X "V ‘ '( 7V><? NYSSA ‘VOLUME XXXVII, No. 55 Enrollment In Nyssa Schools Less This Year JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1912 $2.00 PER YEAR ***** Practically All Of Re duction Is In Grades Enrollment In the Nyssa schools up to date this year is approxi mately 75 less than the enrollment of the 1841-43 year, according to Superintendent Henry H. Hartley. The total this year Is 688 as compared to 760 last year, tirade school attendance Is 450 and last year It was 530. The high school enrollment this year 1s 236, two more than last year. School officials have found It necessary to assign three teachers to the second grade, which, with 81 pupils, is the largest of the 12 grades. Engaging another teacher was unnecessary as the first grade will require only two teachers as compared with three last year. AM grades other than the second average between 50 to 60 students. The ninth grade Is the largest with 74 students. The 10th grade fol lows with 63. The other grades have 50 each. “The enrollment should pick up slightly during the next few weeks, but It Is already apparent that It will be considerably less this year than last year", Ur. Hartley said. “The enrollment Is augmented by 36 children from the term se curity administration camp. Four teen of these children attend grade school and 21 attend high school”. Orville Caverhill of White Settlement is shown at left with his jersey Mias Pauline Payne, who for cow. which was declared grand champion dairy animal at the annual merly taught at Ontario, has been FFA and 4-H Show in Ontario last week-end. Gene Graham of Nyssa, engaged to teach the second grade here. Hundreds Visit Showing Of 4-H, FFA Exhibits At County’s Fair JIVE-BOMBERS T© PLAY FOR DANCE GIVEN IN NYSSA Grand Champions Are named, and contests Are Held Jive-Bombers, official orchestra Hundreds of Malheur county res at Gcwen field, will play for a idents viewed the exhibits and contests held last dance to be sponsored by the Nyssa attended and the Saturday at the fair Civic club Friday, September 11 Friday grounds at Ontario during the in the high school gymnasium. The proceeds will be used in the Junior division show of the annual purchase of war bonds and stamps. Malheur county fair. high school team Although playing near Boise, this The the Adrian FFA Judging contest with will be the first appearence of the won a score of 4640 and Ontario took Jive-Bombers In this vicinity. second place with a score of 4245. Jive-Bcmbers will donate their Nyssa was third. The prizes were services because proceeds of the and a banner and $5 and a dance will be used to purchase $10 banner. bonds and stamps. Gene Davis of Adrian, 1014 44 points, was high man In the entire contest, taking a prize of $5 and a ribbon. Other high men were James Shaw, Adrian, 974)4, $3 and ribbon; Billy Hamilton, Adrian. 936 points, $2 and ribbon, and Warren Hilton, The Malheur county grand Jury, Ontario, 917 14 points. $1 and meeting this week, was without ribbon. any cases to consider, according The high teams in each class to District Attorney Max Taggart. were as follows: Dairy—Adrian, Paul E. Myers cf Juntura waived 78614, and Nyssa, 734; fat lambs— [ grand Jury indictment and entered Adrian, 853, and Nyssa 877H; a plea of guilty before Judge Ro breeding sheep—Adrian, 901, and bert Duncan to a change of lar Ontario 884; fat swine—Adrian, 760, ceny of livestock, a calf, from and Ontario 736; breeding swine— Deane Goodmen of Ontario. Judge Adrian. 754, and Nyssa 622; baby Duncan sentenced Myers to three beef—Ontario 673 and Adrian 656. years in the penitentiary, but sus The high men In each class were pended sentence on condition that as follows: Dairy—Billy Hamilton, Adrian, 188 4», and Don Bishop, (above right) appears with his grand champion steer. The girl in the he enter the military service. picture is another exhibitor. The third picture (lower right) shows The case of Angel Aboitlz of Nyssa, 173 44: tet lambs—Donald a scene during the fitting and showmanship contest. McDermltt, also charged with lar Dazey, Adrian, 188 44, and Jam » ceny of livestock, has been set for Shaw, Adrian, 188 44; breeding for September 22. Aboitlz was sheep—Oene Davis, Adrian, 194, SCHOOLS WILL BE THOMPSON TALKS trail indicted by the grand Jury In and Warren Hilton, Ontario, 194; April. fat swine—Earl McCarty, Ontario, OPEN LABOR DAY TO KIWANIANS TAXES ARE NOT 173, Oene Davis, 167 and Donald Dazey, 167; breeding swine—Oene Superintendent Henry Hartley AGAINST CHAPEL 9ntartp, Sept. 2, (Special)—Wal Davis, 185, and Isaac Mitchell, Ad stated Wednesday that the Nyssa James Gray of Ontario for ter Thompson of Nyssa, who spent A proposal asking for a small rian, 182; and baby beef—Warren Vale, Sept 3 (Special) —Nephl tax levy to raise money for the schools will remain open Labor day merly of Notus, Idaho, was given 15 years in the U. S. Navy sub Hilton, 173, and Billy Hamilton, Qrtgg, bishop of the Vale ward purchase of land on which . the as that day Is not a school holi marine service, Including war-time 170. a year's suspened sentence by action in World War I, told mem at the LDB. church, reports that Malheur county experimental farm day. the taxes reported due on LX)H. Is located will be placed on the Mr. Hartley also pointed out Judge Rpbert Duncan in circuit bers of the Ontario Kiwanis club The next session of the Malheur Oene Oraham of Nyssa showed of Adrian, won the state that the Ontario and Adrian schools property are not against the land November election ballot. In Vale Tuesday on a charge of experiences he had in the under county circuit court will be opened Nelson poultry Judging contest last May. an which the chapel stands but The measure will call for a and other schools in the vicinity court water fighters. of larceny of an automobile. September 8 with Judge Robert Oen Oraham of Nyssa showed rather against some lots owned Thompson has been trying to M. Duncan presiding. tax levy of one mill for will hold classes Labor day. Gray Is alleged to have stolen an re-enter the grand champion steer, a here- by the local church where the special the service but has been The case of Ernest Adams versus ford, the coming year and one mill for at the show. Orville Caverhill Boy Scouts house is now located. the following tax year. automobile owned by Harold Hop turned down cn physical exam Strickland, Involving damages for NURSES of White Settlement owns the grand inations. He answered a barrage Sheriff O. W. Olenn revealed to All operation costs of the farm OREGON kins, who lives near Ontario. The personal Injuries received champion dairy animal. questions fired at him by Kl- in alleged the county court several weeks are borne by the state. A total HOLD GATHERING was badly damaged of an automobile accident several A feature of the Saturday after wanlans interested In submarine ago that there are taxes due on of $19.500 was appropriated at the The annual convention of Ore automobile when it struck a horse on highway operation. He said that after you months ago, has been set for noon program was the presentation land owned by three Vale church last session at the legislature for gon State Nurses’ association, Ore 20 September 8. Lyttle and Swan of a Jersey bull calf from the es. CTiurch property Is tax exempt the next two years for operation gon State League of Nursing edu between Ontario and Nyssa Sun work! on a sub for a while no o- trail and J. D. Lane represent Strick Beaumont and Toombs herd of day. ther activity of navy life has as If the taxes In question were a- of the farm. land and Biggs and Yturrl and Nyssa to Paul Evans of Joseph. cation and Oregon State Organiza galnst the land before it came Into Private subscribers. In order to tion for Public Health Nursing was Gray, who suffered only scratches great an appeal. J. F. Martin of Boise represent The calf, one of 1000 “victory bulls” the hands of any of the church start the farm and secure the held August 18 to 20 at the Hotel on the face in the accident, was Adams. given away under a national pro bodies In question. appropriation, raised enough money The case of state of Oregon gram, was presented on behalf of arrested in Nyssa after abandoning In Portland. to purchase the farm. If the pro Multnomah against Angel Aboitlz, charged with the owners by R. O. Larson of The mornings were taken up the damaged car. The horse was posal Is approved In November the with larceny of livestock, has been set Nyssa. business sessions of the three killed by the impact. Individuals will be reimbursed. for September 9. organizations, according to Mrs. Mr. Larson, saying he considered The farm will help Malheur Edna Farris, Malheur county health James B. Cannon's case against it a distinct honor to be chosen county maintain Its status at the nurse. Wednesday noon, August 12, SCRAP DRIVE TO Ontario, Sept. 3 (Special)—On the state Industrial accident com to present the animal, paid tribute agricultural county in luncheon was sponsored by the mission will be heard September to C. M. Beaumont. The speaker tario’s combination street sprinkler 10 J. E. Johnson, agriculture teacher outstanding BE BEGUN SE^PT. 7 Oregon. state Red Cross committee. The and pressure pumper fire fighter . said that In 1923 Mr. Beaumont In the Adrian high school, has speaker was Elno^t E. Thomas, Local employment dealers and again proved its value as an era- The jury panel Includes E. C. bought his first purebred bull, made arrangements with Ool. Bert professor of nursing education. Un chairmen of the community sal | ergency fire fighting machine last Bailey, Ontario; C. M. Beaumont. making the selection on the basis Anderson to sell EFA and 4-H iversity of Oregon Medical school. j week when at re sponded to a Nyssa; Pink Becker, Westfall; F. of blood lines and quality. He also livestock In the sale ring at On Her topic was “Red Cross Nursing vage committees, at a Wednesday I call from the Vincent Mendiola T. Berry, Vale; D. E. Belnap, Vale; purchased two purebred heifers, tario Wednesday. September 9. In Action”. Miss Thomas was one evening meeting made final pre I ranch five miles south of town W. H. Bramley, Vale; John Buer- the only two he ever bought for The regular livestock sale will be man, Ontario; Ray Cartwright, the herd. In 1928 he bought a of the nurses sent to Europe by the parations for the scrap metal drive j Tuesday. started between 10 and 11 am. foundation after the first to be started In Malheur county I City employees C. F. Trow and Parma; QeorOe Closson, Nyssa; second bull of the same breeding Persona Interested In buying FFA G. A. Billings was elected squadon Rockfeller M.. Payette; Oscar Daley, as the first bull. war. September 7. Oregon’s quota in the Irl Johnson and Fire Chief Ar Cox, Harry or 4-H animals srould be at the commander of the Nyssa CAP world M. Edwards, Vale; Ol Mr. Larson then Introduced Mr. group at a meeting held in the The meetings Wednesday after national scrap harvest Is 47.500 tons thur Atherton and several fire Vale; •ale yard by 11 o'clock. iver N. Erlxon, Payette; Luther Beaumont noon were given over to speakers William Toombs, or approximately 100 pounds per city hall Tuesday night. men took the big tank to the The two groups of youngsters Nyssa; Emil Frank. Ontario; who own and the Beaumont-Toombs other officers were chosen on "Emergency Medical Service, person. The population of Malheur lambing shed installation on a Fife, will have for sale 34 head of baby as The Fraser, Ontario; Dale Gar herd. Mr. Evans then accepted Executive officer. Car Civilian Defense, Private Duty county is 19,767. Therefore the call from Mendiola. The equip Duncan beef, 30 tet lambs, • fat hogs los follows; A. P. Ooodell, Nyssa; the calf, named Kingman Kolony squadron adjutant. Nursing. General Staff Nursing. quantity of scrap metal to be ment relieved a bucket brigade L. rison, J. Nyssa; and 14 registered Hampshire ram Ruby Buchner; Hadley, Vale; LeRoy Han- victory. Schools of Nursing. Hospital Nurs Snapp; personnel and medi collected In this county from July which was putting up a losing lambs. chett, Ontalo; Raymond Holton, Exhibits In the 4-H department cal officer, Dr. L. A. Maulding; ing. and Public Health Nursing’. 1 to December 31 Is 1.976,700 pounds. fight against flames that were Nyssa; Kanrlch, Ontario; L. J. totaled 157, approximately 20 per intelligence and public relations A banquet was held In the In order to get this Job done threatening extensive lambing struc Kinney. Geo. Ontario; B. R. Lewis, Wil- cent lees than the 1941 exhibits. officer, R. O. Whitaker; training grand ball room Wednesday even everyone is asked to participate tures and farm buildings. lowcreek; E. P. Mussolini, Nyssa: The largest decrease was In dairy and operations officer, John Young; ing, August 19. Miss Grace Phelps, in the program. “The pumper operated on full Ray A. Nelson, Payette; Arthur ing and canning. exhibits equipment-supplies officer, Larry retiring superintendent of the Do- The method of collecting the pressure for 34 minutes from the Norcott. p o e t s ’ : Brown, Nyssa; George T. Penning showed an increase. Sheep Beef a- and transportation offi embecher hospital and Miss Jane scrap metal will vary In commun water it transported to the fire ton, Ontario; Andrew Robinson, bout the same, but there was Doyle, retiring president of the ities but the chairman of the In the big tank,” Atherton re was a cer, Robert Thompson. chapter of the American community will be responsible for ported. “In that time we were Ontario; R. O. Whitaker. Nyssa; slight decrease in the number of Templar will be the military Multnomah CORNER drill Mr. master. hogs. Vegetable garden exhibits John Young will teach Red Cross, was honored by the the program within the community. able to soak the entire area a- May Whltsell, Ontario. nurses and their friends. The Community chairmen are as fol round the fire”. showed a large increase as club meteorology and navigation and Edited by members have been carrying this Walter Thompson will also give speaker of the evening was Ed lows: Ontario, E. M. Hauser, city Fireman see the sprinkler as H. Lour, whose topic was hall; Nyssa, Leno Christensen, the answer to the problem of project to do their part In pro Instruction in navigation. Dr. ward T. CAROL BYBEE some ducing food for home use. Maulding will be in charge of first “Democracy and Discipline'. high school; Adrian. Glen- fires reported from areas outside The key-note of the meeting was Nyssa SOLAR INFLUENCES Transportation unquestionably af aid when that course Is given. wood Pounds, and Vale,, Ous Ilch. the olty limits. By law regular The sun. peaks «ver the mountain Other officers will be appointed “Nurses to the Colors” and "What fected the number of exhibits on fire fighting equipment of the ci Can I Do To Help"? The high later. top; ty is not allowed to go beyond The state highway department display. light of the meeting was the des were almost uniformly Warm rays carreas valley and hill Hie members decided to meet cription the Mty limits regardless of the oiled the streets surrounding the of Exhibits of Sister Kenny's method high quality and were a credit wi—<"g the day good-morning. every Tuesday and Friday even of treatment apparent urgency of the matter. past office block and resurfaced of acute poliomyelitis the club members showing them. Landing warmpth to each rock and ing at 9 o'clock In room 1 In the cases by Lawrence Should the regular equipment go Main street In Nyssa this week. to M D. and Dudley Sltton. superintendent of high school building. They will demonstration of Noall, rtn. beyond city limits all fire Insur The side streets were not sur the packs were the experimental area, and V. A. attend their first class Friday. At made by Miss Eleamr ance on property within the li faced the full width as the city Slple, Baird, su Three babies arrived In four Payette county agent. Judged the Tueeday meeting they ordered mits is rendered void until the has been unable to Install curbs Softly the wind plays thru the Insignia and textbooks. perintendent of the Dcernhecher hours at the Nyssa nursing home the 4-H classes and Robert Sawyer, return to the station because of war conditions. trees Miss Baird has recently Saturday night. manager of the Blue Mountain Anyone Interested Is asked to hospital. The performance at the Men Main street was resurfaced from Assisting time. In her plight. from Minneapolis. She work A son, Tryman Grant Cleaver, 7 hand In his application as soon come ranch was the second time the "Y” In the western part of Seed company. Judged the FFA Then moon-beams drop their sil as ed In the hospital where Sister pounds. 10 ounces, was born to Mr diola possible. In a month sprinkler has of town to First street. The street very rays. (Continued on page two) Kenny has been allowed to es and Mrs Lester Cleaver; a girl, fered aid In the fires. Firemen from Fourth street to the under Kissing the day good-night. tablish her method of treatment Amada, 8 pounds, 13 ounces, was going to rural rural fires with city e- pass was surfaced the full width, Bay Service Station— for poliomyelitis cases as a de bom to Mr and Mrs Rios, and a do so on a volunteer eliminating the strip of dirt that Enlists In Nary— ‘Are TOO the sun, in someone's life. Keith Moss and Charley Nlnemire. monstration of its value. Dr. Noall son. James Oliver. 8 pounds, was qulpment without pay or insurance has caused the street to become Kenneth Cochrane, formerly em •Olvtng such warmpth and pleasure? operators of the Malheur garage, commented as follows: “We were bom to Mr and Mrs J. Oliver Burris basts protection that applies to fire calls very muddy during the winter and ployed In the grocery department Are you the moon, who at eventide have purchased the Texaco service forced by public opinion to give of Parma. of the Bder Hardware company, within city spring months. .Spreads Joy. In a happy measure? station at Fourth and Main streets Sister Kenny and opportunity to Other births were son. Roland Mendiola limits. enlisted In the navy. He went contributed a check The highway department also DESERTED CAMP from Fred Sims and will operate it demonstrate her method”. The val Wayne. 7 pounds. 2 ounces, Mr and to the firemen who voted to use oiled the highway from the “Y" has to Boise Monday to await orders. The camp-fire has been mothered. in connection with their garage ue of the method has not been Mrs M L. Hunsinger, Adrian, Aug the Obehrene win remain In Boise money to buy special need to a point fire miles north of Mrs Laughter and noise are gone. business Moaa and Nlnemire have definitely established. However, it ust 30. and daughter, Elsie Eileen. ed equipment. until Mr. Cochrane leaves. Mrs Nyssa snd also surfaced five streets Claude The pine-dad hills remember been operating the garage, formerly has met with a lot of success. Dr. 7 pounds, 2 ounces, Mr and Mrs Patterson of Pocatello will In Ontario during the Bow they aweled with a Joyful owned by the Malheur Motor com Noall said. W D Stradiey. Adrian. move to Nyaa to live with her sto- pany. for the last five months. Sims, He also said that If he were Jim Huerta. 63. of Maning. Idaho, Here From Seattle— ter-ln-law. Mrs Cochrane. who has been operating the eervlce UI with poliomyelitis he would was dismissed from the home after Mrs A. C. Norcott of Seattle, for Returns To Nampa— Ravine and streamlets felt no harm station the last five months, did want Sister Kenny's method tried receiving treatment for several ribs mer Nyssa resident. Is visiting her Carol Alien of Nampa who has Undergoes Operation— broken In an automobile accident parents, Mr snd Mrs O. W. Kaylor been visiting at the heme of her Robert Root had hia tonsils and From the camper's carefree roam not announce hie plans. Rommell on him. Moss win be In charge at the ser- New officers were elected and last week. He was In the hospital ] of Nyssa. and her sister. Mrs Robert grandparents. Mr. and Mia. H. B. adenoids taken out Monday Ro The rugged path was gentle four days. the new meeting. VanHorne of Caldwell. Ks B led tired Williams, returned home last bert Is getting along fine. Man Confesses Theft Of Calf U p Farm Proposal To Be Voted On Man Sentenced On Theft Count Court Term To Be Opened Sept. 8 Ranch House Is Saved From Fire 4-H , F.F.A. To Sell Livestock Nyssa Officers Of CAP Chosen -IT Several Babies Are Born Here State Surfaces Nyssa Streets