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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1942)
THE NYS3A GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1942 Big Bend made a Lip to Boise Wednesday and purchased seme second-hand pipe to be used in piping water to the parsonage lot. Earl Leach and family spent from Friday until Sunday evening visiting relatives in Welser. The Harvey McLaughlin family and Mrs. Carrie McLaughlin of Ten Davis Idaho spent Sunday afternoon at the M. L. Kurtz hon e. Harold Kurtz expects to go to Ten Davis and block beets for hi. Uncle for a few days. The Jensen, Hill, Goulet and Cicil Smith familys are ill. S:me of the children are quite ill. Earl Parker has purchased five milk cows in the past two weeks. Leroy Parker, who works as a foreman in an optical warehouse and attends night school, one night a week in a welding school and four nights learning television Is trying now to get a radio job. He is boarding at a private home close to his work since his brother, Charley, and wife moved into their own newly-built honse some distance out. tlnues to grow by leaps and bounds according to records of the state industrial accident commission. In dustrial payrolls in this state for '.he first four months of this year totalled $88,055,034 compared to $60,377,655 for the same period of 1941, the commission’s records show, The April pay-roll alone totalled $22,731,503 compared to $16,300,004 for April, 1941. Oregon has "gone over the top" again with more than 31,000 tons cf scrap iron and steel sent into war production activities, according to Claude I. Sersanous, chairman of the state salvage committee. All of Oregon’s 36 counties are now organized with more than 1500 committee members actively engag ed in the drive to, salvage scrap material needed in the war effort. Fifty-five Oregon motorists were arrested for drunken driving during April, it was reported by Chas. P. Pray, superintendent of state police. A total of 1215 motorists were arrested for traffic law violations during the month, Pray's repart shows. Mr an. Mrs. Ben McConnel mo- , tored to Wilder, Idaho Saturday1 afternoon to visit Mr. M.'Ccnne’s’s 1 sister and husband, who are an route to Arkansas, where they will be stationed. M. McConnel’s bretn- er-ln-law, a corporal in the army has been located at Tacoma. Lercy Toombs of Nyssa was a er guest of Oscar Bratt on Sunday. Mr. Ostercamp of Nyssa called at the A. A. Bratton home Sunday evening. A class in home hygiene, and care of the sick was started by Mrs. Edna Farris county at the Valley View school heuse last Mon day for the women of the neigh borhood. Henry Hatch and Sydney Snap left for Edgemont, North Dakota, where they plan on working on a government project. * Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop and son who spent the winter In Ogden and are now located in Nampa, were guests In the Brumbach home Thursday . Mr. and Mrs De Oss and Don left Tuesday for visit with Mr and Mrs De Oss' daughter at Crabtree, Oregon Mr De Oss has been suf fering from a severe attack of asth ma. Mr and Mrs T. A Miller shopped in Ontario Saturday. Dr. and Mrs Roy Stark and Mr and Mrs Howard Hatch returned home from a two-week visit at 10 d a y s only Rochester, Minn, where Dr and Mrs Stark went for treatment. Mrs N. S. Phelan and Mrs Grover Lee went to Hammett Friday to suites visit in the Ben Taylor home. They returned Monday. Mr and Mrs Oerritt Muntjewerff and children of Adrian were Sun an Inner Spring mat- day guests in the Case Muntjewerff BUENA VISTA home. The Out-Our Way club was en- Clint Allen of Roswell spent sev terained by Mrs. Glenn Hoffman at eral days looking over lambs he is tresses and bedroom her home Thursday afternoon. Mrs shipping Tuesday. Hoffman and Mrs Topliff were in Mr and Mrs Paul Hatch spent a charge of the games. Mrs. S. B. few days visiting in the H. R. Hat Hoffman and Mrs Wyckjbff won the ch home. They plan to go to Edge- suites 10 davs only A. L. LINDBECK prizas. Nine members attended. mont. South Dakhta to work. Refreshments were served. The Birthday club was enter Salem, Or, May 28 At its meeting The next meeting will be held at tained at the home of Mr and Mrs here Saturday the State Emergency Guv Tanner’s home June 4. Plin Case in Caldwell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Jim Ritchie and Mr and Mrs P. A Miller and Jim Board turned down a request for will attend the commencement ex $15,000 with which to finance an Garnett Belle have returned from ercises at the Eastern Oregon “expert" investigation into Oregon's Wilder, where they visited for two college Friday. Mr and Mrs Millers tax system. This was the second weeks. daughter, Virginia, will graduate. time this interim legislature has David Highland left for Boise She has been chosen as one of the turned thumbs down on such a Wednesday for a visit with his request. mother. seven outstanding students in the In expressing his opposition to senior class. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and George Elfers, who has been a the proposal Dean Walker, pres Donna Belle were in Ontario Friday ident of the state senate, pointed Mr and Mrs E. L. Jamison were patient in the Caldwell Sanitarium with a broken foot, is Improving out that in the last 20 years the in Vale Thursday. state had financed a number of Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver slowly and hopes to return home such investigations only to have were in Ontario Thursday. this week. Billy Van de Waker is very ill the findings and recommendations as a result of complications follow which they produced consigned to VALLEYVIEW the legislative waste basket. Sen ing an attack of measles. OjS.awill bring instOO b.OO ueso tnl Sunday guests of Mr andMrs ators Ronald Jones cf Marlon coun Leroy Smith left Wednesday E. E. Parker were Mr and Mrs Ira ty and Howard Beltcn of Cleckmas morning for Dayton Washington Richards of Wilder, Mr and Mrs joined with Walker in voting for a short visit with his daughter Kenneth Parker and baby. Mrs against the appropriation Hou«e and family. He will return to the Gretchen Hatch and sons, Mr and Speaker Robert S. Farrell, Jr., and H. E. Noah farm after Memorial Representives Harry Boivin of Kla Mrs Arch Parker and Carline. day. Mrs Arthur Gale accompanied math county and C. C. Bradley Mrs. Lewis King moved from the of Multnomah county, supported her daughter, Mrs Lucy Sherwood, Valley View teacher’s cottage dur the proposal. and children to her heme in Los The board in a three-hour long ing the week-end. She will visit Angeles Friday for a visit. session gave its official approval relatives in Baker for a few days Mr and Mrs Elmer Prosser and to deficiency appropriations aggre and then go on to California to family spent Sunday visiting Mr gating $50,260.40. Of this amount I visit her husband. and Mrs Til Whitley of Nyssa. Mr $28,760 is tocome out of the $100,000 | Whitley has been very ill and is emergency fund set aside by the having a public sale Friday. They last legislature and $21,500 is to be will leave for the coast hoping a transferred from the national guard j change of climate will prove bene appropriation to the cilillan de Y e s, You M A Y ficial to his health. By Ed. Pruyn fense bureau and the state police I Mr and Mrs Hinterlider of Na Paint Your Home, A total of $30,000 was appropriat Howdy Folks: It is thought mpa, Mr and Mrs Delbert Douglas ed for the civilian defense bureau Business Structure of Whitney, Nevada and Mr and to cover salaries, wages and general j that the government curtailment Mrs Wesley Roberts and daughter operating and maintenance ex or Farm Buildings! on tires will force many motor of Baker we-e Sunday guests of pense. Next largest item was an Recent WPB restrictions Mr and Mrs Dyre Roberts. ists back to the horse and bug appropriation of $7500 for the newly on building did NOT “freeze” The Jolly Janes met last Thur organized state guard. The boys’ gy. Well that should make them paint. Except for paint used sday at the home of Mrs Arthur training school was granted a de on new construction or re more stable. Gale. modeling, there Is NO re ficiency appropriation of $4000 to Mr and Mrs Walker Bishop and carry it along until the legislature striction on paint because Many folks feel that we should there are no restrictions on Mr and Mrs Virl Bishop and son meets in January and $3000 was ordinary repair or mainten were Caldwell visitors Monday. granted to the Boys' and Girls' | aid Russia but not defend her. ance. In other words, Uncle Sam Aid Society to meet the increased For greatest economy, buy of boarding out the youthful should say to Stalin, “I can NEWELL HEIGHTS cost or specify DEVOE Paint. wards of this state-aided private Devoe costs less because 2 give you anything but love, coats do work of three of The Modem Pioneer club mem organization. baby”. ordinary paint. Less labor, Hundreds of seasonal workers bers meet Tuesday with Mrs. M. greater satisfaction Is re L. Judd. The W. C. T. U will meet who filed claims but were denied We can still give you a good ward of DEVOE users. Get with Mrs. Harvey Otis in Adrian unemployment benefits from 1938 buy on mechanical work. Chang estimates and color charts to 1941 are having their claims today. ing conditions may malSe the Frank Ray hired the McGinnis reconsidered by the Unemployment story different, but we’d advise carpenters to erect a tenant house Compensation commission now as you to drive in your automobile on the Zubiaareta ranch last week. a result of the supreme court de The Lopey family who lived on the cision in the Layman case. Al now. Ï 2 lib ili Schlmer ranch last year, moved ready more than $30,000 in back benefits has been paid to workman from Nyssa Monday and will occupy LUM BER (9>) COMPANY the house during the thinning of directly affected by this decision and a review of the payroll re beets. Visitors of Mrs. Jake Borge and cords of more than 800 additional “There’s a yard near you” Infant daughter, Loretta Kay. last employers declared seasonal in the four-year period is well under way aweek included, Mrs. Mike Wood Dwight Smith, Manager the commission has announced. and sons of Payette. Phone 15 Nyssa Oregon’s industrial payroll con- M. L. Kurtz and K. I. Peterson •S T A T E© C APITAL NEWS N O R D A LE Furniture C o . * PAGE FIVE 32 , 070 , 901,900 FOR WAR MUNITIONS and SHIPS! Then W e M U S T Squeeze W aste Out of Local Taxes Cost of local government in Oregon MUST go down to make room for hi gher and higher Federal taxes for this all out War . . . a War that today is Critical and serious for the United States of America! Democracy must survive ! There is a War to be won! BETWEEN FRIENDS Pruyn's Garage I Let’s appraise the cost of local gover nment in our communitys. Where can we cut costs to meet this staggering War effort? Budgets for TAXES on YOUR property for 1942-43 fiscal year will be approved during the next few weeks . . . taxes that will be payable November 15, 1942. H ERE’S H O W YOU CAN HELP Express your feelings—fill out the coupon below and mail it today to The Gate City Journal Gate City Journal Nyssa, Oregon Oentlemen: I wish to register my protect against nny non-essential or unnecessary spending of local tax money in thane times of war emer gency. Reduction of local taxes will give the people more opportunity to help the national war effort. N am e............................................................................ A ddress.................................................. .................... U N IT E D STATES S A V IN G S ONDS COOL ^ „ AMD SIAMFS YOUR OPINION WILL BE REPORTED TO T H E Is the only word that fits these new straw hats. They’re tops for all-around wear and look like a million, too. TAX-LEVYING BODIES OF THIS SECTION Priced $I.OO, $1.50 and $ 2 .0 0 GOLDEN Ny$u RULE “MAKE IT RIGHT STORE” This advertisement is sponsored by the Nyssa Cham bar oi Commerce STORE and the Nyssa Lions Club. Oregon