Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1942)
\ to nes lty pre do Sol tir wa fir on in bu wa fri an w« be M fa ai M C mum T im R iU w ta — afterncoa at the Albert The Nys&t war price and ration home northwest of Nyssa Following lunch served on the ing _ board announced that on Sept* beautiful lawn at die Pfetler rest- ' ternber 11 it rationed the following dence a business meeting was tires, tubes and recaps: Frank held A committee reported that | Jayo. truck ure: Robert H. Clark, the Civic club, which la buying. two truck ures and tubes; Phil one war bond a month, has suf-1 Dunbrasky. two truck tires; Lester ^ ntrk tx X a i money now to pay for Boulet. truck Ure and tube; Lcs- CALENDAR PA R TY PLANNED bonds far four months in ad-1 lie Burbank, one truck tube and The Nyssa Civic club will gtve i* a- ind those desiring to give gifts vance truck recap: J. C Smith, truck a calendar party honoring the should call Mrs Bernard Eastman —$— recap: Ed Wilson. Marsing. truck or Mrs Ed Prost. teachers of N yu* Thursday. Sept HOSTESS TO CLUB j recap: R G. Whitaker, three truck ember 34 at T pm. in the high ’ ____ Mrs Ed Frost was hostess to recaps C C. Nieeum. one passenger school sewing room BANK EMPLOYES ENTERTAINED <x Ole Tuesday club this tube and one obsolete Ure; Dr. A potluck dinner will be scr Mr and Mrs O J. Mitchell -*eek All members were present, i J. J Sarastn. passerger tube: J. S eed. The public it melted to attend. entertained at a dinner parry Fri- virs E D Norcoc and Mrs Henry Fenwick, or dan Valley two pass- day night for all employes of the Hartiey won the ~ j— enger recaps: John Adams two Fust National bank and their passenger recaps, and J C Bow SALE W ILL BE HELD families. The party was given in H w r , man. passenger recap A white elephant sale and cooked , honor of Robert McCurdy. Dick Mr and Mrs T J. Taylor and! food sale will be held by the Nyssa Osborne and Elden Stern we is who n of Boise spent the week-end Has Ti Civic club sometime in October entertained the navy this week > n « « of Mr and Mrs Perry! s^m^y Brown son of Mr. and The members will also sell hot j —j — Ward Mrs. Bumall Brown, had his ton tamales and mince mean Those ENTERTAIN MR and MRS. I « sils removed las; week. wishing to donate mince meal ant Mr and Mrs. A H Boydell en- MR AND MRS GRUNDEL ter tamed Use Mr and Mrs. club HONOREES A T PARTIES Vtsh in C last Thursday Dinner was followed Mr and Mrs I. G Grundel and Sir and Sirs R. G. Whitaker iflr bridge playing Honors a: bridge family were the inspiration for at were wen by Mrs Prank Morgan, least two parties held here last ! visited at the home of Sirs. Less McClure m Caldwell Monday. high, and Mrs. Morgan second. week r k. V a f 8 ll S t » I 8 t f ] I Stripes, cheeks, plaids and plain colors— in both spun <and printed rayons. For your new dresses and sports wear pur chase these dress leng th rayons. You will be smart and thrifty— Use Simplicity patterns. G o ld e n Rule Store Xyasa Oregon Taking Train in g- Bob Applegate, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Applegate, is talcing the civil pilot training course in On tario before entering the naval air corps. Visit In Payette— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldredge visit ed in Payette Tuesday. Here From New Plymouth— Miss Kathryn Peterson of New Plymouth, former Nyssa resident, visited friends here Tuesday even ing. Returns To Station— Joe Robertson has returned to the naval air corps station at Pasco alter visiting in Nyssa. Visit In Caldwell — Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. Ralph Beutler were Caldwell visitors Friday. Go To Pocatello— Mr and Mrs. W. A. Nye have gone to Pocatello, where Mr. Nye will be employed during the winter. — $— Mr and Mrs Grundel. who left ~ ~ _. . Banker Arrives Here— SOCIETY W ILL MEET Saturday for Rupert. Idaho to 1 r>rn*f— Harry Johanson of LaGrande The Women s Society of Christ- make their home, were entertained itwde school and high school has been transferred to Nyssa as »an Sem tea will meet r> «t Thurs- j ai dinner Thursday nigh: by Sir teachers of Nyssa spent Sunday pro-assistant cashier of the ■ First day. September 34 at 3:30. The and Mrs Keith B liley Sir and Ptcmckmg at Caldwell. A potluck National bank of Portland. Nyssa topic will be 'Leadership Among Sirs. J. B Gieaentinner enter- -inner was served branch. He succeeds Robert Mc Women in Latin America“ with tained for Sir and Sirs Grundel Curdy, who resigned this week to Sirs E C. Crandall as the leader • Friday night Sir Grundel has been T*1* G irl Scouts of Nyssa went enter the navy. He has been em transferred to Rupert by the Amal- *> Pruitland Saturday for a roller ployed by the banking firm three skating party They were aoccm- gamated Sogar company PIN A L PA R TY HKU> years. His fam ily will come to ’ panted by Mrs Bumall Brown. The final party of the Nyssa in about three weeks. ONTARIO CAMP WINS '.ournamen: sponsored by the Epis R N. of A CONTEST copal guild will be held Friday at Deputy Mamie Secoy reported at Mrs Stiltaan Pond and daughter, 8:15 pm A grand prim will be the regular meeting of the Royal O u tb D. of Lewiston. Utah visited awarded. Neighbors of America September 1 *» »eek at the home erf Mrs 15 on the result of the eontmt Pood's sister. Mrs. Bumall Brown. CTVTC CLUB ATTENDS for juveniles between Nyssa and -------- ------------- PAR TY A T PKEILER HOME Ontario The Ontario camp woe ^ Abwse Rapped— Civic club members were de the contest. All traffic violators are reported lightfully entertained Wednesday Gertrude Atkeson woe the pm * threugh the Portland office of the offered to the person securing the O P A to the local rationing boards. rm*t juveniles in Nyssa Nyssa officials slated today Abuse The tK-garuaaon voted to ac- of tires win prevent motorists from cept a quota of 810 000 in new securing more ures for their auto- JO U R N A L’S insurance in this camp by June mobiles L 1*43 A contest will be staged ---------------------- SALE CALEND AR by two groups in the camp O fficial 1 wits— PUBLIC FARM SALE A potluck dinne? will be served Mr Cad wed of Portland, who is at 7:30 at the next meeting, which m charge of ure ranomng in TijuredaT ^ 24. at 1:00 pm * » . * * * ° c:ot>fr ‘ A ;j m e e ^ h e r e T u e - 5 ^ DOr^ ^ ^ mile west and ftdcpcion of new members win day night. The Nyssa. Ontario erf Ontario. (First house in Jacob i and Vale rationing boards, re- feature the meeting. sen's Gulch> i presented at the meeting, made Cattle, horses, farm machinery. IN A B IL IT Y OF BAND TO ! requests for surplus needs for Lunch served on grounds. Forsman. COME HERE REGRETTED Shies. j Stills. G riffin. & Taulbee. owners Officer? at the Nyssa Croc club j ---------------------- i Col Bert Andersen, auctioneer. j today expressed regret that the G*u*g On Trip— Jive-Bombers. Gcwen field orehes- Mr and Mrs Herbert Pisher PUBLIC SALE NOTICE ! tra. were unable to play for a and Mrs Fisher s mother. Mrs Farm Sale. Thursday. October 1. dance given here last Friday night. Emma Quinby will go to Twin Palls 1% mile from Indian Valley. Idaho “W e had secured hie services at \» spend the week-end postoffice on well marked road. Sale ; the G.vwen field Jtve-Booibers and ---------------------- starts at noon (M ST). Lunch on H a g b rr ÇT 1 1rs often c a w from a had coocpketed plans for the dance’ , Stwdewts Leaving— * * » v w ritin g P a rk e r! the officers said, ‘ hut at 5 38 that B ib McOoy left today for C .r- grounds. Cattle, horses and farm riw. Seaaotk. ; U . j evening we received ward that their vaUis to attend Oregon State coll- machinery—J. C. Fcley and Sam V a l tag L a g ■ leave had been cancelled. Fortum - ege Reed dottle will leave Mcn- Moore. Owners. Col. W. H. Welty. v e a rs o f w r it in g aa tie fa rtio a ia a lely we were able to get another day far Oregon S u m Norbert Auctioneer barker. Se* w a r a e le rtia a l o f a t . orchestra at the last minute, but Saraxm will attend Boise Junior ParkwVi n i i r P i w a U a f l W i PUBLIC SALE NOTICE we knew you were iH going to be coilege and Sidney Brown will Tuesday. Sept. 22 12:00 disappointed, because you had lack- attend the University o f Idah; a: 5 miles north and 3 miles west ed forward to hearing the Jive- Moscow Miss Helen Bowdell and Bomber? In oar bond drive yen Miss Louise Tenser, left Monday of Ontario, and 2 miles north. 3 have stood behind us in every way for Corvallis to attend college ^ west and H mi north of Pay- Phone 29. Barabara Brown and June Marie e :tf Cattle, horses, implements we appreciate i f Night Phone 91W W^soc will leave this week-end 2Dd bo«se-hoki golds Lunch ser- Eugene to attend the C h it - Ted 0,1 £TOUI' ds O. E. Jim" Ross, Next To Theatre ersiry of Oregon owner OoL Bert Anderson, auction- vate sale, on and after the ITtb day of OcKAer, 1*43. to the highest bidder, for cash at time of tak, subject to confirmation by Adrian and Big Bend D. T Holly Brogan ............ Ben Jones Harper and Bully G. Y. Chester ironside ............ « C E ta. Jamieson Nellie D Leavell Jordan Valley and Juniper.... ——- . W. R Helm Jones .1 .1 Geo. L Baker Malheur Mrs. Horten Worsham McDermitt Alice D. Bankofier Nyssa No. 1. No. 2, No. 3, Arcadia and Owyhee Doris E. Smith Ontario No. 1, No. 2 No. 3, No. 4, No. 5. Fair and Cairo -F P Riverside Donald E. Lkjby Rockville Maude Greeley Rome Mrs. Dora i A & t t * » Snake Riv*r . . , ,, . Official Registrars have lists oi those who ARE NOW registered. H. 6. Ssckett County Clerk NOTICE OF SALE Court, the following described r«al property in Malheur Ooupty Ore gon: An undivided one-half interest in and to: The Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter (NWV.8WW) and Lot 4 of Section 34. Township _________ _ 4« _ _ 21 South _ of _____ Range E W. „ M excepting therefrom the right of oI Oregon Short Line Rail. ro-d Comp*nj. ^ ^ parcel. Such tale will be at private sale, and all bids shall be in writing accompanied by for' the amount of bid, and *h»n be delivered to Carl H. Coad, at torney for the undersigned, at Nyssa, Oregon. Deed and abstract shall be at the cost of the pur- NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, That under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of the County of Malheur and State of Oregon,, made on the 27th day of July, 1942, in the matter of the Guardianship of Marion L. Adams, an insane person, the undersigned. as guardian of the estate of said cha” r Dated the 14th day of Septem- her. 1*42. Mabel R. Adams Guardian of the Estate of j t arion l Adams, an insane person First publication Sept. IT, 1*42. j_ASt publication Oct 15, 194B , i u 1111111111111 h 11111111111111111111 n 1 1 > 111 1 im tta Why Not Have A Motion Picture of your Baby— Pets, Fam ily gatherings, Prize Live stock, Weddings, School, Your Home. 50 feet for only Ask for Demonstra tion! No Obligation! $ 2.00 Phone 05J3 for information 11 ri u 11111 li 1111111 i,i 11 u 11 ; I j 1 m 11111111111111111 ti I tMUMMMaaaunaiai NO W GIT DIS, GUYS Parker G iv e There’s sense in mon keying round 3_Iv B i.óre:: « c of \fr ___ and Mrs. Warren Blodgett, is recover- <rf j ing Tram poeumocia at the fam ily Waiter Nyssa war pnce and Tañocmg board 3 -1 has rmsgned his pcstaao. ef I„ v w ,_ fectsee September 15. His suc- Ted Morgan sen of Mr and resaor has not bees approved Mrs. Prank v rear, has enlisted a the ,-jer.m — jc-a taons dtvtsuc of Lewve* O b V M P a p i.«? »- city recorder left -he army air corps. He » awaiting far a nsit in Ctucmo call Uk go to Chicago or S t Louis. Grocery specials for Friday and Saturday September IS ¿ 19 Scotts Toilet Tissue 3 for 25c W aldorf Toilet Tissue 5 for 23c Kelloggs Rice Krispies 2 for 23c Shurfine 1 lb bags Coffee ground fresh 30c Baking Powder 23C 4T 02 . grape fruit Juice each 23c 47 02 Orange Grape Juice fruit each 29c Palm Olive Soap 4 for 29c Crystal White Soap giant bars 6 for 29c Peets granulated Soap large pkgs 29c ground Hamburg jer fresh ib 25c Sausage jnire pork 27c & T»v*ikn» Triditfit- p cia He will be away from Nyssa 38 days. ---------------------- Wnrnc Daw Giving— A scrap feou drive wi£ be eoe- dueled by members of the Oregon Ttafl Grange September 3* An 1 « «*5808 3» ta t week's issue of the Jcmmal that the drive would be held September 3* was rerun- “ **■ ---------------------- A l SWwrr— Mr and Mrs Robert Martkt were “ > fj» a giren for Mr and M rs W the Itobekah Me* Are Arraaed— E gh ieec men v e w arrested dur- -ag AarwsL the naw.thly report of M P jc e A V Ctook io the council Monday nigh: re- vrale il Nine were arresknd oc charges of beag drunk « co i charge at beag disorderty and Mgh: « charges at traffic violaaaos. a- with old-fashion O w yhee Drug Co. - LOCAL NEWS : no ed method« o f barter and exchange. The new— the effective way— is to use the Journal want ads. Here you can tell hundreds of prospective customers what you SALES have to sell or find out from others what they **** »« * e W il- * * * 31x1 farm at the end of River street at the northwest edge of Payette Sept. 18. starting at 1 o'clock. Lunch served on the erc^mds Cattle, hogs and farm m *-hinerv ° ° - Ben Anderson, ITSIXex have that you might want, and it costs only few cents to use the Journal want ads. Gate City Journal Legal Advertising ----- -- - NOTICE TO VOTERS T-, Vote You Must Be Registered as provided by Chapter 24. 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified a vote at a Primary. General or special Electron un*js he or she shaL be registered Electors cannot be sworn In to TOO LATE TO CUkSSIFT rote on eiectxm day. i Registraaon books are now open and win be open until the night FOR SALE gold fish—M rs of October 3 1*42 37S3C n you were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or fo r SALE OR TRADE—I-aere General ESecaon in 1*40. or hare changed your residence, you must re-register Beat 50b You may register at the office I t s tr y at the County Clerk, for any pre cinct in the County, or with the Govern- official registrars in the following ptecintu 17S23CP PRECINCT« REG ISTRAR« N O T IC E Kited win be cancelled the following warrants will be win be refused unless said warrants on or before Nov- NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE — DOUBLE FEATURE— FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPT. 18— 19 Buck Jones, Tim McCoy and Raymond Hat ton in “GHOST TOWN L A W ” John King and Arline Judge in “L A W OF THE JUNGLE” ^ 1:30 P. U., Adm. 5c«1Dc; Evening lle *ttc . tsduâiB tfti S y NDAY and MONDAY, SEPT. 20— 21 »' imam Powell, Hedy Lamarr. Claire Trevor and H. B. Warner in “CROSSROADS” Was He a Criminal. . . Or Was He a Brilliant Diplomat? . . . His Future, His Very L ife De- ^ pended on the Answer. „ . _ ^ omedy and Merry Melody M »t Sun 3:38. Adm. llc-3bc. Rrvntng ii4 «i tgriaAm 8»* — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, SEPT. 22 CENTRAL FUND W 4RR.AVTS Date Issued Sept E 1*34 Oct. 5. 1*54 O ct 5. 1*34 Oct. V 1*34 Dec. 31. 18S4 Jan 31. 1*35 Feb 11 . 1*35 M l R IBS Apr 8. 1 8 » SR 1*35 Jane W ithers and .linimv L>’don in' ‘“THE MAD MARTINI)ALES” Broadway Brevity and Perils o f Nyoka WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPT. — — Norma Shearer, Robert Taylor, George Sanders, trank McHugh and Elizabeth Patterson in “ h e r C a r d b o a r d l o v e r ” Her Heart Ruled Her Head and Two Men Ruled Her Heart. . . What a Merry Mix-up. Cartoon and News t — n* utd sa*, i a