Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1942)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNALTHURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1942 Here From California— resident. L.D.S. Reporter PAGE SIX PULLEN FAMILY REUNION HELD AT WILLSON HOME Mr. and Mrs. John Pullen of Rogers, Arkansas were guests ol honor at a family reunion held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Willson in Nyssa August 16. Mr. and Mrs. Pullen arrived In this vicinity August 4 for a two- week visit with D. P Pullen and Mrs. 8. D. Bigelow, brother and sister of Mr. Pullen. At the family reunion a dinner was served at noon to a large crowd of relatives and friends. Those engaging in the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. John Pullen. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pullen and Fred Pullen, Mr. and Mrs, S. D. Bige low. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Willson and family, "Dad" and "Mother” Willson and Mr. and Mrs. James Savage, all of Nyssa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cinbar and family and Mrs. Dora Minton of Parma, Clarence Pullen and family of Notus, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jungqulst cf Ontario. The program and visiting was climaxed with a hula hula dance given by Claude Willson Mr. and Mrs. John Pullen left for their home Thursday morning. _ 5 _ MARRIED IN CALIFORNIA Staff Sargeant Daniel U. Za mora, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Take Care of YOUR TIRES Let us align the wheels of your automobile to avoid excessive wear on your tires. Keep ’em rolling for victory. Towne’s Garage Zamora, was married to Miss Maria Flores, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Flores of Las Vegas, New Mexico. They were married at Merced, California. The groom is a former student of Nyssa high school and a graduate of Adrian high school 8 ENTERTAIN CLUB Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee en tertained their club last week at their home. These having high score were R. O. Whitaker, first, and George Sallee, second. 8 SOCIETY TO MEET The Women's Society of Christ ian Service will meet August 27 at the Methodist church. The topic of the meeting will be “A Time for Preparation”. 8 OUILD WILL MEET The Wesleyan Service guild will meet this evening at the home of Miss Katherine Crandall. All per sons wishing to attend are asked to meet at the Methodist parson age at 7:30 when cars will be available. 8 MRS. ADKINSON ENTERTAINS Mrs. Omar Adklnson entertained the Wednesday evening club at her home this week. Guests were Miss Eva Boydell and Mrs. Carl Coad. Prizes were won by Mrs. Bernard Eastman and Mrs. Syl vester Heiner. 8 CLUB GIVES PROGRAM The Nyssa Civic club met at the home of Mrs. Barrett Wednes day afternoon. The program con sisted of a short reading by Mrs. Dick Tensen on the show “Mrs. Minerva". Mrs. M. H. Greenlee gave a talk on negro spirituals and sang several songs. The members of the civic club decided to hold an ice cream social August 28 at the home of Mrs. Dick Tensen. Hostess for the afternoon were Mrs. W. E. SChireman, Mrs. George Mitchell, Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and Mrs. Bernard FYost. The next meet ing will be a potluck lunch held at the home of Mrs. Pfeiler Septem ber 17. 8 CARD TOURNEY SCHEDULED The St. Pauls guild is planning a pinochle and bridge tournament to be held during the next few weeks. The first party ts to be held August 21 at 8.15 at the parish hall. High score prize every night and a grand prize of $5 worth of war stamps will be given away. Other dates are Aigust 31, Septem ber 8, and September 18. Everyone is invited to attend. - - - - - - - - - - - - Y TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Mrs. Dorothy Griffith and child The Nyssa unit of the civil air ren of Stockton, California are patrol will meet in the city hall Woman Transferred— Miss Katherine Peterson, Idaho visiting at the home of Mrs. Mae Tuesday at 8 p.m. to complete or I FOR SALE—Canning tomatoes, bring own containers. O. Vander- Power Company home service ad Griffith. ganization and attend to other bus Wlnkle, 1 mile southwest of Nyssa. visor, has been transferred to New Plymouth. 20A3xp iness. Communion Planned— The St. Paul's Episcopal Mission Visit At Lakes— CARD OF THANKS will hold holy communion and Visits In Pendleton— Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown spent church services at 9:30 a. m. The We wish to express our apprecia the week-end at Payette lakes. service will be Rev. Moore's last Mrs. Jess Ford visited last week tion of the kindness extended by in Nyssa. with her daughter, Mrs. Cleo Jor our friends during the illness and Go To Boise— dan, in Pendleton. Mrs. Larry Brown and Miss Doris death of our wife and mother. Johnson of Fruitland motored to Picnic Planned— J. Edward Wolfe and family Boise Tuesday. St Paul's Episcopal Mission will hold its annual Sunday school Fish Feed Served— picnic August 30. All members are Rev. M. H. Greelee and Clifford invited to attend. Main furnished trout for the Lions club liuncheon in Brownie’s cafe Monday noon. They recently re Diseases Reported— turned from a fishing trip to the Two cases of diphtheria and two T. Carol Bybee, former Ogden Sawtooth mountains in Idaho. The cases cough were re resident, who has lived in Nyssa Nyssa Lions will sponsor a Lions ported of to whooping the state department of for the past two years, will handle club to be organized at Ontario. health from Malheur county for the column recently placed in the the week ending August 15. Sixty- Nyssa Gate City Journal under NYA Official Coming— per cent of the physicians re the heading of L. D. S. News. The A representative of the national seven O ur Store Is column will include items about youth administration for eastern ported. parties and socials held by mem Oregon will be in Nyssa September Enlistments Possible— bers, items about their visitors 1 to interview all youths interested A Handy Place It is now possible for a man to and guests, trips, vacations, and In national defense training leading volunteer for enlistment In the na anything else of news interest. to positions in war Industries. The service even if he has received Mrs Bybbee is editor of the official will be in the city hall val his orders for Induction from the poet’s corner, which has appeared from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. He will also selective service board. No release To Buy in the Journal the last four weeks. be in Jordan Valley, City hall, Further information There will be an opening of other from 8 to 11 o’clock and the Adrian is may necessary. be secured from the local poems soon, with Mrs. Bybee spon city hall from 3 to 5 p.m. August 31, recruiting station in the post soring a contest. Only subscribers at the Vale city hall from 1 p.m. to navy School Supplies to the Nyssa Gate City Journal will 2:30 p.m. and at the Harper city office building in Ontario. be eligible to enter, so it is sug hall from 3:30 to 6 p.m. September gested that those intending to 1. The NYA offers the following Appointed To Board— Drop in on your way to school. We have a large participate enter their subscrip courses to boys and girls In Pend tions now. leton. Albany, Eugene and Chemawa Mrs. J. R. Blackaby has been assortment of tablets, pencils, rulers, erasers, Aviation sheet metal, clerical, gen appointed as a member of the eral sheet metal, machine shop, Ontario rationing board. She suc mucilage and other things you need. radio, welding and teletype opera ceeds Mrs. FYank Ryan. ting. BACK T O SCH O O L LOCAL NEWS Visiting Here— Mrs. E. S. Garcia of Santa Fe, New Mexico is here to spend an indifinite visit, With her daughter and family, Mrs. M. C. Zamora. Visit Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reberger of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. George Reberger of Caldwell spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reberger. Visit In Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. Dan Neely and Mrs. Martha Ansley of Boise, Miss Irene Rankin and Miss Freda Hall of Canada, and Staff Sargeant George Neely of Vancover, Wash ington spent Tuesday afternoon visiting Dan Neely, Jr. Sargeant George Neely left Wednesday morn ing for his station at Vancover. W heat Flakes Pkg. Albera Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. Srurfine Salad Dressing qt. Iodized Salt 2 pkgs. 43c 27c 25c 17c 39c 15c 19c 1 lb cans Hereheys or Bakers each C _ rJ !n Oval 2 cans « J d r u i n e s mustard or tomato sauceZJU Cocoa Crackers package Cheese n> Fly Spray Fly S p r a y ^ T ÏÏ 19c 28c 33c $1.23 Open every Thursday evening until 9 p.m. Wilson Grocery NYSSA OREGON ___ A Dependable Food Store Visiting Relatives Here— Mr and Mrs Joseph L. Dail and son are visiting at the home of Mr. Dail’s mother, Mrs Anna Dail, and Mrs Dail’s parents, Mr and Mrs William Newell. They are former Nyssa residents. Mr. Dail, who has been ill. Is employed with the army engineers. He does not know where he will go from here. Tailor Coming— A representative ol E. V. Price and company will be at the Wilson clothing store Tuesday, August 25 to display fabrics and consult with prospective buyers about wardrobe problems. Word has been received that Mrs. J. E. Trent of Preston, Idaho has been seriously 111 in the hospi tal there but is now able to be heme. She Is a former Nyssa ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. HOGS, 386 HEAD Sufficient funds to complete the Ontario airport as planned in the original WPA—CAA program were allotted last week in the sum of $30,000. The appropriation increased the total amount to be expended on the airport to $452.250. The infor mation was given to city officials last week by the CAA in Seattle. Food Sale Planned— The Nyssa Civic club will spon sor a cook food sale Saturday August 22 at the FMer Hardware store. The proceeds from these sales are used to buy defense bonds. AUGUST 31st: “Take it to Owyhee Drug. I depend on them” Your doctor knows how vital it is to have an expert make up the medicines he prescribes. That’s why he will a- gree that Owyhee Drug is the place to have pre scriptions filled. THE RELIABLE PHARMACISTS Phone 29, Night Phone 91W Next To Theatre At Boys' Shirts 79c Boy’s fast color print dress shirts. Assorted patterns and colors. Size 2 to 14V£. Men’s Shirts $ 1.00 Men’s fast color print shirts. Assorted light and dark colors. Sizes 14V> to 17. NYSSA THEATRE sale SHOP NOW WHERE THE CROWDS SAVE Owyhee Drug Co. Market Strong PROGRAM Top—on choice butchers ... $14 90 Bulk ........................*14.70 to $1480 Packing sows $12 50 to 113.10 Feeder Pigs $14.75 to *15.25 Phone I O d Lambs *10.50 to *12.10 HORSES. 10 HEAD —DOUBLE FEATURE— CATTLE 735 HEAD FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUG. 21—22 Good fed steers *11.75 to *12 25 Good grass (at Lum and Abner, Zasu Pitts and Benny Rubin in steers ................... *11.50 to *12.00 “THE BASHFUL BACHELOR” Common to good Hopalong Cassidv and Andy Clyde in steers ..................*9 85 to *10.50 Medium to good fed “OUTLAWS OF THE DESERT’ hellers .............. *11.45 to *12.00 Sat Mat., 2:30 P. M., Adm. 5c-20c; Evening. llc-S3c. Includes to* Medium to good grass heifers ..................*9 50 to *10 50 SUNDAY and MONDAY, AUG. 23—24 Good cows ...... ....... *8. to t* Joe E. Brown, Judy Canova, Eddie Foy, Jr. Medium to good cows ..... ....... *7.25 to *# and Jerome Cowan in Cutter cows ......... *6 25 to *7. “JOAN OF OZARK” Canners ....... *4.50 to (6 10 Best bulb .............. *8 25 to »10.10 Joe and Judy in One Long, Hilarious Howl Veal calves ____ *8. to *14.75 Broadway Brevity and Merry Melody. Good quality storker and feeder steers ________ *10.50 to *11.20 Mat Sun. J:S0, Adm. llc-28c. Evening Adm. llc-33c. Includes tax Medium stocker and feeder —BARGAIN NIGHT— steers _________ *« 50 to » 50 TUESDAY, AUG. 25 Stock calves *40 to *50 Hellers »40 to *4* Michele Morgan and Thomas Mitchell in Oood quality stock “JOAN OF THE R.A.F.” cows ....... ............... *60 to *80 Cartoon and Perils of Nyoka. Good milk costs .......... *80 to *96 A dm ission. Sc-ISc, including tax Cheaper kind ...... »58 to *75 With the amount of stock at our sale this week, there is no WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, AUG. 26—27 doubt that this b the beat place Victor Mature, Carole Landis, Rita Hayworth in the country to sell your stock. We have the best buyers for and James Gleason in all kinds Bring your stock to us. “MY GAL SAL” Beginning Aagwsl M. aur starts at I t a'dark. Maya Maas. Manager FOX’S Drive-in Airport Money Appropriated— Principal Is Elected— John Conway, former Malheur county educator, has been elected principal of the Vale union high school. Whether he will secure the position depends upon him se curing a release from the board at Cove, where he is under con Books Wanted— tract to teach next year. Mr. Those persons having books Iss Conway engaged in teaching in ued by the war department are Harper for five years and prior to asked to return them to Mrs. that time taught in Jordan Valley. Betty Forbes, president of the Secretary Quits— W. C. T. U., or take them to the Unit Mrs. G. Y. Chester of Harper, next W. C. T. U. meeting, which secretary of the Malheur county will be held September 11. Public Health association, resigned the position at the August meeting Visits In Portland— of association in Vale last Mrs. Betty Forbes returned re week. the Mrs. expressed the cently from Portland, where sve belief that Chester someone in a spent the past three weeks visiting more centrally located living place should her daughters, daughter-in-law and take the position in order to avoid her two sons. Allen and O. W. unnecessary wear on automobile Forbes, who are in the navy. tires. Ill In Idaho— Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday August 21 and 22 10 lb Flour Pickett P. C. Swan Down cake Flour 2 l/ j tb package Carnation CAP Will Meet— Romance and Song» that Will Live For Ever. . . In the Picture You’ll Never Forget Cartoon and News Admission Evening — 11c and 33c. Including Defense Tax Boys’ Pants $1.79 Boy’s blue, cotton, twill pants. A study pant for that rough school wear. Sizes 6 to 18. 80-Sq. Percales 25c Guai’anteed fast color 80 square percales. As sorted patterns and colors. Childs Dresses 89c Childs print dresses. Assorted fast color pat terns. Sizes 4 to 16. Childs Oxfords Regular $1.98 childs black oxfords and shoes, $1.39 both leather and composition soles. Sizes 6 to 2. GOLDEN RILE NYSSA OREGON