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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1942)
PAGE TWO The Gate City Journal KLASS V. POWELL Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION KATES One Year........................... $2.00 Six Months........................$1.25 Single Copies...»...... ............05 (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act ADVERTISING RATES Open rate, per inch..........35c National, per inch............. 35c Classifieds, per word.......... 2c Minimum..... ....30c at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ARE STILL ROLLING THE OLD PORK BARREL Despite the fact that the United States is supposed to be throwing every ounce of its energy into the war effort, employes of some of the government agencies are still rolling the old pork barrel, and the sad part of it is that they are getting results. Recently the WPA in West Virginia asked for $123,747 for the organization of bands, choruses and orchestras for the purpose of creating musical organization designed to keep up the moral of the people. Such foolishness is enough to reduce most anyone’s morale, in stead of increasing it. Instead of the proposed appropriation being denied, the amount was increased by the WPA in Washington to $405,107. The WPA and many other organizations were formed entirely and solely for the purpose of relieving the economic distress that was prevalent before the war. These organizations are spending thousands of dollars annually try ing to justify their existence. They are sending out propaganda that is designed to convince the people that their jobs are necessary for the conduct of the war and the money that is used to convince the dear people comes from the public pocketbook. 4-H AND FFA SHOW APPRECIATED The 4-H and FFA boys and girls of Mal heur county appreciate the opportunity of show ing their exhibits of livestock, home economics work and vegetables at the junior division’s Malheur county fair at Ontario last week-end. The showing was made possible by the attitude of the fair board and others in allowing THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3^1942, Wade Nichol home in Ont Monday to report at Santa Ana, Canning, dlv. I Arlene Piercy, at ario the while the girls were being ex California. He left on the 4:30 train the youngsters to hold their show, despite the Kingman canning, div. II. but unless he can make better time fact that the general fair was cancelled be Ellen Judd. Kolony: Kingman Kolony: Can amined. will not arrive by September ning. Div. III. Lcis Jordan. White Mr and Mrs Stanley Goult are 2 by as bus directed. cause of the war. in Yakima visiting relatives and Settlement: canning, div. IV. Betty The youngsters are to be congratulated on Lou Parker, Grove; champion can picking hops. Mr and Mrs Van School opened for the fall term the fine showing of exhibits. ning exhibit, Lois Jordan, White Zelf are caring for the children In Monday morning with a large en the Goulet home. rollment in the grades but many Settlement. CONTESTS ahsenties in the high school. The D. L. Anderson family were Livestock Judging contest, Kenn pleastntly surprised Monday after Some of the farmers of Malheur county Elliot, Kingman Kolony. noon when Mr Anderson's mother, or their employes are abusing the privilege by eth Fitting and showmanship: his sisters and a brother ar COLUMBIA AVENUE Swine division, Tommy Ridder. rived two from which farmers are permitted to buy tires for Richland; Utah for a few days sheep division, Bernard farm trucks. Mrs MeChail is spending a few Shaw, Arcadia: beef division, Irene visit. A sheepman Mr Archibald was days with friends in Nampa. Occasionally a truck driver passes a pri Amidon, Valley View; dairy division, buying hay in Newell Heights for Mrs James Kakebeeke and Kath Toomb, Kingman Kolony. vate automobile as though the car were stand Dorothy $12 per ton last week. ryn of Ontario called at the Dick 4-H summer school scholarships ing still. Persons who are privileged to buy fer outstanding achievement: Groot home Monday. Mr and Mrs H. E. McLaughlin tires should observe the suggested speed limit Dairy: Dorothy Toomb of Kingman and family and Mrs Carrie Mc Dick: Groot called at the Jake Kolony, with Walter Duncan of Laughlin of Ten Davis, Idaho and Groot home In Arcadia Wednesday. of 40 miles an hour. Willow Creek as alternate. Vegeta Dr. Sawhill of Seattle were Sunday Mr and Mrs R. C. Hickenlooper ble garden: Ellen Judd of Kingman dinner guests in the Kurtz home. and daughter Ordls of Ogden were Kolony with Kenneth Ransom as the Methodist church. Later in the Mary and Martha Mission visitors last week at the S. P. Bybee B ig Bend evening they enjoyed ice cream alternate. Canning: Lois Jordan ary The society will meet Thursday a- home. They were on there way to of White Settlement with Shirley ftemoon, September at the Gueck home. 10 at Mrs M. the coast. Mrs. Clarence Brotzman and son, Harvey as alternate. L. Judd's home with Mrs Jess Sugg Mrs S. P. Bybee and Mrs Fern Gus Sillonis and children, Pedro, Phillip, Future Farmers of America visiting her parents. as assistant. A study of South Amer Kessler were in Boise Wednesday Carmen and Cecilia, went to Bcise Mr. and are 1st Place Winners Mrs. L. Roberts, at Enid, Thursday. Carmen remained for a Oklahoma. ica will feature the afternoon study of last week. Swine: duroc Jersey sow over 18 period. visit with relatives and to have her Eleanor and Joe Hobson attended mo., Devotionals will be led by Mrs. Fern Kessler and Mrs. S. P. Donnie Brewer, Adrian, $5: Mrs Pinkston. foot treated. Bybee spent Thursday in Payette a Sunday school class party at duroc Jersey sow under 18 mo., Merle Kurtz received his call and F. A. Miller was a member of Don Ontario. Eugene Dazey, Adrian, $5; duroc Seward’s home in Parma Fri the grand Jury that met In Vale day night. jersey sow under 8 mo., Bernard Monday, and Mrs. Don Parker and Ingle, Ontario, $5 champion; duroc Mr and Mrs E. H. Brumbach and Mr. Ronald, of Portland came Jersey boar over 8 mo., Donnie Mr and Mrs J. P. Brumbach tran son, Tuesday to visit relatives. Mrs. Brewer, Adrian, $5; duroc jersey | sacted business In Boise Thursday. Kenneth Lorenscn, who has spent boar under 8 mo., Duane Hatch. Marie Muntjewerff of Adrian $5 champion: Chester white spent the week with her grandpar-1 the Past three Willard weeks Whittman, wlth her Adrian, sow under 18 mo., Charles McCoy, daughter, Mrs. ents. and Mr. Whittman of Bremerton, Nyssa, $5 champion; Chester white The Adrian chapter of the FFA has for Marjorie Cameron has entered Wash, and Mr. and Mrs. Parker sow under 8 mo., Maurice Judd, business college in Boise. Adrian, $5; Chester white sow and of Portland accompanied them Mr and Mrs John Pack wood and sale Registered Hampshire Ram Lambs and litter, Maurice Judd, Adrian, $5; son were Boise visitors Thursday. home. Mrs. Charlie Schweizer, who has j Chester white boar over 8 mo., Kay Cartwright was called to been Also registered Duroc and Chester White Wea- hired to teach the upper ¡Gail Griffin, Ontario, $5 champion: serve on the Jury during fall term grades at Oregon Trail school, be- j hampshire sow under 8 mo., Francis of court. ner Pigs. Nyssa, $5 champion. Mrs P B. Anderson, Who cele gan her teaching duties Monday. Hight, Dairy: holstein heifer 12 mo. or brated her 82 birthday Sunday was under, Don Bishop, Nyssa, $5 RICHLAND honor guest at dinner served at champion; jersey cow, Glen Strick- the Cameron home Sunday. Other Mr. and Mrs H. V. Garret andlland' Adrian, $5 champion; Jersey guests were her daughter, Mrs Della heifer over 12 mo., Bill Moore, Bunnell, Mr and Mrs Lora Pills- Betty and their granddaughter, Ontario, Jersey heifer under 12 bury and Mr and Mrs Harvey Ben Shirley and Norene, of Payette, mo., Glen $5; Strickland, Adrian, $5; visited at the Garold Horn home guernsey cow, Francis Hight, nett and family. Nyssa, School will open at the Wade Sunday. Mrs. Horn is Mr. and $5 ch.; guernsey heifer under 12 mo, school house Tuesday September Mrs. Garret’s daughter. Francis Hight, Nyssa, $5; milking 8 with Mrs Vic Morgan as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Fretwell shorthorn cow, Jewell Wilson, Ad Mr and Mrs J P. Brumbach spent of Portland, and Madeline Maw rian, $5 champion;milking short Sunday vnsnting friends and re of Boise, were week-end guests horn heifer over 12 mo., Ronald latives at Ontario and New Phy- at the Harlan V. Maw home. Adrian, $5; milking short Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gladish of Lane, heifer mouth. 12 mo. or under, Jewell Mr and Mrs Ted Allison were Fruitland, visited at the home of horn Adrian, $5; ayrshire cow, guests of relatives in Homedale Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Horn, Sunday. Wilson, Gessford, Ontario, $5; ayr Mr. and Mrs. Gladish are Mrs. Frank Sunday. shire heifer over 12 mo.. Frank The majority of high school Horn’s parents. Gessford, Ontario, $5 champion; students returned to school Monday Tempy Ann Horn, Ahoha Maw, ayrshire heifer 12 mo. or under, August 31. Mrs R. L. Haworth will and Juanita Boyles attended a sur Frank Gessford, Feeds and Concentrates for Ontario, $5. teach in Nyssa, Miss Betty Bald prise birthday party for Winona Beef: Market steer, Duane Hatch, ridge in Fruitland and Miss Mary Henderson, Tuesday. Balanced Rations. Mrs. Ralph Boyles returned home Adrian, $5. Weir in Westfall. Suffolk mature ewe, Mau Mrs P. A. Miller, Mrs Lora Pill- Saturday from Portland, where she rice Sheep: Judd, Adrian, $5 champion: sbury, Mrs Dan Holly and Miss visited her son, Ray. • ewe lambs. Maurice Judd, Virginia Miller spent Tuesday in Florence Jackson, recently of Ta Suffolk Adrian, $5; Suffolk ram lambs, coma, was a week-end guest at Boise. Nyssa Elevator O n ta rio Elevator Maurice Judd, Adrian, $5 champion; the Ralph Boyles home. Mae Osborn of Homedale was hampshire mature ewe, Charles Mc a Sunday dinner guest at the Coy, Nyssa, $5 champion; hamp Phone 42 Phone 59 Sunset Valley shire ewe lambs. Donald Dazey, Ralph Boyles home. Mrs. Mary Pierce and Roy of Adrian, $5; hampshire ram lambs, Barbara Bolitho, eldest daughter Nyssa, called at the Ralph Boyles ! D°nald Dazey, Adrian. $5 champ- of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bolitho, home ion: pen of fat lambs (any breed) Monday. submitted to a tonsil and adenoid Charles McCoy, Nyssa, $5. operation Monday at Nyssa. Corn: 10 ear display, Joe Win E. J. Hobson purchased lumber HUNDREDS VISIT 4-H slow, $5; scholarships last week to build a four-room AND FFA EXHIBITS (corn), Ontario, Joe Winslow. Ontario, (1st) dwelling. $12; Paul Brooks, Ontario, (2nd) AT COUNTY’S FAIR Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hobson left Friday for their home in Leota, (Continued From Page One) $9.Barley: Paul Brooks. Ontario, $3. Kansas after spending two’-s Sugar Beets: Jess Balboa, On visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. exhibits. $5; Scholarships (sugar beets), I Statistics compiled by the men tario, E. J. Hobson. Balboa, Ontario, (1st) $12; } Miss Alma Hintz burned her leg In charge of the FFA and 4-H Jess Don Brewer, Adrian, (2nd) $9; quite badly. She consulted a phy boys and girls were given as follows: Alva Goodell, Nyssa, (3rd) $6. Summary of 4-H club 1st. place Livestock sician Saturday. scholarship: Maurice | Winners Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Newgen of Judd, Adrian, (1st) $12; Charles j San Diego, visited from Wednesday EXHIBITS Farmer Jones Learns H is Lesson (2nd) $9; Melvin j until Friday with his brother, Leon Holstein heifer calf, holstein year McCoy, Nyssa, Adrian. (3rd) $6. He has learned that he can receive the high ard Newgen, and family. They also ling heifer, holstein mature cow, Crocker, Showmanship contest: Bill Moore. visited her parents in Caldwell and champion holstein, Walter Ontario, est possible prices for his livestock at our sale. (1st) $12; Donald Dazey! before returning to their home Duncan, Willow Creek: jersey hei Adrian, (2nd) $9; Francis Hight, in California. fer calf, Dorothy Toomb, Kingman Our sale is getting bigger and better every Ruby Robinson was a dinner Kolony: jersey yearling heifer, Betty Nyssa. (3rd) $6. guest In the Jay Howard home | Jean Toomb, Kingman Kolony: jer week. Sale every Saturday. Sunday. sey cow, Orville Caverhill, White NEWELL HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderpool Settlement: champion jersey, Or Mr and Mrs Lester Goulet and We Handle Auction Sales. an dchildren spent Saturday and ville Caverhill, White Settlement; children spent from Monday until Sunday visiting Mrs. Myrtle Brown guernsey heifer calf. Dorothy An Friday fishing Lunch counter for your convenience. Prairie city, i ing and daughter, Nona, of Emmett. derson, East Bench; guernsey year Fishing was very near good and so was Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans of ling heifer. Brock Robbins. Lincoln: Parma visited Sunday with her guernsey cow, Ray Meldrum, East the weather. Wednesday Ellen Judd and Vada I sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Bench: champion guernsey, Ray Wallace the 4-H physical ex-! Mrs. Stanley Penn. Meldrum, East Bench: grand amination took D. O. Bybee, Mgr. W. L. Lane, representing the Health Among those who rode the range champion dairy animal. Orville Ca club of Adrian. Phone 05J3 Auctioneer for their cattle due to the large verhill, White Settlement. fire last week were, Hudd Robb. Heavy hereford steer, Eugene Mrs C. Wallace and Baby visited Roy Gueck, Pete Wilson, Wyvall Graham. Nyssa Heights: medium i Kendall and Wtlford Gilbert. TTiey hereford steer. Irene Amidon, Val report finding 55 head of cattle ley View: light hereford steer, out of 170 In four days time. Irene Amidon. Valley View; Angus | Miss Dorothy Hobson, who has steer, Bernard Ingle, Cairo: grand j been taking nurse's training at champion beef steer, Eugene Gra the Samaritan hospital in Nampa, ham, Nyssa Heights. went last week to Blackfoot. Idaho Duroc Jersey gilt. Mark White. BOISE-WEISER DIVISION for three months of training. Willow Creek; duroc Jersey mar-1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson ket hog. Dick White, Willow Creek: and friends of Twin Falls, Idaho, ; Chester White gilt, Ivan Jensen. NEW SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1942 visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kingman Kolony. Chester White I WEST BOUND Ted Pomeroy. market hog, Ivan Jensen. Kingman 1 EAST BOUND Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nazarenus. Kolony; Poland China gilt, Ivan I PM PM AM Beatrice Donaldson and Rev. Clar Jensen. Kingman: Poland China I PM PM ence Brotzman returned Friday market hog. Jimmy Wilson. King- i 6:00 3:15 7:15 00 Lv. Boise, Idaho (MT) Ar. AM 8:05 4:00 10:15 to the valley after spending two man Kolony; Hampshire gilt, Tom 6:25 3:35 7:32 10 Lv. Meridian weeks visiting relatives in Scotts my Ridder. Richland: hampshire (MT) Lv. 7:42 3:40 9:55 Bluff. Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. market hog. Walter Duncan, Willow 6:45 3:55 8:00 20 Lv. Nampa Nazarenus and Miss Donaldson left Creek: mature hog. all breeds. | (MT) Lv. 7:20 3:20 9:35 Monday morning for their home Kennetty Elliot. Kingman Kolony: | 7:10 4:20 8:20 29 Lv. Caldwell (MT) Lv. 7:00 2:55 9:10 In Richmond. California. sow and Utter, all breeds. Ross; 7:25 8:35 38 Lv. Notus Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson enter Lane, Kingman: pen of 4 market! (MT) Lv. 6:44 2:35 8:50 tained Rev. and Mrs. Vem Martin hogs. Dick White. Willow Creek: 4:33 35 Lv. Greenlea f (MT) Lv. and family at Nyssa at a fish champion gUt, all breeds. Ivan; 4 :45 40 Lv. Wilder supper Tuesday evening Jensen. Kingman Kolony: champ (MT) Lv. Mrs. Kenneth Pierce of Cheyenne, ion market hog. all breeds. Jimmy 7:43 5:05 8:48 46 Lv. Parma (MT) Lv. 6:30 2:20 8:35 Wyoming spent Sunday wtth her Wilson. Kingman Kolony. 7:00 4:20 8:02 53 Lv. Nyssa, Ore. brother. Rev. C. Brotzman Heavy fat lambs. Bernard Shaw. (PT) Lv. 5:15 1:05 7:20 Mrs. Stanley Penn accompanied Arcadia: light fat lambs. PhilUp 7:15 4:37 8:17 61 Lv. Cairo Jet. (PT) Lv. 4:5812:49 7:03 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barker and Dazey. Ridge view: blackface ewe 7:25 4:45 8:25 66 Lv. Ontario challdren of Owyhee to the home lamb. Bernard Shaw. Arcadia: (PT) Lv. 4:50 12:41 6:55 of Mr. and Mrs Darrell Williams whlteface ewe lamb. Awana Shaw. 7:40 5:00 72 Lv. Payette,! da. of Arcadia Monday. 12:26 6:40 Arcadia; mature ewe, any breed. (PT) Lv. Mrs. Roy Gueck entertained the Alice Warner. Arcadia. 8:10 5:30 87 Ar. Weiser, Idaho (PT) Lv. 12:01 6:15 young people's class of the com Champion vegetable garden ex PM PM AM munity Sunday school Sunday eren- hibit, Ellen Judd. Kingman Kolony. AM PM PM I lng by motoring to Nyssa. «here Poultry. Oscar Zamora. Kingman .Cut_0»t This Advertisement and retain it for future reference. PRIVILEGE ABUSED IMPROVE YOUR HERD Contact John Johnson of the Adrian High School. JUST RITE ■ I NEED AT LEAST A PINT A DAY I follow Uncle Sam's nutrition program and drink at least a pint of Gate City Dairy milk a day. The extra energy helps me keep going these busy war time days. Place your order to day! GATE CITY DAIRY We have Purchased The TEXACO SERVICE STATION at Fourth and Main streets from Fred Sims and will conduct it in connection with our garage business. We will continue to handle Texaco products, service automobiles and repair and vulcanize tires. Keith Moss « Charley Ninemire MALHEUR GARAGE Nysza Oregon Bybee Livestock Sales Co. MT. HOOD STAGES, INC. I they attended special service« at Kolony.