Classified Advertising THE NYSSA flATtB CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1942 PAGE TH REE last week to ihip With the u tw ll- July with Mr. and Mrs. John Jones. ( and care of farm machinery, acety OWYHEE IRRIGATION DISTRICT Claimant names as witnesses: The Bill Baxter home was the lene and electric arc welding and tlon lambs. Pete Wilson, Roy Gueck, Clinton Notice of Hearing Art Warren, who has worked for ^«hc of a family re-union th e1 carpentry. The?e classes were at NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, Snjdsr, Hua»-n Robb, all of route Charlie Bullard the past three Fourth of July. Those in attendance tended by Oregon Smith—Hughes That Petitions for inclusion of 1, Nyssa, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter. instructors. years, left to enter the army July were lands into the Owyhee Irrigation W F. JACKSON Sr. and son, Robert, Mrs. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toomb and District 16. have been filed with the Register. Robinson and baby. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hipp sold his chopped hay Ed Conway. Mr. and Mrs. John family of Nyssa were Sunday din Board of Directors of said District, to Mr. Little in Boise last week Baxter, Jr., of Notus, Mr. and Mrs. ner guests at the Vernon Parker as follows: THE COUNTY COURT OF THE home. RATES: Two cent« per word for each issue. Minimum cash In Dick Smith hauled it. Chris Freese and Edna J. Freese: IN STATE OF OREOON FOR MAL Earl Rutherford and family of Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thrasher and AU that part of South half of advance is 30c. COUNTY and family attended the family Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. Don Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pingston were Northwest quarter (SHNWH) Sec. HEUR In the Matter of the Estate of family of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. night program of the Madun Wood and supper guests at the 8 Tp. 18 S. Rng 46 E. W. M. lying James Burns, Deceased. Howell and family of Eagle. Mrs. Thursday men at the C. E. Secoy home In North of Gellerman Frohman can Roy Thrasher home. NOTICE OF HEARING MISCELLANEOUS Rena Kline of Caldwell and Mr. Ontario Monday night. al. MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Ray Thrasher spent Wed Notice hereby is given that John and Mrs. Bill Bay and daughter, nesday Mrs. Anna Dail received a letter Betty. BAR AZIN CLINIC night with Mrs Jack Corn Olaf Erickson and Myrtle Erick Lackey, Administrator of Estate of For Sale _____ I General pratlce of medicine from her son, Harold, last week, son: West half of Southeast quarter James Burns, Deceased has filed near Nyssa. in Australia. Die Mrs. Alice Bales and son, Clif and Southeast quarter account for settlement, together FOR SALE—Red raspberries. Call | X-Ray Physiotherapy from somewhere J. McKinney has resigned of (WvSEW) was the first Mrs. Dail has ford, visited over the Fourth with his Earl Southwest quarter (SE'.SW i) with at farm or order by mail. L. E. NOTICE—Cement available for aU letter report of his administration position with Adrian high school received from her son since the their daughter and sister and hus and has accepted the position as of Sec. 12, Tp. 17 S. Rng 46 E. W. M and petition Robbins on J. T. Long place. 9j2xp purposes. distribution of band, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Park, at head coach of football, baseball, Margaret W. MuUer: That part of such estate and for war began. that there 16J1XC Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers and Jordan Valley. FOR SALE—Used cream separators. Stunz Lumber Co. Northwest quarter of Northeast of has been fixed for hearing July 25, 1942, and boxing at Corvallis high school. Nyssa Furniture Co. 16J2xc FOR SALE—Gem eating potatoes. son and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mrs. Ruby Bay was hostess to Evelyn Ferguson of Apple Valley quarter (NW'iNELi) of section 16, at 10 o’clock a.m. at the county Long and Harry spent the week social circle members last Wed spent the week-end with her cou and of South half of Southeast •ourtroom in the County Courthouse FOR SALE—OU stoves, $2.50 and William Peutz, Phone 010-J2 2JTFC end quarter (SHSE'i) of section 9, at Vaie, Oregon, at which time and near Unity with Mrs. Bower's nesday afternoon with Mrs. Anna sin, Joyce McGinnis. up. Nyssa Furniture Co. 9JTFC brother, Bill Norris. Plercy and Mrs. Eula Rlchesin as Adrian F.F.A. boys and their in Tp. 17 S. Rng. 47 E. W. M. lying place all persons Interested are KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi FOR SALE—Used electric ranges, tive prices. First class quality. Joan and Frank Ross of Seattle sisting. Fifteen members were pre structor, J. E. Johnson, will go to West of highway, notified to appear and show cause, visited last week with their aunt, sent. At the close of business sess all in Malheur county, Oregon. if any they have why such account good condition. $25 and up. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and Mrs. Boise by bus Sunday for a picnic. Glen Dowers, and family. ion refreshments were served. That the prayer of said petitions and petition and report should Nyssa Furniture Co. 9JTFC Highway 201, Phone 108. 16MtfC Mr. and Mrs. John Snow visited Mrs. Harry Kretobs has returned Last year they spent a week in and petitioners is that an order not be settled and approved and FOR SALE—Trailer House '8 x 16’, FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. at the George Moeller home Sat to her home at Whitebird after the Wallowa mountains but de be made by the Board of Directors distribution of the estate there fully equipped. Can be seen at against that this year due of the Owyhee Irrigation District upon made to the persons entitled tfc. urday evening visiting for several days with her cided Frank C. Fry. Mrs. CarroU Tucker Phone 78J. to the acute labor shortage. including the lands described in thereto. Mrs. Ellis Warner’s 4-H sheep mother, Mrs. Carl Graham, and % Dean Smith. 9J2XP met July 9 at her house for other relatives in Notus and this The F.F.A. boys have been har such petitions and as herein above Dated and 1st publ. June 25, 1942. CITY PROPERTY club vesting their small field of Dutch set forth within the boundaries of Last publ. July 23, 1942. a potluck dinner. Mr. Hauser, Coun community. NO HUNTING—SIGNS. Four for For Rent clover near the agriculture build the district. ty 4-H club leader, was present John Lackey, Administrator quarter. Gate City Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mefford of ing. FOR RENT—Four room modem in the afternoon and gave the Nyssa, NOTICE FURTHER IS GIVEN, spent Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Wymer and That FOR SALE: Good three burner oil house, basement, shade. Phone 35R members instructions on judging with Mr. said petitions wiU be heard and Mrs. George Jones daughter, Phyllis June, of Portland and considered by the Board of Dir 9JTFC sheep and calves. stove ana oven. Enquire Ed. Steinke Ye» Sir! called at the Howard Hatch home ectors of the Owyhee Irrigation 9J tfc Mr. and Mrs. Lealand Deitz and and Mrs. family. Beuford Arnett cf Boise Sunday. FOR RENT—Anna Housh residents. son of Monpeiier, Ohio visited spent Saturday District at its regular meeting to night and Sunday Mrs. Everett Points spent from be held on Tuesday, August 4, 1942, # FOR SALE—Blrdsell number 9 See. Frank T. Morgan. 28tfc Mrs. Deitz, sister, Mrs. Pete Wake- with her parents, Your Old Bus will Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday until Sunday with her at 8:00 o’clock p.m. at the District Clover Huiler or trade for late wcod, last week. They all drove to M. O. Leverton. model combine. E. G. Hager FOR RENT—A Kelly house. See MoCall Sunday. husband at the Owyhee dam. office at Nyssa, Oregon, and aU Kimberly, Idaho. 25J4XP Frank T. Morgan. - 4JTPC. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Berthelsen of Mossing of the farmers co-opera The packing sheds in Adrian persons interested or desiring to have to keep on rolling is well underway. have been opened. Work was start object thereto, are notified to visited at the George Moell tive Mr. ditch and Mrs: Don Baxter and ed the first part of the week. FOR RENT—Frances store build Parma appear at the aforesaid office at er home Thursday evening. They family of Bend were overnight Maxine Smith of Newell Heights the time above stated and show or you’ll be walking oi> ing, formerly occupied by Baldridge had just returned from a two-week guests Thursday LOST night of Mr. and spent Friday and Saturday with cause in writing if any they have, Implement Co. visit with Mr. Berthelsen’s parents, Bill Bay. why the prayers of said petitions riding with the neigh McGinnis. LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN— See: Frank T. Morgan 28tfc Mr. and Mrs. James Berthelsen of Mrs. Farmers are binding and corn- Rose Officers of the church and Sun should not be granted. ^hree work horses--bay with white Great Forks, North Dakota. They binding grain In this community. day school met Tuesday night at Dated the 7th day of July, 1942, star on forehead, blaze faced black, FOR RENT reported the best crops in Dakota Rev. Nevin's home for a business by order of the Board of Directors. bors. and blaze-faced sorrel. Last seen HOUSES. Bernard Eastman, 8Jtfc in 10 yrs. Frank T. Morgan, Secretary meeting. near Welser. All wearing halters. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Notify "Leonard Hoppell, Weiser Mrs. Richard Wight and daugh Owyhee Irrigation District Butchering family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles The sooner you get ter, Georgia Ann, of Portland and First pilbl. July 9. 1942. Last publ. Rt. 3, or Ontario Argus. Bullard returned from the hills Mrs. Ed Wymer of Parma spent CUSTOM butchering every Mon the first of the week. day and Friday, Beef, sheep and The Arcadia Sunshine club met your car tuned up for Wednesday and Friday with Mrs. WANTED NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION pork. Sanitary butchering guaran July Howard Hutch. 9 at the school house. Only Phone 05-R-l. One mile west six members were present. They Mr. and Mrs. H. Hartley of United States Department of HELP WANTED—Both men and teed. Nyssa the duration, the less it The Interior A. L. LINDBECK on Alberta Ave. Jake voted to discontinue the meetings Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests women to work at detasselling of of GENERAL LAND OFFICE AT Fischer. at the D. W. Patch home. hybrid corn. It interested contact until Sepetember 3. The annual Salem, Oregon, July 16 (Special) Dalles, Oregon, June 23, 1942. will cost and the longer Michael—Leonard company of On picnic planned at the Charles Bull Only one of seven initiative mea Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and The NOTICE FASHION FOUNDATIONS is hereby given that Ted, and Jim and Virginia Roy H. Warren, tario, Oregon. i6J2xc Barcley and smart-form founda ard was also discontinued. sures for which preliminary peti son, of route 1, Nyssa, Miller left Sunday for a vacation tions were filed with the secretary garments, Corsets, Girdles, Bra Oregon, who, on August 20, 1937, your car will last. WANTED—Manure hauler See tion at Burghdorf, Idaho. of state's office made its way to a Word has been received that made Homestead entry, ssieres. Perfect fit assured by ex Frank T. Morgan TEN DAVIS place on the November ballot. That Pvt. Richard Holly has been trans for Farm Unit “A” or No. the 030041, perienced corsetlere. Alice Collins was the measure sponsored by the ferred to the air base at Sioux 2 and 3, Section 31, Township 20 lots 8„ WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for Box 500, Nyssa. Mrs. Frank Sorenson was plea Oregon State Teachers’ association Range 46 E„ Willamette Meridian, live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay Falls, South Dakota. He Is a mem has santly surprised the evening of which seeks to divert all surplus filed notice of intention to ette. 27Ntfc lakes, starting July 21. military police force. the Fourth when relatives gathered tax revenues above $7,750,000 ber The of the make final Proof, to establish claim Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Holady and to help her celebrate her birthday. Income young Girl Scouts met at year into a special state school the home of Mrs. Patch Monday. to the land above described, before daughter of Mitohell Oregon visited Those in attendance were Mr. and a fund. T. Morgan, Notary Public, friends here last week. Mrs. Frank Carlson, Misses Ruby This measure, however, togsther “Fashions For Young Girls" was Frank at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 6th. day the topic of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Esmond Butler and Mary Lou Carlson, Mr. and with the six referred measures will of August, 1942. Mrs. Roy Trotter and son, Leroy. give Oregon voters a total of seven Mr. and Mrs. F. A. de Lespinasse Twenty-eight were present at visited at the Vern Butler home Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Carlson. Ro- ballot measures to pass Judgment are now settled In Washington D. C. Sunday school Sunday. Seven of Sunday, n a recent letter Mrs. de Lespinasse the girls will attend the union George Moeller and Marion Smith | bert and Joe Root of Deer Flat, on come general election time. The sends greetings to all her friends. Sunday school coference at Payette Lock some of their lamb6 to Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson and referred measurers include: j daughter, Marjorie, of Caldwell. A proposed constitutional amend | The evening was spent lnvlsiting ment increasing the pay of legis NYSSA HEIGHTS | and watching fireworks. The guests lators from $3 a day for 40 days i served ice cream and cake. The to $8 a day for 50 days; Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz and honor guest was presented with a A proposed constitutional amend sons and Mrs. Rosa Kurtz spent lovely table cloth. ment repealing the article pro Sunday with the Ed Dillabaugh Major and Mrs. Atkins and viding for a rural credits loan family near Boise. daughters of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. fund. The Nebraska people held their I Ivan Dumil and family. Mr. and A proposed constitutional amed- annual picnic at the COC camp. Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin and child ment providing that gasoline taxes Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hickman ren and Mrs. Carrie McLaughlin en shall be used exclusively for roads and family and many Calloway, joyed a picnic dinner the Fourth and highways. Nebraska neighbors and friends You will find our choice cuts of meat satisfy with Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dumil A proposed constitutional amend were present. at their home in Black Canyon. Harry Shelton and Roger Troat- permitting the legislature to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones and ment ner were business callers at Vale our most exacting customers. restore voting rights to persons Tuesday. children. Mrs. Effle Sutton and convicted of felonies. OPTOMETRISTS ABSTRACTORS son, Conrad of Caldwell, Mrs. Ella A legislative act providing for a Bay of Notus spent the Fourth of tax an cigarettes, the proceeds to be Nyssa Packing Company Legal Advertising DR. J. A. McFALL used for old age assistance and vocational education. Complete abstracting "See McFall and 8oe Better” NOTICE FOR PITILICATION ,A legislative act restricting or United States Department of service. Notice To Hog Raisera prohibiting net fishing in coastal The Interior Ontario Title and bays. GENERAL LAND OFFICE AT With the Installation of a near streams When the deadline for filing of The Dalles, Oregon. Abstract Co. scale at 13, 1942 initiative petitions arrived it was NOTICE Is hereby July given that ONTARIO, OREGON Insure your Hay and Grain THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS found that five measures had failed Ellis Ivan Warner, of Ontario, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST we are now receiving your hogs to qualify for a place on the Nov Oregon, who on August 2, 1937, ONTARIO OREGON there every Friday, paying tbu ember. These Included: made Homestead entry. No. 030784, You should not overlook the DENTISTS highest price the market permits C. H. Agers’ proposal to exempt for Farm Unit “B" or the N’iNWVi from taxation up to a true Section 12, Township 19 8., Range Importance of insurance and seeking to serve you In every homes cash value of $2000; 46 E., Willamette Meridian, has possible way. PHYSICIANS John H. Waterhouse’s proposal to filed notice of intention to make Feed will be more valuable than J. R. CUNDALL repeal the milk control act. Proof, to establish claim to FRANK KULLANDER Dentist Dan Hays’ ’hot cargo” bill pro- final ever this year. the land above described, before Phone 56-J hibting secondary boycotts. Prank T. Morgan. Notary Public, L. A. Maulding, M.D. E. C. Allen’s proposal to tax Sarazln Clinic Nyssa. Oregon, on the 21st. Physician and Surgeon corporation dividends to create an at NYSSA OREGON day of August, 1942. FR A N K T. M O R G A N unemployment compensation fund Claimant names as witnesses: Phone 37 for the benefit of service men at D. E Brady, of Nyssa, Ore., Ben Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Insurance and Real Estate the close of the war. Daily—Except Sunday P. Shaw, C. R. Barbour. Willard A measure sponsored by the Old Fry Building Phone 97 JEWELRY STORES Age Beneficiaries. Inc., providing Lay all of Ontario, W. Ore. F. JACKSON for the complete revamping of the Register state public welfare organization. MISCELLANEOUS Still another proposed initiative PAULUS Ï sponsored by the Senior Citizens JEWELRY STORE Annuity committee and providing NYSSA AERIE for a state old age retirement plan, Union Pacific Time Inspector F. O. E. NO. 2134 was withdrawn by its sponsors sev JEWELRY — DIAMONDS A S T U R D Y eral weeks ago. Meets Wednesday Night WATCHES Vocationlsts who desire to leave AT EAGLES HALL HAND TO HELP the beaten path and penetrate deep Main Street at Second Visiting Eagles Welcome into Oregon's forests this summer HARRY MINER, Bee. YOU must first secure a permit. A pro T EN SEN W A R E H O U S E ROSCOE FINDLEY, Nyssa Funeral Home's clamation closing ail national for friendly dealing with ests as well as adjacent privately WYCKOFF many Nyssa families owned forest lands to entry except Laundries JEWELRY STORE for several years have with the requisite permit was Issued created a reputation Official Time Inspector for by Oovemor Sprague this week. Nyssa s Own A Nyssa Owned for kindliness. Integrity Union Pacific The proclamation prohibits smoking Pay cash—contract for delivery in July or make advance payments and efficiency. Let us — Seventh A Park Streets — ONTARIO OREOON in hazardous areas. Persons desiring help and oounsel you Phone 146 to build camp fire* in other than In your time of trou designated, improved camp grounds Nyssa Steam Laundry ble. We can relieve must equip themselves with fire you of so many de KELLER’S fighting equipment including, aze, for future delivery of potatoes and onions. tails. Economy is main shovel and water pall. SHOE SHOPS CABINET SHOP tained without the sac rifice of dignity and If It is made of wood we ADRIAN respect. Abbott’« Shoe Shop can make It or repair it All kinds of shoe and harness P. O. Box 893 642 Main St. J. E. Johnson, Adrian agriculture Phones, Warehouse 54; E, O. Peter residence78W Nyssa Oregon repairing NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Instructor, returned last week from Across from poet office. Oregon City, where he attended mechanical classes Courses avail able were: motor tune-up. repair •STATE# CAPITAL NEWS Towne’s Arcadia Professional And Business Directory Garage MSDSI J.C. Sewell Produce Co.