each of the teams were In troduced to the audience after 1942 Chrlstmlas seals arrived this the drawing for opponents and week and while local sales cam r. Aiken said, In part: “When positions on the program with Ray paigns will be launched a t a later the forest service officials. Mr. If. parson doing the honors for Ny- date, those who wish to obtain theirs qarly for packages for over t, Rogers, state forester, and Mr. ssa seas men of the armed forces may U ntil. 0# the federal forest Ber The Ontario Tigers and Payeitp obtain them by sending a postcard ries. discussed the critical fire Pirates opened the first quarter haaard a t the regular m#gt|ng, the With the red and gold coming out request to Mrs Charles S. Harris, Box 308, Vale. barometer had beep dropping for Mrs. Harris Is the county chair •oreral days, reaching a low of )« on tpp, 6-0- Emmett and Adrain degrees at several «astern Oregon were the n*xt to tangle wlto t|w man of the annual esal sale spon stations and varying from 10 de- Antelopes scoring on* touchdown, sored by the Malheur Oounty Pub ***** to 17 degrees pprt of the making the score 610 for Adrain. lic Health association for the bene Next were the Frultland Griz fit of public health work In the time in each day in most of the zlies and Nyssa Bulldogs In flashy county. •WfcHP Oregon stations. "Because t f c governor was loath new blue and white suits. The The seal this year as designed to extend the area to grtych hunt Bulldogs made a steady advance by Dale Nichols, one of America's dpwp tp$ field, however not fast outstanding artists, whose paintings ing could not be permitted, ft* clined to ask the game commission enough to »cor* In the twelye- of rpd burns have jong been fam a t Its regular meeting to close any mlnute period ous. The Christmas seal plotures area other than lands Immediately Last to compete were the Vale a snowy country scene with the fiplgta national or state forests Vikings and Welser Wildcats who typicalN ichols' red bam and white « t a t Uses pelther he nor I nor really lived up to their name In a farmhouse In the background. The (he officials of the gajpf commls- mlle-a-mlnute quarter that ended foreground shows a horse-drawn tton thought of the range land Wltti a $coff of 6-0 in favor sleigh on a curved, drift-lined road. haaard and I know l personally of too red an« whit« advised several hunters to go into “Assistant coach” Blaine Devlin the Steen mountains and I have was given an ovation by Nyssa diecuBsed the matter with a num fans as ha returned to the stands ber of persons who did the same. after putting his men (7) through f h * #i#te stone commission em- ***** apd pgptaln McClees of a grilling period. Lloyd Lewis of Nyssa was badly •he state police hkewtto »dvlse« This will probably be the last ■ any Person» to go Into southeast: Jgmboree to be held for the dur cut and bruised about the hdad w n Oregon to hunt, believing that ation but everyone Is looking for and body Monday morning when a WPUld relieve the pressure In the ward to bigger and bettor one* to school bus he was driving over turned at the Hunt comer a short **aaa haaarous areas. Probably as the future. distance southwest of Nyssa. ►J**#* ° f t*M» advice and stones Mr. Lewis was driving to the W^t appeared In the newspapers. farm security camp to pick up a * large number of persons started fog« Qf Japanese school children fot HufriB with the resuit When the accident occurred. He ***** «*>• naopU Of that section be- had already made his regular run. oonaemed over the potaibll- When Mr. Lewis was driving a- tty of range fires due to careless- Persons desiring to mall Christ nem and they Immediately began mas cards or parcels to men se rv round the curve an automobile calltnc the governor urging that i lg with * e armed forces outside approached from the opposite dir the entire huntin season be sus- continental United States must act ection. The school bus drlggr feared the rear of the bus would cut too Pwuled until the fire hamtti was ¡within the next four weeks. close to the automobile so he swer The postal department has an if was Instructed by the gov- nounced that Christmas parcels ved to the right. When he cut back Pn*Sf to thke the ncessary steps i an« ghrlstnoas cards should be the bus overturned and stopped on h> cat the too game commission togeth- mailed during toe perjod bfglnnfng Its wheels •r s4d I also consulted with the ¡October 1 and ending November 1. The body of the bus, operated attorney renerei'» office with the Special effort will be made to effect by the Thompson Oil company, was Idea to mind of formulating an delivery of all Christmas parcels damaged order which would leave open to ¡mailed during that period to Mto« hunting the area Inhabited most 'for Christmas ly by game birds and not by big In view of the urgent need for game. While I was considering , shipping space to transport mater- that proposal I told Mr. Powell jUls directly essential to the war of the O a ts City Journal that In ¡effort, Christmas parcels shall not «rgagtolim « e order would not exceed the present limits of II Paul Moore of Nampa, president oovsr Chinese pheasant* However, nun da to weight or IS Inches In shortly thereafter when I met Mr. >ngth or *3 Inches to length and of the Ore-Ida Boy Scout council, the game commi»»Ion. I girth combined. Nevertheless the will meet with the Lions club next based on previous opin public Is urged by the war and Monday noon in Brownie's cafe to ion« « connection with a some- W vy department to cooperate by discuss prospective activities. Mr. Mocre will also meet with parallel egee the game com voluntarily restricting the size of bed ben advised that |h f Christmas parcels to that of an Boy Scout committeemen of the when and If made, must ordinary shoe box, and to# weight Nyssa troop» at a dinner meeting be definite end certain and ttiould to six pounds. These department to be held that evening at « o'clock. follow « e wording of the statute have pointed out that members of The Lions club, which expects to pypcorlHnf the manner In which the armed forces are amply prov sponsor a local troop, voted at Its grp to be made ided with food and clothing and the Monday meeting to assist in giving Wilson and Mr. public 1* urged not to Inctodf such a Chinese pheasant feed for mem bers of the Oregon State guard and OotHt. w indi i n of the game cam- tatter In gift parcels. mlesion, who are both lawyers, de , Owing to toe great distance this the C A P R O- Whitaker wild representa termined th a t the attorney gener .mail must be transported and toe al* Interpretation of «pacific or handling and any storage It m ist tive groups do not attend city cau ders oeaatttated following the state vndedgo. It Is absolutely necessary cuses for the nomination of pros UtarmOy, Urna cloalng the entire that all articles be packed to sub- pective city officials. He urged loc stin t 1*1 boxes or containers and be al resident» to attend the 1942 cau -Tow may be sure that the mo- covered with wrappers of sufficient cus. which win be held to the city mend weather conditions change strength not only to resist pressure hall October S, and to take kn in m à the hmnidfty reaches a point of other mall to the same sack, but terest In selection of men to fill £ If safe to rescind the or- to ithahad the weight of other the city office* sacks of mall, which to the lent ' Wtì, <S w e* m m 2 m a i f transit may be plied thereon. Mrs Raymond Sager le which I Information relative to addrees- tag mall and otfier details may be from lnjumes sustained whan she from the local poet office fell from a trailer hitch recently. If that The Chinese pheasant season Is definitely ckwed until weather condition* permit the opening of th e hunting season, according to Information received here. The action taken by Governor Sprague and the slate game com mission last Thursday closed all hunting seasons until a general rain oocurs. Before the meet ing, George Aiken, executive sec retary to the governor, notified Malheur county weekly newspa pers that the closing order would not affect the Chinese pheasant eeason. Later officials declared ttfet an hunting seasons would be doaed, but the weekly papers had already published stories sayli« the phasant season would open Oct- ber 1. As resul confusion has reigned •upreme among sportsmen. Many would-be hunters from the Wtl- tahiette valley had come to Mal heur county before the order was teawd to hunt pheasant. State pottos were expected to »«art to day arresting persons violating the dosing order. In a letter to Harry Salisbury of Onatrto, George K. Aiken, secretary to Governor Charles Sprague, out lined the problem faced by the governor in connection with the f in hazard and the hunting sea- JOURNAL Aunual Football Jamboree Held Lloyd Lewis Is Hurt In Mishap Early Mailing To Men Urgent Scout Official Is Coming Here NYSSA RESIDENTS TAKEN INTO ARMY campaign Begun stores To Be Closed For Nyssa Factory I Community Campaign For Metal Several Nyssa men were In duct ed into the army a t Vale Septem ber 29 under the September 29 call The Nyssa men inducted are Yields of beets and Albert T. Loynd, Robert W. Penn, REGULATIONS ON Thomas Baird, Donald H. Tosch sugar content are hnd Paul L. KUnkenberg Frank T. MAIL ARE ISSUED high Morgan, Jr., included In the call, had already enlisted in the air Government and private trans- The 1942 "Campaign” of the poratlon lines are crowed for space corps. Elbert W. Fretwell of Parma Dragoo of Nyssa is a transfer from Amalgamated Sugar company was 'so that mall for overseas is token to Niobrara county, Wyoming. skirted In the Nyssa factory a t 4 the order of Its importance, local p. m, Wednesday with prospects of postal officials said today. Persons desiring to send air mall a good yeild and high sugar content to men In the armed services sho in the beets. uld use "V” mail stationery. Two The beet harvest, which was ounce letters and parcels are not started Monday, Is developing rat ¡carried air mail. The mall is sent in the following The city caucus and closing of her slowly due to a shortage of order: First, official mall, second, labor caused largely because har the registration books for the Nov ¡*V” mall with air mail postage, and vest of other crops has not been ember election are political events completed. However, R. G. Larson third, ordinary air mall weighing scheduled to occur within the of Nyssa, district manager, .<ild not over one ounce and parcels weighing under two ounoes. that the harvest, started about a next few days. week ealler than usual, Increa Persons who have not registered for voting must do so by October sing daily. Approximately 275 persons are 3 if they Intend to vote In Novem ber. The registration books will be employed In the factory and bet closed on that day. Doris Smith Is ween 85 and 90 at the beet receiving registering voters in the city hall. stations. The company, still work Military requirements have for The city caucus to be staged for ing on recruitment, of labor, expects the nomination of candidates for to secure additional workers for the ced drastic curtailments of mat erials normally going Into farm the city offjees wfli b* held to the field work. Early tests taken of the beets to machinery and the Secretory of city hall at 8 o'clock October 5. Everyone In the fl|ty Is Invited to the fields already harvested in agriculture has asked th a t county attend the meeting and participate dicate one of the best sugar tests rationing committees be set up to and yields per acre ever recorded each oounty to insure a fair dis In the program. here. As a result fo the fins yields tribution of available machinery to and sugar content, the company channels wher it can do the most NYSSA TO PLAY expects to manufacture approxi good in war time ngrtcultuoal pro WEISER ELEVEN mately twice as much sugar as last duction. Oounty USDA war boards year. are asked to make the selection of The Nyssa Bulldogs will play In the last campaign the comp farmers to serve on the committee. Welser on the Welser gridiron Fri any made just under 700,00« one At a meeting of the Malheur day, If Coach John Young can hundred pound bags of sugar In the county war board last Friday after muster a sufficient number of Bull- Nyssa plant, Officials expect that noon the following farmers were degs to play. this year the company will manu selected to serve a* regular mem The local boys are helping harvest facture net less than 1,300 000 bags bers of the Malheur oounty farm crops so Coach Young Is working In the Nyssa-Nampa factories. Pieter Tensen, Nyssa, chairman; the few boys who are turning out Frank B. Freemon, Fayette, Route for practice. - 2, and Tom Donahue, Vale. Alter Welser has one of the strong nate members,, Henry Mlckelson, teams in the jeagp§ Welser Route 3, and G. B. McClure, WlllowCreek. The first meeting was held Thursday afternoon to con sider application« for farm machin In a proclamation issue on Aug- ery. Regular application blanks can 5, President Roosevelt designate« be obtained through the Agricul the week beginning October 4 as tural Conservation association of National Fire Prevention week. fice In the city hall a t Ontario or Private John F. Scott has noti The peaee time fire loss record of from members of the rationing fied his parents, Mr and Mrs R, 0. this nation is an Indictment of the committee. Keier. that he emerged from the habit of carelessness of the peo The program was placed In ef battle between American and Jap ple of the United States. fect by the U. 8. department of anese ferces on the Solomon Is Today, with the nation at war, ¡agriculture order of September 17 lands unscratched. a complalslant acceptance of even Private Ssott, who Is serving In this normal peace time situation temporarily freezing all farm mac the marines said he Is all right «nd may result in disaster to the war hinery to the hands of dealers. is feeling line. The youth, whom effort, officials said Every dollars Administration of the rationing program was delegated by the war hts parents bellved to have been worth of Industrial property d e - ,.---------~ aim the roe office ornce production board u and In Australia has not been sick. stroyed by fire now results In a of price administration tq the dep- Scott, a member of the amphibian two-fold burden on an already 'artment of agriculture, tractor battalion, said he Is get heavily laden productive system, j R. E. Brooke, secetory of the ting plenty to eat and lots of ex First, productive facilities tire de- q uinty war bored, described ratloc- ercise. His letter was the first his stroyed and, second, those remain' tn8 as the only method of Insuring parents had received from him must assume thq additional fair distribution of available equlp- — -----------vs|l**K- since June. He has been In the ing loan represented by the destroyed ment *"—* and —■* “ It* * placement ‘ where it service since Januray, 1942. fac||lt|es. will do the most good In wartime “Today all fires are sabotage,*’ an arming production. official said. “A number of fires "Farmers wtll not be surprised whlch have occurred |n Oregon to at machinery rationing” Brooke the first pine months of this year said. "The appeals they have recei Indicate cleprly that there Is an ved to comb their farms for scrap understanding of the problem on Iron has convinced most of them An eatlmated 40 ton» of scrap the part of the people of this state. that critical metal* are terribly metal was collected In a drive spon In that period about one-half the that goes Into a new farm tractor sored by the Adrian salvage com number of fires occurred compar short, and that every ounce of steel mittee and the Adrian F.F A this ed with the number reported for must be taken from a new tank or the entire year of 1941. I gun.” week. “Before winter mouths arrive, Farm machinery to one classifi School was closed for one day. The boys helped gather Iron and the it Is a good policy to check on cation (group A), which Is scarce girls cleaned the school ground* flues, wiring In the home and In and especially needed to meet cur and provided luncl| tor the men at the barn and dispose of rubbish rent agriculture needs, may be sold which could easily beoome a fire firm machinery rationing commit noop. Everyone in the community was trap Many pounds of sc nap metal tee. Machinery In a second cate very cooperative to furnishing tru will be discovered in the rubbish gory (group B), Including Items cks and their tune and to those and you can turn this over to the only upon approvel by the oounty people the sponsoring committee proper a u th o ^ e s so that It will somewhat less scarce, may be sold reach Its place In the defense pro upon certification by the fanner extends their appreciation. No one was at home a t some of gram, thereby serving a two-fold to the dealer that tt Is required to the plaoes where the scrap coll purpose, eliminating a fire hazard freet current agrlcultureal needs. A ectors called. If those persons have and getting scrap material where third classficstlon (group C>. In cudes the smaller Items th at may any scrap they are asked to take It Will be used. “Fire prevention week should be b> sold without restrictions. It to the official metal depot In especlali applicable to farmers ln- Group A includes beet lifters, Adrian. as much as they do not have the b ’et loaders, ______, com . . . , bins*, .. corn .. plck- facilities for combating fire as era. dtse harrows, feed grinders, do people living in towns and ett- /rain elevators, hay baler*, lime tie*. Regulation make Is possible spreaders, manure spreaders. rnlUt to rebuild If a residence Is lost by coolers, milking machines, pickup fire but regulation* do not make balers, potato diggers, shredders and available the material required for t actors (Including graden tractors) National Newsppper week will be any new dwelling. Oroup B machinery, which can be observed throughout the United purchased upon certification to a States from October 1 to 8, In Go To ItoGrando— dealer that it Is neded for current clusive by newspaper organization» Mrs. Fred Sim* of Nyssa and production. Includes moat other and civic clubs. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. arm equipment and machinery Group O. which Is exempt from Klwanlans to practically every Saxton, and son. Paul, of Cleve town to which Ktwanls clubs are land. Ohio, and Mrs A. B. Saxton any form of rationing control. In functioning will hold gieclal pro of Nampa, went to LaGrande, clude* hoes, rakes, forks, scythes, grams In observance of the week. Tuesday. Mrs. Sims will live In »hovels and all hand-operated and The purpose of the observance Is LaGrande. where Mr Mims Is em one and two-horse drawn farm to Impress upon the people of the ployed by the Union Pacific Sys machinery and equipment not In- nation the value of the newspapers, tem. Mr and Mrs. Saxton and ion luded In Oroup A. not only as mediums of dlasamtu- have been visiting at the 81ms There are no restriction* on sale or transfer of used farm machinery, atlng Information, but as business home in Nysgs. qulpment or repair parts. Institutions. *» public servant* and eligibility requirements for group as bulwarks against the enemies Passu Examination— of democracy. Private Robert P. Burrell, son A purchase* includes Inadequacy of Mrs A. L. Fletcher, of Nyssa, of present equipment and mobility Werktag In has passed all examination* for to meet farm production goals by LaVere Brown of lUenmond.Utah entrance to the army air corps repairing, or by purchasing or baa accepted employment here dur and Is awaiting transfer from renting used machinery, or kg ing the sugar factory campaign Hawaii, where la now stationed (Continued on City Caucus To Be Held Oct. 5 Farm Machinery Rationing Begun Youth Emerges From Big Battle Groups Collect Scrap At Adrian Newspaper Week To Be Observed Fire Prevention Week Is Nearing Scarp harvest to be con ducted here Oct ober 13 The Nyssa chamber of oommercs voted at Its weekly luncheon In Browne’s cafe Wednesday noon to give its full support to the Nyssa scrap harvest, which will be held October 13. Every merchant will be asked to close his place of business for the day and prprletors «rod their em ployes will be asked to help gather the scrap metal. The committee oppolnted at the chamber meeting decided that the money should go equally to the USO, the army and navy relief and the Red Cross. Members of the committee are A. Chadwick. J. B. Giezentanner and O rant Rlneriort. Leno Christensen Is In charge of the collection of all sal vage material In Nyssa. If anyone wants money for his scrap, he must haul the scrap to the Sessler wrecking yard. Oth erwise. the solicitor will expect It to be donated. Every peron In town who has a truck, trailer or automobile la ask ed to leave word at Chadwick's drlve-m, stating th a t the vehicle will be available for hauling the scrap. The Nyssa chapter of the FF.A. has been collecting the scrap, but business men feel th a t the entire community should give the cam paign support because of the Im portance of the undertaking. Officials Will Meet— A regional meeting of the Lea gue of Oregon Cities will be held In the Moore hotel In Ontario the evening of October 20. The execu tive oommlttee of the league urges all officials and candidates to at tend the meeting. Here from Emmett— Mrs W. 8. Me Ling and Mrs H. B. Karl of Emmett spent Monday with Mrs Herschel Thompson. POETS’ CORNER Edited b r T. CAROL BYBEE POEM CONTEST INFORMATION 1. No m atter where you live or who you are. If your name Is to our files as a paid up subscriber to the Nyssa Gate City Journal, you are eligible to enter. 2. 86.00 cash, first »ward. 2A0 cash, second awKrd, honorable mention third. 3. Winning poems to be published In the Oate City Jbumal. 4. On account of the wide spread ing circulation of this paper, judge« will be five to number, one from the following place*, Idaho, Utah. California, Nyssa «rod Ontario. Names to he announced after con test. 5 Mall all entries to T. Chrol By- Journal Nyssa, Oregon, final date bee to care of Nyaaa Oate City > October 23. 6. Submit only original unpublished poetry not to exceed 28 lines. 7. Do not put name on sheet with poetry . Enclose a slip of paper with titles and name and address to It. Names will not be sent to judges. I Submit only two poems. 9. If you wish your work returned, enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope All entire* will be treated wkh utmost confidence and sin cerity. (NOW---- GO TO IT ) "HAPPINESS“- - A TONIC You see a sparkle to the eye, A spring to every step. Smiles a playin’ round the lips A person full of pep... Be sure there to reason Why they show such vim. It gives you life’s best tonic... “Happiness”------Within. IAIENDS Only on# glance from your smiling The worm clasp of your steady TMb ms I*ee found a friend I can And one who win understand.