TOB MŸSIA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1942 PAGES« i Frost These parties are sponsored> held a "open house breakfast" at ¡by the Civic club to raise fu n d s!'h e home of Mrs. Eva Eoydell. for the purchase of defense bonds, this morning. -« - • — 8 — ENTERTAINS CLUB IN' tALLATION HBIO Mrs. G. J.. Mitchell and Kather­ BY NYSSA REBEKAHS Yellow Rose Rebekah lodge held ine entertained Friday afternoon at its installation of officers Thurs­ two tables of bridge. Prizes were won by Mrs. Bernard Frost, high, bers will be notified later at to who day evening. PICNIC IS PLANNED The following officers were In­ and Mrs. Frank Morgan, traveling The Just-a-mere club met at the the hostess will be at the July 24 stalled: Noble grand, Angle Cook; prize. vice grand, Maude McGinnis; chap­ home of Mrs. J. E. Keyser July 10. meeting. lain, Mrs. Forbes; P. N. Q„ Mar­ SEVERAL ATTEND PARTY - I - Ten members were present. Mrs. Mrs Bernard Frost entertained guerite Wilson; secretary, Mrs. G ra­ BOND PARTIES HELD the Tuesday club at her home this Pern Kessler won the door prize. ham; treasurer, Sophia Root; mus­ Round Robin parties this week The members decided they would ician, Mabel Poage; R.S.N.G., Ver- week. Guests were Mrs B.B. Lien- hold their annual picnic July 19 were given by Mrs. R. O. Larson, nena Beam; L.S.N.O., Nora Ray; I te m p e r. Miss Eva Boydell, Miss a t the Caldwell park at 12:30. Mem­ Mrs. Herman Towne and Mrs. E. S. S.R.V.G., Mrs. John Thompson;' Katherine Mitchell, Mrs. Henry LB.V.O.. Edna May Burns; con- Hartley and Mrs- R O Larson- P r i z ' ductress, Ruby Greer, and warden,1 es were won by Mrs C L Mcp oy Mrs | J. J. Sarazin and Mrs. Lienkaemper Minnie Leuck. A lunch was served after the had high score for the guests. installation. Five Nyssa Rebekahs went to Ontario recently to attend the in­ stallation of officers there. Those attending from Nyssa were Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Beam, Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Root. A Attending Institute----- covered dish dinner was served at Rev. and Mrs M. H. Greenlee and the Ontario meeting. 25 young people left Wednesday for The Sunshine club meeting has Wallowa lake to attend the annual been postponed until next month. young people's institute. They will The club will give the obligation at be at the lake eight days. the next meeting. Parents Of Son— - 8 - Mr. and Mrs. G. Callahan are CALIFORNIA RESIDENT the parents of a son, born July 5 HONOR GUEST AT PARTY at the Holy Rosary hospital. Mrs. L. E. Newgen entertained at her home Sunday at a buffet Visit In Nyssa— luncheon honoring Le Roy Ward of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell of Palm Springs, California, who Is Richland and Mr. and Mrs. Dale visiting the Newgen home. Ashcraft of the Kolony spent sun- Guests were Misses Helen Reffett, day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Hintz, Margie and Georgia C. C. Cotton. Hillis, Lucille Chadd, Ruby Robin­ son, Lillie Schneider Stella, Laura Here From Idaho— Ellis, Glendon Hillis, Wilfred Gil­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wiggon of bert, Lynn Buffington, Donald Midvale, Idaho are visiting at the Tosch, Howard Schneider, Stanley home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Reffett, Bob Newgen and the guest paradis. of honor. After lunch they motored to Nyssa and enjoyed the picture To Hold Services— “Ship Ahoy”. The Young Adult Fellowship of the Methodist church will have ____ change of the Sunday evening ser­ CHATTER BOX CLUB MEETS The Chatter Box club met at vices at 8:30. The public Is invited These formidable fighting machines can not take the home of Mrs. Caroline Gardner to attend. part in offensive action until they reach the theatre of war. Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. No matter to what extent production is stepped up, trans­ Clifford Nielson as co-hostess. Fif­ Motor To Boise— Mrs. Bumall Brown. Mrs. George teen members attended the meet­ portation still remains a vital factor. That’s where Union Mitchell and daughter, Katherine ing. The resignation of Katherine Pacific is doing a job of which we are mighty proud. McGee as secretary was accepted. and Mrs. J. B. Giezentanner motor­ Mrs. Opal Ridder was elected to ed to Boise Wednesday. Over the Strategic Middle Route, connecting the East with complete the term. the West, gigantic freight locomotives are hauling tanks, After the business meeting re­ Go To Caldwell— guns, plane parts and other war materials. Trainloads of Mr. ad Mrs. Perry Ward motored freshments were served by the host­ troops roll over the steel rails. A great army—in workmen’s ess. The next meeting will be held to Caldwell Sunday after their at the Florence Bybee home July son, who had been visiting there. uniform — are “keeping ’em rolling.” That’s their job — 23. and they’re doing it I LOCAI NEWS - UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD *11** StsuUeqic MiddU R.ou¿* 8 - SOCIAL IS PLANNED The Pleasant Hour club met July 9 with Mrs. James Stephan, Sr. Twelve members were present. Mrs. Jim Savage and Mrs. O. Filllngness were visitors. The members decided to sponsor an ice cream social at the C. C. C. camp July 22 at 8:30 p.m. After the business meeting, lunch was served by Mrs. Stephan, Sr. and Mrs. Joe Stephan. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Kay Hunter August 13. - 8 - ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. Eva Boydell entertained her club Friday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. C. L. McCoy, first, Mrs. Bumall Brown, second, and Mrs. Beuckhan of Lafayette, North Carolina, guest prize. - 8 - GIVES BREAKFAST PARTY Mrs. Charles Grider entertained Monday at a breakfast party Those having high scores were Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and Mrs. Bumall Brown. - - 1 111 HUM— Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday July 17 and 18 Milk tall cans all brands 4 for Crackers 2 lb. packages Salmon 1 lb. cans pink 2 for Sardines Oval in mustard OEp or tomato sauce 2 foix J u 35c 19c 43c 19c Shurfine 1 Ib.pkgs. Coffee ground fresh lb. 30c Orange & Grape Juice fruit 47 oz. cans. 29c Marshmallows \ foVceL bags 29c Fresh Oregon Tomatoes grown 2 lb. 25c Shortening packages 55c Camay toilet Soap 3 bars 22c giant size Dash package 57c Corn Flakes We are open Thursday eve until 3 p.m. Wilson Grocery OREGON NYSSA A Dependable Food Store - 8 - BREAKFAST IS GIVEN The St. Paul’s Episcopal Guild WEEK OF THE WAR (Continued From Page One) Rationing The OPA said about 8 million eastern motorists have received bas­ ic permanent gasoline rationing cupon books. Congressmen, members of state and local legislatures and other Government officials will be eligible for "special rations” for use in legislative of official busi­ ness, and bona fide political can­ didates may have extra rations for travel necessary to the prosecution of their candidacies, the Office said. Special rations will also be issued for travel to obtain medical service, to demonstrate cars or boats for sale, to transport equip­ ment and personnel of scientific ex­ peditions ad to operate a vechicle in tests essential to the war effort. The Office ruled newspaper re­ porters and photoraphers will be eligible for supplementary rations up to a quantity sufficient to per­ mit 470 miles of occupational driv­ ing a month If they can meet car pooling provisions. Increased month­ ly gasoline quotas will be given stations servicing war workers. The WPB greanted OPA authority to SALE CALENDAR JOURNAL’S O n ly Two More Days TUESDAY, July 21—Farm sale one fourth mile west of Vale on Qra- ham Boulevard. Sale starts at 1 p.m. PWT 4 horses, 35 cattle, 3 Poland China feeder pigs, farm machinery, poul­ try, 64 sheep, Household goods. Ed Lynch, Owner. Col. Bert An­ derson, auctioneer. Of the Blanket Sale at the Golden Rule Store. Saturday, July 18 will be the last day. Use our layaway plan. It only requires a small down payment. Then you are assured of your blankets when you need them. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST—Four keys in leather holder. Lewis Moslar, phone 15. 16J2XC GOLDEN RILE LOST—White and Brown spotted short haired bird dog with collar and chain. Kenneth Reece, Box 724. * 16J1XP require filling station operators to submit coupons or other evidence that rationing regulations are being complied with, when gasoline is delivered to their stations. The OPA said local rationing boards may refuse to issue new tires to eligible motorists if an inspector’s report shows the purchaser has abused his old tires. The “bonus’* Ration Book No. 1, may be ex­ sugar stamp, umber seven in War changed for two pounds of sugar until midnight August 22. The War Front Recent Far Eastern events in­ dicate “the turning point in air operations has been reached and the Japanese are now more on the defensive wheras the American air forces are on the offensive, “U. S. Army Air Forces headquarters in China reported. U. S. submarines within two days sank or destroyed five Japanese destroyers in the Aleutians, the Navy said, The War Department said American troops are now stationed at Port Moreby, allied base in New Guinea. The Department also announced that U. S. crews, manning American- made medium, tanks, knocked out a number of German tanks in the Battle of Libya in mid-June with­ out any losses of their own per­ sonnel. WORKERS WANTED We are now taking applications for the coming beet campaign. We particularly urge men who worked last campaign and desire work this year to place their application at once. Present labor conditions and uncertainty of conditions in the future makes it necessary that we organize our crew for the coming campaign at the earliest possible date. The Amalgamated Sugar Company 1891 ALEXANDER’S 1942 51st ANNIVERSARY Values IMPORTANT SAVINGS IN YEAR ’ROUND AND SUMMER SUITS 51st Anniversary (Prices Group 1 A chance for remarkable savings that are almost too good to be true. If you don’t actually need a suit now look ahead and supply your future needs. Tropical Worsted and Medium Weight Suits •