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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
At The National Capital By John W. Kelly THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL. TH U R SD AY, A P R IL 30, 1942 HIDDEN HUNGER IS DISCUSSED works, the Commercial Iron wcrks, and other plants with navy con tracts nor the plants with orders to build engines for the “ ugly duckjllng" ships at Portland and Vancouver. PAG E SEVEN Everyone likes the sizzling g oed - j beer heart are aU cooked by brais ness of broili-d or pan-broiled j ing, cr trade into savory stews, meats. O f course, the tender cuts, i I Thrifty meats often mean must be selected for either of thrifty meals, and knowing these By K A Y PETERSON Home service, Idaho Power Co. these two methods; Shoulder lamb cuts will bi a great help to the W A SH IN G TO N , D. C.— Within In combatting hidden hunger, chops, either arm or blade; ground! homemaker in stretching her food Where this army of workers will the American homemaker has a a few months there will be 90.000 live, how they will find means of patties; lamb kidneys; j do!lar__________ task before her which is worthy lamb workers in the shipyards managed transportation to the yards (with ham butt of her full time and attention ground beef patties, by Edgar Kaiser In the Portland rubber tires wearing out and no available i and Ministers or others in Veres led in church publicity are invited to use if America is to be strong. We slices. area. Mr. Kaiser plans 30,000 men more streetcars Many of the thrifty meat cuts for his plant at Vancouver, 30,000 where they will be fed will prove the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices learn that to feed our families for Oregon Shipyards Oo. In Port serious problems for Portland and to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of sufficient foods to satisfy their require long slow cooking by moist each week. hunger is not enough. We must heat and shculd be braised or land, and 30.000 at Swan island, Vancouver. It Is proposed to trans go a step farther—food must be cooked in water. Beef short ribs, where 50 ell tankers are to be port 6.000 workers daily iron- Port THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY carefully chosen in order to sup blade steaks, rolled necH, chuck built on what will be virtually an land across the Columbia to the FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE CHURCH ply all of the nutrients necessary pot-roast, bottom round and heel Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds, assembly line arrangement. These yard there, possibly the boat leav of round, and end cut pork chops, for buoyant health. M. H. Greenlee, Pastor pastors. 90,000 do not Include the workers ing the seawall in Portland, but and Church school opens every Sun Surveys made by government lamb shanks, lamb riblets Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. employed at Willamette Iron there •will be 24,000 other workers on the Vancouver job. most of Morning worship at 11 a. m. day morning at 9:45. (Please note agencies have shown that 45 mil them domiciled there. O f course that this service is starting 15 lion Americans, approximately one- Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. these thousands of workers are to than formerly). third of our population, are not Midweek prayer service Wednes minutes earlier be temporarily employed, but they day at 8 p. m. Morning worship is at 11 a. m. receiving the proper foods. These will be working at least until the really malnourished. Friday night special Young peo The pastor will continue the ser people are end of 1943, by which time the ple's service at 8 p. m. Everyone ies on Christian Stewardship deal This does not mean that all of maritime commission may provide lntlted to attend. ing with the Spirit and Teachings them are unable to purchase food more contracts for more boats car of Jesus Christ. The Western Dis nor does it mean that all of them rying ever into 1944. trict Young Adult Rally will open are not eating enough to satisfy PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH here at 3 p. m. and continue their hunger. But it does mean Locating all of this labor when A. A. Schmidt, Pastor the armed services are drafting 10 A. M - Divine services, sermon through the evening warship ser they are not eating the right that supply high vice which is at 8 p. m. The pas foods— foods men is no simple matter. Scouts by the pastor. will be sent to the midwest, to 11 A. M.- Sunday school and Bible tor will bring the message. Prayer quality protein for building and service every Wednesday evening repairing body tissues, carbohydra Colorado, to Kansas and Wyoming classes for all. tes and fats to furnish heat and recruiting workers for the ship 8:30 P. M. The Walther League at 8 p. m. energy, minerals to regulate body yards. meets at the church. processes and vitamins to promote CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE The war department is spending W e invite you to worship with us and protect health. Vera Martin, Pastor many millions of dollars now in and hear the message of a change A great responsibility rests with Sunday school at 10 a. m. Classes Oregon and expects to spend many less Christ for a changing world. He W ill Start May 1 Operating the homemaker. W ith emphasis on for every age. other million before it is through thriftiness she must select and using and developing facilities. Morning worship at 11 a . m. Pas ASSEM BLY OF GOD a Modem and Up-to-Date Milk prepare these right foods so they Much has been talked of the two tor In charge of the service. Sunset Valley a* well as summer, autumn cantonments, Medford and Cor Junior meeting at 7 p. m. In the have maximum nutritive value and Plant on His Farm North o f Nyssa Pastor, Clarence Brotzman she must educate every member vallis, representing approximately parsonage. and winter fire is right on Sunday school at 9:45. Classes for $60,000,000, and it is Wnown that Young People’s service at 7 p. m. o f her family to eat well balanced the job destroying property all. Mrs. C. Brotzman, superinten meals. the army air force at Pendleton Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. dent. at a great rate. Insurance, Meal planning is the first step has a large station, with another Message by the pastor. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. carefully arranged by us, at the Portland-Colum.bia air base, Prayer meeting Wednesday even toward achieving these objectives. Evengelistic services at 7:46. Meat is the food around which the and the hundreds of concrete ig ing at 8:00. will exactly fit your needs, Mid-week prayer meeting Wed- loos forming the munitions dump Missionary meeting the first entire meal Is planned. Our men fu rn ish real p ro te c tio n . at Hermiston; but this does not Thursday afternoon of each month. in uniform have approximately a L. D. S. CHURCH pound of meat per day, which In Don't wait/ complete the list. There are shore All are Invited to these services. Sunday 9: IS a. m. Priesthood dicates its importance in the diet. stations for the navy along the In addition to supplying high coast, an elaborate program of air meeting. ST. P A U L ’S EPISCO PAL Sunday 10:30 a. m. Sunday quality protein, phosphorus and fields which embrace every section M ISSIO N other minerals, and vitamin B, It o f the state, a munitions depot school. Sunday 8:00 p. m. Sacrament The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Viscar has appetite appeal and satiety Insurance and Real Estate on the Oregon side of the lower Morning prayer and sermon 9:30. value, which are important in Columbia river, a proposed shell meeting. Phone 97 Holy communion and sermon every meal. Tuesday 2:00 p. m. R elief society loading plant in eastern Oregon, each fourth Sunday of the month. Many homemakers do not know two bombing ranges in the cen meeting. Church school at 10:30 a. m. Tuesday 8:00 p. m. M. I. A. the variety of meats available. There tral and southeastern sections of Women’s Oulld meets second are many thrifty meat cuts and the state. Under present condi meeting. all are just as high in nutritive Wednesday 4:15 p. m. Primary Wednesday In each month. tions the location of many of these value as the more demanded ones. facilities cannot be divulged, al meeting. F IR S T C H R IS T IA N CHURCH Effective after April 6, 1942. Beef, lamb, pork and veal each though each is known to the peo (Church of Christ) provide thrifty meat cuts, thus ple in the vicinity where it is F IR S T CHURCH OF C H R IST giving the homemaker the advan J. S. Beem, Minister placed. SC IEN TIST tage of variety In kind as well as Bible school at 10 a. m. Government was slow in recog variety In cut when planning men Communion worship at 11 a. m. nizing Oregon but now it is going 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho us. A branch of The Mother Church Evening Service at 7:45 p. m. to town in a big way. There is no When the right cookery methods The public Is cordially Invited. politics involved in the location The First Church of Christ, Sclent- are followed there is no doubt of the various air bases, munitions test, in Boston, Massachusetts. about the success of the finished Sunday School— 10:00 a. m. K IN G M A N K O L O N Y dumps, cantonments, etc. Mem meat dish. I t ’s easy to learn to Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. bers o f the congressional delega Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Mr. M. North. Open daily from 2 to 4 p. m. cook meat because there are really tion know nothing of a develop where the Bible and authorized L. Kurtz Superintendent. only two principal methods to re ment until they are confidentially Christian Science Literature may be Morning Worship 11 a. m. member—dry heat and moist heat. advised. Until all is set the high read, borrowed or purchased, and Is Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. every day from two to four The dry heat method includes command defuses to discuss plans open Evening Worship 8:30 p. m. p. m„ except Sundays and holidays. roasting, broiling and pan broil with anyone. ing. The moist heat method In Little of the army’s preparations cludes braising and cooidng In Is handled by Oregon contractors. contract for a floating drydock in water. The army has preferred dealing the Portland area. Local experienc There are enough of the thrifty with contractors who can put up ed contractors have been passed up cuts which can be roasted so that When You Remember a heavy bond, a bond larger than and the job given to a Puget budget-minded homemaker Farmers purchasing sodium ch the any local contractor or group of sound concern. Navy explains that The Graduates use this favorite cooking contractors can provide. T o help as Portland will have the drydock lorate for use as a weed killer may the Oregon contractors, however, it shold not begrudge the building must first obtain a license from, method frequently. There are: Keith Moss Charles Ninemire Lamb shoulder— with the bone their explosives licensing agent, the Corvallis job was broken down job to an outside outfit. in, boned and rolled and stuffed; the Oregon USDA war board has into sections—roads, sewers, con It will not be compulsory for the 4th and Main Streets Phone 77 struction being let individually in women of Oregon to register, but disclosed, in announcing arrange lamb and veal breast; loin end pork, ham butt and lamb shanks. ments to assist farmers in ob stead o f in the lump. registration will be solicited on a The navy, too, is awarding a voluntary basis. Registartion for taining the necessary license. The federal explosive act, e f women will probably be called lor July 4, at least that is the talk fective during wartime, requires - in the national capital. There is that persons purchasing exjlos- Q u a ta n ta cc L expected to be 1,500,000 women ives or ingredients o f explosives first obtain a license, the board CrDPlM WORM workln6 in munitions factories and pointed out. Sodium chlorate is o L K t H nUKNI on fanrs within 12 months, plus classed as an ingredient. the thousands of trained nurses County USDA war boards required for the armed force, and AGAINST ALL FUES the women’s auxiliary corps, the throughout the state will assist | latter a uniformed group which farmers by certifying applications ri t>> can be 36111 anV Part of the for the required license. Farmers CUTTER Labor*- w orid w|iere American troops are desiring to purchase sodium ch t o r i« « . K - R - S is , .. . lorate are advised to contact their entirely Stationed, warboard through the end more potent than ordinary killon Reclamation service announces county u .s . or ropollonts alone or in combination, j that it will carry on investigation county agent's or county AAA o f SENATOR O N L Y O NE TREATMENT NEEDED! of the feasibility of projects at fice. Actual licenses are usually \ Issued by the county clerk. B u y . can today! If in your opinion it J °hn J>ay. for the basin; Pendle- Energetic ia not by far the most offoctive killer ton, Talent, Medford, Clear Lake, or repellent you have aver used, return Sam s valley and five projects in Walter Thompson. Some of the Experienced what's left and w «’ ll refund your entire Willamette valley. They are in girls have completed their dres purchase price. tended to be "backlogs" when the ses and are making aprons. Influential war is over and there will be need Mrs. Walter Thompson is start for public worlds to provide em ing a 4-H victory garden club. The Paid Adr. by McNary Volunteer Com., Ralph ployment. No appropriation was first meeting will be held Friday. D. Moores, Sec., 312 Mayer Bldg., Portland, Ore. allowed for continuing the Desch Everyone from the ages of nine uses project, but it will not be and older may attend. suspended as there is sufficient Mrs. Tommy Ogle went to Eugene surplus from previous appropria to attend a Bible conference. She tions to carry on the work at least will also visit her folks in A l for one more year, say into the bany before returning home. summer of 1943. Mrs. Pearl Frank, who has been staying with her son in Eagle, Ida ho, Is now visiting her daughter, Mrs. Tom Loe, and family. The Riverside Sunday echoed The Helping Hand club met at Mrs. Walter Thompson's home held a meeting at the Frank Thursday. The next meeting will Graham home Friday for the pur Helps conserve chemicals needed for war be held at the Joe Wand home pose o f erecting a building. M r and Mrs Oreen Sparks of May 7. - « materials, but such savings can seriously Those in the band who attended Parma were Sunday guests o f Mr. damage a car’s motor and cooling system the band conference in Nampa and Mrs. J. L. Sparks. LIN G ERIE HATS Mr. and Mrs. Simmons and fam from Riverside were Alice, Don unless the following rules are observed: and Dick Lytle, Viola Clower, An ily were Sunday visitors at the PURSES SHIRTS Drain the old anti-freeze from the car as gela and Ruth Hviman, and K en Crighter home in Parma. J. L. Sparks has been sick and H O SIE R Y PAJAM AS neth Wand. soon as cold weather is past; discard The Nimble Finger 4-H club met has been in the hospital, but is H AN D K E R C H IE F SETS anti-freeze that is brown or rusty unless BILLFO LD S at the home of their leader, Mrs. better now. R O SCO E K ELLO G G HAS PURCHASED THE Gate City Dairy From Herb Fisher FOR THAT GOOD MILK PHONE 06R5 — SPECIAL — Frank Morgan Automobile Tune-up Give The During May Conserve Your Gasoline And The Vital Parts Of Your Automobile. EVERLASTING GIFT LICENSE NEEDED FOR EXPLOSIVES Malheur Garage Paul us Jewelry STORE K-R-S Graduation G ifts KILLER AND REPELLENT Owyhee Drug "Saved” Anti-freeze Riverview From Our Store Are Appreciated — For the Girl — — FOR the Boy —> all after standing it clears up; store saved solu tion in sealed and labeled glass or earthen containers; be sure added anti-freeze added in fall is same brand as saved solution, and have anti-freeze that has been used more than one winter frequently tested and in Pruyn’s Garage spected during use. T O IL E T GOODS HAVING RETIRED FROM THE DAIRY BUSINESS I WISH TO THANK MY FORMER CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE Herbert Fisher LU G G AG E SUSPENDERS GLAD STO NE BAGS W ILSO N BR O TH ER S Clothing Department