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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1942)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNALTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1942 PAGE TWU The Gate City Journal SU BSCRIPTIO N RATES A D V E R TIS IN G One Y ea r......... (2.00 Six Months...... »1.25 Single Copies.. .. .05 (Strictly in Advance) Open rate, per Inch______35c National, per Inch........ ....35c Classifieds, per word......... 2c Minimum..... ....30c SHIPMENT OF Second Hand Furniture Just Arrived You will probably find something you want in FURNITURE STORE PREVENT FOREST FIRES ! HAVy INTELUGtNCk I t It necessary to be a high eehool graduate in order to en list in the Navy f No. Nary enlistees need not be high school graduates. A ll appli cants will be given an examina tion containing approximately 100 questions. A grade o f 50 per cent or better on thla examination la sufficiently high to paaa the Navy educational atandarda. However, a high school education w ill be valuable to the seaman during hia Navy enlistment. • • (120 a month by tha end o f your first term o f enlistment, and re member that your clothing, lodg ing, medical and dental care are all supplied free. • • • A fte r I have served my term o f enlistment, what benefits do I get f o r re-enlistm entf * Eugene— Miss Jean Miss Dorothy purpose of coordinating the health ette Calkins and Collier of Eugene, who visited at prog am in the schools. the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, left for Eugene Wednes Working In Nampa—Mrs. Elea day. r nor Patterson, who has been liv ing with her sister-in-law, Mrs. 111 A t Heme— Mrs. Gilbert Klln- Only 81 public health nurses Kenneth Cochrun, has taken a at kenberg Is 1U at her home. outside o f Portland w ill be ready position as teller in a bank School Health Plans Outlined CUSTOM GRINDING A N D * JUST RITE Feeds and Concentrates for Balanced Rations. Nyssa Elevator Mrs. Austin Landreth, superin tendent of the Pendleton schools, welcom ed t h i group. Representa tives from the state department o f education, the state board of health, superintendents, principals and teachers, and public health nurses from Wallowa, Grant, Malheur, Umatilla, Union and Baker counties w ere present. Approxim ately 60 attended. T h e new school health record card was discussed. This card is used in all the schools of Malheur county. I t has been carefully prepeired by a committee of rcliool officials, physicians, nurses and health education directors. This committee came out of the state joint committee fo r health and physical fitness that was o r ganized in 1939 and which is Ontario Elevator Phone 42 Phone 59 NOTICE That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. NO TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following warrants will be cancelled and the payments thereof will be refused unless said warrants are presented to the County Treasurer for paymnt on or before Nov ember 1, 1942. GENERAL FUND W A RR A N TS Date iMued Number Amount Claimant Sept. 8, 1934 14853 $ 3.02 Vale Trading Co. Oct. S, 1934 15052 .19 Ladd Hunt Oct. 5, 1934 15055 .37 Wayne Hiatt Oct. 6. 1934 15056 .47 John Parkins Dec. 31. 19*4 16140 10.00 Ed Wells Weston Jan. 31, 1935 16443 10.00 Thos. Guy Price Feb. 11. 1935 16513 2.00 Kathryn Claypool Feb. 28. 1935 16730 10.00 Ed Washburn Apr. 1, 1(35 16982 .99 Franklin Printing Co. Apr. 30, 1935 17215 10.00 Mrs. Nancy J. Eads ROAD FUND W ARRANTS Sept. (, 1934 9042 3.00 Joe Rickley Deo. 10, 1934 9218 80.00 M. G. Palmer 8. 8ACKETT County Clerk Depending on your rate and length of service, you can get a cash bonus up to (300 plus 30 daya leave with pay. All new recruits are sent to one o f four Naval Training Stations and after a trainiag period they may take examinations for entrance into Navy Trade School*. Those recrulta who paaa their examina tion! with sufficiently high gradea ara aent to Navy Trade Schools before assignment to the fleet. While attending these schools, they will receive regular Navy pay and free schooling valued at (1500. • a • What it the greatest possible pay I can expect to earn during my first term o f enlistmentt It la possible to earn aa much as W hat does the term “ ash can” mean in the N a vy 1 An "ash can” is a slang term ap plied to the depth charge used to combat submarine*. The average "ash can” la a container filled with approximately 300 pounds of T.N.T. and can be dropped over board from a ship and so con trolled aa to explode at depths ranging from 36 to 30o feet. These are generally carried by the fast ships in the fleet.-ac a boat drop ping a charge regulated to ex plode at 70 feet depth must move away from the explosion area at a speed o f 25 knots or more. These ” ash cans” are either rolled off the stern or shot from “ y-guns” which hurl one right and one left simultaneously. OFFICE SUPPLIES W e represent the largest office supply houses in the northwest, and are in a position to furnish you with anything in that line, except patent ed forms, on short notice. W e carry some office supply stocks in our office and get other supplies within three or four days. sign it and return it to me as an local firm? “ T h e title o f the 1042 yearbook is “ K eeping Livestock H ealthy” . T here never has been a book of m ore value to livestock men. It does not entirely take the place of the old cattle and horse books, which are now being revised, and w ill be reprinted before many months. It does, how ever, cover diseases o f all kinds of livestock The same physical qualifications as for other enlistments in Class V-6, U. S. N ava) Reserve, will pre vail except that defective color perception may be waived. Complements for specialist rat ings w ill be assigned to the com mandants of the various Naval More Pleasure per mile in a car serviced by us. W e take a personal interest in your car. W e want it to give you enjoyable, top-notch per formance at all times and we have the knowl edge and equipment to service your car at a truly economical cost. Try our Texaco products. MALHEUR GARAGE NjrtM W hy order from a traveling salesman when you can patronize a order if you want the book. ing the time specified, and appli cations must be accompanied by letters of recommendation from their present employ rs or res&pec- tive chiefs of police. NYSSA PHARMACY ularly at stated intervals far the Here From • I f I enlist in the N avy o r Naval Reserve, will I be sent to a N avy Trade Schoolf as follows: Chief specialist, 15 years police experience and prev AG. YE A R B O O K IS ious military experience: for spe cialist 1st class, ten years police N O W A V A IL A B L E experience and previous military The 1942 yearbook o f agrlcul - 1 experience; for specialist 2nd class, ture w ill ‘b e ready for distribution six years police experience, and for specialist 3rd class, two years October 1 .according to inform ation received from Congressman Whiter police experience. M. Pierce. AM applicants for specialist (shore “ Each congressman has a quota patrol) ratings must be of unques tionable reputation and have o f 400” , Mr. P ierce said. “ I want maintained excellent records dur to put my copies w here they w ill HOSIERY TINT for Ike LEGS still in existance and meets reg Nampa. Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, county superintendent o f schools; Henry H artley, superintendent o f the Nyssa schools, and Mrs. Edna Farris, county public health nurse, attended the meeting. The U, S. navy Is now enlisting It’* the newest, smartest twist to the stocking situs- tioa. It'* patriotic and economic»] and so comfort- able for .iinuuer. Richard Hudnut introduce* Du Bar nr Powder lotion... easy to apply ... dries quickly ana smoothly . . . and looks goe*amer sheer 9 1 SO on the legs. In popular hotter) shades. I t 1**'“ by The Pendleton meeting was one o f 10 joint conferences held in the state by the state deportment o f education and the state board o f health. men with former police experience districts. be o f most use, so am sending for duty as shore patrol, with the Further information m ay be se this advance notice t o the stock- navy’s military police. Qualifica cured from navy recruiting s; r men in my district, whose names tions for the various ratings are tions. I have on my m ailing list. M ark it, ZitiSattf recommended to help 8000 teachers and school administrators in beginning the new school health program this year, according to MaLheur county residents who attended a con ference in Pendleton Septem ber 17. During the next fe w weeks m ore than 200,000 young people w ill be returning to school in O re gon. at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1870. N A V Y ENLISTING POLICE OFFICERS NORDALE 3 RATES APPOINTM ENT OF W IL L IA M JEFFERS IS ENCOURAGING Appointment o f William M. “ Bill” Jeffers, president of the Union Pacific system, as nat ional rubber administrator, provides a great deal of encouragement to persons desiring to have the rubber muddle cleared. Jeffers has proved his ability by rising from the lowest ranks among railroad labor to the top position in the company. He is firm, yet affable, and appreciates a good joke, even when it is “ onhim” . A few years ago, this writer, met at a railroad depot with other business men to greet Mr. Jeffers on one of his official visits through this territory, and remarked to the rail road aagent that even he president’s train was late. When the train finally arrived, the presi dent of the chamber of commerce rpeated the rmark to Mr. Jeffers, whose hearty laugh indi cated his appreciation of the joke. A fter receiving the appointment, Mr. Jeffers remarked in effect that of the morale of this nation and its necessary busines is carried on during the war the American people must be kept on whels~and he is right, because when the automobile goes o ff the highwtys, busines is going to suffer, when business suffers the stanard of living is going to drop and when that happens morale may tumble. O f course, each loyal American will work hard to do his part in the war effort, but hardship does have a deteriorating effect on his morale. Before the United States was forced into the war by the stab-in-the-back Japs, congress knew the United States was not prepared, yet it failed to insist that we become prepared. The Arerican people were not ready for prepared ness, but our officials should have been coura geous enough to insist on the country preparing. W e need a few more men in high places like William Jeffers, who has the courage to att empt to solve a difficult problem in a realistic way. He will get things dome, if he is given the au^iority by higher officials. this shipment. • Ç’.. Editor and Publisher K LA8S V. POWEI.L Published every Thursday Entered at the poetotflce through the United States the act careless matches aid the Axis and treatment specialists” . Oregon Telephone us and we will call on you with samples ad catalogues. Adding Machine Tapes and Ribbons Large Dennison Clasp Envelopes Typewriter ribbons Calender Pads Rubber Stamps Timekeepers’ books Farmers Simplified Chair cushions Bookkeeping Systems Mimeograph Paper Economic Check Books Carbon paper Sales Pads Scratch Pads / GATE CITY JOURNAL