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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1942)
PAGE THREE THrl NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL.THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1942 INA E. KING, DEFENDANTS George Oscar Smith, Deceased here Uef society, one or the most im derson, who has been placed on Jones motored to Ogden a weekIn TO MAUD IE PHILLIPS AND LA- in has filed his final acoount for settlement, together with report portant organizations in the L. D. the Stake high council and Mer- 1 ago. They are now employed VINA E. KINO, DEFENDANTS: of his administration and petition S. church. With a vote of thanks lyn Fagan, a member of the Mu- i government work. Their families IN THE NAME OF THE STATE for distribution of such estate and OF OREGON will move to Ogden during the for the splendid work to the out tual Presidency were special speak that hearing therof has been fixed You and each of you hereby are next week. going sisters, Sister Hendricks, ers at the meeting held in the the 26th day of September. Mr. and Mrs. Urcel Campbell re required to appear and answer for 1942, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. at the Sister Poulsen and Mary Jensen, Vale chapel last Sunday night. the complaint filed against you ln her councelcrs—and all the teach STAKE conferen ce an cent newlyweds, and Bryce Camp the above entitled court and cause County Courtroom in the County ers who worked with them. Bishop bell were week-end guests at the by the above nAmed plaintiff, with Courthouse at Vale, Oregon, at nounced RATES: Two cent* par word (or each Issue Minimum cash In Child released them and then after time aruK"place all persons Dean Fife heme. in four weeks after the date of which On account of saving on tires a vote from the audience was advance Is 30c. Interested are notified to appeal the first publication of this sum Urcel Campbell was at Johnson taken, the following ladies were and gas, there will be no general island, Pearl Harbor when it was mons. which date of first publica and show cause, if any they have sustained as the new officers. Sis conference in Salt Lake this fall, why such account and petition is August 27th 1942, then and and ter Clarence Aston president; Ila but all members are urgntly re bombed. All three will return to tion report should not be settled there to answer or otherwise plead FARM LANDS MISCELLANEOUS Child and Thelmn Bybee, coun- quested to be at the Stake confer Honolulu, where they will be em to the complaint filed herein, and and approved and distribution of The teachers list has as ence at Weiser tabernacle next ployed ,by the government after If you fall so to do, for want the estate thereupon made to the For Sale FOR SALE or Trade—150 A. In celors. yet not been completed and will October 24th and 25th. On the visiting relatives ln the state. The thereof, plaintiff will apply to persons entitled thereto. fertile Willamete Valley. $15,000 POR SALBI--1941 Chev. % ton be announced later. John E. Holly, Executor 24th which is Saturday all boys Campbells are nephews of Mrs. the court for the relief demanded r i/*np at 562 N. 3rd street. P. V. cash value, all clear. Must go to Talks were given by Sister Hen holding the priesthood are es Dean Fife. Dated and 1st publ. Aug. 27. In the complaint, to wit: for a 17S2P higher, drier climate account of dricks, Sister Aston, Sister Brown pecially Invited. A member of the decree of the court declaring and 1942. Last publ. Sept. 24, 1942 Herahey. health. Modern home, running and Brother Benson, He told of presiding Bishopric from Salt Lake Legal Advertising holding a certain mortgage made IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE he had in living the will be special speoker. and executed by the defendant STATE POR SALE!—Oem eating potatoes. water, 2 springs, 2 barns, 5 A. experiences NOTICE OF SALE OF OREGON FOR MAL He said. “If we are look OPENING SOCIAL PLANNED Maudla Phillips as mortgagor ln HEUR COUNTY William Peuts, Phone 010-J2 2JTFC peaches coming Into full bear gospel. ing Up, we are bound to get fur FOR RELIEF SOCIETY NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, favor of the defendant LaVlna E. ing; 30 A. prunes; 10 A. apples, rest ther ahead, than if we are looking All married ladles and their That under and by virtue of an King as mortgagee and dated Sept IN TlfE MATTER OF THE ES FOR RALE—Personal Christmas farm In vetch. All down.” Brother Peterson was the husbands, Including the Nyssa, Ad order of the County Court of the ember 16, 1940 as recorded in Vol. TATE OF ELIZA SMITH, Deceased cards and playing cards. Will call fenched land and mostly of Hearing cross On next speaker. He told of how rian and Owyhee branches of the County of Malheur and State of 26 of Mortgages at page 110 of the Notice Notice by appointment—Order Early—The graveled county road, fenced. hereby Is given that Carl the prophet Joseph Smith, went to L D S church are invited to at Oregon,, made on the 27th day of records of Malheur County, Oregon, 1 mile from best (or the least. Phyllis Schlre- paved hlway, 5 miles south of visit the president of the United tend the opening social given by July, 1942, in the matter of the to be fraudulent and void, because H. Coad, Administrator of the above -Phone 61. 3S4XP States and how the prophesy has the new presidency of the Relief Guardianship of Marion L. Adams, same was executed without con entitled estate herein has filed Sheridan, 27 miles from Salem. Nor- final account for settlement, (unfilled, which he gave in society, in the ward hall Sept. 29. an Insane person, the undersigned, and was made with In his FOR BALE—Modem residence and ral Moore, route X, Sehridan, Ore been together with report of his admin Washington D. C. at that time. | (Put a circle around that date on as guardian of the estate of said sideration tent to hinder, delay and defraud 7 aerea. 1 mile S.W. of Nyssa. gon. istration and petition for distri 24S1XP “That some day the Mormons your calendar). This Is one party Marion L. Adams, will sell at pri the creditors of said Maudie Phil bution O. W. Re berger. 20A8XP of such estate; and that would go to Washington D. C. and you can’t afford to miss. It con vate sale, on and after the 17th lips including this plaintiff, and sum . KALSOM1NE, PAINT at competi occupy important positions there stitutes the most important la day of October, 1942, to the highest that said mortgage be set aside hearing thereof has been fixed for POR RALI—Laying hens. a. 27ATFC become a responsible people.” dles club, the most outstanding bidder, for aash at time of sale, and that the defendants be barred the 10th day of October, 1942, at tive prlcea. First class quality. and Brother Peterson then told of ladles organization in the church. subject to confirmation by said from having or making any claim 11 o’clock A. M. at tltie County POR RALE—Small gold fish—Mrs. Nysaa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and members cf this church, who This is the reason. They help the the following described real to the lands and premises therein Courtroom ln the County Court Charles Qarrlson. 17820 Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc are in the sentate, In con poor, the needy, the sick. They Court, property In Malheur County, Ore described, being Lots 12 and 13 house at Vale, Oregon, at which time and place all persons Inter Stephen L. Richards, an make over the spirit of patriotism. of Block 69 of Green’s Addition to ested FOR SALE OR TRADE—I-acre, FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. gress, apostle, recently gave the opening They study social science, once a gon: are notified to appear and An undivided one-half Interest the City of Nyssa, ln Malheur 4-room modern house, double gar- Phone 78J. prayer in the senate, proving the month. They take up important ln and to: The Northwest quarter County, Oregon, as against the show cause, if any they have why tic. hen-house, pasture, well. Close age. respect shown by the leaders of literary works. They study theo of Southwest quarter (NW'iSWli) plaintiff, and for such other and such account and petition and re 600, In. Terms. H. E. Collins, Box our nation, in regards to the Mor logy, how to care for children. Lot 4 of Section 34, Township further relief as to the court shall port should not be settled and ap 17STFC Nyssa. people. Short talks were giv At the social on the 29th, there and proved and distribution of tha CITY PROPERTY mon 21 South Range 46 E. W. M. seem equitable. _ en also by president Fife and will be a short lively program to j excepting of therefrom estate thereupon made to the per FOR BALE—Cow, opposite Govern the right of ' For Rent This summons Is served on you Bishop Child. ment Tile Plant. Phone 010J4. get everyone acquainted. Light re^ way of Oregon Short Line Rail- [ under and by virtue of and pur sons entitled thereto. H. Coad, Administrator. M. I. A. SOCIAL SUCCESS freshments will be served. A token road Company. W. B. Jones 17S2XP FOR RENT—Modem furnished suant to an order of the Hon Robt. Dated Carl and 1st publ. Sept. 10th, 1943. The colors of the M. I. A. asso of love and respect will be present- In one parcel. Such sale will be a t ; M. Duncan, Circuit Judge, which Last publ. Oct. FOR SALE—One young Guernsey three-room house with bath, lawn ciation, which are gold and green, eo to the outgoing officers. 8, 1942. private sale, and all bids shall be bull. C. C. Cotton, 3 miles north and shade. Also one semi-modem was carried out at the opening so SPECIAL LEADERSHIP MEET I in writing accompanied by cash I order was made on the 25th day of August 1942, directing that sum BIG BEND IRRIGATION DIS west of Adrian. 24J3TFC house. Inquire 162 First street, cial, held a week ago Wednesday ING AT WEISER THE 27 j for the amount of bid, and shall ¡ mons herein be published for four TRICT, MALHEUR COUNTY, in the hall, at which over 100 peo President Fife announces a spe | be delivered to Carl H.¡ Coad, at WANTED east, 1 % north of factory. 8ATFC ple were present. Refreshments cial leadership meeting to be torney for the undersigned, at successive weeks, being and In OREGON five publications ln the Notice hereby Is given that the consisted of green punch served held at the tabernacle at Weiser Nyssa, Oregon. Deed and abstract | cluding WANTED TO BUY-Two Oate City Journal published Board of Directors of the Big Bend with golden cookies. Center piece September 27 at 2o'clock. It is re shall be at the cost of the pur Nyssa Butchering bouse. Jake Fischer. 27ATFO. at Nyssa, Oregon. Irrigation District, slttrng as a for the serving table was a lovely quested that all chorum and chaser. A. L. Fletcher Board of Equalization, will meet on green fern, in a gold colored bowl. group leaders, also Ward Aaronlc Dated the 14th day of Septem WANTED—Manure hauler Tuesday, the 6th day of October, CUSTOM butchering every Mon The hall was decorated with hun Priesthood chairman, ward work ber, 1942. Attorney for Plaintiff Frank T. Morgan Residence and P. O. Address 1942, at the residence of A. C. Holly day and Friday. Beef, sheep and dreds of bright colored balloons, all directors. Bishopric and officers of Mabel R. Adams in the district, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Nyssa, Oregon. WE PAY HXOHE8T PRICES (or pork. Sanitary butchering guaran sizes and shapes. President Eldred ie Relief Society be present. Guardian of the Estate of for the purpose of reviewing and 1st publ. August 27, 1942. Last Uve (ox feed horsea. Phone I 17 Pay- Brower announced the short pro teed. Phone 05-R-l. One mile west prim ary holds meet L. Adams, an Insane person correcting its assessment and ap N tío of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake gram. Official introductions of The primary officers and teach Marlon First publication Sept. 17, 1942. publ. Sept. 24, 1942. portionment of taxes for the next the new Mutual officers was given ers held a council meeting at the Last publication Oct. 15, 1942 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ensuing fiscal year. The assessment FOR SALE—Nearly new Viking Fischer. by T. Coral Bybee, who composed home of their president, Mrs. STATE OF OREGON FOR list and record may be Inspected separator, 400 pound table model, FASHION FOUNDATIONS poem for each teacher “ a2°pm M raWf° rd IaSt Wednesda>' SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION THE MALHEUR COUNTY 630. John Ravage, route 2, Nyssa, Barcley and smart-form founda a and special at the office of the Secretary at officer. Dancing was enjoyed IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 24S1XP tion garments, Corsets, Girdles, Bra to the strains of Jed Shanes' or IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Nyssa, Oregon by any Interested SERVICE MEN PICTURES THE STATE OF OREGON FOR , TAXE 0 F George Oscar Smith, person. ssieres. Perfect fit assured by ex chestra. The pictures of the L D S boys MALHEUR COUNTY Deceased. LOST By order of the Board of Direct perienced corsetlere. Alice Collins 119 TO SUNDAY SCHOOL and men in service have been com- B. B. LIENKAEMPER. PLAINTIFF Notice of Hearing ors, and dated Sept. 1, 1942. 500, Nyssa. This lovely fall weather helps vu ln falrly good. There are LOOT—Refrigerator top between Box WANTED I Notice hereby Is given that John Carl H. Coad, Secretary — Clean, soft cotton to bring people from far and near still many families not represented. Adrian and OnUrlo. Finder leave rags. The Oate Big Bend Irrigation District. City Journal. to enjoy the Sunday morning ser There is still space for about six MAUDIE PHILLIPS AND LAV- E. Holly Executor of the Estate of at this oMre Reword 24S1XP vices and to visit with each other. more pictures to be mounted on meeting was to reorganize the Re- There were 119 who attended the the bulletin that Is placed in the clety Board. President Luther L. services last Sunday. The memory hall, ln honor of these fellows who H i f i Fife, brother Peterson, councelor, gem given by the audience was led are serving their country. by Marlyn Crawford. Mary Hen- GOES TO CALIFORNIA brother Benson of the High Coun “A new commandment I give un talk on “Lincoln, Mrs Luther L. Fife motored to cs 8ave to you, that ye love one another." cil and Malcolm Ciawford, Stake | drlc* Douglas and a the Mormons.” Elaine n ™ 'aSt with M°nday clerk. Special music was a vocal | Lewis RELIEF SOCIETY on "Council To The noon She went Mrs. after- Lila REORGANIZED duet, "Sewing Seeds”, by Nonle Young talked People.” Then the people Haroldson, her daughter, and Jack and ValDee Child. A song "Oh. My At the meeting held last Sunday to their classes to receive Gannon, her son, who have been •venlng In the chapel, the Relief Father,” by O. R. Anderson, M. separated the lessons. They reassembled at visl ing here with relatives, for the society was reorgonlaed. Special Crawford, Nelda Schenk and Ila 11:45. Benediction was given by “ I*0 ^eks. Mrs. Fife expects visitors from Welser were Sister Child. Morgan Hansen. to be gone about ten days. Brown from the Stakle Relief So- The special business at this MUTUAL HOLDS FIRST allj r Mr. M“ d and MJS- Mrs. Sherman and Vibert P. k Bybee « , i „ REGULAR MEETING The Mutual meetings have been motored to California t s t t T Z changed from Tuesday to Wednes tion'. SPCnd “ two weeks vaca- day evenings and begin at 8 o’ clock. until further notice. The return to nyssa first meeting was held last Wed Mr. and Mrs. Merl Lewis who nesday and will continue through have been living In Ogden the past out the winter. There is a special summer, where Mr. Lewis has Interest greup being organized and been employed in defense work all married folk are invited to at ave returned to Nyssa to make tend. There are special classes for their home during the sugar cam every one over 12 years old. paign. NYSSA MEN SPEAK AT VALE Keith Bybee, son of Mr and Mrs Former bishop Duwayne An- CL O. Bybee returned home last FViday from a month’s vacation in OPTOMETRISTS Los Angeles and Santa Monica California where he visited rela- DENTISTS Notice To Hog Raisers lives. DR. J. A. McFALL He stopped in Ogden a “Bee Me Fall and Soe Better” week to friends. J. R. CUNDALL With the Installation of a new Elizabeth visit McAllister, who is em scale at ployed at the Western Union ln Dentist THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS Boise was a week-end guest at Phone 56-J we are now receiving your hogs the home of her sister, Mr- Lor- Sarazin Clinic Qoates. OREOON there every Friday, paying the m Mr. W. and NYSSA Mrs. Clarence Aston and highest price the market permlta EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Bay C. Lewis were visitors at the and seeking to serve you In ever? OREGON ,n u th a - waho’ JEWELRY STORES ONTARIO FRUITS And VEGETABLES possible way. Mr and Mrs. Loyd Lewis and PHYSICIANS FRANK KULLANDER children spent the week-end visit FOR YOUR WINTER FOOD SUPPLY PAULUS ing their grand-parents and other JEWELRY STORE L. A Moulding, M.D. M M II N li »IID I I tin M MW MMIMNI Itili limy friends and relatives In Nampa Mrs. Orval Child celebrated her Union Pacific Time Inspector Some of the choicest fruits and vegetables Physician and Surgeon A LASTING TRI birthday last September 16 visiting JEWELRY — DIAMONDS from Snake River Valley farms— peaches, ap Phone 37 in Vale. WATCHES Hour»: 10 to 13 and 1 to 6 BUTE TO A GREAT friends ples, prunes, tomatoes, com, beans, beets and Alton Smith is going to help Dally—Except Sunday move Mrs. Qlodys Mitchell and many others— are on the housewife's list for Main Street at Second LEADER Pry Building family to Provo, Utah, where they canning this Fall. Properly cooked on your elec will join Mr. Mitchell who is tric range, they'll add both quantity and good working there. Mr Smith Intends SARAZIN CLINIC ness to your winter's food supply. to bring back a load of coal. WYCKOFF J. Sarazin, M. D C. M Zink haa received word JEWELRY STORE J. Eve Leuck, G. medicine N. that his twelvth grandchild has ar Official Time Inspector for Everything y o u General practice of rived, it being a boy and nAned Union Pacific X-Ray Physiotherapy James Rodney, bom September II can helps to con ONTARIO OREOON to Mr and Mrs Dee J. Zink, for serve food, so neces merly of Nyssa. who are stationed MISCELLANEOUS sary now that Amer »t New Moment. California KELLER'S NYSSA AERIE ica is helping feed Mr and Mrs Richard Taylor and Mrs. John Thomsen spent Sat CABINET SHOP the United Nations. F. O. E. NO. 2134 urday In Weiser U It b made of wood we Home canning also The Lincoln memorial In the Meeta Wednesday Night Mrs. Lillian Newby was called to can make it or repair IL nation's capital stands as a Montpellier, AT EAGLES HALL saves tin and other Idaho a week ago last glorious and enduring tribute Friday, when her daughter-in-law. Willing Eagles Welcome F. a Box 663 643 Main 84. container materials to a great American. You can Mrs. George Newby, was hurt In a HARRY MINER. Bee used by commercial give your loved ones an equ car accident. Mrs. Newby died the HERBERT FISHKB, Pres. ally fitting memorial In a following Wednesday from Internal canneries. SHOE SHOPS beautiful. dignified Nyssa injuries Mrs UUlan Newby re Funeral Home service. Let Laundries for the funeral services. us help you In time of need mained Abbott’s Shoo Shop A double brtthday party was given Nyamb Own 6 Nyma Owned AO kinds of Erne and bemeee in honor of Elotse and Dale Cham — Seventh A Park Street! - repairing bers at their home last Friday af Phone 146 Acroee from poet office. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME ter school. A lunch was served to twenty-five gueats. They were the Ambwlaa Nyaaa Steam Laundry recipients of many gifts. Phone 73W »»una Laurence Chambers and Evan MSUHumnMtinKMtiMnuu Classified Advertising L.D.S. News i r t A u n ln x nn/1 1 Professional And Business Directory J IDAHO POWER