THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNALTHURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1942 STOCK JUDGING 33rd A N N U A L SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS VICTORY BULL AWARD FITTING and SHOWMANSHIP VICTORY GARDENS CANNING EXHIBITS J U N IO R D IV IS IO N PAGE FOUR MALHEUR 00. FAIR N O A D M IS S IO N AUG. 28 and 29 FAIR GROUNDS and gets paid more than you but its a mistake to be too human. do. could possibly make out of it, if 5. Some women believe that the | Here's the W ay Leathernecks G o Ashore you ran it right instead of the Oregon Trail cnly way to hold a man, is down way he told you to. 6. Heard in a barber shop. ‘‘I love The Merry Matrons club met at to see a fat woman laugh. So much the home of Jessie Chard Wed of her seems to have a good time nesday afternoon with Minnie WE ARE all at once”. Mitchell as co-hostess. The after LOOKING 7. There were 2,624 marriage lis- noon was spent quilting on the cenaes issued in Reno, in the month club quilt. Members and one guest, of July. An all time high record Mrs. Hollis Mitchell, answered roll for a single month. call with their favorite proverb. Refreshments were served at the ~ ”Well, I’ll bite" said the mous- close of the meeting. The club quito as he lit on a wax candle. will meet August 29 at the home 9. Jack used to love to play with of Jennie Benson with Opal Holmes soldiers and Mary used to love to assisting. Roll call will be an play with painted dolls. Now Mary swered by each member on how loves the soldiers and Jack loves she would spend a gift of $50. every painted doll he sees. Celebrating the 8th birthday of 10. Daffynitions:—A conference is her son, Kenneth, Mrs. Lynn Snod a group of men, who individually grass entertained at a party at can’t do anything, but as a group Arcadia her home Tuesday afternoon. Out can meet and decide that nothing all the knocks a Marine must take in lighting United States Marines go ashore In style—towing door games and contests was en can be done. the Devil Dog type of warfare. This “jeep" took a 37 mm anti-tank gun behind them. The Leather joyed. An attractive Candle-lighted There were 22 present at Sunday A consultant is a man who knows part in a recent Leathemecl landing maneuver necks have at last found a car that will take birthday cake was cut and served school Sunday. The primary class less about your business for tell with Ice cream and a fruit drink had the closing exercise. There hospital. Eighteen months ago the govern ing you how to run it than you to the following guests: Billie Bow will be services next Sunday at Mr. ad Mrs. Elmo White, who ment found 147,000 head of horses en. Betty Alice and Stanley Byers, 9:45. A Nazarene minister will in Oregon on which they placed a Over 25 Years Bonnie Kressley, Dickie Hart, Larry, officiate. Sunday school will be lived on the Frank Lewis place, are uniform value of $61 a head, or P I For Lila Mae and Deanle Holmes. Alta held at 10.45. Everyone Is invited the parents of an 8 pound son. C K ET FLOUR $8,972,000. That was befor the Jap Marie and Orzelda Chard, Teddle to attend. Donald Van De Bogart has rent anese took Malaya and the rubber has been a favorite in Keck, Jeanie and Caroline Story, Mrs. Anna Dali returned Friday Washington, D. C., August 20. A plantations. With a scarcity of tires hundreds of households. Marianne and Louise Relk, Donna evening from Jerome and Gooding, ed his ranch to G. F. Garren. new order on buses may be of im and gradual return to the horse, Now it is better than Lorie Pryor’s mother, Mrs. W. 8. Lee and Lois Wilson and Ororgetta Idaho, where she spent two weeks animals in Oregon are now left last week for Iowa, mense benefit to various Oregon the Reltenbaugh. with her daughter, Mhs. Dale La Pryor, It gives office of de worth much more than $61 a head. ever because it is en Mrs. F. B. Rooks tool underwent key, and family and a sister, Mrs. where she will visit a brother, communities. and will then go to Missouri, fense transportation control of all Government officials say the army riched with Vitamin For an opportunity to an appendictomy Friday afternoon Rupert Ambrose. buses not disposed of and those to cantonments at Medford and Cor “B”. at the Holy Rosary hospital at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis and where she will visit a son, be built. Getting workers to and vallis will reguire 20,000 gallons of serve you. Ontario. daughter, Lo Wanda, returned last A product of from war work is becoming increas milk a day. At that rate the drain The Merry Matrons club members week from Medford, where Mrs. Weiser Milling and ingly difficult not only at Portland will be rather severe on the dairy GATE CITY and their family picnicked at the Lewis has been employed the past VALLEYVIEW but at Corvallis and Medford. Un herds when, at the same time, Elevator Co, C. C. C. camp Sunday. The children three months. DAIRY the new arrangement a bus for they must provide for civilian needs. had a good time catching candy Mr. and Mrs. Derrell William Bob Alexander of Pendelton is der One of Henry J. Kaiser’s jobs is the city can be purchased through and ballons which Mrs. Benson and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. here and is helping Louie Pryer ODT, with a proviso that when ODT to convince aircraft makers that he threw them. Johnny Westfall and daughter re with his farm work. wishes to send it to some other sec does not intend competing with Mr. and Mrs, Gene Bryant and turned the first of the week from Heldt and Mr. Ostercamp tion It can do so. A bus, in this them; his proposition is to build daughter were dinner guests Thurs the coast, where they spent a week. are Albert doing some remodeling on A. A. arrangement, is ever under the con something larger than they are day evening at the J. E. Bowen Grace Shaw returned from the Bratton’ house this week. trol of ODT and will probably fabricating and his proposed planes home. hospital last week after recovering Shelf s White would be devoted exclusively to is stacking alfalfa. bear the ODT insignia. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes and from an appendix operation. A. A. Bratton has some hay to A city bus cannot operate more carrying cargoes. About half the Mrs. F. O. Holmes shopped In Mrs. Donald Bullard and son, chop this week. Several farmers than 2000 miles a month, about 66 aircraft made in the United States Caldwell Saturday. Oarry, of Chicago, who have been from plants on the west Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen and visiting at the Otis Bullard home have planted lettuce in this neigh miles a day. Grant Pass, sending comes coast. Aircraft makers are only workers to the Medford canton 1 part Mrs. Orace Mills shopped In Boise the past six weeks, returned to borhood. of the opposition Kaiser must Monday. W. W. Poster and family of Nyssa ment, or Salem sending workers to overcome their home last week. if he is to turn out 70- the cantonment at eorvallis or Sal were Sunday afternoon callers at Donald Van De Bogart of Her- tonners. The people are with Kaiser em to Portland shipyards are elig the A. A. Bratton home. visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank NYSSA HEIGHTS miston the men who have the say are Lewis and other friends here. He Mrs. Russell Cochrum received ible to an intercity bus, which Is ! | but not, although they give him leip limited to 4000 miles a month. service Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sparks and left for Hermlston last Friday. a telegram Saturday telling of the These limitations are made to pre J capital. when he was in the national family, and Mr. and Mrs. Arvllle Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey and passing of Mrs. Elmer Bratton serve tires HOSIERY T IN T for the LEGS what may be the I Until the senate writes its new Hickman and children spent last Donald visited at the Bill Hickey early Saturday morning. Mrs. Brat duration. If for ODT decides that a It’» the newest, smartest twist to the stocking situa Sunday at the river fishing and home at Valley View Sunday after- ton had been ill for some time bus is needed somewhere else the ' tax bill and acts t'->>re is nothing and was at Kansas City with her first purchaser is paid the first certain as to the measure except tion. It’s patriotic and economical and so comfort- swimming at Snively hot springs. neen. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rookstool Denver Lay who was Injured daughter. She is a sister-in-law ableforsummer.RichardHudnut introduces DuBarry that It will make the taxpayer of the bus minus a small per know and family who live near Vale last week on Otis Bullard combnie of Mrs. Cochrun, Mrs. C. C. Wyck- cost Powder Lotion. .. eaay to apply... dries quickly and there Is a war on. One sug centage for each month the bus gestion sent in by an Oregon man were Sunday callers at the Arvllle is recovering at the Holy Rosary off and A. A. Bratton. smoothly. . . and looks gossamer sheer $ 1 (JQ has operated. $1 a week be imposed on on the legs. In popular hosiery shades. JL Hu» *'•* The war department refuses to is that man and woman until the RICHLAND store all its aviation gasoline in every is over in lieu of all other one spot on Columbia river. The war taxes for the individual. A number planes at Walla Walla, Pendleton Mrs. Henry E. Horn has gone and Pasco will each have their own of the large war industries, with oontracts, have oppos to Payette, where she is working gasoline storage facilities. Ordinarily, government ed the super-excess tax. in the cannery. N y s sa P h a rm a c y In peace time, says the war depart explaining that as this profits tax works Leona Willis, Gloha Maw, Ra ment, it would be good business to out their profit would be reduced mona Henderson, and Juanita consolidate the supplies at a con to not more than 1.5 percent. The Broyles attended a treasure hunt venient spot, but war presents a be before the senate next party in Nyssa Friday night. different picture and costs are for bill will and will then go to confer Mrs. Grace Parsons returned to gotten. The war policy is to dis month ence. the compromise being the tax her home in Pocatello, Friday, tribute gasoHne depots and thus bill for 1943. EVERY SATURDAY AT 1:30 P. M. after a visit of several days at make it more difficult for an enemy the Ed Henderson home. Mrs. Par to destroy the supply. A suggestion sons and Mrs. Henderson are sis .was made that a storge be located WISDOM AND WIT at the Nyssa Sale Yard. By Notsodumb Dora on the river bank at Umatilla. ters. Of Interest to people in this Shortage of lumberjacks in the Bring your livestock, household goods and farm territory is the birth of a son, Oregon woods has reached a point 1. Be calm. Calmness shows digni Ralph Byron, to Mr, and Mrs. where the war department, man ty and poise. These two will con machinery to us for highest prices. Ray R. Boyles of Portland, resi power commission and U.S. employ quer all situations. This year, it’s patriotic dent of this community. Mrs. Boyles ment service are trying to figure 2. There is no lead in a lead Lunch counter for your convenience. was formerly Miss Vivian Hlgby of how relief can be given. One sug pencil. The filling is graphite. Nyssa. gestion is that soldiers be sent into 3. “This shoe pinches my joint” iWgy store all perishable Vera Greenlee of Nyssa. Gloha the woods, as in the first world said the customer to the sales Bybee Livestock Sales Co. Maw, and Leona Willis were Sun war when the spruce division filled clerk. “Thats nothing Madam, all dinner guests at the Ralph the forests along the Oregon coast the Joints in this town have been D. O. Bybee, Mgr. W. L. Lane, day * foods in a freezer lock pinched”. Boyles home. and back into the mountais. Labor Phone 05J3 Auctioneer Mr. and Mrs. Garold Horn and organizations, however, have pro 4 . Its human to make mistakes. er. It saves vital war children visited Mrs. Horn's par tested use of soldiers, who would ents. Mr. and Mrs. Oarret, in draw soldiers’ pay, which is much Payette Sunday. less than a lumberjack receives winning materials for from his logging boss. An Oregon sawmill operator came Uncle Sam. And it s the best possible way of Kingman Kolony to the national capital last week to ask for a priority on sufficient preserving yorur meats, fruits and vegetables, wire to connect his mill Paint protect* the outside Mrs. Jim Lane, who had her copper a transmission line. He had to and inside. with nutritive juices and flavor locked in. Ask tonsils removed in Ontario Wed with travel 6000 miles and pay railroad KALSOM1NING and PAPER nesday. spent until Saturday night fare of about $250 and a hotel bill CLEANING your neighbors about the many advantages of in the home of Mr. and Mrs. in Washington. Then the priorities —Free Estimate— Nichols of Ontario. Alfalfa Growers. Due to late seeding, alfalfa Wade board Informed him that it was not Polar Cold Storage Lockers. Mr. and Mrs. William and fam his place to ask for a priority but ANDY McGINNIS ily and Miss Jean Schooler spent the company from which he hoped seed will be scarce this fall. Monday in Caklwell. The AJi.K. Garden club met at to obtain electricity. the home of Mrs. Carl Hill Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hill lives In Newell Give us your orders early for alfalfa, clovers Heights. Miss Jean 9chooler left on the stage from Ontario Monday even- and pasture grass. , » | ing to return to her home In ! Oeneaee. Idaho. The Mary and Martha club met We buy wheat, barley, oats. at the home of Mrs. Carl H1U Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Elsie Helta and children. Charles and Norma Lee. and Mrs Arthur Cartwright and son. Darrel, helped Dicky Toomb celebrate his first birthday Monday afternoon. Miss Jeanette Martin of Cald well spent the week-end at home COAL—GRAIN—FEED with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Conrad Martin. Mrs. Arthur Cartwright Phone 26 2nd end Good Are. and Mr son. and Darrel, were Sunday din ner guests of Mr and Mrs. Ray Hickman home. Mrs. E|len BarkofsKe w»is a house guest in the Kurtk home last week-end. Mrs. Barkofske, who was a neighbor to the Kurtz family in Kansas, Is here visiting relatives at Nyssa. Emery Crabtree of Missouri, is visiting at the F. J. Cohill home. The second crop of hay has been stacked in this vicinity. Monte Corbett and Nadine Fisch er, with a group of other young people from the Nyssa church of the Nazarene, attended a young people's camp at Payette lakes the past week, returning home Sunday night. At The National Capital Store Food In Freezer Lockers 2 Warning To Repaint for Defense W e Are Buying Al THOMPSON and SONS