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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1942)
L »i> r/ieNYSSA GATl&JglTY JOURNAL VÖLUME XXXVII, No. ¿7 Improvement Of Loading Stations For Beets Shown POSTAL RECEIPTS IN NYSSA DURING ’41—42 INCREASE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY â3, 1942 POTATOES BRING MERCURY CLIMBS Drive For Scrap UNUSUAL Pierce Deplores TO PRICES DEGREES Metal Launched Potatoes constitute a rich man’s Sugar Troubles The 109 temperature reached $1.50 PEU YEAR 100 Carloads Of 109 Nyssa Potatoes Walter M. Pierce degrees, the highest of the year, Will Be Shipped Nyssa has Congressman stated in a letter to the Gate Tuesday according to official f|< this year. Washington, July 23 (Special)— food Potato growers In the Final details of the nation-wide section have hit the Jack-pot and City Journal that he Is sorry to gures released by the bureau of Quality of Tubers Re Changes To Be made At advertising campaign, designed to are drawing big prices for their help stimulate the flow of scrap product. see the sugar rationing program reclamation. Stations Throughout ported To Be Ex The weather was cooler Wednes metal into war production, have One buyer bought 11 acres of become controversial. District cellent from John Zittercob for (Leon Henderson, price admin day, the temperature dropping to Plans for Improvement of facili been approved by Lessing J. Rosen- potatoes in the field and purchased istrator, recently created a national 106 degrees. The mercury reached More than 30 carloads of new ties for receiving the 1943 crop wald, chief of the conservation $2500 between 16 »Tad 17 acres of po only 100 Monday. of sugar beets were announced today potatoes had been shipped from division. tatoes from Herbert Fisher for furore when he attacked H. A. The previous high for the year Nyssa by R. Q. Larson, district manager up to Monday of this week, Benning, vice president and gen $3400. Mr. Rosenwald’ s approval follow was 108, registered July 3. of the Amalgamated Sugar com according eral manager ol the Amalgamated The 109 Is the highest registered buyers. to figures released by pany. ed conferences with members of Sugar company, for a circular letter June 20, 1940, when the mer Work in the packing houses The Improvement program will the American Industries salvage issued to farmers by the sugar since eu.-y soared to 110 degrees. be conducted as rapidly as labor reached capacity Wednesday. committee, sponsors of the $2,000,000 company). conditions will permit. This pro- Hie yields are only average, but campaign. The committee, made Mr. Pierce states that “I think ly expedite deliveries at many of the quality of the potatoes Is one of the difficulties is the way up of representatives of American gram when completed should great- excellent. The potatoes are better these things are handled by Leon industry, was organized by the The Farmers’ Cooperative cream Henderson’s the stations where conditions have than last year’s crop of early group. He is , undoub been crowded In the past, Mr. industries concerned at the sug potatoes. ery company manufactured 142,950 tedly, well informed and a com Larson said. The crop Is late because of the gestion of the conservation division. pounds of edible skim milk powder petent economist, but he appears to At the Nyssa factory the company cold spring weather. Some of the during the month of June in add The state highway commission me to be an exceedingly poor ad The committee has raised the fund Is providing another single unit to its handling of 263,908 ministrator. In fact, I am just is expected to receive bids today potatoes were frosted In the spring. to finance the campaign and is ition pller and at Parma Is removing pound of butterfat, according to going to say this tomorrow on the on the graveling of approximately Some of the potatoes run 92 responsible for the selection of the Lynch dump and substitute« figures at the monthly floor because I have so much evi 18 miles of road in the Jordan per cent No. 1, leaving only eight the advertising and publicity me meeting presented a pller. The company plans that per cent 2’s and culls. of the board of directors. dence before me. Valley section. beets will be taken directly to the Washington, July 23 (Special) A diums used. By the time the shipping season The skim milk powder is made The work will be done under the “I would very much appreciate cars, but the pller equipment .will short and economical process for "This campaign”,' said Rosen- by the roller method, whereby it It if these who are in the midst federal government's restricted Is closed in about three weeks, give much greater capacity than making butylene glycol, a relatively wald, “was undertaken by a group is dried and pressed through heavy of the sugac belt In my district highway program. Most of the work 100 freight cars of potatoes are the dump usej In former years. rare chemical with several Import of the nation's leading industries, rollers. A new process calling for voulJ wii’.e me just how It appears will be done on the I. O. N. from expected to be shipped from the at the request of the conservation the spraying of the milk against a ‘,1'ere, and what would seem wise Jordan Valley to the Idaho line sorting sheds here. Workmen are removing single unit ant uses, was announced division of WPB, and is closely pliers at Marsing and Wilder and today commercial Companies and Individuals using surface that dries it quickly ’.nd Just in the handling of this near the Malloy ranch. The re warehouses replacing them with double unit ture. by the department of agricul Integrated with WPB's new na Is heated for shipment are E. O. an improvement over the other mainder of the road, approximately program. I am sending a copy of pliers with much greater capacity. The new method, being developed tional program. The committee In method and the resulting product this letter to Frank Morgan and one and one-half miles, will be Muir ad company, J. C. Watson member companies of the is much in demand, also bringing to H. A. Benning. I issued my improved from Jordan Valley to company, J. C. Sewell Produce At Homedale a single unit pller department’s northern region cludes American iron and steel will be Installed so that beets may al t the laboratory at Peoria, minois, rtifch Is concerned “¿Ith Institute, assuring-a hlgher prlce. The company plans circular letter on the rationing of South mountain, which has for company and J. R. Simplot. be plied there and greater capacity uses a fermentation to Install additional machinery to sugar based on facts which I did years been the scene of mining process on given at the station. At Letha the plentiful farm crops such as com a continual flow of scrap metal meet this new demand. Most of the not secure from Mr. Henderson, activity. into its plants, but is also using company Is removing a pller and and output of powered mind is sold to but did secure from the department Because of the need of chrome wheat. its ads to stimulate the flow of Installing a Lynch dump. The laboratory is now producing other needed materials. Hie Im the lend-lease administration to of agriculture. It is too bad that for war industries the project be A double unit large size pller butylene glycol on a pilot plant or mediate response of Industry In be sent to Orest Britain and other department was not given the comes eligible for government aid has been put In place at the Nampa seml-commerclal handling of sugar because they and at the same time permits the scale. It may be setting up machinery for the cam allies. factory. Lynch dumps are being used In making anti-freeze A marked increase in the grade know about It, and they are less improvement of the Malloy-t|o- Washington, July 23 (Special)— for aut Installed at Meridian, Kuna, Stod omobile radiators, and in the pro paign was particularly gratifying, of cream received was noted at the spectacular than Mr. Henderson Jordan Valley section of the I.O.N. Appropriations and proposed ap in so far as it helped us to clear dard and Mountain Home. At other duction commercial solvents, and the tracks for an all-out drive meeting. Thirty-nine and six tens and more accustomed to handling propriations bring the total war stations the same equipment will it has a of number * per cent of the butter fat received public affairs”. of industrial chem to bring in the scrap”. financial program to approximately continue to be used. in June was tep grade compared Congressman Pierce also stated ical applications for war indust $223,000,000,000, WPB announced. The campaign was started July with 26 per cent in May and only that he was the author of the bill “These changes should guarantee ries. Appropriations and contract auth speedy and orderly receiving of the The laboratory is also studying 20, with newspaper advertisements 13 per cent In June of 1941. The that continues the low interest orizations as of July 15 amounted crop with the minimum of delay at butylene glycol as a possible link in every state. In addition, ad Increased use of refrigeration In rates charged farmers on Federal to $212,000,000,000. The military all stations throughout the entire In the production of butadiene for vertisements will be carried by rural districts was held partly Land bank and land commissioner appropriations act of 1943 auth weekly papers, farm press, trade responsible for the amazing im- loans. district", Mr. Larson said. A so-called army-navy “washout” synthetic rubber. Three steps would papers, magazines and the radio. irovement in the quality of cream “The bill means almost a million school, conducted under the civilian orizing expenditure of $42,090,000,000 be Involved In the production of signed by the president on July pilot training program has been 2. was The dollars in savings to the farmers started rubber from agricultural crops by ____ 'received over previous summers. naval construction act pro by the Halladay school of Due to delay In obtaining neces of Oregon”, Mr. Pierce said. “It this method-'-raw material to but vides authorization to start con Flying of Ontario. sary priorities the Co-op will be was quite a struggle from beginn Bessie G. Halladay conducted a struction on about $8,550,000,000 ylene glycol, butylene glycol to but- of unable to take care of any more ing to end, but I am certainly school in Portland, but when the additional naval tonnage. This was adlene, and butadiene to rubber. whole milk for the present. A num gratified over the outcome”. The final step--production of syn by the President on July United State* entered the war she 9, approved ber of petitions have been received rubber from butadlene-ls of but the bill did not carry any Ontario, July 23 (Special)—A let thetic was required to move and selected for extending *S*e, milk routes but known. Considerable Twenty Japanese returned to specific appropriation funds. ter to H. F. Logue, coordinator of course, already Ontario for her new location. has been shown by indus Portland Monday from the labor until added facilities for processing the Malheur county defense coun interest In addition, about $2,160,000,000 The Halladay servlc*. which has the milk can be Installed, the pres in the fermentation process for camp south of Nyssa, leaving 250 for other war agencies has been cil, states that a very important try a lease on the buildings at the reducing butylene glycol. The major at the camp and approximately ent routes can not be extended, a requested. Of this amount, $314,- OPA meeting will be held in the problem Ontario airport, Is training navy is conversion of 125 on ranches throughout Mal director said. 000,000 has been appropriated by Moore hotel in Ontario, July 30 butylene remaining cadets for combat service and army glycal to butadiene on a heur county. congress and approved by the Pre at 8 p.m. Parma, July 23 (Special)—Mrs. enlisted men for glider pilots, in sident, scale. The Japanese were said to have CONSERVATION IS and expenditure of the bal The meeting will be conducted by commercial structors and service pilots. The Louvisa Fisher Wright, 94, died Chemists at the Peoria labora returned to Portland for various WOMEN’S TOPIC ance is provided by the pending members of the La Orande staff, tory thirty men hi the class are en at the home of her son here July have succeeded in producing good reasons and nol because E. M. Powell, chief of the pricing excellent listed, but are on reserve status legislation. yields of pure butadiene of dissatlcfaction with life in Mal Current wartime Interest of home 18.Louvisa Fisher was born in Park while Expenditures by the Federal gov division; H. L. Hess, chief attorney; from com-made In training. butylene glycol in heur county. ernment for military purposes dur J. C. Ingram, chief inspector, and the laboratory, but makers In all types of conserva The students take 240 hours of county, Indiana July 1, 1848 and as have not The Japanese returned to Port- the first two years of war Harley H. Richardson, district man as yet developed the they was evidenced in a demon moved with her parents ground school work and 40 hours ing process to a land, who were brought to Nyssa tion effort ended June 30 totaled $34,- stration and discussion of slip a to child ager. of flying. The men arrived In On-' Brackenridge, Illinois, where and they are not in a truck provided by the chamber coverings and re-upholsterlng, spon she grew to womenhood. She was tarlo Monday and will start flying 767.000. 000. This includes disburse All merchants, wholesalers and pilot-plant any scale definite predictions of commerce, shopped here before sored by the Lincoln Heights wo united in marriage to Thomas Friday. Because of getting a late ments by the treasury and re retailers in the county are urged making this has been done. boarding the train. to be at this meeting because It until club at its regular meeting Wright October 17, 1876 In St. start, the men will finish an eight- construction finance corporation. A large number of technical men More Japanese labor can be se men's Of this amount, $15,650,000,000 might be very worthwhile to have last Thursday the home of Albln, Illinois Mr. Wright died weeks course In six weeks. visited the laboratory to dis cured for farm work betweqji now Mrs. Joseph A. at Blahnik. was paid out for the army, $10- them. There are some merchants in cuss the five years ago. The family moved to Bessie Halladay has a contract process for producing but and winter If living quarters are Miss Bonnie Lang, who directs Boise valley in 1905. 000 for the navy, $4,098,000,- the state who are not living up with the government to train 30 211.000. glycol and, In addition, two found for them. 000 for the lend-lease administra to the OPA laws not through a ylene home management activities at the persons every eight weeks. The Survivors arc three sons, Arch with rep tion and $4.806,000,000 for other wilful failure to comply but through well-attended of conferences U. 8. D. A. farm security admin of Parma and Sam and Edgar, service will have five ground In war Industry and of so agencies. misinterpretation or misunderstand resentatives istration farm family labor camp structors and seven flight Instruc both of Sweet, Idaho; six grand of the agricultural colleges of Expenditures In June amounted ing of the regulations, Mr. Logue me at Wilder, Idaho, was In charge tors. It has nine airplanes, all light children and two great grandchild central states have been to $4,123,000,000 as compared with said. >» I the north of the program. She was accom ren. trainers. In connection with this devel $3,880,000,000 In May. "First hand information of the held panied by Mrs. Irene Maklnson, Several industrial con Contracting in May, the latest working of the OPA will be given opment. home management supervisor of NUTRITION CLASS cerns are now producing butylene month for which data are available, the county FR A. office in Ontario. op marking and pricing, posting glycol on a pilot-plant scale as a The fanners won first place In amounted to $9.731,000,000, com and filing of cost-of-living com club Intends to continue work HOLDS GATHERING of Information developed In the men’s bowling tournament that on The pared with $9, 899,000,000 In April, modity lists and any other ques result this project at future meetings. and furnished was conclued last week. The Whte Settlement Red Cross $16,395,000,000 in March and $20,- tions you have been unable to the Peoria at laboratory Wilson brothers and the Busi these conferences. nutrition class met at the home 932.000. 000 In February. answer”, said the county coordina to It them of Mrs. Ralph Dean Thursday even The Nyssa chamber of commerce is expected that other con nessmen played off a tie for second DIPHTHERIA IS tor. “The administrators of the ferences place Tuesday night and the Busi REPORTED HERE will be held to encourage ing with Mrs. Irene N. Maklnson. ha* received a letter from Con MAN CONFIDENT OPA have been lenient with the home management supervisor of gressman Walter M. Pierce stating commercial development of nessmen won by 3 to 1. merchants to date but the time rapid this chemical through the Joint In the women’s tournament, Wil Dr. L. A. Mauldlng, city health the farm security administration that he has secured the necessary OF CLASSIFIEDS Is short to complete listings, In efforts laboratory and in son brothers' team is leading with officer, stated today that only one In the Ontario office, in charge. prlorttls except for plumbing and The effectiveness of Gate City ventories and postings. Prison terms dustry, of and the other wins and 6 losses. The Nyssa case of diphtheria exists In Nyssa. The meeting was the sixth In the heating for the farm labor camp and heavy fines have already been search centers. agricultural re 6 Pharmacy and the L <k A are tied but said that there are seven cases series of 10 meetings to be con buildings that are expected to be Journal classified advertising was meted out in some areas where emphasized last week by a cus for second place with 5 wins and In outlying sections. ducted in this area. erected here. the plan has had ample time to tomer of the Journal . 3 losses. The Idaho Power com All those suffering from the dis The class period was spent In The farm security administration, work. It appears highly Important KLEMME WORKING The customer said "I want you pany outfit Is in last place with ease are getting along satisfactorily, discussion and summary of min for whom the camp will be esta that all merchants In this area FOR L. STOCKMAN to sell a cow for me”. 4 wins and 8 losses. the doctor said. erals as a regulation of the body believes that the priority We attend this meeting and be sure Marvin Kleme. who recently op The Nyssa Pharmacy and the Dr. Mauldlng denied that there processes. It was pointed out that blished. answered, “We can do that". received for the plumbing and The they are In the scope of the reg posed Lowell Stockman of Pendle Idaho Power company will play are any cases of diphtheria In the careful planning of the diet is heating customer replied, “I know will be sufficient. ulations. ton for the republican nomination Friday night. you can; you have never failed necessary In order that an adequate farm labor camp occupied by the Mr Pierce believes that possibly for congress from the second con supply of these minerals, of which within a week an order will be me If yet”. Japanese south of Nyssa. gressional district has assumed you have something for sale NYSSA WOMEN IS calcium, phosphorus, Iron and Io issued to start construction. The or trade charge of Stockman's campaign list It In the Gate City dine are the most common, may STORY OF JOHN HENDERSON IS propose 1 Is now going through tha SHOWN IN “PICS” Journal's “swap comer”. head quarters, which have been be provided each day. necessary bureaus In Washington, RELATED IN PAYETTE MAGAZINE essential foods which should D. C. The picture magazine. "Pics", established In Penrleton. stated In a letter A story about John Henderson, | covered. Perhaps if the boulder be The Included In the dally diet were The money for the construction NYSSA GIRL TO which will be published in about to Mr. the Klemme Gate City Journal that of the early day travelers over | were uncovered further Inscriptions discussed and listed as follows: has already ben appropriated and ATTEND E. O. C. E. a month, will contain a section in “Lowell Stockman, who recently one trails that led to Oregon, and would shed light on just who John Milk and milk products, fruits and Fife of Nyssa has been which the Writers’ Round-up of defeated me for the republican the a picture of the basalt boulder Henderson was, whqre he came from vegetables, whole wheat cereals and Luther awarded a contract, but he has not EASTERN OREGON COLLEGE OF Utah will be featured. nomination for oongress, has asked that marks his final resting place and how he died. These things bread, meat or meat substitutes, yet received a “go ahead” order. EDUCATION, La Orande, July 23, Hie section will Include a picture me assume charge of his cam appeared in a recent Issue of the are ot known. Neither la anything butter and six to eight glasses of (Special)—Three high school gra of Mrs. D. O. Bybee of Nyssa with paign to headquarters, which I am Sundial, published at Payette, Idaho known of the party with whom water dally. Leaves For Home— duates of Malheur county have al writer celebrities at a banquet table, pleased to do. I believe that he by Julian M. Field. he traveled. This Is along the Old The Importance of vitamin D Dwight Burke of Jerome, who had ready been for admission on the country club golf course In has an excellent chance to be elect The article reads as follows: Trail. . . a branch of It, In the diet was also emphasised. been visiting at the home of O. R. next fall at accepted the Eastern Oregon Provo, and seated In the conven ed this fall and that If elected he Neglected and forgotten along the Oregon leading from where now Is Nyssa, Vitamin D Is necessary for good Hite In the Owyhee district, re College of Education In La Grande. tion. will rapadly become one of the out Old Oregon Trail between Vale and to Vole at the hot springs, then muscle and nerve tone, building turned home Saturday with his new students are Gwendolyn However, the tables were turned standing members of the house. Nyssa, In Malheur county. Oregon, distance to the ford, and then good bones and teeth. The brother, Berwyn Burke, editor of These Chester, daughter of Mr. and Mn. later because while the photo Stockman seems to be by na stands this basalt boulder which dropping down the Malheur a short of best sources, of course, are the the Northside News of Jerome. O. Y. Chester of Harper; Clemen grapher representing Pic* magazine ture. training and experience un bears the name of one of those throught the hills to Olds Ferry sun rays, Irradiated milk, cod liver Berwyn Burke, former Nyasa editor tine Mae Edwards, daughter of Mr. was getting the ‘low down" on usually well qualified to represent early day travelers who followed on Snake river. . . and on. But oil and other liver oils. who l* president of the Tdaho State and Mrs. Joseph Edwards of Har the poets and writers at the round eastern Oregon In congress. His the rough trails heading into the this boulder marks the end of the The next meeting will be held Editorial association, stopped In per; and Emily Otis, daughter of trail for John Henderson Loving setting sun, looking forward to ability to meet people and make with Mrs Edna Freese July 30. up. Mrs. Bybee went him one better Nyssa Saturday while en route Harvey Otis of Nyssa. and took motion pictures of him. friends with all classes will be a establishing a home In this great hands traced this Inscription, and A discussion of vitamins as re home from Payette, where he pre Misses Chester and Edwards are the saddened party resumed the West. great help. He also Impresses me Mrs. Bybee brought home two as haring a large amount of good This lonely grave is located a Journey That was eighty-nine years gulators of the body processes will sided at a district meeting of pub graduates of the Harper union be held. Flans have also been made lishers. of the bulbs from his camera as sound high school, while Miss Otis Is a Judgment, which more than mile south of the bridge which ago. but perhaps somewhere, some to show a cage of experimental souvenirs for her children. graduate of the Nyssa high school. everything else Is needed back there spans the Malheur Just east of one Is able to tell the story. The white rata, which have been pre Attending Convention— Ow To Nebraska— Vale. Right along the highway It marker is a monument which stands Just now”. pared by Mrs Howard Bertsch. and Mrs. Walter Thompson Here Fron Mrs H. F. fflmalner and two lies. . . so close that the Inscription as a reminder of the days when This experiment will show the left Mr. Tuesday for Portland to at Mr. and Mrs. Warren Potts of sons left Sunday for Scott* Bluff. Is covered with dust and mud by covered wagons rumbled along the of a diet which la deficient tend the conventions of the Amer Pocatello have been visiting at Nebraska, where they will visit re Mrs. Dewey Ray of Baker passing cars, and In grading the hot, dusty trail. . . It should bs effects In calcium for which milk la the ican Legion and auxiliary this the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kalth latives and friends for several visiting friends here road much of the rock has bean beat source week-end. Bailey. Receipts of the Nyssa post office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942 showed an Increase of $680.20 over the receipts of the previous year, figures released today re vealed. The receipts of 1941 were $14,064.- 66 and the receipts for the year ending last month were $14,744.86, a difference of $680.20. Each quarter of the year ending last month showed an Increase over the same quarter of the previous year except the last quarter. The receipts by quarters were as follows: 1941—$2870.10, $4371,22, $3170.65 and $3652.69, and 1942—$3023 03, $4476 94 $3726 32 and $3518.57. Firm Improves Skim Milk Unit Jordan Valley Work Planned New Synthetic Rubber Planned Appropriations Hit 23 Billions Young Men Take Air Instructions .___ OPA Gathering Will Be Staged ___ _ _____________________ 20 Japanese Go B_ck To Center Farmer Keglers Win Tournameut D] Mrs. L. Wright Dies In Parma Order For Camp Expected Soon