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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1942)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1942 PAGE SIX Building Permits NYS3A CIVIC CLUB TO SECURE DEFENSE BONDS The Nyssa Civic club held a benefit card party May 22 at the pariah hall. The proceeds from the party were used to buy a second defense bond. Prizes for bridge were won by Mrs. A. C. Sallee and Al. Kuehn, and for pinochle, Bob Lee and Mrs. Herman Towne. To raise the money for the third bond the Civic club Is sponsoring a series of round rodln bridge parties and cook: food sales. - 8 - TWYLA CRAWFORD WILL BE IN NYSSA RECITAL Two young musicians will be presented In rlcltal .June 4 a t 8:15 p.m. In the Nyssa Methodist church. Miss Twyla Crawford, pupil of Charles Wilson and recent winner of superior award for her playing at Spokane, will play two groups. She will be assisted by Miss Bar bara Mess of Frultland, piano pupil of Mrs. Charles Wilson. Miss Mess will play the numbers she has selected to play at the piano audi tions to be held In Boise June 10. The public is Invited to attend the recital. - 8 - piano auditions to be held in tournament Is sponsored annuallly by the National Guild of Plano Teachers, of which Miss Hoffman is a member, and the Judge for this years’ event Is Dr. LeRoy Campbell of Warren, Pennsylvania - I - ROYAL NEIGHBORS GO TO CALDWELL MEETING A Royal Neighbors of America delegation motored to Caldwell May 25 to attend the annual con vention cf the R.N.A. of Idaho Both the Ontario and Nyssa camps were invited. Oregon State Super visor May Logan also attend the meeting. A special meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America of Nyssa camp No. 10730 will be held In the Rebekah hall Friday night at 8 o’clock to welcome the Oregon state supervisor. - 8 - VfR AND MRS MEET Mr anr Mrs G. J. Mitchell enter tained the Mr and Mrs club al their home last Thursday evening Prizes were won by A. H. Boydell, first, and Mrs. Mitchell, second. — 8 — GUILD HOLDS MEETING The Wesleyan Service Guild met May 21 at the Methodist church. After a brief bussiness meeting talks were given by Mrs. Davis on “Missions in China”, Mrs. Ruth Bodmer. "Guild Mail Bag" and Mrs. O. J. Adkinson, “Nome Alaska" The next meeting will be held June 18. NYSSA PIANISTS TO APPEAR IN RECITAI Miss Wilhelmina Hoffman, pian ist and teacher announces that a group of her pupils from Nyssa, Adrian and Ontario will be present ed In a recital Tuesday evening June 2. The program will be given in the banquet room of the Moore hotel In Ontario, beginning at - 8 - 8:15. An Invitation Is extended to Cl.UB IS ENTERTAINED the public to attend. Mrs. Artie Robertson entertained Among the young pianists ap the Tuesday club at her home this pearing on this program are week. Prizes were won by Mrs. Robert McDonald and Harley Duus Dean Smith, Mrs A. L. Fletcher of Nyssa and Ted Holly of Adrian. and Mrs. Ed. Frost. Mrs. Tom Robert McDonald and Ted Holly Eldredge was a guest. will also take part In the national j —9— be registered. Alvin J. Schafer. Connell spent one day this week WEDNESDAY CLUB TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 21M2XC. at the Highsmith farm In New ENTERTAINED Plymouth. FOR RENT—Anna Hcush residents. Mrs Ellis Buckland entertained No 529 Tom Greer, Addition, j Earl Osborn has rented his ranch See. Frank T. Morgan. 28tfc FOR SALE:—Good used piano and the Wednesday bridge club at her home this weekl Mrs Wayne Mor Lots 9-10 Blk 90 Westfield Addi and will move to Pendleton to start work in a dry cleaning firm FOR RENT—Frances store build washer. ris was a guest. High scores were tion., $8000 ing, formerly occupied by Baldridge No. 530 W. Edmond, Erect Chick by June 22. R. A. Ostler w:n by Mrs Charles Lueck and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson Implement Co. en house, Lot 11 Blk. 32 Park Bex 1252 Boise. 21M3XP Mrs. Buckland. See: Frank T. Morgan 28tfc and Nadeen, accompanied by Mrs. Addition, $50 00 — 5 - No. 531, H. R. Sherwood. Repair, Conrad Martin and Dorothy Toomb, MARILYN COTTLE BRIDE IN Lot 4 Blk. 4 Teutsch Addition, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer FOR SALE—Used electric ranges, SAN DIEGO WEDDING Dutton and family in their new washing machines and davenports. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle $75.00 No. 5 32 James Lane, Move Blk., residence near Notus. Nyssa Furniture Co. 2IM2Xc tnnounce the marriage of their KEEP YOUR The Shaw boys are working for laughter Marilyn, to Elden R. Reece Street Original Addition. FOR SALE:—Purebred Jersey bull Frank Ray In Newell Heights. Strlngfellcw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilkinson calf from R. H. Clark stock. Can :i. E. Stringfellow of Ogden. JOURNAL’S and daughter, Linda Ann. of Hunt The marriage was held at San CAR ROLLING SALE CALENDAR ington stopped at the Charles Wil Diego May 9. Sales listed by the Gate City son home Monday aftemcon for The bride will resume work In Ogden and the groom will remain Journal for printing and publicity a short visit. They were acquainted You may have to drive in San Diego. At present he Is are advertised without charge to when both families lived in the PUBLIC LIABILITY the advertiser in the Ontario Argus. east. it five more years. t radio man in the navy. Payette Independent - Enterprise, H ie 4-H club members wish - 8 - Will your car last for the Malheur Enterprise oi Vale. Insurance on bicycles? \NNIVERSARY CELEBRATED to thank the people of the com Mrs. Marie Tillman entertained Weiser American. Cambridge News munity for giving so generously the duration? Reporter and Council Leader. As it a dinner recently in observance our sale calendar protects your when they called and asked for SURE WE WRITE IT. Factories won’t be if Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burrough’s date, consult us immediately when a donation of a chicken. When 36 th wedding anniversary. Guests these chickens Were sold they changed back until the you plan a sale. were Mr. and Mrs. A. J Swan. And the cost is very brought 99 cents more than was war is over. ’Dad" Burrough and Mr. and Mrs. needed for the two scholarships. FRIDAY, MAY 29 S. J. Burrough of Salem. 1 P. M. low. We recommend that - 8 - 8 miles south of Weiser, or 8 ALBERTA VALLEY WILDRED SAGER AND you keep your automo miles north cf Payette (1 mile east ’’LAINE BROWN MARRY If You’re Locking For of highway), % mile north of Park Iillle Matthews returned home bile in good condition. Miss Mildred Sager and Mr school on Oregon Slope. Horeses, Saturday evening after spending GOOD SOUND Insurance tlaine Brown were married May cattle, machinery, hogs, household a week in Nampa attending the We Have it. 1 at the Valley View Brothren goods. Nazerene district assembly and hurch. Guests at the wedding Owner, Doc Sanfcrd. Col. Bert visiting her sister at the Nazerene were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sager Anderson, auctioneer. college. and two daughters cf Apple Valley, [ Lunch served on grounds. Mrs. Bernice Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Green Campell and Mr. and Insurance Real Estate Mrs. Emery Rathburn and Mrs. Mrs. Chester Sager cf Kent, Wash- June 1, % mile west cf Adrian, Ed. Wild attended the Nazerene ington. Phone 64 1 p.m. Horses, cattle, hogs, mach district assembly in Nampa Thurs The young couple will m ake, inery, household goods and poultry day. NYSSA OREGON their home on a farm on the for sale as well as 1935 Plymouth Mrs. Dick Smith was a Sunday Franklin read near Caldwell. 4-door sedan. Mrs. C. S. Wade, afternoon guest of Mrs. E. A. Wimp Adrian, owner. Col. Bert Anderson, in Nyssa. - 5 - ■ 'IIIIIIIIIIHiillllllliillllillllllllllllilllllll ENTERTAINS CLUB auctioner. Joyce Martin spent last week at Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Friday, June 5, 1:00 p.m. entertained their club at their Kellogg in Nyssa. 6 miles north and 1 mile west home May 24. Prizes were won of Ontario, or 9 miles south and by R. G. Whitaker, first, and Mrs. 1 mile west of Weiser ( % mile George Sallee, second. Calling All Citizens north and 1 mile west cf Snow Moody Hill or 'i mile south and 1 mile west cf Texaco Station, or Petitions Available— During the sprinj y season, especially, your Petition forms for the nrmina- 1 mile west of Highway 30. tlon of school director are available Horses, cattle, farm machinery, cows need protection from flies.- from the clerks of the respective poultry, household goods. Terms— districts. Petitions must be filed cash. Joe Ross, cwner. Col Bert 10 days prior to the election June Anderson, auctioneer. 15 in the case of union high school district No. 5 Nomination must Going To Ogden— Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and son. be accepted five days prior to date Lyle will leave Friday morning of election. for Ogden, where they will visit Youth Gets Award— Stanley Ray of Nyssa has earned relatives and friends. a varsity letter in track a t the University of Oregon, It was an nounced this week by the student Mrs. Mary Nichols and family executive council who approved the entertained at dinner Sunday for awards. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Marshall and SPRAYERS Food Sales Planned----- Leonard Nichols of Portland, Eddie The Nyssa Civic club will hold a Albert, Mrs. Joe Granun and cook food sale Friday in the Eder daughter Mary of New Plymouth, You will find oui hand sprayers will serve Hardware company store at 1:30 Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Heap and son, P.M. The club will hold a food Loyd, Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore your purpose nicely. sale each week. The proceeds from and sons, Nickie and Jerry, Mr. these sales will be used to buy and Mrs. Ray Duell aijd daughter, defense bonds. Don’t fail to hear Bonnie and Mrs. Alice Johnson of Stations Closed— FYuitland, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nich- REV. D. C. VANSLYKE Service stations of Nyssa will slo of Letha, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. be closed all day Saturday inob Wade Nichols and son, Kenneth Most amazing miracle of servance of Memorial day. The ma Dean, of Ontario and Mr, and modern times. (A hope jority of Nyssa’s stations will be Mrs. J. G. Lane and family of less victim of alcohol and Oregon Nyssa, closed both Saturday and Sunday, Kingman. This is the first time in an incurable addict of May 30 and 31. nine years that so many of the Here From Salem— morphine) Nichols family have been together. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Burrough of Nadeen Wilson accompanied Mr. Salem and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. and Mrs. William Tooir.b and fam Instantaneously saved, Burrough of Portland have been ily to Boise Tuesday. cured and delivered by visiting the past week with Mr. and Charles Wilson has been assigned Mrs. A. J. Swan, Mrs. Marie Till to clerical work at the army and the power of God. man and daughters, and "Dad” navy hospital at Hot Springs, Ark ..NAZARENE CHURCH Burrough. ansas after 13 weeks training at Camp Berkeley, Texas, according Wednesday, May 27 to Legal Advertising to word received by }iis parents, Sunday, May 31 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilson. 8p.m. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Herbert Shaw and Hugh Mc- MALIIECR COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS GROCERY SPECIALS FOR In the Matter of the Estate of Julius Bevins, Deceased. Friday, May 29 Notice hereby Is given to the creditors of and all persons having Kelloggs 1 Qp claims against the Estate of Julius Bevins, Deceased, to file them with 2 large pkgs. | U u the necessary vouchers within six 2 pkgs. months after the date of first Anaconda Fertilizers publication of this notice, with the Shreded Biscuits undersigned Administratrix. Mary Help you produce more E. Bevins, at the Law Office of 2 lb. package Carl H. Ooad at Nyssa, Oregon. Food for Freedom Dated and first published May 28. 1942. Last published June 25, Side dressing is good crop insurance. If you act all flavors 1942. 3 for MARY E. BEVINS, promptly we can supply you with Anaconda Administratrix IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllilllll Bernard Eastman Towne’s Garage LIVESTO CK SPRAY Gallons 5 Gallons Kingman Kolony SERVICE STATIONS Will be closed a ll clay Saturday in Observance Fill Your Gasoline Tank Friday. The Majority of Nyssa’s stations will be closed both Saturday and Sunday. Phone 108 $3 .9 8 GAMBLE STORE of Memorial day. NYSSA 89c PROGRAM THEATRE —DOUBLE FEATURE— Friday and Saturday, May 29 — 30 William Holden, Brian Donlevy, Ellen Drew in “THE REMARKABLE ANDREW” Anne Ayars and Armida in “FIESTA” Farmers Treble super-phosphate, sulphate of ammonia, murate of potash. Mixing done to order Sat Mat., 2:30 P. M., Adm 5c-20c: Evening, llc-33c, include* tax Sunday and Monday, May 31—June 1 Gene Tierney, Bruce Cabot, George Sanders, and Harry Carey in INLAND FEEDING CO. “SUNDOWN” Mat. Bun. 2:30, Adm. llc-2«c. Evening Adm. llc-33c. Includes tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— Tuesday, June 2 Joel McCrea and Veronica Lake in “SULLIVAN’S TRAVELS” Pete Smith and Spy Smasher Admission, k-Me, including tax Wednesday and Thursday, June Rudyard Kipling’s “JUNGLE BOOK” All in Beautiful Technicolor. With Sabu (the elephant boy) and Joseph Calleia. Pop Eye Cartoon and News Regular admission Admission Evening — 11c and S3«. Including Defsnsa 'Bax 25c Crackers 19c Jello 20c golden Amaizo Syrup 10 lb. 69c Hersheys Cocoa 1 lb. cans 19c Salad Dressing qt jare 31c ground fresh Coffee Shurfine 1 lb. bags 30c Bar Coffee Gold 1 lb. vacum packed cai ,31c Peets granulated Soap large size pkg. 27c giant size pkg. Duz 73c Pkg- All Bran Kelloggs 19c W heat (In Technicolor) The Year’s Greatest Adventure Romance— From the Thrilling Saturday Evening Post Novel by Barre Lyndon Merry Melody and Sports Corn Flakes Let J. B. Adrian, Mgr. Ontario Enduring Let us sell your cattle and Hogs. Th* enduring quality of • Nyssa Funeral Home service Is the memory of • beautiful tribute to • loved one. Nyssa Funeral Home'* sympathetic un derstanding in the time of bereavement haa built Its reputation a m o n g Nyssa citizens. Let us handle th* burdensome details for you. NYSSA FUNERAL Phone 368w HOME ii Make Nyssa a Livestock center. Sale Every Saturday Bybee Commission Co. Will be closed all day Saturday Memorial day. Do your Saturday’s shopping Friday. Wilson Grocery NYSSA Phone 05J3 D. O. Bybee, Manager A Dependable Food Store OREGON