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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1942)
THE NVS3A GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1942 PAGE FOUR HONOR 00R ARMED FORCES ON NATIONAL HEROES DAY -• JULY 17 Ow yhee Members of the Owyhee Parent Teacher association were entertain ed by the pre-school group of Mitchell Butte Friday afternoon In the home of Mrs. T. M. Lowe. LET’S BUY Ships For Him Klingback home August 13 in the afternoon. Mrs. Mildred Hite entertained at dinner Sunday for the Misses Lydia and Anna Smith and Philip and Charles Smith of Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newbill of Newell Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters and daughter, Brenda, of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker enter tained at dinner Sunday for the following friends: Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McMillan of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crocker, and two sons, Lewis and Alvon. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Douglas and the Roleigh TANKS | Chamberlain family. Mrs. Martha Klingback and Doris and Fred were business visitors in FOR Caldwell Saturday. There were 65 in attendance at TOKYO 1 I the Owyhee Sunday school Sunday. H ie public is invited to attend. Nyssa will take! Classes are held for persons of all ages. Mrs. M. M. Oreeling, county P. T. A. president, and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet of Kingman Kolony were guests. School problems and the part the home has during the national emergency pertaining to children were some of the subjects discussed. Refreshments of Jello, cookies and punch were served by the pre-school group. The date being Mrs. Lowe’s birthday anniver sary, she was presented with small gifts by the members. The August meeting of the Parent Teacher association will be held at the 2 ; Friday I | a shot at the axis b y i § . | sbuying more war bonds« Cow Hollow By H u Happy Farm er Have Just got back from a trip up near Twin Falls, Idaho. Havent got to hear much of the local scan- i Ten cents buys 4 bull-g dle so cant tell much of that but was very much impressed by the S 1 labor propisltion. Many gets. $3.50 leads a 3 7 -| of the shortage farmers up in the higher = | altitudes swear that they wont be 1mm anti-tank gun, $19.-1 able to put up their second cutting of alfalfa at all. Their principal I crop up there is hay and stock. §36 loads an 81-mmg Farm labor there is skilled labor. Much of our required labor here Buy-Buy Bonds is what the sugar factory call "stop" gtrench mortar. labor. This class does not require Bye-Bye Axis too long to train but the labor these stock men require does not learn so quickly. Many of these stock men say that they are going to sell off their stock this fall T hat they can’t get the labor to put up their hay now nor to feed the stock this winter. Its Indeed a tough question and the answer is hard to find. Here AMERICAN HEROES DAY is another tough labor problem and I think a very serious one too. You have no doubt all talked with some of the boys when they come home for a few days off from a defense Job. They most all inveribly will tell you the same story, of how they are held up by red tape or other wise and not allowed to work at full capacity. These plants are do ing a big Job and are turning out a very great amount of material, Oranted, but they have a very great many men working too. We hear so many stories like this one. “A friend of mine we was raised up together he now has two sons working in a ship yard in califor nia. One the boys was home on a vacation a few days ago and was telling of how they compelí them to loose time. He is a welder and was raised up a peg, good natured accomidating country kid. An 111- istratlon he is welding something heavy and his helper needs a hand BUY BONDS FOR for Just a moment he would reach over and give him a hand. He was bauled out for helping a worker OUR BOYS JULY 17 beneath him. The second time the boss saw it he made it a little The boys at camp and the boys at the front stronger and the third time he was told that if he was caught doing want to know that we’re behind them in every that any more he «would be fired. Now if his helper has a Job that way. They know that moral support is nothing it would take a minute to do but he must have some help the welder without the financial aid that goes wih it. must stand idely and wait while the helper runs all over the yard for some one to help him. Another story, A couple of car penters worked on the construction of the Oowen field up here at Boise that was a flat contract Job and the workers all worked like all contractors are expected to work. When the Job was finished they went to a defense Job in Cal. The first day they were aslgned a Job for the day and in a couple of hours they had it done. They went gand stamps. Bombs For Him STÜNZ LUMBER COMPANY Ptione 110 I I GAM BLE I Store ( j & Wilson’s Clothing Store back to report to the boas. He took I tended to furnish work for the them to a Job in ’the basement for | needy). There is also the little their next Job and then said “now 1 matter of priorities for pipe, and you see that you make this last all David Nelson of the war production day". They caught on fast as most j board is refusing priorities on pipe workers do., but they said they and other metal for civilian pur cauld of finished in another two poses. It is practially certain that alein hours if they had tried. You hear lots of these but you Japanese will not be used on the dont see many of them in print. It Deschutes project, which will soon is easy to tell and retell them but be suspended because of the abo it is quite a Job to prove them. lishment of COC, several hundred These stories may not be true but COC boys having been engaged in so many of them are in simula clearing and other work. Not wish tion all the time that it seems ing the project to be suspended for that a senate investigation is very the duration, a proposal had been much in order. They all make the made that the alien Japanese be same reason fir it, “Cost” pluss located there and carry on the work of the CCC boys. Japanese are contracts. now working in the Klamath basin If it is possible to save from ten to fifty percent of the labor in some country on the dry bed of Tule of these instances it is very import lake; others are on a project in ant to do so. Of course the saving Idaho. The relocation commission, of cost is important too but the handling these aliens, investigated big item now is conservation of the Deschute situation but has not arrived at a decision. Indications labor. are, however, that the idea will be turned down. Growers of clover seed will do better this year than last. Triple A has finally announced prices. Growers of hairy vetch and crim son clover will receive 10 cents a By John W. Kelly pound; price was 7.25 cents last Washington, D. C., July 16— year. Common vetch, ryegrass and Protests continue against the re Austrian winter peas will be 5 fusal of the Southern Pacific to cents; was 3 cents last year. Will restore train service between Grants amette valley vetch will be 6.5; Pass and San Francisco. The rail was 5 cents a pound last year. road now transfers passengers at Handling charges allowed dealers Dunsmulr, places them in a motor will be 40 cents per 100, except for coach and ships them north. There crimson clover and hairy vetch, for is under construction a vast army which they will be allowed 45 cantonment at Medford and the cents per 100 pounds. Government agencies have turned refusal of the railroad to operate passenger train service into Medford thumbs down on a t least two new and Grants Pass is regarded as a industries for the Portland area serious handicap. The subject has (government was to do the finan been taken up with the division cing) on the grounds (1) that there of railroad transporatlon, office of is insufficient power available, and emergency management, and this (2) there is a shortage of labor. is the reply of the head of that There is an abundance of power division to a member of the Oregon and there will be all the labor de delegation: “Don't you feel that the sired, pjroviding the federal housing Southern Pacific is now rendering administration will supply some all of the service that should be several thousand (dwellings, port- required of the railroad between .bles or dormatcries, for the worklers Medford and San Francisco?” who now go to Portland but after Latest WPA project held up in a short time throw up their Jobs in Oregon is to construct a water line a shipyard because they can find in Yamhill. The project has been | no place to sleep. The housing pro approved by the president as eligible blem will be salved, although of for WPA funds, but the report ficials take their time. is that there is a lack of needy Canned boysenberries form Mar workers and until there are suf ion county have been sent to Claude ficient «of these the project will Wickard, secretary of agriculture. be delayed. (WPA projects are in Little is known of the boysenberry At The National Capital in the national capital and the quartermaster department has no information on them. However, the quartermaster at San Francisco has agreed to take them instead of blackberries if Oregon cannersmeet the price quoted for blackberries. Secretary Wickard has been infor med that the crop of boysenberries will be about 1,000 tons. City housewives are offered 2 cents a pound for the grease they save and sell to local meat dealers. The latter will receive 1 cent for handling. From the grease, which must be drained and put in covered tin containers, glycerine will be ex tracted for TNT. This is Just anot her of the salvage drives being pro moted by the government to con vert waste Into useful purposes. The waste paper drive was so successful that it was stopped. A series of drives 1s planned for the future. Blgshots in the war work do not last long. Bill Knudson and Sidney Hillman were the works six months ago. Now Knudsen is a three-star general and has disappeared, and Hillman has returned to his Job with the union. Vacationing In Utah— Miss Dar Thel Bybee left Wed nesday evening for Utah to visit relatives and friends. Miss Bybee. who was accompanied by Mrs. Mal colm Crawford and daughter, ex perts to be away from Nyssa about feur weeks. She attended a party given in her honor at the famous resort, “Ma’s and Pa’s place” be tween Salt Lake City and Ogden. Answer The call r to aid Nyssa’s Own Fighting men. Buy More war bonds and stamps July 17, ^ Torpedoes national heroes day. We are proud to add For • our name to those p a y Tyrants ing h image to the men American Heroes W e’re backing you up of past and present with guns and tanks and wars who have distin ammunition. guished themselves on For you— the heroes of the field of battle. America, Nyssa will cel’ W e can all show our ebrate on July 17 by gratitude by buying war buying more war bonds. stamps and bonds. Atkeson’s NYSSA FURNITURE CO. Clothing Store CLARENCE ASTON AUCA0" FOR THE AXIS It’s up to you to supply g those Bombs. SELLING OUT AXIS SCOUNDRELS There’s a price on the heads of Adolph, Benito and Hirohito. However, the price is pretty high— as many bonds as you can buy. Your dollars are backing up the boys— helping = to make the war shorter—with victory the ultimate result. Don’t let your American heroes 1 as Sale Every Saturday Bybee Livestock Sale Co. Phone 05J3 D. O. Bybee, Manager down. Keep buying bonds. Buy them often. Chadwick Drive-in AMERICAN Heroes’ Day Nyssa Honors Its BUYING MORE BONDS PUTS AN END TO BOMBS AMERICAN HEROES DAY American waj vays of living are the best in the >rth a hard fight. The best battle world and wor r we can wage on the home front is the purchase ‘ pure of more and even more war bonds. That’s the reason behind the American heroes’ day bond drive that you and you are going to support with an all-out effort. EDER H A R D W A R E Co. Own Heroes THEY DID IT BEFORE With THEY CAN DO IT AGAIN Bullets for Bulleys Axis Guys Names: Adolph, Benito and Mr. Hirohito IF YOU BUY WAR BONDS Description: Censored America’s heroes have fought to preserve By Buying More American’s freedom ever since the country was War Bonds in infancy. They’re doing it again—but they Ruth’s Beauty Salon g Clues: Only One Way To Be Sure of Beating THE AXIS can’t carry on w ithout your help. Give the Axis BUY WAR BONDS both barrels on July 17 by buying as many war July 17 bonds as you can afford. AMERICAN HEROES DAY Nyssa Pharmacy Nyssa, Oregon FOOD MART