conference. The Gate City Journal KLAUS V. PO W E LL AD VE R TIS IN G $1.50 $1.00 05 C onies (Strictly In Advance) RATES Open rate, per Inch......... 35c National, per Inch............ 35c Classifieds, per word 2r Minimum.... .... 30c Mr. and Mrs. Oregory Roes are the parents of a daughter, Kay Louise, born at the Brittlngham home In Ontario. Karin Ross Is staying at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sayers. R. L. Krlner of Payette was inems: • SU BSCR IPTIO N RATES B in a le Mffiu>ter» or oilier» interested in church publicity are Invited to use | employed at the Ralph Barnes the columns of the Journal to carry Important messages and notices home several days the past week. Mrs. B. J. Pennington of Payette to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of visited several days last week at each week. the home of her son, George. Dorette and Helen Kielhom , THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY [ of Sunday’s sermon is: What Sin CHURCH Does to M an” . It will be good for former resident of this community, and now of Portland, visited sev M. H. Greenlee. Pastor you to hear this sermon. eral days with friends last week. Church school opens promptly at i i a m.—Sunday school and Bible Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coleman at 9:45 Sunday morning with a de classes for all. tended a Nebraska picnic held 8 p.m.—The young people meet near Nyssa Sunday. votional service led by the gen eral superintendent, Mr. Clifford the church whence they go to Mr. and Mrs. M ark Terrel and a home for a surprise meeting of .family and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Main. Morning worship Is at 11 the Walter league. All young people Whittle and son le ft for their homes a.m. The sermon this Sunday will are invited. at Vallejo, California after a 10- be dlvered by Dr. Millard Scherlch, “ Come thou with us and we will day visit at the home of Mr. and former pastor of this church. H ie do thee good” . Mrs. Henry Sink. only evening service this Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L ivl Johnson were evening will be the service at 8:30 ST. PAU L’S EPISCOPAL last Friday business visitors in under the direction of the Young M ISSION Welser. Adult Fellowship. This w ill be a The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Viscar public worship service to which all Morning prayer and sermon 9:30. are invited. Prayer service Wednes Holy communion and sermon day evening at 8:30 will be led each fourth Sunday of the month. by Mr. Russell Cochrum. Women’s Guild meets second Mr. and Mrs. Jacab Fisher spent Wednesday In each month. Sunday at the home of W. C. NYSSA ASSEM BLY OF GOD Pastor C. A. Slaughter A D R IA N C O M M U N ITY UNITED Fisher in Nampa. Mrs. Luther F ife went to Lava PR E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Alan Ed Hot springs to attend a family Kingman Memorial monds Superintendent. Every class reunion. Pastor J. C. Nevin welcomes you. Mrs. Am y Barker went to Cas 10 a.m„ Bible school. There are Morning service, 11: o’clock classes for every member o f the cade for a two-week visit with her Evengellstlc 8 o’clock. family. Superentendant, M. L. son, Clarence Barker. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 Harold and Gerald Patton re Kurtz. o’clock. turned to Cascade after working 11 a.m. morning worship. Sermon: A cordial welcome to all. C. A. Slaughter "W hy Christ Came” . 8 p.m.. The young people meet at the Kingman Colony school L. D. S. CHURCH Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood house. J Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879. VALUE OF BATTLESHIP DECLINES Whether the Russians’ claim that they hit the German battleship, Tirpitz, with a torpedo is true or false, it at least brings to the attention of the world again that the battleship is losing its place in the sun. The Tirpitz has been kept out of action for many months by repeated attacks o f British torpedo planes and dive'bombers. Like its sister ships, the 40,000 ton super-dread-naught has not played an important part in the war, except, perhaps to keep a few English planes and ships in England, when they could have been of more value somewhere else. The less useful the large battleship becomes through development of the airplane, the more important the plane will become in this war. That is one reason the united nations are cer tain o f winning the war if given time. England is said to be manufacturing as many planes as Germany and the United States is reported to be making as many as Japan, Italy and Ger many so that soon, despite the preparedness of the dictators over a period o f years, the allied air force should soon excel that of the axis pow ers. FOURTH OF JULY TRAFFIC FATALITIES REDUCED IN 1942 Even war seems to bring about some good results. The traffic fatalities in the United States during the Fourth of July holidays were only about half the number of persons killed on the highways last year. The total this year was sligtly over 300. The effect o f the war on- traffic accidents was indirect, but never-the-less it was effective. The gasoline and automobile tire rationing has forced many motorists o ff the highways and reduced the number of possible accidents. The poor condition of many tires and the desire of automobile owners to conserve their tires are factors that have reduced traffic speeds, which, in the past, have taken a fright ful toll of lives. When the world goes crazy in war, it be comes sensible in other ways. meeting. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. Sunday 8:00 p.m. Sacrament meeting. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. R elief society meeting. Tuesday 8:00 p.m. M. I. A. meet ing. Wednesday 4:15 Primary meeting. F IR S T C H R ISTIA N CHURCH (Church of Christ) J. S. Beem, Minister On next Sunday morning we will hold services In our new church home located two blocks south of the new Nazarene church—Just east from the park. Bible school at 10 a.m.. Morning worship and communion at 11a.m. Young peoples meeting at 7:45 p.m. FU LL GOSPEL TABERNACLE We would like all our young people Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds, present for this meeting as it will pastors. be election of officers. Evening wor Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. ship at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. Beem will Morning worship at 11 a. m. bring the message both In the Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Midweek prayer service Wednes morning and evening. day at 8 p. m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Friday night special Young peo Vern Martin, Pastor ple’s service at 8 p. m. Everyone Sunday school at 10 a.m. E. J. intlted to attend. ___ PAR M A LU TH E R AN CHURCH Hobson, superintendent. A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Classes for everyone. Come to our 7th Sunday after Trinity: school. 10 a m —Divine services. The pas- Morning worship at 11. Rev. O .R . wlll deliver the second o f a series Reeder, evangelist, preaching. Young peoples's service at 7:15 of sermons on sin. The subject Dwellings and contents Farm dwellings and contents Growing crops 10c per $100 10c per $100 5c per $100 Bernard Eastman Real Estate Issunnce Phone 64 NYSSA OREGON Appliance Specials 1 Easy washer Regular $99.95 Special $85.00 1 Easy Spin Dry washer Regular $129.95 Special $105.00 1 Dexter washer Regular $99.95 Special $85.00 1 Zenith radio, console style, Regular $109.95 Special $99.95 One used Frigidaire and also used radios and washers. Golden Rule NYSSA, OREGON ASK FOR Roscoe Kellogg made a business trip to Parma Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fisher, Mrs. Arlene Seward, and Mrs. Ros coe Kellogg went to Fruit land Tues day to pick! cherries. Grange W ill Meet----- The Pomona Grange will meet In the Adrian high school building In stead of In the Big Bend park at the parental Pinkston home. Rev. Nevin and family were din ner guests Sunday at the M. L. Potatoes have the place o f In Kurtz home. terest in this vicinity. Reports In Picket Flour A ll purpose flour It’s enriched W ith Vitamin “ B” A product o f the Weiser Milling and Elev. Co. Satisfy Your Home-Town Pride with a Package of Sugar City Stationery It’s new. It’s different T w o sizes 50c and $1 Available at Nyssa Pharmacy Owyhee Drug Store Golden Rule Store W ray’s Dime Store A T T E N T IO N P o tato G ro w e rs W e are now paying highest market prices for potatoes. W e will lump your fields or buy by the hundred. Please call or see us before selling. Located at Ralph Castatter’s warehouse. J.R . Simplot Max Herbald, Local Buyer Phone 3 NEWELL HEIGHTS dicate that one farmer sold his 29 acres for $150 per acre in the Lincoln Heights field. Digging will begin this week as the packing house in W ar Damage Insurance in Nyssa for some time. I July 25 as previously planned, the ..... , , „ . ____ , . j 1 quarterly meeting will be started at Lime M atthew. Is now ^ « In the V ho PP agoa ^ supper ^ the evening. Vauey. Mrs. Dwight Seward. Ruth M att hews, I.lllle Matthews. M ary Jane Hlgby and Ilia Botner were among the local groups who went to Caldwell Sunday. Alberta Valley Adrian has been opened. 8 tube. T T r i g frYSSA G À tfe C î t Ÿ JO U R N A L TH U R SD A Y, J U L Y 16, 1942 PAGE TWO The Modem Pioneer club will sponsor Its annual picnic Sunday afternoon, July 26 at the Big Bend park. The families will attend their respective church services and then gather at the park for a basket dinner. A ll community families are Invited to be present. Ajc B ill Kurtz has satisfactory completed his test and Is now classified for pilots training. O f the 115 who passed the tests 105 are pilots, two navigators and seven bomberdiers. His address is a|c William O. Kurtz Squadron 58., A. P. Pre Flight school (P ilo t).. S. A. A. A. B„ Santa Ana, Calif. The Bob Kurtz who was sup posed to have broadcast on Moth er’s day was not the local Bob Kurtz. He has recently received his promotion to private first class. Dinner guests a week ago Sun day at the Carl H ill home In cluded the C. Bennett fam ily of Sunset Valley, the Smllley family of Oregon T ra il and the Stanley H ill family. The G irl Scouts of Adrian will give their annual tea at the high school auditorium this afternoon. Mothers and daughters are In vited to attend. Orton Winn Is to be Inducted Into the army today o f he passes the examination given In Boise. The young folks o f the Adrian Community church are planning a combined swimming party with the Nampa United Presbyterrian Y. P. C. U. group at Memorial park In Caldwell Friday night Thirty six children from 8 to 14 years o f age are enrolled In the Vacation Bible school. T w o boys are walking six miles round trip One girl rides a horse eight miles round trip. The Goulet brothers have pur chased the 80-acre farm formerly known as the Davidson place, Just west of the Leache farm, purchased by Ross Healy last spring. They began getting 4 acres ready for lettuce this week. The D. L. Anderson family enter tained at a party one evening last week honoring Mavis Oale, who left Monday for Ban Francisco, where she will enroll in a business school. Mrs. Oale has a sister In California Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pinkston and son visited several days last week Rev, Donald Crego, pastor of the Methodist church of Vale, will deliver a sermon to the Lincoln Sunday school members Sunday at 3 o’clock. Sunday school will be held at 2 p.m. Alda Anderson, Donna and Betty Leavitt and Mary Bushman will, leave the first of the week for Payette lakes where, they will at tend the annual meeting of the American Union Young People’s Regulation of O PEN A C C O U N TS Effective May 6 Repaint for Defense The Board of Governors o f the Federal Reserve Paint protects the outside and Inside. K A L S O M IN IN G and PAPER CLEANING — Free Estimate— credit, and adding a provision to include open M c G in n is andy Bank adopted Amendment Number 4 to Regula tion W , further restricting installment and loan accounts W ITH R E S P E C T T O C H A R G E A C C O U N T S First 8treet That unless payment is made by the 10th o f the ■W —— —— _____ second month following the month during which BETWEEN FRIENDS By Howdy Ed. Polks: the goods are purchased, no further credit may be extended Pruyn Did you ever stop to think that while the law may give the pedestrian right-of-way. It makes no pro vision for flowers? W e ll on give your you good automobile. Loose Your Credit and and Keep You Loose Something Your Credit Good You May Never Regain service Let's together on this. Pay Your Bills the get Watch for green and black handbills with accounts for sale Nevada — Oregon — Idaho — Utah Division Pruyn's Garage PIONEER SERVICE CO. INC Division O ffice: I. O. O. F. Bldg., Eugene, Oregon J r