J I PAGE FOUR J THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL TH U R SD A Y, SEPTEMBER, 10, 1942 L.D.S. News followed. | above their furniture store. T h e ! below the knee. She wears a cast j of recovery 1; still in doubt. Head in an original poetical reading. STAK E PRESIDENCY MEETS A T | entire lower floor of the building1 from her ankle nearly to h e r ! injuries, a broken leg and possible' Mrs. Roy Gueck was in charge FIFE HOME j will be used to display new and ; hip. \ internal injuries are some of the of the program. "Tw o people can accomplish any One week ago Thursday evening used furniture. There will be n o , Mrs. and Mrs. Milton Carver and results of the crash. Mrs. Adelyn Ward and Mrs. thing, If one of them Is Ood” . the members who constitute the hotel lobby but 14 rooms upstairs j children returned to Utah a ft e r ' The teachers reception was held j Luella Smith, who are P.T.A. host- Weiser Stake presidency which cov M U TU AL CONVENTION HELD will still be available for sleeping { spending a two-week vacation with Friday evening at the Owyhee ess committee served sandwiches, There were 91 present at the ers about nine dlferent cities, met rooms to rent. M r Aston is a ; Mrs. Carver’s parents, Mr. and school house, where a pleasing pro- cake, cookies and coffee. at the heme of Pres. Fife. There Mutual convention held last Sun leader In the Aaronlc Priesthood Mrs. J. G. Poulsen. gram was given by residents of A business meeting o f the execu day evening with 13 special visitors were Bro. Chadwick, Bro. Peterson, in the L.D.S. church. tive board of the Owyhee P.T.A. the community. Several pieces by who are on the Stake Board from and Malcolm Crawford. 70 ATTE N D W EDDING Weiser. Pres. Fife, Malcolm Craw PRES. FIFE CELEBRATES 57th the Owyhee orchestra with Charles was held at the home of Mr. and There were gathered together B IR T H D A Y Crocker Wednesday ford, Stake Clerk and Hay C. Lewis Wilson of Vale as director were I Mrs. Frank , Sunday afternoon 70 close friends Luther L. Fife, who is president ----- much appreciated. Other features : evenin* when plans for the year were special visitors. The first song and relatives c f Joseph Wheeler o f the Weiser L. D. S. Stake, also Elmer and Harold Olsen of Oak- i were a rejding by Mrs. Roy W arr_ outlined. was “ Carry On” . and Bettie Forbes, who were joined ___ _______ T h e Owyhee P.T.A. will hold Its Calif, visited several days eni a yccal solo by _ Doris Kling- The meeting was conducted by a well known contractor In Nyssa in matrimony with Bishop Arvel land, Eldred Brower who was voted In and other communities, celebrated Child performing the ceremony. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. back, a piano solo by Mrs. E. H. resular meeting this evening. Mis. Farris, county nurse, will help in as Nyssa President of the Young his 57th birthday Sept. 9. A family W hile the crowd was assembling _ Torvald Olson, leaving Tuesday for j Strickland and announcements by Men's association. He chose as his re-union will be held Thursday, to organ music was played by Thelma CalUornla. Elmer is in the navy | as to the program. * “ * * ! “ £ The Owyhee Community club councelore, Dart Bybee, first, with day, with children coming from Bybee. Many floral pieces decor- their nnmher number a.,rf and their n names. In a Merlin Fagan as second counce- varous states for the occasion. Be ated the hall. As the strains of and Harold is working in a de troduci ion f teachers by Chairman lor. Mrs. Eldred Brower was voted side the immediate members of the the Bridal Chcrus, by Wagner, fense plant. E. E. Crocker and responses by Mrs. and Mrs. W yatt Smith and the teachers, who are as follows: In as President of the Young La F ife family, there will be Mrs. were played on the organ, the F ife’s two sons, Henry and Jack dle’s association. She chose as her bride and groom slowly marched Walter and Melvin and Earl Chard Upper grades, Mrs. M argaret Bar councelors Carrie F ife as first and Gannon, of Los Angeles, her niece. up the isle with Marv E. Lyells left Saturday morning for Kansas nett; intermediate, Mrs. Jessie Her- Lorraine Datob as second. Richard i Maxine Smith, and Mrs. Lila Har- pioneer of 78 years old, leading! t0 visit irlends and relatives- j shey, and primary, Miss Marie Taylor and Reata Taylor were held 'oldsen, also from Los Angeles. Den the party. There were two best M r’ and Mrs’ F - G ’ II lme’s made Church. Mrs. Martha Kllngback over from last year as secretaries. nis F ife has the honor of being men and two matrons of honor.! a business triP t0 Nam‘,a Friday introduced patrons to the teachers Dorthea Lewis and Thelma Bybee born on his father’s birthday and They were Mr. and Mrs. Art Han- I route home they visited at the this column, In behalf of the mem are chorister and organist. sen and Mr. and Mm. C harles1 home of thelr daUBhter' Mrs’ A ’ bers of the L. D. S. church ex A fter the reorganization took Reberger, life long friends of the M. Goodson of Notus. John Byers returned to the home 27, place the following program was tend to them both a very happy bride. Mrs. Moble Poague sang birthday. presented: trumpet solo by Mario I Love You Truly” All the ladles i o f h i s son’ F S’ Byers' l a s t Thur' ' 35 ATTE N D SHOWER Anderson accompanied by his had bouquets and the men wore a ' day afternoon after visiting in There were 35 friends and re white flower in their lapels. The Tacoma with another son for sev- mother. By Ed. Pruyn Two talks were given on the new latives who attended the shower bride was becoming in a light tan ' eral weeks. and party given in honor of Bettie Elmer Bennett and Mr. arid Mrs. theme for this year which is, "Be silk gown, with corsage and flowers Howdy Folks: A columnist strong and o f good courage, be not Forbes and Joseph Wheeler in the in her hair. The groom wore a dark Miller and _ daughter of Osage, claims that the United States Odd Fellows hall last Friday even- afraid, neither be thou dismayed; . . . . suit and white carnation. Mrs. Art Kansas were Thursday evening din- will be covered with glaciers a ^ whR ner guests at the J. E. Bowen home the Lord thy God is with thee ing. A very interesting program Hansen wa_s love]y ,n whithersoever thou goest". These million years from now, but “ e£ a ’^ ‘M silk gown with flowers to m atch Mr. ” Bennett “ is an uncle of Mr Bowen. talks were given by Jim Aston and who wants to wait that long to , ^ / n u T ’’£ r.,n Rgyei ' a MrS “ summer frock. ™ « * Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hclmes and Leslie Lewis. Grant Weber, Stake m light Colored mo cool off? board member, explained the theme Am Growing Old” . This was clev tion pictures were taken before fam ily shopped in Nampa Friday. erly done by members of the Re- Mr. and Mrs. Torvald Olson j and led the congregation in re and after the wedding- We heard about a bachelor and Elmer and Harold picnicked peating It. A poem “My Son Pass bekahs in costume. A lunch was TO U TAH served. A three tier wedding cake Who was so ill he locked Just es” ,. was given by Elaine Russell Mrs. Clyde Dabb went to Utah at the park in Nampa Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olson and a talk on testimony was given in pink and white, with a tiny last week to visit relatives. like a married man. bride and groom on top, adorned and son of Malheur Butte and by W illiam Orr. FROM HONOLULU Talks were given by Marvilla the table. The bride was the re- Bishop Arvel Childs has received Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fuhrman and I f you borrow a thousand Brown, Stake president for the ciptant of many lovely gifts. Mrs. word that his brother, Leon Child, fam ily of Kuna. dollars on ycur property, that's Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen and ladies, a talk was given by Richard Lloyd Lewis played incidental mus has recently returned from Hono good business. I f you borrow Oraner, Stake president for the ic on the piano. lulu, where he was on a mission Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bryant shopped MOVES TO TO W N Young Men. The closing song was five bucks on your watch, that’s for the Church O f Latter Day in Nampa Saturday. Laurence Chambers moved his Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and “ Let us A ll Press On”. Closing Saints. He experienced the dis a disgrace. Hew come? prayer was given by M elvin Jen fam ily to town last Sunday. He aster of Pearl Harbor and is ex Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes visited has sold his land and greenhouse Friday at the F. S. Byers home. sen. pected in Nyssa to give a talk on Special leadership groups were to D. O. Bybee. his experiences. B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y then held and instructions for the Val Dee Child will celebrate his On September 9 at 4 o’clock at birthday September 11. coming year were taken up with the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth each class instructor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Campbell Bob Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. SCOUTS G A TH E R SCRAP IR O N Cottle, Lyle Cottle 8 years old of Boise were guests of Mr. and Violet Rice, was seriously injured The Boy Scouts troup of Nyssa that day, was honored by having Mrs. Richard Taylor last week. The when he was run over by a truck has been gathering scrap iron for a party. There were 20 little guests Taylors motored to Boise last week at an intersection near the Owyhee invited. He received many clever the past several weeks. to see Mrs. Taylor’s sister, Mrs. school house as he was riding his One load weighing 1,700 pounds and useful little gifts. A lunch was C. D. Christison, who is in St. bicycle. He was rushed to the O n served. has already been turned in. Four Luke’s hospital there. tario hospital, where his chance FUNERAL SERVICES HELD more loads are ready. The proceeds BREAKS LEG Largly attended funeral services will go to help raise funds to erect Mrs. Selma Poulsen has attended a recreation building for the scouts. were held Monday at 2 o’clock in church once more after a period The large logs already are placed the L.DB. chapel for Mrs. Mary of two weeks of confinement with a on the lot north of the church, Ann Newby Green, wife of Allen broken leg. The leg is broken just Where the building will be erected. Qreen. Bishop Child officiated. The program Included a vocal iii:iiiiiiiin!iii iimii m ri.miiiiiiiiiii inn in:i n mm n i« > . EXECUTIVE OFFICERS HOST solo “ In The Garden” , by Thelma T O TEACHERS BUS Last Wednesday evening at 8 Bybee: prayer, Malcolm Crawford; o’clock In the L.D.S. hall the ex mixed quartet, "O My Father” , DRIVERS ecutive officers of the M. I. A. gave by Nelda Schenk, Ila Child, O. R. a party for the teachers and their Anderson and Malcolm Crawford. WANTED partners. Various games and danc President Luther L. Fife, the speak ing was enjoyed. There were 40 er, said that Mrs. Green and her GOOD PAY , PLE ASA N T W ORK present. Refreshments were ser husband gave the land on which VALUABLE T R A IN IN G GIVEN the church now stands. She came ved. from England when she was 12 RELIEF SO CIETY TO P L A N T Opportunity for experienced and years old. She married Allen Green TREE inexperienced men to get into It Is a part of the program in 1900 and had lived in Nyssa 40 work essential now and after throughout the R elief societies of years. She was 66 years old. She the war. Good future— training the L.DB. church for each ward to leaves two brothers and her hus fits you to handle heavy motor plant a tree on the grounds sur band and a host of friends. The ized equipment. rounding the chapel, thus adding service was closed with a solo, "Face Work now available in Can to Face”, by Malcolm Crawford and beauty and to have a living grow Francisco Bay area. Get further ing thing that all the world may benediction by O. R. Anderson. details by contacting see. I t is to be a hardwood tree The grave was dedicated by Bishop PA C IF IC GREYHOUND LINES so it will last many years. Sister Arvel Childs. Interment was in Hendricks president, of the Nyssa the Nyssa cemetery. W. II. EGGER Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle branch, Is now planning what kind 2521 S. W. W A TE R STREET of a tree and where to have It spent last Monday visiting friends PO R TLA N D , OREGON in Nampa. Mrs. Cottle is the drama planted. M U TU AL CHANGED TO WED. director of the Mutual in the L.D.S. or write church again this year. N IG H T P A C IF IC GR E YH O U N D LINES Mr. and Mrs. Dean F ife went For some time the officers of A. V. Allen the ward have talked o f changing to Boise Tuesday morning on a 1919 M A R K E T STR E E T the date of the mutual meeting business trip and shopping tour. MOVE TO N EW QUARTERS from Tuesday to Wednesday even O AK LAN D , CALIF, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aston ing. This has been decided upon giving brief personal description and the opening social will be held have moved their family to a newly —picture If available—outlining next Wednesday In the ward hall remodeled seven room apartment experience or qualifications. beginning at 8 o'clock:. There will be a program and dancing. All MECHANICS, members of the L.DJ9. church are To Win This War, W e Invited. SHEET METAL Must all W ork Harder. 132 ATTEND SU NDAY SCHOOL To Do this we need There was an increase of 10 over WORKERS last Sunday's attendance this time. Energy. Miss Schenk played the preliminary Steady work in a growing indus music. O, J. Williams presided. try with bright future. Good PICKET FLOUR The first song was “Catch The wages plus overtime. Sunshine", prayer by Le.die Lewis “ Enriched with vitamin See or write and the second song "Did You B” W ill Help Give You P A C IF IC GREYHOUND LINES Think T o Pray"? Joyce Ann Aston That Extra Energy You R. M. Ahrens led the sacrement gem. 401 K A N S A S STR E E T Need. This being the first Sunday In SAN FRANCISCO, C A L IF the month, the Sunday school was i l i u m ...... .... dismissed early In order to hold will meet with Mrs. Blanch H it« September 17 with Mrs. 8. D. Bigelow as co-hostess. Mrs. Bertha Culbertson last week with the visited Strickland, Crocker and Coulter families. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Slippy and children were Sunday dinner guests of the Charles Culbertson family. Doris Kllngback left Monday to work in the fruit at Payette. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Calhoun of Vancover are in the community on business and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coulter re turned home this week after spend ing the summer visiting relatives in the southern states. Oregon Trail Lumber Order Issued BETWEEN FRIENDS Owyhee Pruyn s Under conservation order M-208, which controls all types and grades of softwood lum ber after August all lumber must be hand led through priority regulations. Practically all construction that would be done by farmers falls into class 3, with an A- 1-a rating. A-l-a includes construction of buildings destroyed or damaged by fire, buildings for storage of agricultural products, shelters, bams, pens or sheds for livestock, poultry or agricul tural fences or gates, and maintenance and re pair of farm buildings, other than dwellings, agricultural implements and agricultural ma chinery, parts, accessories and equipment. G arage STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY Phone 110 t!r j E44 v w U k " " ' ¿ à the Fast and Testimony meeting. There was one baby who re ceived it's name and a blessing. Nine young men were found worthy and had become of age to be ad vanced In the priesthood. 21 TO LEAD ERSH IP MEET Last Thursday at 8:15 p. m. in the chapel was held the monthly meet ing for all teachers and officers In the Nyssa ward. Bishop Childs presided. The opening song was "Choose The Right” . Prayer by Eldred Brower O. R. Anderson gave a talk on "The responsibility o f officers and teachers In the various organisations, co-operating and working together". A fter the main assembly each organisation met separately to discuss their problems. 42 ATTE N D A D U LT CLASS There were many o f the folks from the Owyhee and Adrian dis tricts present lsst Sunday morning T h e lesson entitled "B efore the Coming o f the Lord” was given by Brother Chadwick. He told of the signs that are coming to pass which Indicate that the last days are at hand. A class discussion WE ARE REMODELING î à ! . « L e t’s blast Japan— and Germ any— and Ita ly — with the chain lightning o f destruction that can be built from the scrap in V . r/i our cellars, attics and garages, on our farms and in our places for «il o f business. Scrap iron and steel, other m etals, rubber and waste materials. I t w ill all be used to make tanks, ships, planes Our Store To Make Room for and the fighting weapons our boys must have. I t is needed MORE FURNITURE Sell it to a Junk dealer— give it to a chanty or collection at once. « ^ '»n k . 7 « tt. ««S S 25 ^ agency— take it yourself to the nearest collection point—or W e received a new shipment a few days ago and are expecting more furniture within the next few days. consult the Local Salvage C om m ittee. . . I f you live on a farm, and have found no means o f disposing o f your Junk, get in cun«; dealer. Throw YOUR scrap into the fight! Our business is growing, but we can handle some more. When looking for furniture be sure to See Us. N Y SSA F U R N IT U R E C O . binoem«^. touch with the County W ar Board or your farm implement « 'T J * * M T *-W h rn "EEDfo ONâv l " " c*n £ ? " ■ « • pound ^ This m assage approved b y Conservation D ivision WAR PRODUCTION BOARD 71 m nJl lrtiwill . iV paid far ky the American M v tlr ie t Salvage Committee (riiMom uHogmtJ wt l i fe iukfirm’H etlkygroepsef leading industrialcomocm). Local Salvage Committee Phone: 19 Leno Christensen, chairman ; Luther Fife, Dale Garrison and Charles Share.