TH¿ NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, T H U R S D A Y . SE PTE M B E R 17, 1942 Classified Advertising R ATE S: Two cent* per word lo r M ch Issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 30c. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale Found FOUND—6 head hogs, two white sows, two spotted pigs, one red, FO R SALE-1941 Chev. \ ton and one white pig. Emil Frank, pickup at 563 N. 3rd street. F. V. 9 ml. S. W. Ontario 3T-EX Hershey. 17S2P KALSOM INE. P A IN T at competi tive prices. First class quality. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and PO R SALE— Young Ouernsey bull Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc and guernsey heller to freshen FOR PLUM BER call J. C. Smith. soon. C. O. Cotton, 3 miles N. E. Phone 78J. tie. of Adrian. 10STFC FO R SALE—Gem eating potatoes. W illiam Peutz, Phone 010-J2 2JTFC CITY PROPERTY For Rent FOR S A LE —Personal Christmas cards and playing cards. W ill call by appointment—Order Early—The bast for the least. Phyllis Schlre- FOR R E NT—K elly man—Phone 61. 3S4XP Frank T. Morgan. House. See FO R SALE—Modern residence and FO R R E NT----- Modern furnished 7 acres. 1 mile 8.W. o f Nyasa. C. W. Reberger. 20A8XP house, 3 rooms and bath. Modern 3-room house with bath, good loc FO R SALE—Laying hens. O. Stam. ation. Bernard Eastman. 6ATFC. - 37ATFC FO R R E N T—M odem furnished three-room house with bath, lawn and shade. Also one semi-modem W A N TE D T O B U Y —T w o room house. Inquire 162 First street, house. Jake Fischer. 27ATFC. east, 1H north o f factory. 6ATFC WANTED W ANTE D —Manure Frank T . Morgan hauler W E P A Y H IG H E S T PR IC E S for Uve fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay ette. l7Ntfc LOST FOR R E N T—Frances store build ing, formerly occupied by Baldridge Implement Co. See: Frank T. Morgan 28tfc Butchering temperature only varies 20 degrees the year around. Most of the Is lands were formed by volcanic eruptions. , Mr. Child's first meal consisted of “ Poy” which looked like doughy, sticky substance. A ll eat out of the same bowl and with their fingers. An uncooked fish was the next and only other thing served. A ll the drinking water comes Ministers or others interested in church publicity are invited Vo us« from the rain, and is kept In the columns of the Journal to carry Important messages and notices barrels. He said there have been to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday ut no lights at all since December 7. each week. There was a volcano getting ready THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N IT Y N YS SA ASSEM BLY OF GOD to erupt and It spread a great CHURCH Pastor C. A. Slaughter pink tint over the sky. This had M. H. Greenlee. Pastor to be bombed, so it would not Sunday school, 9:45 am . Alan Ed Church school opens promptly be seen by the Japs. He told of monds Superintendent. Every class 1 at 10 a.m. This Sunday Is Rally the superstition about the goddess welcomes you. of fire known as “ Madam P ali’’. I Day in the church school and in Morning service, 11: o'clock When the Jap bombing took place, every department of the church. Evengellstic 8 o’clock. radios immediately ordered all doc Every member is urged to be pre Prayer meeting Thutsday, 8 tors to report to hospitals to care sent and on time. Morning wor for the thousands of Injured people. o’clock. A cordial welcome to all. ship is at 11 u.m. The Methodist The people had been warned sev eral times of the attack but failed Youth Fellowship and the Young to take heed to it. Child said “The L. D. S. CHURCH l Adult Fellowship meetings are at prophets today warn us of a great Priesthood ^ p.m. The evening worship ser Sunday 9:15 a.i famine that will come after this meeting. vice starts at 8 p.m. with a half war, and we do not take heed Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. hour of congregational singing. and store up food as we should". Sunday 8:00 p.m. Sacrament He explained the origin o f the Prayer service is at 8 p.m. each meeting. musical instrument called the uke- Tuesday 2:00 p.m. R elief society Wednesday evening. lele. It means the “ Jumping Flee". meeting. He told of visiting the Island ST. P A U L ’S EPISCO PAL Tuesday 8:00 p.m. M. I. A. meet where the lepers live. They (the M ISSIO N missionaries) were told not to ing. Wednesday 4:15 p.m. Primary The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vlscar touch anything. I t is the worst meeting. Morning prayer and sermon 9:30. disease known to mankind. The government furnishes everything Holy communion and sermon F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST they need on the island and every each fourth Sunday of the month. (C H R IS T IA N ) man has a car. Also there are H. N. Waddell, Pastor Women’s Guild meets second about three radios per man, be Bible school at 10. John Quigley, Wednesday In each month. cause everything that goes on the superintendent. 11 a. m. worship island cannot be taken o ff on ac and communion service sermon CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE count- of Leprosy. "T h e Tw o 'B u ilders” . The Hawlian people accept the Vern Martin, Pastor 1:30 p.m. Y.P.C.E. gospel rapidly. They are very gen Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. 8 p.m. praise and preaching ser erous and will give you anything vice. Sermon "L ife Without A Goal’’ Classes for every pge, bring your they have. The L D 6 . people, be Thursday 8 p. m. Bible training family. side having several chapels there, class. I f you have no church home have built a temple there with Morning worship at 11:00 a.m we invite you to worship with us. beautiful grounds surrounding it. message by the pastor. Newel P. Baker, who is a mem Junior meeting Sunday evening ber of the Rupert stake presidency, A D R IA N C O M M U N IT Y U N ITE D at 7:15 p.m. PR E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH gave a short talk. He told the CUSTOM butchering every M on LO ST—Tire, tube and rim, 8.60x day and Friday. Beef, sheep and I f 6 ply smooth. On old CCC pork. Sanitary butchering guaran road from Ole’s com er to M it teed. Phone 05-R-l. One mile west people to “ seek for divine guidance. chell Butte. J. H. Benedict, Rt. of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake The closing song was “God Be With You” Benediction was given 1 Nyssa 1TS1XP Fischer. by Luther Fife. FASH IO N FOUNDATIONS ORCHESTRA HIRED FOR SOCIAL Barcley and smart-form founda The opening social for the Mu FOR R E N T —House, partly modem. tion garments. Corsets, Girdles, B ra tual Improvement association was Close to sugar factory. Inquire ssieres. Perfect fit assured by ex held at 8 p.m. in the L.D.S. hall Mrs. Klmsey. 162 East First street. perienced corsetiere. Alice Collins Wednesday. The “ M.I.A. fam ily” 17S1XC Box 500, Nyssa. was officially presented to the au dience. A short program was given presentlng the Aaronic Priesthood, first. The Jed Shane’s orchestra the time was turned over to the was hired for the occasion. A rul Seventies quorum under the dir ing set forth this year is that every M AN FROM H A W IIA SPEAKS ection of Angus Bishop, who In one "dress" for these dancing par Elder Leon Child, recently re troduced the speakers. William Orr ties. No overalls allowed, all men turned from a mission In the gave a talk on “Love” . A piano should wear neckties. Ladies will Hawlian Islands and who la a selection was played by Betty wear their "best" frocks unless a Halloween overall and sack apron resident o f Ogden and brother of Fife. Bishop Arvel Child, was the main The returned missionery, Lecn affair is announced. There have speaker at the Sunday evening Child then gave a very picturesque been two dance managers appoint services in the L .D S chapel. The talk on the Hawlian Islands and ed. No smoking or drinking Is program was as follows: Opening told of the attack on Pearl Harbor illcwed on the grounds or in the song. “ Gladly M eeting Kindly He said the Hawlian language Is hall. All L.D S. members were in Oreetlng” , by the congregation, led more expressive than the English vited to attend. There was no ad by Ellen Brower with Jcsephlne There are eight Islands In the mission price. B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y HEI.D Russell at the organ: prayer, Presi group, located 2,000 miles west of ValDee Child, son o f Bishop dent Luther L. F ife; song, "W e’ll California. The largest and the Sing All Hall T o Jesus” . A fter a youngest Island Is Hawaii. I t is and Mrs. Arvel Child, celebrated talk given by Dennis Fife, re- never hot nor cold there. The his birthday last week with a party. There were eleven guests present. A luncheon was served. He was the recipient of many gifts. GRAVE-SIDE SERVICES HELD Many relatives, friends and neigh bors gathered around the grave side for funeral services held for the infant daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. McKay Hunter Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Bishop Arvel Child officiated. A vocal solo was sung by Thelma Bybee entitled “Come Unto Jesus". The speaker was Otto R. Anderson, who also de dicated the grave. Members of the For Rent L.D.S. News Professional AM Business Directory OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS J. R. CUNDALL Dentist DR. J. A. McFALL “See McFall and Soe Better" Phone 56 -J Sarazln Clinic N YS SA OREGON JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS E YE S IG H T S PE C IA LIST O N TA R IO OREGON PHYSICIANS L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and 8urgeon W ATCH ES Phone 17 Hour«: 10 to I t and 1 to 6 M ain Street at Second Daily—Except Sunday Fry Building WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Tim e Inspector for Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREGON KELLER’S CABINET SHOP It It Is made of wood we a n make It a repair it P. O. Box 883 843 Main S t SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Shoe Shop AO kinds e f shoe an repairing from poet ofllee. SARAZIN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Eve Leuck, G. N. General practice of medicine X -R ay Physiotherapy MISCELLANEOUS NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES H A U . Visiting Eagles Welcome H A R R Y M INER. Bee. HERBERT FISHER. Free. • ______ Laundries Nyssa X Own * N y a a Owned — Seventh ft Park Streets — Phone 148 Nyssa Steam Laundry Kingman Memorial Pastor J. C. Nevln 10 a.m. Bible school. We have classes and teachers for all the family and a cordial welcome for our neighbors. 11 a. m. morning worship. Ser mon: “The Peril of The Party Cured". 8 p.m. Evening worship. An hour of devotions and discussion for all age groups. Mrs. J. G. Lane leads the juniors. Young people have as their topic: The Rim of the Caribbean". The adults con tinue their study of the prophecy of Amos. Young people’s service at 7:15. Evening Evangelistic service at 8:00 p.m. message by the pastor. Wednesday evening prayer and praise service 8:00 p.m. Radio program every Sunday at F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST SC IE N TIS T 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho A branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Sclent- iest, In Boston, Massachusetts. PA R M A LU TH E R AN CHURCH A. A. Schmidt, Pastor R elief society visited with Mrs. W. A. Bybee and children, Mrs. Hunter who was still In the Nyssa Virginia Bybee and children, Mr. Nursing home at the time of the and Mrs. Clarence Aston, Mrs. funeral. L. Chambers and Mrs. T. R. Jones. RETU RNS FROM S A L T LAK E ON 16 MONTHS V O YAG E H O S P IT A L Word has been received from Miss Opal Mitchel, adopted Mark Brown, sailor who recently daughter of Mrs. Susie Mitchel, visited relatives In Nyssa, that has returned home after a three- he will sail on a 16-month voy month stay In the L.D.S. primary age to "parts unknown". He was hospital in Salt Lake City. She recently stationed at San Diego. is very much improved. Before The letters and papers will be returning home she visited in forwarded to him. the Uinta Basis In Utah. This Mr. and Mrs. Lorin W. Goates hospital only takes children up to and two children have returned 11 or 12 years old and Is kept up home after a ten days trip to by the pennies freely donated by Salt Lake and Utah counties, where the L.D.S. children. They are sup they spent a combined pleasure and posed to give a penny for each business tlrp. year of their lives. There Is no Wilford Bybee and Dart Bybee charge for the worthy children who went on a business trip to Boise, need merical attention. where W ilford Bybee purchased a W O R K AND BUSINESS HOUR new car. SPENT V. B. Carlson of Parma was The Nyssa Ward R elief society kicked last week by his three-year- held its work and business hour old colt. I t just miss his head, one week ago Tuesday. The ladles striking his right shoulder. He crocketed on rugs, sewed designs Is reported to be able to do his on dish towels, made velvet pillows, work, but must be extremely care cut out quilt blocks. These ful of his arm. Notice T o H og Raiser a and articles will all be sold at their President Luther L. Fife and yearly bazzar, which is to be held Ray Lewis were special visitors at With the Installation of a new in December. the Kingman Kolony Sunday school scale at E NTE R TAIN S A T D INN ER last Sunday. THE R A IL W A Y STOCK YARDS Mr. and Mrs. Leo F ife entertain Clarence Ricks went to LaOrandc we are now receiving your hogs ed twelve persons at a dinner last Thursday on a business trip party last Monday evening at their with his two uncles, Ezra and there every Friday, paying thu home. There were Mrs. Lila Harold- Rudger Ricks. highest price the market permits son, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gan D INN ER P A R T Y FOR 20 and seeking to serve you In ever7 non and family of Los Angeles, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gannon and possible way. and Mrs. Luther L. F ife and Dennis. Mrs. Lila Haroldson from Los A n Vivian and Betty Fife. geles, were special guests at a FRANK KULLAND ER V IS IT O R S IN N YSSA dinner party given by Mr and Mrs. W IT H L.D.8. PEOPLE Dean Fife at their home Tuesday w hi « n M i n i l i i ri i l i 11 m h i:i rim in m i rrng Mr. and Mrs. Date Bush of Salt evening. Other guests were, Mr. Lake City are visiting Mrs. Bush's and Mrs. Leo F ife and children, § A L A S T IN G T R I- ¡ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Mr. and Mrs. Luther F ife and Moyes, at their home In the Owy family, and Mr. and Mrs. La Vere I B U T E T O A G R E A T ¡ hee district. Fife from Ontario. Tommy Holman, who has been LEADER visiting his sister, Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, and family for the past week, has returned to his home In Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Beers of Boise He Is known by many of the sport visited at the Lowe home at M it followers here In Nyssa and was chell Butte Hot Springs Sunday. proclaimed the outstanding basket Mrs. T. M. Lowe has not been ball star o f Oregon. Improving In health the last few Mrs. Melba O, Clark of Lehi weeks. Her knees are still stiff, Utah, with her daughter Jean, Is but are much better than when visiting at the home of Mr. and the cast was removed in the hos Mrs. Lcrln W. Ooates. She will pital. be here about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Case and Mrs. Hkrriet Holman of Baker, family and Dick Morgan of Big arrived Wednesday to visit a * the s The Lincoln memorial In the gj home of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd f j nation's capital stands as a § Lewis. = glorious and enduring tribute = Visiting at the home of Bishop | to a great American. You can 5 and Mrs. Arvel Childs are Mr | give your loved ones an equ- g Child's parents from Clinton Utah, 3 ally fitting memorial In a g and his brother, Cleon Child, who 1 beautiful, dignified Nyssa g has been In Hawaii the past two | s Funeral Home service. Let g years. Paint protect» the outside “ us help you In time of need, g and Inside. There were 16 visitors at the K ALSO M ININ G and PAPER D O. Bybee residence last Sundsy CLEANING afternoon. They were Mrs Henry Chamberlain of Ogden. W. J. Be us of Clinton. Utah. Newel P. Baker, A n d y M c G i n n i s member of the Rupert stake presi First Street dency, of Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Owyh ee Repaint for Defense 1 PAGE THREE NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Legal Advertisement Legal Advertising SUMMONS FOR PU B LIC ATIO N IN THE C IR C U IT C O URT OF THE STATE OF OKEGON FOR M ALHEUR CO U NTY B. B. I.1ENK AEMPER, P L A IN T IF F vs IN THE CO U NTY CO URT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR M ALH EUR C O U NTY IN THE M A T T E R OF THE ES TA T E OF George Oscar Smith, Deceased. Notice ol Hearing Notice hereby Is given that John E. Holly Executor of the Estate of George Oscar Smith, Deceased here in has filed his final acoount for settlement, together with report of his administration and petition for distribution of such estate and that hearing therof has been fixed for the 26th day of September, 1942, at 10:00 o’clock a. m. at the County Courtroom in the County Courthouse at Vale, Oregon, at which time and place all persons Interested are notified to appear and show cause, If any they have why such account and petition and report should not be settled and approved and distribution of the estate thereupon made to the persons entitled thereto. John E. Holly, Executor. Dated and 1st publ. Aug. 27, 1942. Last publ. Sept. 24, 1942 M AI DIE P H IL L IP S AND LAV - IN A E. K IN G , DEFENDANTS T O M AUD IE P H IL L IP S AN D L A - V IN A E. K IN G , DEFENDANTS: IN T H E NAM E O F TH E S TATE O F OREGON You and each of you hereby are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause by the above named plaintiff, with in four weeks after the date of the first publication of this sum mons, which date of first publica tion is August 27th 1942, then and there to answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed herein, and if you fail so to do, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wit: for a decree of the court declaring and holding a certain mortgage made and executed by the defendant Maudia Phillips as mortgagor in favor o f the defendant LaVina E. King as mortgagee and dated Sept ember 16, 1940 as recorded in Vol. 26 of Mortgages at page 110 of the records of Malheur County, Oregon, to be fraudulent and void, because same was executed without con sideration and was made with in tent to hinder, delay and defraud the creditors of said Maudle P h il lips including this plaintiff, and that said mortgage be set aside and that the defendants be barred from having or making any claim to the lands and premises therein described, being Lots 12 and 13 of Block 69 of Green'a Addition to the City of Nyssa, in Malheur County, Oregon, as against the plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as to the oourt shall seem equitable. This summons is served on you under and by virtue of and pur suant to an order of the Hon Robt. M. Duncan, Circuit Judge, which order was made on the 25th day of August 1942, directing that sum mons herein be published for four successive weeks, being and In cluding five publications In the Nyssa Oate City Journal published at Nyssa, Oregon. A. L. Fletcher Attorney for Plain tiff Residence and P. O. Address Nyssa, Oregon. 1st publ. August 27, 1942. Last publ. Sept. 24, 1942. Bend visited their mother, Mrs. Morgan, who Is living with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe. They spent part of the day fishing. A former Owyhee resident, known now by her pen name of Ruby Ellis Rusque, has been chosen as a member of the Victory Center group that appeared on the 8an IN THE C O U N TY CO URT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FO R M A L HEUR C O U N TY IN THE M A T T E R OF TH E ES T A T E OF E L IZ A SM ITH . Deceased Notice o f Hearing Notice hereby Is given that Carl H. Coad, Administrator of the above entitled estate herein has filed his final account for settlement, together with report of his admin istration and petition for distri bution of such estate; and that hearing thereof has been fixed for the 10th day of October, 1942, at 11 o’clock A. M. at die County Courtroom In die County Court house at Vale, Oregon, at which time and place all persons Inter ested are notified to appear and show cause, If any they have why such aocount and petition and re port should not be settled and ap proved and distribution of the estate thereupon made to the per sons entitled thereto. Cari H. Coad, Administrator. Dated and 1st publ. Sept. 10th, 1942. Last publ. Oct. 8, 1942. B IG BEND IR R IG A T IO N DIS T R IC T , M ALH E U R COUNTY, OREGON Notice hereby Is given that the Board of Directors of the Big Bend Irrigation District, sitting as a Board of Equalization, will meet on Tuesday, the 8th day o f October, 1942, at the residence of A. C. Holly In the district, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. for the purpose o f reviewing and correcting ita assessment and ap portionment of taxes for the next ensuing fiscal year. The assessment list and record may be Inspected at the office of the Secretary at Nyssa, Oregon by any Interested person. By order of the Board o f Direct- ore, and dated Sept. 1, 1942. Carl H. Coad, Secretary Big Bend Irrigation District. Francisco Victory House bond sell ing program. She was requested to of her outstanding work In the take part In San Francisco because Portland program, when she pre sented a reading of which she was cwn version, was “The Saga of co-author. The reading, with her Johnny", by LeRoux In the Sat urday Evening Poet of March 28, 1942. COLUMBIA AVENUE Marjorie Groot and Norma Jen sen of Boise spent the week-end with their parents. Mrs. H. E. Chamberlain of O g- den Is visiting her daughter, Mr». 8 P. Byfoee. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot »e r e Boise visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen were home from summit Prairie for a few days, returning Tuesday. 8. P. Bybee went to Enterprise Wednesday with Mr. and Mra. Doyle Garrison. S. P. Bybee and Etaiil Etunz spent Sunday at Horseshoe Bend. Mrs S P Bybee and Mra. H. E. Chamberlain spent Wednesday In Nampa and Thursday In Payette. It PaysTo Advertise ¿O A D iD All explosions are much tbe same— th e y com e when least expected. Don’t trust to hick. Let this agency p ro te c t your p ro p e rty against the ever-present danger of explosion loss.' * Frank Morgan