TH E N YSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L PAG E SIX first of the series. A. H. Boydell was high for the second with Mrs Bernard Eastmen high In total points. Miss Eva Boydell was high for third and Charles Grider was high in tatal points. W. E. Schir- eman was high for fourth and Mrs A. H. Boydell was highest In total final points. M ISS M A R Y R U S T A N D E L R O Y B R A D Y M A R R IE D Kaiser Shipbuilding firm . Enroute, — 8— short stops w ill include W e llin g G IR L HONORED ON B IR T H D A Y Parsons, Kas. (S p ecial) A recent ton, Kansas, where Mr. Brady was M r and Mrs Burnall Brown en m arriage o i local interest was that reared, Wichita, Rooky Ford, C olo tertained at a family dinner last rado and Lake Tahoe, California. Friday In honor of their daughter. o f Miss M ary Amanda Rust,daugh Marion Grace, on her 11th birth — 8— ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Thom as J. day. Out-of-town guests were Mr P R O G R A M PRESENTED A T and Mrs Clarence Brown and son. Rust to E lroy Baird Byady, son o f W ESLEYAN G U ILD M E ETIN G Billy, of Lewiston. Utah. M r and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Brady, a ll of A varied program was presented Mrs Nephi Martino o f Logan, Mr Nyssa, Oregon. at the meeting of the Wesleyan Ser and Mrs Solon Lewis of Nampa The couple were m arried at vice guild last Thursday night and Stanley Brown of Twin Falls. Caldiwel 1, Idaho, Spetmtoer 4, and with Mrs Clifford Main leading the started the follow in g m orning by devotions. SO C IA L N IG H T OBSERVED Mrs M H. Greenlee gave a talk auto on a wedding trip, which in Social night was observed by the on “ World Wide Communion". cluded a b rief visit to relatives Nyssa chapter oi the Eastern S:ar Groups helped by such a progarm Monday night. The chapter honored here at Parsons. are the men and boys in the armed Mrs Wheeler, formerly Mrs Bettie Mr. Brady is w ell known in P a r and children in war-tom Europe. Forbes, who was presented with a sons, w here he visited frequently. Mrs Kenneth Cochrun gave a re gift. The next meeting will be He is the son o f th - Form er Elsie port on "W hy Protestantism in held October 5, when initiation, Baird, who was w ell known in L a services and homeless war widows will be conducted. bette county and southeast Kansas Latin America’*, the missionary lesson for the month. 25 years ago as a teacher, 4-H club BOOK R E VIE W PLAN NE D The members decided to meet The Friendly Book club will meet leader and home demonstration every third Tuesday in the month at the home of Mrs J. L. Church. agent instead of every third Thursday. Mrs Carl Coad will review the Mrs. C lyde M iller, an aunt, and Mrs A Charwick and Miss Effie book, “ I Married Adventure" by Mr. M iller entertained in their Ellen Counsil served salad, wafers Ora Johnson. and coffee. borne on Route 3 in honor o f the new lyw eds at a fa m ily dinner C H ATTE R B O XE R S MEET Thursday. T h e other guests w ere P R IZ E W IN N E R S IN N YS SA Mrs O. E. Cheldelin entertained Misses M ary M., K ath ryn and BRID G E T O U R N E Y ANNOUNCED the Chatterbox club at her home Florence Baird and Robert Baird, Mrs A. H. Boydell won the grand Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Leslie all o f the Tim b er H ill community. prize of $5 In war stamps in the T op liff sponsored a quiz game. In Mr. and Mrs. Brady left for San bridge tournament sponsored by which Mrs Harlan Maw and Mrs Francisco, w h ere Mr. Brady is the Episcopal guild. em ployed as a machinist by the Stanley Moore won high for the Loyd Adams tied for first prize. B«l6ADI6ft TH U RSD AY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1942__ policy committee of the war a reorganization meeting of th, Public Kmltb manpower commission meeting Malheur County from Mr. McNutt this morning. association. The meeting is scheudled for Oct ober 1 to Washington. D. C. As soon as I return, I will notify you of the earliest possible date that I can go to Malheur county. Meeting notices will be issued Now is the time to later. Mrs. Dunbar was coming to Malheur county especially for plant trees for shade a Christmas seal sale institute and / (f i* * * * and Too Late to Classify l o s t --Spotted weight 300. W. A. Fox. Sugar Factory To O pen W e expect to start slicing beets Tuesday, September 2 9 FOR R E N T —Heated furnished a- partments. Mrs J. C. Bowman. Phone 39W. 24STPC FOR R E N T—Two room house dur ing factory campaign Green Ave. between 2nd and 3rd. J. E. McMillin. 24Slxp Cards are now being mailed to men who have accepted employment, advising them when to report for duty. examinations before they can go to work. The Amalgamated Sugar Co. .•AäSäeHH Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday September 25 26 & Shredded wheat s Corn flakes large pkgs Crackers ^ Salmon J “ *“ »“ Salad dressing C _ | l Iodized $n 2 pkg Shortening Hamburger ¡Th Kround Minced Ham Franks Dash Q _ _ _ ^03p N B25c Lb Lb J S f gi,n* P and G White 6 bars 17c 19c 43c 31c 15c 77c 25c 25c 25c 57c 29c Open Thursday evenings until 9 p. m. , W ilson Grocery A Dependable Food Store NYSSA OREGON Issued—The Nyssa war this week that it issued tires and tubes during the week ending Sep tember 18 as follows: M. C. Za was a quest at the party. - It is necessary that all men take their physical Tires price and rationing board reported FOB^yiCTORY BUY U N ITED STATES served M R AND M RS MEET The Mr. and Mrs. club was en tertained at the home of Mr and Mrs Burnall Brown this week. Dinner and Cards were the diver sion of the evening A. H. Boydell received high score and Mrs Frank Morgan second. 8 - The Riverview community Sunday school is meeting each Sunday morning at 10:15 with church ser vices scheduled for 11:15 at the Charles Frank home. Ray Herring of Nyssa is the minister. Everyone tened the services. Bible study and in the community is invited to at- prayer tweeting are held each Thur- shay evening at 8:30. The groups were recently reorganized. W AR BONDS C o lu m b ia A v e n u e LOCALNEWS M r and Mrs G errit Groot of Apple Valley spent Wednesday at the Dick Groot home. Marjorie Groot and Ncrma Jen Go T o Nampa—Mr. and Mrs. sen came home Saturday from Clanence Aston went on a busin Boise, returning Sunday evening to ess trip to Nampa last Monday Boise. Mrs Nora Vest of RlverView call Return Prom Buhl—Mr. and ed at the Dick Groot home Satur Mrs. J. E. M cMillin have return day. ed to Nyssa from Buhl. Idaho. M r McMlUln will work In the Amalgamated Sugar factory. Here From Hailey— Mhs Harold McClure of Halley, who spent a week at the home of Mayor and Mrs J. C. Olsen, re turned to her home Wednesday. Ta \ ¡ mi Oeorge D Field, president o f the ’ Oregon state serie. Fraternal Order of Eagles. Portland, will pay an official visit to the Nyssa aerie Wednesday night. September JO | 50c Also large I Red RASPBERRY FOR SALE—T o enameled Mon arch range with water front. One complete with 30 gallon tank. Nyssa Furniture Co. 24S2XC FOR SALE—Thor washing ma chine. Very good condition. Nyssa Furniture Co. 24S2XC each. PLANTS 3c each One-half mile west of funeral home. Phone 05-J3 N O TICE —We still have a good selection of swing rockers. Nyssa Furniture Co. 24S2XC c a f f 1* Mrs. Edna Farris, county public health nurse, has received a let ter stating that Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, executive secretary o f the Oregon Tuberculosis association, will not be oble to visit Malheur county as planned. Mrs. Dunbar's letter said in part: Malheur county is cne of the "war casualties.’ I Just re PU B LIC SALE NOTICE Thursday. Oct. 1, 12 miles north o f Vale on John Day highway and 1 mile west or 1 mile north and 1 mile west o f Willowcreek store. Sale starts at 1 p. m.. lunch serv ed on grounds. 31 cattle. 27 hogs. 10 sheep. 30 pullets, hay, grain farm machinery and household- goods. C. C. Davis. Henry Baker & C. M. Yoctorowic. owners; Col. Bert Anderson, auctioneer. YO U FORl OUR* SALES. EVERYONE" GOES AW AY SA- TISFIED. Electric water heater Visiting Relatives— Mrs J. N. I Bailey of Eckert. Colorado arrived j Monday to visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith BaUey . Mrs. Oora M Booker of Altoona. Kansas spent two days last week with Mrs. Bai ley. Dig all you want for ARRIVAL OF MRS DUNBAR PUT OFF BECAUSE OF TRIP A TTE N D IN G — 8— Here From Caldwell—Rev. and Mrs E. P Lawrence of Caldwell are visiting at the home o f their daughter. Mrs. C. W Buchner. trees, all sizes. AND THANK Improves In Health—Mrs. Ella Frost, mother o f Ed Frost. Is Im proving after being confined to her bed by Illness. CHINESE ELM STAMPS CLUB tV IL L MDET The Wahlne club of Sunset V al ceived my call for the women’s ley will meet October 1 with Mrs Conducts Services— Arch Deacon Robothan of Pend U. E. Parker. JO U R N A L’S leton conducted services in St. Paul's Episcopal church last Sun SALE C ALEN D AR LODGE O F F IC IA L V IS IT S Mrs Agatha Turley, grand guard day. PUBLIC FAR M SALE ian of Job’s Daughters of Oregon, made her official visit to Bethel Jobs offered youths— A represen PUBLIC SALE NOTICE No. 25 Wednesday evening at the tative o f the national youth ad Farm Sale. Thursday, October 1, Masonic temple in Ontario. A t ministration for eastern Oregon 1 1 • mile from Indinn Valley. Idaho tending from Nyssa were Margaret will be in the city hall in Nyssa postoffice on well marked road. Sale Sarazin. Eunice Ann Brady, Merry Monday. September. September 28. starts at noon (M S T ). Lunch on Norcott and Phyllis Schireman. from 11 a. m. to 11:15 a. m. to grounds. Cattle, horses and farm Interview youths interested in na machinery—J. C. Fcley and Sam — 8— tional defense training, which Moore, Owners. Col. W. H. Welty, HOSTESS A T LUNCHEON Mrs E. H. Brumbach gave a leads into vital war Jobs. He will Auctioneer. luncheon last Saturday fcr members be in the Adrain post office the of the book club cf Big Bend and same day from 11:30 to 11:45 a. r i ’BI 1C SALE NOTICE Kingman Kolonv. m. Glenn T. Norton o f La Grande, Tuesday. Sept. 29, 6 miles west personal officer, expects to take and one half mile south of Vale, with him to the Pendleton train on Graham boulevard. Sale starts E N T E R T A IN S CLUB Mrs Keith Bailey entertained the ing center Susan Zamora. Celia at one p. m. Lunch served on Thursday afternoon Bridge club Morehouse and Martha Smith of grounds. 13 cattle. 2 herse, 43 Nyssa and Frances Gcssards and last week. Mrs A. H. Boydell and hogs, farm machinery. Jack Webb Mrs Artie Robertson won high Willard Curtis of Adrain. ! owner. Col. Bert Anderson, auction- scores. Mrs J B. Giezentanner and er. Mrs Kenneth Cottle were guests. Oose T o School—Sidney has gone to Moscow. Idaho to be gin his second year at the Unl- versiay of Idaho. Phone 66. 24S lxC For Sale—Beet bed used on truck one season and bet lifter that fits Farmall tractor J. F. Coder. Prone 03R1. 24SlxC mora. obsolete tire: Paul E. Ber- refreshments. gam, two truck recaps; E. L. Lun The next meeting will be held at ger, two truck recaps; Dale G ar the Henry Orcutt home September rison, truck recap; Richard Smith, truck tube; U. S. bureau o f recla 30. mation. five truck tires and three ________ — 8 — truck tubes; Roy Holmes, truck E N T E R T A IN S CLUB recap; Klaas Tensen. passenger Mrs C. L. McCcy entertained the tube; Frank Haines, Jr., Sheaville. Leonard Tuesday club at her home this two passenger recaps; Smith, two passenger recaps; W ill week. High scores were won by iam D eG rofft, tractor tire and Mrs Kenneth Cottle and Mrs Bur tube, and John Wulf. passenger nall Brown. Mrs Bert Applegate tube and two obsolete tires. hostess yard. heifer Wanted--To buy good used corn binder. J. F. Codr. Phone03Rl. 24SlxC -s- The guernsey to beautify your and other household goods. Miscellaneous sale is held at 1 p.m., and stock sale at 2 p. m. • Lifelong writing satisfaction goes wMl your gift of a beautiful Parker pen. Here it style to set eyes gleaming. . . smooth, tMert- Isaa performance! Each Parker has the procione oamiridium tip end the peeks« Issa/ Military CHp. Let us help yen i matchless gift—a Parker Pen nr Set. NEW P IRkkK ’’51” T orittd o p o i n t . . . UMt sp o o d -d ry ìn g ” 51” Ink. 112.50 & f 15.00 Owyhee Drug Company NYSSA OREGON — NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE — DOUBLE FEATURE— F R ID A Y and S A TU R D A Y, SEPT. 25—26 Johnny Weissmuller, Maureen O ’Sullivan, John Sheffield, Virginia Grey, Charles Bickford and Paul Kelly in “ T A R Z A N ’S NEW YORK ADVENTURE" Pacific Frontiers, Our Gang Comedy and Cartoon S at Mat., 2:30 p. M.t A dir». 6c-30c; Evening, 110*330, ttf SU N D AY and M ONDAY, SEPT. 27— 28 lean Gabin, Ida Lupino, Thomas Mitchell, Claude Rains and Jerome Cowan in “ M OO NTID E" Because of Its Strong Nature This Picture is not to be Recommended for Children. Sports and Merry Melody. Mat Sun 2:J0. Adm. llc-JSc. Evening Adm. lle-SJe, tnctudee t t f — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, SEPT. 29 Lionel Barrymore. Phillip Dorn and Donna Reed in “CALLING DR. GILLESPIE” Pete Smith and Perils o f Nyoka Admission. Sc-Jfe. Inrtwdtng tax’ Auction Every Saturday at 2 p.m. W e Handle farm sales. Bybee Livestock Sales Co. D. O. Bybee, Mgr. Phone 05J3 W . L. Lane, Auctioneer WED. and THURS., SEPT. 30— OCT. 1. Monty Woolley, Reddy McDowall, Anne Bax ter and J. Carrol Nash in ‘T H E PIED PIPER” Knitting Was Not His Hobby, So He Decided to Become a Human Convoy. . . The Dramatic Story of an Old Man With a Scornful Look and a Heart of Gold. Cartoon, Sports and News Admission Evening — 11c tad Me.