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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1942)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. SfcPTÉtófeá, î& ’iftüL every citUen. TW * Ç $ u p v on official government Information mmu Classified and prepared by the office of War Information, shows how the war will affect Mrs. America and her home ne Advertising RATES: Two cent* per word for each Issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 30c. Women who make their own clothes will be following the gover i A *Tc CcuiftjWiBlS^on,r"««l*Jigh4*t the I f young America, wants footballs plaintiff, and— foe- such other and or basketballs this fall, the price further relief as to the court shall I which comes out of the family poc- seem equitable. This summons is served on you j eebook will be much less than It might have been O PA estimates that under and by virtue of and pur suant to an order of the Hon Robt. the reduction of price increases for M. Duncan, Circuit Judge, which certain sporting goods used in the order was made on the 25th day of fall will save consumers about 1150,- August 1942, directing that sum mons herein be published for four 000. successive weeks, being and In cluding five publications In the Nyssa Gate City Journal published at Nyssa, Oregon. A. L. Fletcher Insurance Real Estate Attorney for P laintiff Residence and P. O. Address Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon. NYSSA OREGON 1st publ. August 27, 1942. Last publ. Sept. 24, 1942. nment restricted silhouette for ready the columns of the Journal to carry Important messages and notices made garments. For, you see, paper to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of patterns used in making dresses, each week. LOST lingerie and lounging have been M ISC E L L A N E O U S E 8TR A Y — 2 Iron grey geldings, FU LL GOSPEL TABERNACLE N YS SA ASSEM BLY OF GOD brought under the same measure For Sale branded on left shoulder with SIX. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds, Pastor C. A. Slaughter FOR SALE-^John Deere tractor, ment restrictions which apply to and one bay gelding on left stifle Rev. Ralph D. Bunock, recently clothing you buy in the stores. The two row beet lifter. M. M. Grcellng, Sunday school, 9:45 am . Alan Ed spear. E. Bill 9hepherd, Rockville, returned missionary from China, pattern order allows a leeway of Phone 07-R3. 1081XP Oregon. 27A3XA monds Superintendent. Every class will speak at the Nampa Gospel five percent so that existing pat welcomes you. FOR SALE— Young Guernsey bull Tent on Friday evening. Rev. Bul terns which exceed maximum mea Morning service, 11: o’clock and guernsey heifer to freshen Found lock was missionary in Honkong surements slightly can still be used. Evengellstic 8 o’clock. soon. O. C. Cotton, 3 miles N. E. POUND—fl head hogs, two white » « 111K COUNTY COURT OF Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 at the time of its capture by the Furthermore, existing stocks of sows, two spotted pigs, one red, o'clock. Legal Advertising of Adrian. 1Q8TFC THE STATE OF OREGON FOR ¡Japanese and was In a Japanese patterns won’t be cast away yet for and one white pig. Emil Frank, A cordial welcome to all. concentration camp for two months. MALHEUR COUNTY 3T-EX Undoubtedly he will have a very you’ll be able to buy these exceed SUMMONS FOR PU B LIC ATIO N IN THE MATTER OF THE ES FOR SALE—Personal Christmas 9 ml. S. W. Ontario interresting report. The Gospel tent ing maximum measurements by j IN THE C IR C U IT C O U R T OF cards and playing cards. Will call L. D. 8. CHURCH TATE OF George Oscar Smith, KALSOM INE, P A IN T at competi is beside the Majestic theatre in more than five per ent until Feb THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Deceased. Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood by appointment—Order Early—The tive prices. First class quality. Nampa. A hearty invitation is ex ruary 1, 1943. But all master forms M ALHEUR CO U NTY best for the least. Phyllis Bchlre- meeting. tended to all. The McCrassan- Notice of Hearing which patterns lor sale are made B. B. I.IENK AEMPER, P L A IN T IF F man—Phone 61. 384XP Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. Cooper evangelistic party just com Highway 201, Phone 108. ISMtfc Notice hereby Is given that John v* must follow the government res Sunday 8:00 pm . Sacrament pleted a 4 weeks meeting this Sun FOR SALE—One-way plow, F - l l trictions from now on. meeting. MAUDIE P H IL L IP S AND L A V E. Holly Executor of the Estate of day night, however the evangelistic FOR PLUM BER call J. C. Smith There will be a V for victory Im Farmall tractor and cultivator, 7- Tuesday 2:00 p.m. R elief society George Oscar Smith, Deceased here IN A E. K IN G , DEFENDANTS services will continue in Nampa Phone 78J. tfc. prints across the country as soon meeting. root John Deere dlao. Keith Moss, T O M AUD IE P H IL L IP S AND L A in has filed his final account for with various speakers participating. as the new viotory rubber heels are Tuesday 8:00 p.m. M. I. A. meet Malheur garage. 382xC V IN A E. K IN O , DEFENDANTS : settlement, together with report available In store shops. The V ing. IN TH E N AM E O F T H E STA TE of his administration and petition C IT Y PR O PE R TY THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY trademark must be stamped on Wednesday 4:15 pm . Primary FOR SALE—New fall shipment of O F OREGON for distribution of such estate and CHURCH For Rent these heels being turned out from meeting. that hearing therof has been fixed rugs and linoleum. Nyssa Furniture FOR R E N T—Kelly House. M. H. Greenlee. Pastor You and each of you hereby are See scrap rubber for the increasing company. 3STFC Frank T. Morgan. appear and answer for the 26th day of September, Church school opens promptly at army of pedestrians. The O PA con- requlre<* F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST complaint filed against you In 1942, at 10:00 o’clock a. m. at the 10 a. m. with a devotional service sumer division advises us that the I (C H R IS T IA N ) FOR SALE—Two horses, about 8 FOR R E N T -----Modern furnished new type rubber heels may not last | above entitled court and cause County Courtroom In the County led by Mr. Clifford Main, general H. N. Waddell, Pastor years old; Oliver two-way ptow, al house, 3 rooms and bath. Modern as lonig as those which we have . ^ e a ve named plaintiff, with- Courthouse at Vale, Oregon, at superintendent. Morning worship "Dedication Sunday’’ which time and place all persons most new. J. J. Kollen, Rt. 1, 3-room house with bath, good loc is at 11 a. m. The Methodist Youth wern in the past, but they will * f° “ r wee* s after the date ° f 6ATFC. Bible school at 10 am . John Interested are notified to appear Nyssa. 383XP ation. Bernard Eastman. the first publication of this sum Fellowship and the Young Adult give satisfactory services. They are and show cause, If any they have Fellowship meet at 7 p. m. The available In black only and are mons, which date of first publica R E N T —Modern furnished Quiley, supertendent. FOR SALE—Oood practice piano, FOR why such account and petition 11 a. m. morning worship evening worship service begins at" marked according to the four grades tion is August 27th 1942, then and VI« 95 Nyssa Furniture company. three-room house with bath, lawn there to answer or otherwise plead and report should not be settled 8 p. m. with a half hour of con- j in which they come—V -l, V-2, V-3, and shade. Also one semi-modem Sermon “ Things That Abide” de 27ATPO to the complaint filed herein, and and approved and distribution of house. Inquire 162 First street, livered by C. F. Swander, state gregational singing. The pastor will and V-4. FOR 8ALE—Modern residence and east, 1H north of factory. 6ATFC preach both morning and evening. | For the time being toplifts for if you fail so to do, for want the estate thereupon made to the secretary. Prayer service Is on Wednesday | women’s high heeled shoes will thereof, plaintiff will apply to persons entitled thereto. 7 aeree. 1 mile 8.W. of Nyssa. 1:30 p. m. Fellowship dinner John E. Holly, Executor. evening at 8 o’clock. Eeveryone not have the V - grade mark be the court for the relief demanded C W. Reberger. 20A8XP FOR R E N T—Frances store build Dated and 1st publ. Aug. 97, ing, formerly occupied by Baldridge without a church home is cordially cause of the lack of space for the in the complaint, to wit: for a 2:30 p. m. afternoon service. decree of the court declaring and 1942. Last publ. Sept. 24, 1942 FOR SALE—Laying hens. O. Stam. Implement Co. imprint. Sermon “The House O f God” invited to attend these services. holding a certain mortgage made J7ATFC See: Frank T. Morgan 28tfc Here’s a tip you can pass along by C. F. Swander. and executed by the defendant IN THB CO UNTY COURT OF ST. P A U L ’S EPISCO PAL to your husband or son. There will Maudia Phillips as mortgagor In THE STATE OF OREGON FOB Special music at both services. W ANTED M ISSIO N be no more wollen lounging robes Butchering The public is cordially invited to The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vlscar for men and boys after manufact favor of the defendant LaVlna E. M ALHEUR COUNTY beans and any small seed. Case NOTICE TO CREDITORS Morning prayer and sermon 9:30. urers use the fabrics they have on King as mortgagee and dated Sept machine six foot. See Cannon and CUSTOM butchering every Mon attend. ember 16, 1940 as recorded In Vol. Holy communion and sermon hand. The ruling covers bathrobes In the Matter of the Estate of Son, Sunset Talley, Rt. 2, Nyssa. day and Friday. Beef, sheep and each fourth Sunday of the month. and beachcoats too. The main idea 26 of Mortgages at page 110 o f the Margaret E. Tyner, Deceased. F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST 1061XP | pork. Sanitary butchering guaran records of Malheur County, Oregon, Women’s Guild meets second is to save wool and heretofore a SC IEN TIST Notice Is given to the creditors to be fraudulent and void, because Wednesday In each month. M AN W AN TS—Small house, cabin teed. Phone 05-R-l. One mile west considerable quantity of men’s robes 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho same was executed without con of and all persons having alalas of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake or apartment to batch In. Must have been made of wool cloth. Fischer. sideration and was made with in against the above named decedent A branch of The Mother Church CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE have heating stove, water and elec There’s no shortage o f Mohair, tent to hinder, delay and defraud to file them with the necessary Vera Martin, Pastor The First Church of Christ, Scient tricity. Nothing else needed. Leave and as a matter of fact, the gover FASH IO N FOUNDATIONS the creditors of said Maudie P hil vouchers within six months after Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. word Journal office. 27A3XP. nment is hopeful that its use in Barcley and smart-form founda is t . In Boston. Massachusetts. Classes for every age, bring your civilian clothing will be extended. lips including this plaintiff, and the date of first publication of that said mortgage be set aside this notice at the offloe of the W ANTED T O B U Y —Two room tion garments, Corsets, Girdles, Bra family. Practically all of our mohair-which and that the defendants be barred undersigned administrator at Nyssa, house. Jake Fischer. 27ATPO. ssieres. Perfect fit assured by ex A D R IA N C O M M U N ITY U N ITED is the hair of the angora goat-co- Morning worship at 11:00 a.m. perienced corsetlere. Alice Collins from having or making any claim Oregon. PR E S B Y TE R IA N CHURCH mes from Texas. The largest market message by the pastor. Box 500, Nyssa. to the lands and premises therein Kingman Memorial W ANTED—Manure hauler CARL H. CO AD, for Its use was closed when autom Junior meeting Sunday evening described, being Lots 12 and 13 Frank T. Morgan Pastor J. C. Nevin Administrator obile production stopped since about of Block 69 of Green’s Addition to 10 A. M. Bible school with a class at 7:15 p.m. Dated and 1st publ. Aug. 13, 1849. 65 percent of the mchair supply Young people’s service at 7:15. W E P A Y HIGH EST PRICES for the City of Nyssa, In Malheur for each member of the family. Last publ. Sept. 10, 1942. Evening Evangelistic service at went into pile fabric for car upho Uve fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay 11 A. M. Morning worship. lstery. Mohair formerly was under 8:00 p.m. message by the pastor. ette. *7Ntfe 8:30 P. M. Evening worship. The Wednesday evening prayer and the restrictions placed on new wool, juniors, young people and adults Eyesight Specialist Coming but it has ben removed from that meet together for worship and dis praise service 8:00 p.m. M ISC E L L A N E O U S category. At present Its civilian use Radio program every Sunday at cussion. Dr. C. V ia l Birlew FOR SALE—Gem eating potatoes. 2:15 Pacific war time. Sponsored Is unlimited. Fully 75 percent o f the revenue Uncle Sam is giving though these William Peu ta. Phone 010-J2 2JTFO by the Nyssa and Parma churches PA R M A LU TH E R AN CHURCH taken from timber sold on state w ill be at days to ways and means of curbing of the Nazarene. A. A. Schmidt, Pastor FOR SALE—Three work horsee. forests Is returned to the local serious war effects upon the lives Mi’s. Don Graham’s Real Estate O ffic e Thurs Amalgamated Sugar company feed county, according to Lynn F. Cron- of his young nieces and nephews. day, September 17. formed lad. And sometimes even A request Is before Congress to a- yard. 3S2XP emlller, assistant state forester In I get my wires crossed. One fine mend the Social Security Act to all charge of land use. Free examination o f school children’s eyes when morning last week Mort and Hazzle ot more money for child health and Sunday school was held at 10:30 accompanied by parents. Glasses fitted — Wion drove into Doc. Raffingtfcns welfare services during the war, Sunday morning followed by a yard in time for breakfast. When I especially In war production areas. Repi Frames Repaired— Exact Duplication o f any business meeting of teachers and saw them I was immediately re The children's bureau commission Broken Lens. officers. Rev. Kriner of Payette minded of the write up I gave on children In wartime is working conducted services. Rev. Greenlee, them just a short time ago. W ell pastor o f the Methodist church to look at them and to talk to on methods to carry out provisions of Nyssa, will deliver a sermon them Mort did not give the app of a "Children's Charter in War to the Lincoln Sunday school the earance of a navy gob nor Hazle time,” Aims of this charter include: Guarding children from Injury In third Sunday of the month, Sept, the appearance of a welder. danger zones; protecting children 20, in the afternoon instead of This written stuff Is about to from neglect, exploitation and undue the forenoon as was previously get me down. Some one with a strain in defense areas; strength stated. stronger mind should do this. The Ida Nelson led C. E. Sunday county agent or his assistant is ening the home life of children evening. Aug. 30 choosing for her suppose to come out last Tuesday whose parents are mobilized for topic, "How T o Read The Bible” . afternoon and give us another de war or war production; and giving OPTOMETRISTS Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Kriner were monstration on how to poison ra- boys and girls o f every race and DENTISTS Sunday dinner guests at Che Buell bits in the summer Dime with creed a fair opportunity to take Hickey home. On Thursday evening, alfalfa hay. Sounds goofy but any their part In democracy. DR. J. A . M cF A L L The conservation being practiced the Kriner family with Mr. and way this Is Labor day I'me a “See MeFaU and Boa Better" J. R. C U N D A L L Mrs. Carl Jones of Payette were writen this and he Is supposed by Mrs. America In her home is not dinner guests at the Levi Johnson to come out on Tuesday after L a new to laundries and dry cleaning Dentist T H E DEER S E A S O N W IL L SO O N BE HERE establishments. Raw materials for home. bor day. This idea of showing us Phone 56-J Bobbie and Ronald Kriner spent how to poison rabbits sounds like the production o f new equipment Saraxln Clinic several days the past week ait the propoganda to me. Well Hitler hires for these plants cannot be obtained NYSSA OREGON for the duration. Whatever equip Vern Smith home. propoganda ministers and so does W e would appreciate the cooperation o f i Gladys, Dicky and Peggy Smith Unk. Sam. W e had the county ment there is will have to go to EYESIGHT SPECIALIST the most essential users. Further of Los Angeles, who spent the agent to show us how to poison successful deer hunters. W e ask that they skin a ONTARIO OREGON J E W E L R Y STO R E S past summer months at the home rabbits once In the summer time more It means more care o f the r V-1-— ” ■■■' 1 1 I I 1 1 11 ' - ,l"> of their grandparents. Mr. and and once in the wintertime and their deer in the mountains to relieve the pres PHYSICIANS Mrs. Lee Smith, and with other to cost the lives of thousands of PAULUS relatives returned to their home rabblts' poth times and there cer- sure at this plant, which is operating under r Friday afternoon J E W E L R Y STO R E L. A . Maul ding, M.D. tinlyls a plenty of them here W e A re Expert Car Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith were Union Pacific Time Inspector the difficulties o f a labor and capacity short again now. Physician and Surgeon Sunday dinner guests at the Ralph Homer Cates said that Sam had ; Repairmen. JEWELRY — DIAM ONDS Phone 17 Barnes home. age. a couple of packages of poison left .lb W ATCHES Hours: 10 to 13 and I to 8 Mrs. L. C. Nielson entertained from last winter and that they eli members of her Sunday school class f jxecj g Up an(j put it out and Dally— Except Sunday Main Street at Second W e are equipped to at her home Sunday. Fry Building killed five or six hundred rabbits tin with It. The rabbits are especialy do all kinds o f body- bothering Jonrrie Hamilton. Sam »ft* S A R A Z IN C LIN IC - W YCKOFF and Homer Oates, Arch Eastman, s repair and chassis work, J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Chuck Share. Bernard Eastman It PaysTo Advertise Lincoln Heights Professional And Business Directory Store Food In Freezer Lockers Cow Hollow JEW ELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON K E LL E R ’S C A B IN E T SH O P I f It Is made of wood we can make It or repair It F. O. Box 893 643 Main S t Eve Leuck, G. N. Oeneral practice of medicine *-B a y Physiotherapy M IS C E L L A N E O U S N Y S S A A E R IE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAOLE8 HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY M IN E R See. HERBERT FISHER Pres. S H O E SH O PS Abbott’« Shoe Shop AH kinds e ( «hoe and repairing Acroas from poet office. _______ Laundries Nyssa "i Own a Nyma Owned — Seventh a Part Streeu — Phone 188 Nyssa Steam Laundry By The It's now past bedtime and the wife Is way up In Idaho with Bet ty to give her a few more treat men Is so that means that I will have to get up In the morning in time to put up the lunches and get the kiddies o ff in time to catch the school bus. Am going to try to write you a few lines as I passed you up last week caus I thought I was too busy. Every body Is still going with a hoop hoop hurrah Russel Howell and Tom Drydale both finished stacking their third cutting hay last week or Russle did and Tom finished up Sunday afternoon. Homer Cates and I both started cutting Monday morning and Jonnle Hamilton started Tues day. Whatever I tell you folks you must take with a grain of salt. Either I am getting to be quite a Uer or sometimes I am a mis-In- from a scratch in your j Mrs. America Meets The War War (Editor's Note) touches every home fender to complete re novating after a smash- :up. aria SAVE Through Sdentine Refrigeration Ilf on To Tabla rK>" 17* and îr>| Get our low estimate Repaint for Defense Faint protecta the outside and inside. K ALSO M IN IN G and CLEANING A n d y M c G i n n i s iihift before you have it done. B E E F By Tha Quarter Towne’s Garage m rfT æni tifiti Polar Cold Storaga Cr Lockar PlaniS P H O N E 124 3 Block« North of " i M fitfftW a m