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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1942)
THE NY88À GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1942 PAGE THREE peas last week. They re this notice with me as adminis of Bend, and family, who are «pend dent; Maurice Judd, vtct-prealdent; say! Six dozen and real beauties canning an exceptionally fine yield. tratrix at Big Bend, Oregon. ing a lew days visiting relatives Arlene Peterson, secretary-trea tpo. Cost him twenty two dollars, ported JENNIE E. PHELAN, Mrs. H J. Ulrey and Nova and surer; and Harold 'iuttz, corres tye are sure proud of them Dont Mrs. befere returning to Bend. Administratrix Wyatt Smith and sans Shopp know whether we owe him an Ervin Johnson, nephew of Jt. 1. ponding secretary Dated and first pUbl. June 11. ed in Ontario and Payette last apology or thanks so will give both. Peterson, left Saturday 'for his home Mr. and Mrs. Merritt M Oreel- 1942. Last publ. July 9, 1942. Tuesday. We are so proud of them we are in Nebraska before reporting for lng Joined friends for * picnic at to take them to use on the Mrs. B. F. Rockstool visited in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION duty in the army. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har going table at the Big Bend park Pomcnia Seattle last week. A d v e r tis in g Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patch and vey Otis In Adrian July 4. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes made United States Department of Saturday In July. family were in Boise Monday. Many persons gathered on the the Cow last Hollow a business trip to Ontario Wednes RATES: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum cash in The Interior has flneally got Us Inna Points spent Independence lawn and Mrs Conrad hay all up. Got it all up In fine day. OENERAL LAND OFFICE AT day with Dorothy Toomb of King- Martin of for Mr. advance is 30c. a picnic July 4. and Mrs. Ewln Chard went The Dalles, Oregon, snape too. Last year we had so to Mr. June 23, 1942. man Kolony. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lane In much rain on it but this year the Emmett Wednesday. NOTICE Is hereby given that The Garden club met Tuesday at vited A group of relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Nevin and weather was fine, just a little H. Warren, of route 1, Nyssa, the Beaumont home in Kingman daughter Laura, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse on the Roy Holmes lawn Roy Oregon, who, on August 20, 1937, Kolony. Mrs. E. D. Norcott of Nyssa Sugg and Carol and Mrs. Mary warm but we can take it we are picnicked MISCELLANEOUS POR MISCELLANEOUS the Fourth. Guests were: H. J. SALE—Gem eating potatoes. talked on “Small Floral Arrange Nichols and family for dinner July going to make it warm for the Holmes of Modlsto, Calif., Frank made Homestead entry, No. 030841, For Sale Japs too I bet you. The haying for Farm Unit “A” or the lots William Peuts, Phone 010-J2 2JTFC ments’’. went along with out any serious Holmes of Merced, Calif., Mrs. Dora 2 and 3, Section 31, Township 20 S., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thrasher called 4. FOR SALE—Red raspberries and of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. 4« E., Willamette Meridian, Mr. and Mrs. George Elsberry of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shaw and accidents too. Jonnie Hamilton and Holmes currants. Call at farm or order by KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi on F. G. Holmes and Gilbert and Range family and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roy Rooks tool let a cable come Junior, has filed of Intention to tive prices. First class quality. Parrra Sunday. mall. L. E. Robbins on J. T. Long Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Chard make final notice and the stacker head fall. Proof, to establish claim Goode Ave. and The Mary and Martha society McCcnnell and baby attended a It untied place. 9J2xp Highway Lbr. 201, Co., boogered Roy up somewhat but i alld family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Phone 10*. 16Mtfc of the United Presbyterian church picnic eponsered by the Nazarene he is all right now. Clarence Nccum Holmes and family. Mr. and Mrs. to the land above described, before NO HUNTING—SION8. Pour for Frank T. Morgan, Notary Public, met at the Francis Deffer home church on the 4th In Apple Valley. POR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. Thursday. Mrs. DeHaven was as Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pinkston, >nd Doc Baffington lost a total Lynn 8nodgrass and son and Mr. at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 6th. day quarter. Gate City Journal. Phone 78J. tic. sistant hostess. Mrs. Nevin had son, Jerry, are visiting their parents of seven teeth out of their haying and Mrs- p- 8- Byers and family, of August, 1942. POR SALE—Birdsell number 9 during their two week vacation outfit. Thats all right Doc and his j Mr and Mrs Wyatt Smith were Claimant names as witnesses: charge of devotions. Clover Huller or trade for late They the 4th with Mrs. Pink wife have made a specialty of 1,osts at dinner Sunday honoring Pete Wilson, Roy Gueck, Clinton The young group of Girl Scouts CITY PROPERTY met Thursday with Mrs. Patch. ston’s spent ®°n* Vance, who left Sunday model combine. E. G. Hager parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee makeing teeth for a long time. J Hudson Robb, all of route have all been hearing over evening for Portland, where he Snyder. Kimberly, Idaho. 25J4XP For Rent 1, Nyssa, Oregon. Mildred Sparky and Nola Roy Thrasher. Mr. and Mrs. Boren and he We radio all summer that If we W^1 attend the Benson Polytech- W. F. JACKSON Drown were hostesses officers were family of Boise were also there. expect to have coal to burn next ldca' school. Guests were the Ewen FOR SALE—Semi-sweet canning FOR RENT—Anna Housh residents. elected Register. as follows: President, Mil winter we better lay it In now.; Chard, Archie, Smith, Marion Chard cherries at Graham ranch. 2mi See. Prank T. Morgan. 28tfc dred Sparks, vice president, Nola Have you heard of any one laying ; and Omer Dorman families and IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE east Gay Way. Ready about July Drown; secretary, Delores Aucker; Cow Hollow In a supply? Eliza Niccum ordered Mlss June Mitchell 6. Bring containers. POR RENT—A Kelly house. See treasurer, Patty DeHaven and re STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL Guy Graham, Payette, Idaho Rt. Prank, T. Morgan. 4JTPC. porter, Caroline Schiemer. » car lead of mill wood along last J. E. Bowen built a new chicken HEUR COUNTY coop last week. 1 2J2XC >pring. Well Just when everybody Bryon Pounds and son, Jerry, or four of the ladys clubs vas in the midst of haying the Word has been received that In the Matter of the Estate of FOR RENT—Frances store build of Caldwell called on Mr. Glen of Three the neighborhood arcund here oar of wood came. When he should Wilbur Smith is now an army James Burns, Deceased. Saturday. FOR SALE OR RENT ing, formerly occupied by Baldridge Pounds NOTICE OF HEARING got their families togather been haying he spent almost flying instructor at Merced, Calif, Mrs. Glen Pounds and daughter picnic at the C.C j C. camp for the a a of week Implement Co. Notice hereby Is given that John hauling that wood, but he Cecil Benson of Astoria, Is home Lackey, Administrator POR SALE OR RENT: 1-acre tract See: Prank T. Morgan 28tfc Olorin, spent the 4th of July In fourth of July. Wee had a swell of Estate of has fine pile of wood now so he J on a furlough. 4-room modern house, garage, pas- Vale and Weiser. time and did not have to be gone wont have to worry how he is going j ______________________________ James Burns, Deceased has filed * ture, garden, chicken shed. POR RENT all day either. The first thing on to keep warm this winter. account for settlement, together i a H. E. Collins, Box 500, Nyssa. 9Jlxc HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. 8Jtfc the program of course was eats, George Gabriel has one of the with report of his administration L e » a l A d v e r tis in g Kingman Kolony (never will forget Mrs. Stephens few corn patches In Cow Hollow and petition for distribution of LOST Butchering saying “If you want to get a croud that has escaped the plow this IN THE COUNTY COURT OF such estate and that hearing there Mayor and Mrs. J. C. Olson of gather you must rattle a spoon".) yea*. George thought for a while! THE STATE OF OREGON FOR of has been fixed for July 25, 1942, LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN— CUSTOM butchering every Mon Nyssa guests of Mr. Well we certainly did eat. All kinds that he would plow it up but it MALHEUR COUNTY at 10 o'clock a.m. at the county Three work horses- bay with white day and Friday. Beef, sheep and and Mrs. were W. dinner chidden and all fixings too. And g_L so 1—e before he could get to it .ourtroom In the County Courthouse NOTICE TO CREDITORS star on forehead. Maze faced black, pork. Sanitary butchering guaran Friday evening. E. Piercy and family of including fourty gallons of Ice no.v he has cultivated It and In the Matter of the Estate of at Vale, Oregon, at which time and and blaze-faced rorrel Last seen teed. Phone 05-R-l. One mile west Mrs. Mary Nichols and family cream. There around three place all persons Interested are v. hat it will make. N. S. Phelan, Deceased. near Weiser. Al' wearing halters. of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake were in Payette Monday. Leonard houndred of us were there a n t enough g.c Well notified to appear and show cause, I feel quite proud of myself. Notice is given by the under Notify Leonard Hcppell, Weiser Fischer. Nichols returned to Portland after eats for another hundred expect. I wrote this on Sunday afternoon signed Adrr.lnstratrlx of the Estate If any they have why such account Rt. 3, or Ontario Argus. visiting his mother for the past We had games and little contests and all the time to write to my of N. S. Phelan, Deceased, to the and petition and report should FASHION FOUNDATIONS few weeks. be settled and approved and the little children, larger harts content. Good by. Barcley and smart-Iorm founda creditors of and all persons having not Mrs. Elsie Heitz returned home among distribution of the estate there WANTED children, ladles and men. tion garments, Corsets, Girdles, Bra Friday claims against the said deceased after a two-week vacation Those games were Just as ex- upon made to the persons entitled to file them, with the necessary thereto. Perfect fit assured by ex in Phoenix, WANTED—Manure hauler See ssieres. Arizona. perienced corsetiere. Alice Collins vouchers, within six months after Lincoln Heights citeing and as much fun as If Prank T. Morgan Kern Thurman of Buhl, Idaho we had burned up a hundred miles the date of first publication of Dated and 1st publ. June 25, 1942. Box 500, Nyssa. The picnic sponsored on the Last publ. July 23, 1942. was a guest of his sister, Mrs. of gas and rubber to see a real Fourth WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for of July by the Lincoln John Lackey, Administrator celibration. Mr. Fillingness was just Wesley Piercy, and family Wed- live fox feed horses. Phone 8_ Pay Sunday school was well attended. as proud of his two suckers he won nerday evening. ette. 27Ntfc Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Sayers of Adrian the sack race and the one California Mrs. Rayond Holton entertained in visited the first part legged race as if he had really won of the Pollyanna club Wednesday af the week at the Forrest Sayers A C o u rte s y Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thrasher were ternoon. The next meeting will be be in his fiftys) and I only got home. BETWEEN FRIENDS TO YOUR GUEST a great prize. (Mr. Fillingness must Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whitlock guests at the home of his parents, held with Mrs. Robert Clark. ASK FOR Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thrasher of Nadeen and Jewell Wilson and one sucker, and Mrs. Notice really arrived at the home of her parents, tried for the roap jumping prize Mr. and Mrs. EM Johnson, Friday ! Kingman Kolony Saturday. By Ed. Pruyn Dorothy Toomb were Sunday din as much as if there had been a ten evening and well visit for an In Rose McKinnis and Mr. and Mrs. ner h e n ic e s t c o u r tesy Picket Flour T of Mrs. Mary Nichols dollar prize, (when the rope got Gayle Martin celebrated the 4th and guests you can show your guests time. family. to the red hot pepper I couldent definite of July with Mrs. Martin’s parents All-purpose flour The Boy Scouts left Tuesday is to have their visits men In the olden day* you had a The executive board of the local take it.) in Parma. for the Yellowstone park tioned In the columns of tbls It’s enriched with Mrs. Duane Anderson, pres Last fall a Mr. Peterson of the morning Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks of P.T.A., party and talked about It for a where they will enjoy a 10 day ever you give us items of ident; Mrs. William Toomb, vice- furniture store in Ontario came vacation. Vitamin “B” Kingman Kolony were Saturday president esy you can show your friends and Mrs. George DeHa week. Now days, you have a dinner guests at the Ellen Sparks up to one of our farmers to hunt A product of the and Mrs. Albert Coleman Is to let them learn of your ven, secretary; met at Mrs. De- birds, he was told that the farm and Mr. family, home. spent Saturday with party and the neighbors talk home Thursday afternoon was signed up In the Chalk Butte Weiser Milling and Saturday Mrs. Ray Thrasher returned home Haven’s at the Black Canyon dam. visit through this newspaper morning from a trip to and appointed their committee Hunting area and would cost him friends about you for a month. Elev. Co. Miss Ruth Bronom of Ontario when you go away. Even we California. She returned with her | chairman for the coming year's five dollors to hunt. He said he spent will consider It a courtesy the week-end at the home sister-in-law, Mrs. Bruce Pingston work. dldnot have any money with him her parents. She will leave Fri whenever you give us an item There’s a lot of favorable talk Mrs, Arthur Cartwright spent but would bring It next time. Was of evening for San Francisco to of any kind. Mall them to us Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. out a few days later and says “well day about our automobile repairing or call us by phone. Teleprone several days with friends. Earl Parker, in Newell Heights. I sure forgot my purse again but spend Mr. and Mrs. Verdo Harris and on the part of our customers. Clint Allen of Roswell was In you tell any of the farmers that Wade Nielson went on a fishing trip the Kolony Wednesday marking Is in this to come In and I will to Unity We’d like to have you on our lambs to be shipped next Tuesday. make a contribution to the hall". Mr. and Saturday. Mrs. W. B. Douglas of The Kolony Christian Endeavor Sort of sounded like Stuff&Junk. Pasadena, visited ever-growing customer list. the home of Notice To Hog Raiaera society held a party on the Harvey But got a letter from a man In cal. Mr. and Mrs. Fred at Hawkins last Otis lawn In Adrian Friday even with a five dollar check inclosed week. With the Installation of a new ing. New officers elected for the said he wanted to do something Mr. and Mrs. Will Slbrett of scale at coming year are Emily Otis, presl- to help out the cause of the hall Woodland, Colorado, spent Thursday so then got up hopes and went evening at the Derrell Percy home. THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS down to mr. deters and showed him They were en route to the coast. we are now receiving your hogs the check we got from the strainer there every Friday, paying the in Cal. and Mr. Peterson said highest price the market permits “sure I will help out”. We told him OPTOMETRISTS and seeking to serve you In every ABSTRACTORS we would like to have some knives possible way. and forks for our kitchen. Three or four dozen, just cheep ones Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon of DR. McFall J. A. and McFALL is all right. When they came why Vale have moved to the Charles FRANK KULLANDER “See So* Better” Complete abstracting Bradley ranch for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hite and two service. sons spent the 4th of July at the Ontario Title Protect Health Baker celebration. Abstract Co. Margaret and Louise Kllngback ! with and Betty Skinner of Boise spent J ONTARIO, OREGON A S T U R D Y the week-end in their homes In | EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Owyhee. HAND TO HELP DAIRY PRODUCTS The Owyhee P.T.A. has been In ONTARIO ORSOON DENTISTS vited to meet with the pre-school YOU group of Mitchell butte at the A quart of milk daily T. M. Lowe heme Friday, July 10 Nyssa Funeral Home's PHYSICIANS at 2 p.m. All members are invited friendly dealing with for youngsters—at least J. R. CUNDALL to attend. many Nyssa families Dentist Mrs. Martha Klingback, her for several years have a pint for grown-ups is Phone 86-J daughters. Doris, Louise and Fred created a reputation L. A. Maulding, M.D. You will find our choice cuts of meat satisfy dinner guests of Mrs. Anna I Sarazln Clinic for kindliness, Integrity recommended by ex were Physician and Surgeon Oregg Saturday. Mrs. A. C. Bradley NYSSA OREGON and efficiency. Let us Phone 87 went with Mr. and Mrs. Charles help and counsel you our most exacting customers. perts. Dairy products Bradley to BoJse Saturday. From Hours: 10 to 13 and 1 to I In your time of trou there Mr. and Mrs. Ole Solomon ble. We can relieve Dally—Except Sunday protect health of child planned to take her to Lewiston, you of so many de Fry Building JEWELRY STORES Idaho, where she will spend the Nyssa Packing Company tails. Economy Is main ren and adults—help summer with her daughter, Mrs. tained without the sac rifice of dignity and you build a fighting Besly. M IS C E L L A N E O U S Mark Nesbit of Salt Lake Is respect. PAULUS visiting his cousin, Charles Bradley. America. He has with him a friend, Dan JEWELRY STORE NYSSA AERIE NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Hogue. Union Pacific Time Inspector Ambalanea 0«« lice ^SH ÉLtÔ N DAIRY - F. O. E. NO. 2134 JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Phone 73W N; Meets Wednesday Night WATCHES Oregon Trail AT EAOLEB HALL Carload of Main Street at Second Visiting Eagles Welcome The Merry Matrons clid> met at HARRY MINER, See. the home of Emma Pitkin Wednes ROSOOE FINDLEY. Free. day afternoon with Olive Hoke assisting As only a few members WYCKOFF were present, no business meeting Laundries was held. Mrs. Ira Price and daugh JEWELRY STORE for ters of Sunset Valley were guests. Official Time Inspector for You should not overlook the The club will meet Wednesday Nyasa's Own * Nyssa Owned Union Pacific afternoon, July 15 at the home — Seventh A Park Streets — ONTARIO OREGON Importance of insuring your hay. of Alice Holmes with Oladya Byera Phone 148 as co-hostess. Feed will be more valuable than Nyssa Steam Laundry Wholesale and Retail. Factory Prices.. Mr. and Mrs Torvakl Olson spent several days last week at Donnley, KELLER’S ever this year. Idaho. They returned home Friday SHOE SHOPS CABINET SHOP evening. H. J. Holmes of Modesto. Calif If It U made of wood we and Frank Hoktres of Merced, Cal Abbott's Shoe Shop can make it or repair It ifornia are visiting at the Holmes AH kinds of shoe and harness COAL—GRAIN—FEED P. O. Box 88* 843 Main S t Insurance and Real Estate home. repairing Bernice Bowen Is visiting relatives Across from post office. Phone 26 2nd and Good Ave. in Caldwell. Phone 97 Ewen, Earl and Marion Chard and J. R. Ashby harvested thetr Classified ss= Professional And Business D ire cto ry Pruyn's Garage Owyh ee JUST Hay Insurance RECEIVED ROYAL CRYSTAL SALT HAY and STOCK FRANK T. M O R G A N AL THOMPSON and SONS