THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1942 mm® Classified Advertising RATES: Two cent* per word for each Issue. Minimum cash tn advance is 30c. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale NO HUNTING—SIGNS. Pour for quarter. Gate City Journal. FOR SALE—Fresh Guernsey cow, second calf. Inquire: W. W. Poster 20A1XC back of school gym. FOR SALE—Modern residence and 7 acres. 1 mile S.W. of Nyssa. C. W. Reberger. 20A4xp WANTED WANTED—Experienced service sta tion attendant. Inquire at Journal office. 20A2xc. WANTED—Bus driver and Janitor, year around Job. House furnished. Inquire Mrs. Ola Chard, Clerk of District 39, Oregon Trail school. 13A3xc WANTED----- Good used pressure cooker. Mrs Cecil Evans Route 2 Parma 6A2xp WANTED—Manure Frank T. Morgan hauler See PAY HIGHEST PRICES for live fox feed horses. Phone 8_ Pay ette. 27Ntfc WE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Gem eating potatoes. William Peutz, Phone 010-J2~2JTT^ FOR SALE—38 head of geese and 50 buff pullet*. Mrs. Glen Suiter, Phone 005—F4 30J3xp FOR SALE —Buzz saw. Telephone 133—W 30J4xp SW AP CORNER If you have something to sell or trade list It in the Swap Cor ner. Somebody wants what you do not need. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Regis tered Guernsey cow. Lloyd W. Lewis. 451—4th. 13A2xp M lff fÍ5 n i^ r = S t a íra ^ m ^ s t é c P Ín ^ 5 u rc h ll^ 5 S > 5 c í^ ^ r e t a v ít * d t ^ u * * the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of FOR SALE—Registered Guernsey each week. bull, three years old, Irom Shirts’ ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL NYSSA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pretzel stock. See: P. A. Powell MISSION 7 miles west of Nyssa 14A2xp Pastor C. A. Slaughter The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vlscar KALSOMINE. PAINT a t competi Sunday school, 9:45 am . Alan Ed Morning prayer and sermon 9:30. tive prices. First class quality. monds Superintendent. Every class Holy communion and sermon Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and welcomes you. each fourth Sunday of the month. Highway 201, Phone 108. lOMtfc Morning service, 11: o’clock Women's Guild meet* second Wednesday in each month. FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. Evengelistlc 8 o’clock. Phone 78J. tfc. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds, CITY PROPERTY A cordial welcome to all. pastors. For Rent Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. FOR RENT—Two room house with L. D. S. CHURCH Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. lawn. See Mrs. M. B. Hoxle. 13A2xp Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood Midweek prayer service Wednes FOR RENT-----Modern furnished meeting. day at 8 p. m. house, 3 rooms and bath. Modern Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. Friday night special Young peo 3-room house with bath, good loc Sunday 8:00 pm . Sacrament ple’s service at 8 p. m. Everyone ation. Bernard Eastman. 6ATFC. lntlted to attend. meeting. FOR RENT—Modern furnished Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society ADRIAN COMMUNITY UNITED three-room house with bath, lawn meeting. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and shade. Also one semi-modem Tuesday 8:00 p.m. M. I. A. meet Kingman Memorial house. Inquire 162 First street, Pastor J. C. Nevin east, 1M north of factory. 6ATPC ing. 10: a. m. Bible school Wednesday 4:15 pm . Primary 11: morning worship. Sermon: FOR RENT—Frances store build meeting. “The selfless Christ", Rev. Nevin ing, formerly occupied by Baldridge always has a Junior sermon for Implement Co. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH the boys and girls; so parents come See: Frank T. Morgan 28tfc (Church of Christ) and bring the family. J. 8. Beem, Minister We shall celebrate the sacrament Bible school 10 a. m. Butchering Morning worship and ccmmunian of the Lord’s supper August 30 at the morning worship hour. The new CUSTOM butchering every Mon 11 a. m. Evening worship a t 7:45 officers will be ordained and in day and Friday. Beef, sheep and p. m. Ladies council will meet at the stalled and new members received pork. Sanitary butchering guaran home of Mrs. Roy Bibbey Thurs publicly. The Rev. Sawhill, D. D. teed. Phone 05-R-l. One mile west of Seattle will bring the message. day afternoon. of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake A cordial welcome is extended Fischer. to all who love the Lord Jesus FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Christ to join us and in order that FASHION FOUNDATIONS SCIENTIST Barcley and smart-form founda 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho our hearts may be prepared we tion garments, Corsets, Girdles, Bra A branch of The Mother Church. shall gather for cottage prayer ssieres. Perfect fit assured by ex The First Church of Christ, Scient meetings at 8:15 p. m.; Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. perienced corsetiere. Alice Collins is t. in Boston, Massachusetts. Kurtz: Thursday at the home of Box 500, Nyssa. Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wilson North. Open dally from 2 to 4 p. m. and Friday at the home of Mr. FOR SALE—3 dozen white leghorn where the Bible and authorized and Mrs. K. I. Peterson. Christian Science Literature may be hens. 60c each. Mrs. Ellis Walters. read, borrowed or purchased, and Is Phone 03-J3 Nyssa 20Alxc ipen every day from two to four THE METHODIST COMMUNITY •j. m.. except Sundays and holidays. CHURCH TOR SALE—Two purebred Hamp M. H. Greenlee. Pastor CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE shire ram lambs, from F.F.A. stock, Churcn school opens promptly at Vern Martin, Pastor large enough for service. Sunday school at 10 a.m. E. J. 10 a. m. Devotional service led by Delbert Malloy, Columbia Ave. Mr. Clifton Main, general superin 20Alxp Hobson, superintendent. Classes for everyone. Come to our tendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship and school. Morning worship at 11. Rev. O.R. Young Adult Fellowship meetings at 7:30 p. m. Evening worship at Reeder, evangelist, preaching. Young peoples’* service a t 7:15 8:30. The pastor will preach both morning and evening. Prayer ser vice is on Wednesday evening at PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:30. A. A. Schmidt, Pastor It PaysTo Advertise and Alma. The next speaker was Leonard ChTistensen from Ontario and also by T. Carol Bybee “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of a member of the high council. He Heaven and all else, shall be added”. told of many miraculous healings, through the power of the priest HIGH COUNCIL MEN hood. SPEAKERS AT MEETING The closing song was “Secret Last Sunday evening there were two high council members from Prayer” by the congregation. Benediction was given by Lloyd Ontario and a twelve year old boy from Kingman Kolony who Lewis. NYSSA PAPER TRAVELS were the speakers a t the L.D.S. TO DISTANT PLACES services. There were 82 people present. Bishop Arvel Child con Through various channels, the ducted the meeting. The opening churches, the army and the navy, song was “Put Your Shoulder to word has come to this column that the Wheel” led by Ellen Brower. news of the Nyssa-ltes reaches far Frank Tosch, who has been Prayer by Leslie Lewis. The second and wide over these United States stationed at Miami, Flordla, has song was “Well Sing All Hail to Members of the L.DB. church have been transferred to Gowen field Jesus Name”. sent a copy of the Journal as far at Boise. He spent from Wednesday Then Eugene Jones, twelve year east as Pennsylvania and New until Friday visiting his mother, old boy from Kingman Kolony. York: west to California, to Utah, Mrs. R. Thompson and other re- j i representing the Decons, gave a Colorado, Wyoming and Washing latives. ten minute talk. His subject was ton. Just last week while several Miss Mary Rose Howell of On on the Word of Wisdom from men were camping and fishing In tario is spending this week at the the book written by Apostle John Logan Valley, some one sent them Leslie Ditty home. a Nyssa paper. They had been away Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty were A. Widsoe. The next speaker was Robert from home for nearly two weeks. Sunday dinner guests at the home Gllchrest from the high council. They said “It surely looked good of Mr. and Mrs. Dude Parker of He chose for his subject two char to us. We read every thing in it, Cow Hollow. acters from the Bible, King Sol including the adds. We especially Afternoon callers at the C. A. enjoyed the newsy articles in it about the Nyssa folk, and enjoyed Ditty home Sunday, were Mr. and the sermons given in detail by the Mrs. Walter Howell and two child ren of Ontario and Mrs. Herbert Phone U s Your Orders church’:. Thomson of Palo Alto, California. Mrs. Margorle Sandail, who has Mr. Hulda Robb is sick this for flowers. been visiting her father, Vemer week. Carlson, at Adrian, returned to Phone calls paid on all her home in Tremonton, Utah Misses Margerie and Georgia Hulls left Monday morning to last Monday. spend a week at Boise with re orders amounting to Proving that it pays to advertise, latives and friends. Willard A. Aston's brief case now $1.50 or more. Ruby Robinson who has been rests in safe hands. A card came to his father, Clarence Aston, from under a doctor's care at the L. E. Newgen home is improving very Ontario Flower Shop Mrs. Beth Kynaston at Farming- nicely, ton. Utah that she had found the Mrs. George Wilson, who under brief case. Mrs. Oordan Ray and her two went a major operation last week children and Mr». Leonard Howes at the Holy Roeary hospital, re and her two children returned to turned Friday to their home much their home in Roy, Utah early improved. There will be no preaching ser this week after visiting many friends and relatives here. They vices at the church Sunday, but »rent by auto with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday school will be held at 9:45 as usual. Grant Bybee from Ontario. Mrs. Charles Ditty and daughter. There were 32 people who a t tended the adult class in Sunday Tressa, who have spent the past school Sunday morning. Angus Bis week visiting relatives in Seattle, j hop had charge of the lesson. Hs returned home Tuesday by train | Mr. and Mrs. R W. Bolltho and let the entire class participate in Keep faith with your dear one» a lively discussion, each one tell two daughters were given a sur who have gone. Let The Nyma ing their view*. > prise supper s t the Sunset com- | Funeral Home help you cany Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor had munity ball 8unday evening by j out this privilege of the living as their guests last week. Mr. Tay a group of friends, prior to their We can assure you sympathetic lor's mother. Mrs. Alle Taylor of moving to N; Where Mr. Bo- consideration and honest value. Loe Utah, and his sister. Mrs litho is taking over a new posi O r a l Mblmstrom, of Provo. Last tion. Mr. Bolltho has been ditch Wednesday they all motored to rider in this community the past Emmett, where they visited friends six yean. Sunday callen in the L £ New and re la tires The second ward chapel in Nam gen home were Mr. and Mr» Ora pa was filled to capacity last Newgen of Wilder. Professional Ana Business Directory ABSTRACTORS Complete abstracting service. OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. McFALL “See McFnn and 8oe Better” Ontario Title Abstract Co. ONTARIO, OREGON DENTISTS J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J ■Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON JEWELRY STORES V .■ ■' 1 ■ ■- ' PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street a t Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON KELLER’S CABINET SHOP EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON PHYSICIANS L. A. Maul ding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 81 Hour»: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday Pry Building SARAZIN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Eve Leuck, G. N. Oeneral practice of medicine X-Ray Physiotherapy MISCELLANEOUS NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 If it is made of wood we can make it or repair It. P. O. Box 893 842 Main 8 t Meets Wednesday Night AT EAOLB9 HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, Bee. R 0 6 0 0 E FINDLEY. SHOE SHOPS Laundries Abbott’s Shoe Shop Nyssa ’s Own a Nyma Owned — Seventh * Park Streets — Phone 148 All kind* of ihoe and hsrnees repairing Acroe* from, poet office. Nyssa Steam Laundry Sunday evening where Willard A. Aston Was the main speaker. He related many interesting exper iences while on his mission in the eastern states. Bishop Ward had charge of the meeting. There was a musical program. Mr. Astcn for merly lived in Nampa before his father went into the hotel and furniture business here in Nyssa. On Friday beginning at 8:30 p. m. in the L.DB. hall a welcome home party will be given, for all ward members, in honor of Eldar Willard A. Aston, who has recently re turned from a mission to the eastern states. According to the elders chorum, who has charge of the party, there will be a snappy program, including musical num bers. An address given by the miss ionary. Dancing w,ll follow. Special guests will be the parents of Mr. Aston, and the bishopric of the second ward In Nampa. Mr and Mrs Luther Fife and daughters. Vivian and Betty, and a party of 11 others, returned home last Saturday from a fishing trip to Logen Valley. They were camped near Prairie summit. George Poulsen, who is a member of the superintendency of the L.D.S. Sunday school, and Mrs Poulsen. received word from their son The- one, who is in the navy, from Ire land. He is stationed at London derry, the place where the Germans spread propaganda that they had homed. This is not true, he said. He said he had only seen the sun about twice in three months, it is so foggy there. He went over three months ago on the U.S.S. Ameri can Leylon destroyer which was gaurding the largest convoy ever to go across. They went through mines and many dangers but never lost a man or a ship. Bishop Arvel Child and his first councelor, Otto R. Anderson, visited the Owyhee branch of the L.D.S. church last Sunday morning. Mrs. J. E. Brower was pleasantly surprised last week when relatives coming from three states visited at her home. They were her mother, Mrs. J. Wesley Anderson of Burley, Idaho, who came with her son, Blaine. Mrs. Brower’s brother. Glen A. Anderson, who is in the army and came from San Rafeal, Cali fornia, and another brother, Mark Anderson, of Ogden. Mrs. Forbes returned early this week from Portland, where she had been visiting her son, who is in the service there. Mr. and Mrs. George Haycock were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Crawford and child ren last Monday evening. Val Dee, son of Bishop and Mrs. Arvel Child, spent his vacation in Vale last week. William T. Zink, who is care taker for the L.D.S. chapel, re ceived word from his son, Clarence M. Zink, that he was married in Portland last week. He is an em ployee of Montgomery Ward and Company there. Jess Carr of Ogden spent several days at the home of V. B. Carl son in Adrian last week. He says this “Is a wonderful country, and it is much cooler here than it is in Ogden’. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aston went to Boise last week on a business trip. L.D.S. News PAGE THREE NEWELL HEIGHTS Frank Ray and Leo Winn took time out from their haying Mon day and part of Tuesday to thresh their stacks of grain. Combining is the popular way of harvesting the grain so a thresher is rather a novelty. Ellen Judd who has been ill the past two weeks cf influenza and tonsillitis, has recovered. Tiie parents of Bob Kurtz re ceived a short message informing them th at he is now on the ocean. During his last week on U. S. soil Kurtz engaged in desert manuvers. The Garden club met with Mrs. Carl Hill Tuesday afternoon with all members present. Members of the Mary Martha Missionary circle were guests at her home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Holton told of the trip and week spent at the church conference at Seabeck. Mesdames Patch, Nevin, Sugg and Otis pre sented the afternoon program. Idamary Prouty will teach 5 miles from The Dallas in a mo dern equipped one room school house. A school bus will trans port the probable 14 students and teacher to school. The Zamora family have as their house guest this summer Mrs. Zamora's mother of Santo Fe. The Y.P.C.U. of the Adrian com munity church will use the topic “Hobbies’’ for next Sunday even ing. Each young person is asked to take his hobby if possible to the meeting. Bill Kurtz finished his school ing a month early at Santa Ana due to his C. A. A. in college. His address is now a{c William Kurtz. A.F.T.D., Morton Air academy: Flight F. Blythe, California. He said the themometer soares around 120 degrees. Merle Kurtz is home again after a few day’s visit tn La Grande following the completion of the pea harvest. He spent from Friday night until Tuesday night in Ten Davis, Idaho, taking charge of the Harvey McLaughlin farm as his uncle, Mr. McLaughlin is quite 1U. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill are en joying the visit of a daughter, who arrived Saturday from Ya kima. war food packages, medicines and drugs, clothing and comforts for American and allied prisoners of war and Interned civilians have arrived in San Francisco, ready for loading. “Many chapters throughout the area reported requests from in dividuals to send personally pre pared packages to American pri soners of war in the far east. Under international Red Cross reg ulations, such packages cannot be accepted unless prisoner is definitely listed as such with the army pro- vast marshall general and the next of kin so Informed. Several hund red such prisoners of war, mostly in Japan, and none in the Phlllip- pines, have been listed and re latives informed packages will be accepted by the U. S. post office”. Legal Advertising IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Margaret E. Tyner, Deceased. Notice is given to the creditors of and »11 persons having claims against the above named decedent to file them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the date of first publication of this notice at the office of the undersigned administrator at Nyssa, Oregon. CARL H. CO AD, Administrator Dated and 1st publ. Aug. 13, 1942. Last publ. Sept. 10, 1942. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Department of The Interior GENERAL LAND OFFICE AT The Dalles, Oregon. July 16, 1942. NOTICE is hereby given that Olive G. Bartenhagen, Heir of Matthias, S. Smith of Pine, Idaho, who, on June 30, 1914, made De sert Land Entry Act March 3, 1877, No. 025485, for the 8E14, or “Farm Unit "C”, Section 12, Township 22 S., Range 46 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl H. Coad, Notary Public, a t Nyssa, Oregon, on the 27 th. day of August, 1942. Claimant names as witnesses: Evan Oheen, Ruby Gheen, both of Ontario, Oregon. Leonard King, Mabel King, both of Homedale, Idaho. RFD. The week of August 18 to 23 W. F. JACKSON, has been set aside nationally for Register. the recruiting of nurses for the armed forces, according to infor mation received from Mrs. Fred L. Olmstead, chairman of the pub Notice To Hog Raiser licity committee of the Malheur county Red Cross chapter. With the installation of a new “National radio net works and scale at local Independent stations are glv- THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS ln programs from national head quarters”, Mrs. Olmstead said. we are now receiving your hogs “There is a tremendous need for there every Friday, paying thi nurses. Some 70,000 nurses are eli highest price the market permit* gible. The army and navy needs and seeking to serve you In ever 3000. Mrs. J. D. Bennett, Ontario, possible way. and Mrs. Edna Farris, Vale, will arrange for training FRANK KULLANDER “Many carloads of prisoners of Nurses Wanted For War Effort MILK HELPS Sunset V a lle y NYSSA FUNERAL HOME TO KEEP YOU FIT ORDER IT FROM YOUR GROCER. S H E L T O N 'S D A IR Y Insure your Hay and Grain You should not overlook the Importance of insurance Feed will be more valuable than ever this year. FR A N K T. M O R G A N Insurance and Real Estate Phone 97 S— A,, ♦ 4 4 4 * JÄ YOU NEED 2B3 r*orei«s- ton ****** ' Here’s what you can do to help win the warl Protect your family by serving body building meat once a day. Shop at Nyssa Packing Co. market, where you’ll find the highest grade meats at sufficient savings in the prices to buy Victory Bonds and Stamps! Nyssa Packing Company