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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1942)
THE NYSSÀ GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1642 TEN DAVIS M rs. T h e .m i Ziegler ent rtalneo m em bers of th e social circle W ed nesday afternoon a t the community h a ll w ith Mrs. Alva P a rm er a n a Mrs. V ita Brown a s k i n g . A fter th e business session refreshm ents were served. E ig h th grade exercises were given a t th e T en Davis h a ll last W ednes day nig h t. G ra d u a te s were. Loreene H enderson, D orothy Cole, G race B urau. M arie Herold, B erton P a r m er, W illis Parley. C lifford B ittlck a n d D onald Rum pel. T en Davis school closed Friday w ith a program consisting cf the crowing of the queen, M ay pole dance, songs, ta p dances and a selection by th e rh y th m band. At th e close of th e program a picnic d in n er was enjoyed. T he school board furnished ice cream . B all gam es were played in th e afternoon. Mr. a n d Mrs. F red H ertig, J r„ sp e n t S a tu rd ay n ig h t and Sunday w ith H rs. H ertig’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N im rod T hom as a t H unting- ton. K e n n e th Tbcmais retu rn ed hom e w ith his siste r for a visit. Mrs. F re d R um pel received word from h e r husband through the navy, th a t h e r husband is a prisoner cf w ar of th e Japanese, "In the occupied city S h a n g h a i”. T h e le tte r contained his address so she c an now w rite directly to him . M r. R um pel was working for M orrison-K nudsen on a defense pro ject a t W ake island w hen w ar broke out. Sunday Mr. a n d M rs. L eonard Good son took Mrs. M arie Lcischner to N am pa, w here they were guests of Mr. a n d Mrs. M artin MLsche. Mr. a n d M rs Bill B axter a n d fam ily a n d Mr, a n d Mrs. Bill Bay a n d dau g h ter. B etty atten d ed a fam ily re-u n io n Sunday a t the hom e of a sister, Mrs. C arl Moyer, a n d h u sb a n d in Caldw ell in honor of a b ro th er R obert B axter, who g ra d u ated from N otus high school last week. Mrs. N orm an Adam s of P a rm a is stay in g w ith Mr. A dam s’ parents, Mr. and M rs. W. A. Adam, while h e r husband is w orking a t Horse shoe Bend. Mrs. Ja y Bower a n d Mrs. Guy M iller w ent to N am pa T hursday afternoon to see Mrs. M innie Bow er, who is in Mercy h o spital re ceiving trea tm e n ts. T h ere a re several cases of m ea sles a n d m um ps reported in this com m unity. B locking a n d th in n in g of beets a re well underw ay in this com m unity. Mice a n d squirrels destroyed sev e ral acreas of new seeding for I. J. D urnll a n d W illiam K rawl. T h ere lan d will be planted to beans. Several acres of beans will be p lan te d in th is com m unity. W ire a n d c u t worms h ave destroyed sev- acres of com . T h e lan d will be seeded to grain. Lincoln Heights K a th ry n Nielson and Verda H arris were m arried M onday May 18, a t Caldwell a t the hom e of Mr. a n d Mrs. R ay C handler. Mr C h an d ler perform ed th e ceremony. Miss Nielson was a ttire d in navy blue w ith w hite accessories. She wore a pink a n d w hite carn a tio n corsage. P re se n t a t the cerem ony were Mr. a n d Mrs. L. C. Nielson a n d W ard and Mrs. Annie H arris a n d C lifford. A lunch was served following th e ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. H a rris left for P a y e tte Lakes a n d re tu rn e d to th e ir hom e in Lincoln H eights T hursday. O n S u n d ay May 24, M r. and Mrs. T. C. Nielson e n te rta in ed a t a d in n e r in ho n o r o f th e newly weds. Im m ediate relatives were p re sent. A picnic d in n e r was held a t the R alph B arnes hom e Sunday in celebration of th e birth d ay a n n iv er sa ry of M rs. V ern S m ith. R elations a n d friends w ere present. T h e P a tc h a n d C h at club m et a t th e L eiverltt Ooodell home T h u rsd a y aftern o o n . Co-hostesses were Mrs. Rookstool, Mrs. Vance a n d M rs. O reen. A plnl* and blue show er was held fo r Mrs McNeal. Tire J u n e m eeting will be held a t th e R a lp h W inslow home. G eorge Rookstool, who is hom e on furlough from M arch Field. C alifornia, w as honored a t a su r prise p a rty a t th e hom e of his p a re n ts, M r a n d Mrs. C hris Rook stool, F riday evening. George was presented w ith a g ift from th e neighbors a n d friends who were present. Mr. a n d Mrs F red H aw kins are the p a re n ts of a son, b o m May .0 a t th e B rittin g h a m hom e in O ntario. T h e F arm ers a sco ciatitn m et a t he schoo’.house T hursday evenin’’ Jule H ouston acted as president. P earl G reen is visiting a t the ome of h e r sister a n d fam ily, Mr. a n d Mrs. M ari n S c h u tt and s:n. D uane Schroeder left Sunday f:r C alifornia to be w ith his p a r ents, Mr. a n d Mrs. P i r l Em m erson. a fte r spending 'h e p a st few m onth: at th e hom e of his g ra n d p are n ts, Mr. and M rs. F o rrest G ram m on. L encra Johnson, a stu d e n t at the N azerene college a t Nam pa, visited T h u rsd ay and F rid ay at the hom e c f Mr. a n d M rs. R alph Winslow. Mrs. L eonard D uncan, th e form er Leta O ccdell, a recent bride, was honor guest a t a show er given a t the hem e of F e rn Rookstool Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dale G ram m on and sen, G ary, of Boise visited S a tu r day a t th e F ,F. G ram m on home fcrvì of T w enty six were presen t _at S u n day school Sunday. Mrs. O tis Bul- 'ard acted as su p eren ten d en t as Mrs. W arn er was absent. T h e ycung people’s class had charge of th e closing exerise. Rev. and Mrs. R. G. C handler of C ald well will be present next Sunday and will open a dally vacation Bible School h e re Ju n e 1. T he class will la st for two weeks. All children from 4 years to 18 years are invited to atten d . Miss Hazel Hickey left M onday for Elgin, w here she will vLslt her sister, Mrs. C harles B arn h art, and family for a week, before e ntering sum m er school a t La G rande. C. W. B a rre tt, G len Dcwers, aud George Moeller, a tte n d ed a m eet ing of th e rton-high school board in Vale last Friday. Miss La Rose Rogers of O ntario sp en t th e w eek-end w ith h e r p a r ents, Mr. a n d M rs. C harles Rogers. Mr. a n d Mrs. Bill H ipp and fam ily left F rid ay for S e a ttle , where they will visit th e ir son and wife, Mr. a n d Mrs. N orm an Hipp. Misses p a tty and J a n ie Dowers are spending this week w ith th e ir gran d p aren ts, Mr. and M rs. W illard Roos o f G reenleaf, Idaho. Seventeen a tte n d e d th e club m eeting May, 21. T h e aftern o o n was sp en t in visiting. R efreshm ents were served by th e hostesses, Mrs. Loire P ry o r a n d Mrs. G. F. O a rren . T h e next m eeting will be held Ju n e 4. a t th e hom e of M rs. Ira U re w ith M rs. J o h n S henk as a ssista n t hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis W arn er and fam ily left la st week for Powers, Oregon for a 10-day visit w ith relatives. Mr. and Mrs. O rirs Newell of Nyssa visited Mrs. A nna D ali S u n day afternoon. Riverview P reaching service a n d Sunday school will be held a t th e Tom Ogle hom e Sunday, M ay 31 a t 2:30. Rev. M artin will deliver the message. M ary De L ash m u tt left M ay 23 for La G ra n d e to spend th e su m m er w ith h e r brothers. T he Helping H and club m et a t Mrs. O ra h am 's home. Miss M argaret Stevenson, Nyssa high school hom e econom ics tea ch er, a n d Miss M artin w ere v ister’s a t th e H elping H and club m eeting. Miss Stevenson spoke on “N u tri tio n ", A farew ell p a rty was given S a t urday in honor of R ita Johnson, who w ent to >.er hom e in Id a h o M onday, a n d for D elpha O sborn, who will leave soon to a tte n d Boise Business university. M. a n d Mrs. Le Roy H errm an a n d H a rrie t a tte n d ed th e a n n u al C ooperative cream ery m eeting a t P a y e tte M ay 20. "Q ran d p a ” M cG innis h a s been ill. T h e 4H V lctary G a rd en club t r e t a t Mrs. T hom pson's hom e S aturday. 'Upper Sunset M rs. C huck S h a re a n d Mrs. K n o tttn g h a m visited B etty Nlccum a t th e Holy R osary h o sp ital in O n tario recently. Mrs. Roy M anly a n d a friend from P a rm a were T h u rsd a y d in n er guests a t C huck S h a re ’s hom e. R obert Tosoh arrived T uesday to vtslt hla m o th er Mrs. R. L. T h o m p son. He w ent to Boise W ednesday Schedule I BUDGE! E stim ated R eceipts a n d Available C ash B alances T o tal All G eneral Funds Fund 1 E stim ated available C ash B alance or D eficit a t b eginning ol fiscal year for w hich this budget is m ade (A dd C ash B alance D educt D eficit) ........... $ 790.62 2 E stim ated Receipts from D elinquent T axes du rin g fis cal year for which this uuuget is m ade ....................................... ...........—_ _......................... .................................... .............. 2 , 000.00 3 E stim ated R eceipts from V ocational E ducation ......................................................- 1,300.00 4 E stim ated R eceipts frem H igh School T uition.................. ........................ .............. 1,250.00 5 E stim ated R eceipts from High School T ra n s p o rta tio n ........................................ - .... 500.00 6 E stim ated T otal R eceipts and Available Cash B a la n ce or D elicit .............— $5,840.62 E stim ated E xpenditures S c h e d u l e 11—G eneral F und 8 00.00 2 , 000.00 1.300.00 1.250.00 500.00 $5,050.00 Bond In t- erest a n d Sinking Fund y 790.62 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 790.62 E xpenditures for T hree Fiscal Y ears N ext P receding th e C u rre n t School Y ear D etailed E stim ated E xpenditures E xpenditures for the last 2nd Y ear fo r the Y ear of th e Give B udget E nsuing Yearly E xpenditures Allowance T h ree -y ea r School Y ear In D etail in D etail Period T otals E xpenditures a n d B ud get Allowance for six M onths of C u rre n t School year to board an airp lan e for th e re tu rn trip to cam p. R obert Is entering a C adet school a n d will be tran sferre d upon his retu rn ed . Ed B ergam cam e Sunday to visit his family. Mrs. F ra n k P a rk e r e n te rta in ed h e r club T h u rsd ay w ith eight m em bers a n d th e following visitors, Mrs. P a rk e r, Sr., a fo rm er mem ber; M rs. Roy M anley a n d a friend of P a rm a, were present. P la n s were m ade for a potluck d in n e r a t 1:30 for the club m em bers a n d fam ilies Sunday May 31. T h e n e x t m eeting will be held w ith Agnes E astm an. Mr. and Mrs. Dale L im baugh and children visited relatives a t E m m ett T hursday. Mr. a n d Mrs. K ay H u n te r and fam ily a tte n d ed a fam ily reunion n e a r P a y e tte W ednesday. G: izelda a n d Ja c k C hard, Jack a n d Billie Bowen, Estelle Goodson. B onnie Kressley, L arry, Lila Mae a n d Loren D ean Holmes, K en n eth Snodgrass a n d M arianne a n d L ou ise Relk. Mr. and M rs. F. O. Holmes e n te rta in ed a t d in n er Sunday cel e b ratin g th e b irth d a y of th e ir son, R olland. G uests sh arin g the occas ion were: Mr. a n d Mrs. A. M. G ood- son a n d E stelle of Notus, M rs. D ora Holmes of Nyssa, Mr. a n d Mrs. R. W. Holmes a n d fam ily a n d Mr. a n d Mrs. F. S. Byers a n d family. Mrs. Olson of E m m ett, and a u n t of M rs. F crvald Olson w ho h a s been visiting here, retu rn ed to h e r hom e la st T hursday. N urse Is G rad u ated ----- Miss W llm etta (B illie) E. Lynch, d a u g h te r of Mr. and M rs F ra n k L ynch of Nyssa, was grad u ated from th e train in g school of St. T h e M erry M atrons club m et E dw ard's M ercey hospital, F o rt a t th e hom e of Agnes Know les S m ith, A rkansas M ay 12, according W ednesday afternoon w ith M a rg ar et Douglas as C o-hostess. T h irte en members- were present. T ea towels were em broidered for th e hostess. In guessing gam es O la C h ard a n d G lady Byers received prizes. T he WITH club will m eet Ju n e 3 a t th e hom e of V irginia Rookstool. C elebrating th e 8th b irth d a y of B etty Alice Byers, a group of her It's easy to m ake m enus playm ates gath ered a t h e r hom e for a p a rty T uesday afternoon. different, d elightful w i t h A fter a busy a fte rn o o n of gam es G a te C ity d a iry products. a n d contests refresh m en ts, includ T here is such a large fam ily ing th e b irthday cake, were served of these products, a n d all to th e following guests: A lta M arie. are suggestive of tem pting dishes. O rd er from G ate City d airy today. You’ll e n joy th e ir wholesom e good ness. Oregon Trail Menu - Variety Dairy Products Repaint for Defense P a in t p ro tects th e outside a n d inside, KA LSOM IN ING a n d PAPER CLEANING —Free E stim ate— andy M c G i n n i s F irst S tre et GATE CITY DAIRY Roscoe Kellogg Phone 06R5 NOTICE TELEPHONE PATRONS The summer issue of the telephone direc* tory goes to press June 2nd. Any changes in listings must be in by that date. JMease notify MEALS. TRY the manager at Nyssa or Ontario, at Vale dial No. 0 of any contemplated changes. CUTS. Malheur Home Telephone Co. Nyssa Packing Company F ra n k E. Law rence of Nyssa, sort M rs w ith of M r a n d Mrs. Jesse Law rence, P ra - was cne of the m en w ho enlisted for- in th e navy May 20, th e day th e U nited S ta te s navy re cru itin g su b sta tio n in Boise was form ally com m issioned a m ain statio n . N O TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to th e legal voters of U nion H igh School D istrict No. 5, of M alheur coun ty. S ta te of Oregon, th a t a SCHOOL M EETIN G of said d istric t will be held a t th e school house on th e 22nd day of June. 1942, a t 8:00 o’clock p. m., for th e p u rp e se of discussing th e budget fo r th e fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1942, a n d ending Ju n e 30, 1943, h e re in a fte r set fo rth . MAKE BETTER OUR DELICIOUS I A fter visiting h e r d au g h ter, Lynch will spend som e tim e Dr. a n d Mrs F ra n k R iggall a t lrle Grove. Mrs. R iggall was ir.erly Eva M ead cf Nyssa. | -------------------------- E nlists In Navy— NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Arcadia Quality Meats > * * V T H E P O C K ETBOOK KNOW LEDGE to in fo rm atio n received here. M rs. F ra n k L ynch went to F o rt S m ith to a tte n d th e g ra d u a tio n exer- cises. Miss L ynch a tte n d ed Nyssa bigh sch o', for one year a n d was g ra d u ated from th e h ig h school a t P a ririe Grove, A rkansas in 1939 . GENERAL c o n t r o l 1. P ersonal service: il. ) S u u e rin te n d en t ................... 1,500.00 ------ 1,637.50 825.00 1,600.00 (2 ) C lerk ......................................... 240.00 120.00 240.00 (3 ) S tenographers a n d o th er office assistants... ........ 187.50 20.00 100.00 63.64 2. Supplies .................................................. 19.85 50.00 104.04 3 E lections and publicity ........................... . ------ 100.00 85.05 125.00 99.55 4 Legal service (c le rk ’s bond, audit, e tc .)......... ------ 50.00 50.00 5 O th e r expense of general control: (1 ) ............................................................ ------ 125.00 10.70 100.00 90.34 6 T otal E xpense of G eneral C ontrol .................. .. ------ *2,415.00 (1,080.60 *2,165.00 *2,197.57 11. IN STRU CTIO N —Supervision 1. P ersonal service: (1 ) P rincipals ...... ............ ..... . 981.00 456.00 852.00 600.00 . 375.00 Supplies, principals a n d supervisors.. . 325.00 178.57 200.00 72.08 T ran sp o rta tio n 50.00 O th e r expense of supervision 75.00 47.65 100.00 12.40 T o tal Expense. Supervision ._. * 682.22 *1,806.00 (1,152.00 * 684.48 *1,169.84 Ill IN STR U C TIO N —T eaching 1 P ersonal service: (1 ) T eachers _____________ 18,032.28 8,732.66 18,062.00 16,940.84 (2) S ubstitutes ... 100.00 100.00 (3 ) N ight School 135.00 L ibrary supplies, re p a irs __________ 100.00 75.00 58.61 52.38 Supplies (chalk, paper, etc .) _______ . 1,770.00 1,660.54 545.58 2,335.00 Textbooks _________________ ___ __ 100.00 784.15 100.00 100.00 43.55 477.33 T o tal Expense of T eaching 20,237.28 20,772.00 10,495.36 18,800.28 IV OPERA TIO N OF PLANT 1 P ersonal service: (1 ) Ja n ito rs a n d o th e r employees 2,000.00 1,300.00 2,650.00 * 2,222.97 2 J a n ito r’s supplies .................... 400 no 390.37 300.00 491.36 3 Fuel .................................. roo on 315.62 750.00 483.55 4 L ight a n d power ................... 850 00 800.00 321.84 5 W ater ................................... 27R 00 1n* 41 257 00 6 T elephone ___________ 100 00 40 22 100 00 7 O th e r expense of operation . __ 100 00 6.75 100.00 159.08 8 T otal Expense of O peration ............... .. $1,528.00 $2,489.21 $4,953.00 *4,377.62 v. .MAINTENANCE AND R E PA IR S ----------------------------------------------“ 1 R ep air and m ain ten a n ce of fu rn itu re and equipm ent ------------ ------- ------ --------- ----------------- 300.00 134.96 300.00 489.90 2 R epair and m ain ten a n ce of buildings and grounds 450.00 808.30 1,000.00 382.09 3 O th e r expense of m ain ten an ce a n d re p airs............... 100.00 00.00 100.00 96.95 4 T c ta l Expense of M aintenance a n d R epairs _____ $ 850.00 $ 943.26 $1,400.00 $ 968.94 $ 408.05 VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1 H e alth service: (1 ) Supplies a n d o th e r expenses...................... 25.00 00.00 25.00 21.66 2 T ran sp o rta tio n of pupils: . 4.275 00 1,374.41 4,375.00 3,374.11 (1 ) Supplies and o th e r expenses 75.00 75.00 (2 ) R epair and replacem ent of busses . 250.00 31.93 200.00 3 O th e r auxiliary agencies ......... 100 00 61.20 100.00 65 00 4 T otal Expense of A uxiliary Agencies.............. *4,725,00 *1.467.54 *4775.00 *3,460.77 *5,745.30 VI1. F IX E D CHARGES 1 In su ra n ce ........................ ..... 275 00 00.00 182.65 233.41 2 T otal Fixed C harges ____ ________________ , .* 275.00 * 00.00 $ 182.65 ( 233.41 ( 867.23 VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1 New buildings ................... 53.92 2 A lteration of buildings (n o t re p a irs )....... 317.60 350.00 3 New fu rn itu re , equipm ent a n d replacem ents . ... 875.00 1,046.11 1,675.00 2,377.39 4 O th e r cap ital outlays: (1 ) L ibrary books ...................... 375 00 469.03 5. O th e r expense....................................... inn m f 00.00 6 T o ta l C apital O utlays __________________________ *1,350.00 *1.832.74 (2,565.00 *4,837.92 (10,849.90 IX DEBT SERVICE 1 In te re st on w a rran ts ........................... 100 00 200.00 vUOaJl 2 T otal Debt Service ............... 100.00 200.00 600.00 506.31 493.44 X. EM ERGENCY ........................ *1.700.00 00.00 *1,750.00 * 00.00 *1,073.65 T otal Schedule II—G en eral F u n d —'Total estim ated ex penses fo r th e year—su m of item s 1-6, II-5 , III-6 , IV-8, V-4, VI-4, V n -2 , V III-6, IX -2 , X ........ ............ 37.986 28 19.190.93 40.314.65 36.067.30 43.490.41 Schedule II I —Bond In te re st a n d Sinking Fund • BOND IN T E R E ST AND S IN K IN G FU ND—Debt Service 1 P rincipal on bonds (Include negotiable Interest- bearing w a rra n ts issued u n d e r section 35-1104)___ $2.000.00 « 0.00 *2,000 00 * 00.00 2 In te re s t on bonds ................................... 2,095.95 745.31 1.490.62 1,490.63 745.31 3 T otal Schedule I I I —D ebt Service .............................. $4.095.95 ( 745.31 $3.490.62 *1.490.63 * 745.31 schedule \ I—Sum m ary of E stim ates of E x p en d itu res Receipts a n d Available C ash B alances, a n d T ax levies T o tal All F u n d s G en eral F und Bond In te re s t E stim ation of T ax Levy T o ta l S chedule H a n d 81nklng F u n d —T o ta l B cneauie 111 T otal estim ated expenditures ........ ................................. .... $42.082.23 $37,986.28 $4,095.95 DEDUCT: T otal estim ated receipts a n d available cash balances (S chedule I ) ............. ................................... 5.840 62 5 050 00 Am ount necessary to balance th e budget____ _______ 36.241.61 32.936.28 DEDUCT: D eficit forw arded to n e x t fiscal vear 00 00 00.00 Balance to be raised hy tax atio n 38.241.61 32.936.28 ADD: E stim ated am ount of taxes th a t will n o t be collected during th e fiscal y e ar for w hich th is budget is m ade 2.000.00 2.000.00 00.00 T otal estim ated ta x levies for ensuing fiscal y ear___ 38.241.61 34.936.28 3,305.33 Analysis of estim ated tax levies: A m ount inside 6% lim itatio n ................................................. ....... 34.936 28 34.936.28 Am ount outside 6°» lim ita tio n . ................ OOO 0.00 INDEBTEDNESS 1 A m ount of bonded indebtedness D ated this M ay 20, 1942. (include all negotiable in te re st- bearing w a rra n ts issued under Signed: W ard W ieneke, D istric t C lerk section 111-1018, O C L.A. ____*39.750 00 C. C. W yckoff, C h a irm a n B oard of D irector» 2 A m ount of w arran t indebtedness on w a rra n ts lsssued a n d endors Approved by B udget C om m ittee May 20, 1942 ed “n o t paid for w ant of funds'’ 00.00 3 Am ount of o th e r indebtedness ... 00.00 Signed: W E . .Sc hi rem an, Sec. B udget C om m ittee 4 T o tal Indebtedness (su m of Item s 1, 3. 3 139.750 00 C. A. Abbott. C h a irm a n B udget Com m ittee.