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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, VALLEYVIEW Owy! l e e The Sunset Valley Sunday school pupils visited the Owyhee Sunday sch ol. After the session a mes sage was given by Rev. Kriner of Payette. Seventy six were present Mrs. Ann Larsen has been en joying a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Ccttengin, a granddaughter and great granddaughter who re sides on the coast. Fred Bu rgess REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR TIIE NOMINATION OF County Commissioner —Vale Project Fanner Since 1933. —Successful Dairyman and Poul- tryman. —Served In Engineer Corps Un der General MacArthur in France In 1st World War. —Member Board of Directors Vale, Ore. Irrigation District. —Served for 2 Years As Director Malheur County Dairy Herd Im provement Association. —Member Vale-Owyhee Land Set tlement Board. If nominated and elected I promise you an economical, fair and Impartial consideration of all county problems; To work) for good roads and good schools with in the means of the people and the county resources and to give as much time to the Job as the Job requires. FRED E. BURGESS Vale, Oregon Paid Adv. Milton Penn of Seattle spent the week-end at the home of his par-nts. Mr. and Mrs T. W. Penn. The Valley View base ball teams were defeated by Arcadia Friday on the Arcadia diamond. The F F A. stock Judging class of Adrian high school did practice Judging at the H. E. Noah ranch recently. The farmers in this neighbor hood are watering their beets. Mr. and Mrs. Holmer Oft and daughter of Crescent, Oregon, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Hans Oft from Friday until Tuesday. Bethel Brown of Baker spent a frw days at home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley had as week-end guests Mr. and Mrs Dewey See and two daughters of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gordon and two sons of Boise and Mrs. Ida Crawl y and daughter. Marguerite, of Ontario and alsr n Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon of Vale. Mrs. See and Mrs. Stanley Gordon are nieces of Mrs. Bradley. Mr and Mrs. Marty McKlm and two children of Tacoma and Mr and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr., of Seattle arrived Wednesday for a visit with relatives here. They re turned home the following Mon day. Frank and Earl Crocker have as guests this week their sister, Mrs. Harry Schab, and family of Paw nee. Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Codr and small son, Dwaine of Santa Mon ica arrived Friday for a visit with Mr. Codr’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Codr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Codr entertained at dinner Sun day for all their sons, Tommy and Joe of Newell Heights and their families and Tlbert and Emil Codr. Mrs. Lewis Skinner entertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crocker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schab and daughter, Miss Betty Skinner of Boise was also a guest. Mrs. Martha KUngback and Mrs. Anna Gregg were Joint hostesses at dinner Sunday at the KUngback home for the Gregg and Kling- back famiUes and Rev. and Mrs. Kriner and four children of Pay ette. The pre-school clinic for Owyhee will be held at the school house May 5. Dr. Maulding of Nyssa and Mrs. Edna Ferris, county nurse, will conduct the clinic. Children may take immunization shots at a charge of 25 cents per shot. Residents of this district must register at the school house for their sugar rationing books May 4, 5, 6, and 7. Lincoln H eights O regon Trail The Merry Matrons club met at the home cf Gladys Davis Wed nesday afternoon, April 22. with Viola Adams as.istir.g. The after- neen was spent making a quilt fer the Red Cross. Flower plants and seeds were exchanged. Jen nie B.nson won the prize in a guessing game. The club W ’lll meet May 6 at the home of Opal Hclmes with Jennie Benson as co-hostess. Roll call will be answered by ways of economizing on sugar. Refresh ments were served to 12 members. Oregon Trail pupils took part in the music festival held at Vale last Friday. Mrs. Hans Wurl is in the Holy Ro'ary hospital in Ontario, where she was operated cn last week She Is reported to be much better Mr. Pearce of La Grande visited Mrs. Pearce and Dorothy over the; week-end. Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass and Mrs F.G. Holmes attended the mu k festival at Vale Friday. The Owyhee ball teams played a return game at Oregon- Trail Thursday. The local boys tram and the Owyhee girls team were vic torious. Several fanners have started to thin their beets. Some b ets had to be replanted after the recent dust sterm. Cut worms are dcing much damage to the clever crops William Groff Is having a nev garage built. Peggy Chard was sick last week. TEN DAVIS Miss Elizabeth Weick left last Friday morning for Yakima where she will visit her broother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Weick. Mrs. Nimrod Thomas and son, Kenneth, returned Monday mom - lnging to their home at Hunting- ton. After spending the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Her- tlg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mullen of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Bartles were Friday after noon visitors at the Frank Bartles home in Arena Valley. Mr. and Mrs. John Pritchard and were guests last Wednesday even ing at a surprise party given in the A. W. Andrews home in No- tus in celegration of Mrs. A. W Andrews birthday anniversary and of their sister. Mrs. Andrews. Herman Weick, Jr., left Monday for Boise, where he has work. A group of 16 members of the social circle motored to Mrs. Har vey Evans' home at Eagle Wed nesday to spend the day. A cover ed dish luncheon was served at 1 o’clock. Mrs. R. D. Sebree is working on the war board drive in Ten Davis and Black Canyon. Kingm an Kolony VOTE FOR A. L . Atkeson FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE On the Democratic ticket in the May primaries, May 15 Paid Adv. Let us serve you with the choice cuts of meats for which our shop is noted. N yssa Packing Com pany QUALITY AT PRICES YOU’LL LIKE! Oood furniture long service, materials is an and while still taka Important Investment — buy for advantage of today’s choice avallab «I BEDROOM SUITES $69.50 io $115.00 N ordale Fu rn itu re Com pany THURSDAY. APRIL 30, 1942 The birthday anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wheteell and Donna Houston were observed at a basket dinner at the Whetsell home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Grammon | were Sunday dinner guests at the j Lee Smith home. J L. Jellson of California, father j of Mrs. Orval Oreen, Is visiting at j the Oreen home tills week. Mr and Mrs. J. Anderson of Levan. Utah, parents of Mrs. George Mark- | ham, are spending two weeks at the Markman home. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts >f ihe Lincoln district held an in- !| door camval at the school house t Saturday evening. A good sized crowd was present and enjoyed the many games, stunts and concessitms Put 011 by ,he committee A satis- | ■ ' n’ v ;um added to the scout K fund. B Mrs A. E. Hawkins entertained a number of friends at a pink and 8 | blue shower Wednesday afternoon for Mrs Fred Hawkins. She was j SB assisted by Mrs Delbert Clement and Mrs. David Reese of Valley I View. , Arcadia Twenty were present at Sunday! BB school Sunday. Sunday school will j B be held at 2 p. m. next Sunday. ! ‘'Wj Rev. Honeyford of Ontario will give a message at 3 p. m. Every one is Invited to attend. Miss Mary Jarvis and her moth er of Ontario, visited at the J. M. Wagner home Friday evening of last week. Miss Grace Tarr of Wilder Is spending this week with Mrs. George Moeller. Truman Wagner of Eugene, who works for the Southern Pacific railmoad company, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wagner. R. E. Moss has rented the John Stringer place here. Miss Pauline Payne of Ontario visited her sister, Mrs. Vernon Butler, Sunday. Mrs. Oeorge Moeller received a telegram last week stating that her mother, Mrs. S. J. McKinney, had passed away in a hospital In Forest Grove. Arkansas. Leland Wagner of Boise visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wagner Sunday. Mrs. Perle Richard and Mrs. Angelo Marcstica visited Mrs. George Moeller Friday of last week. Tlie Arcadia Sunday school won third prize on its temperance book at the Sunday school con ference in Caldwell April 14. ANGLING SEASON WILL OPEN HERE The general angling season for Sunday after school the mem trout six Inches or over In length bers of the community church was opened Saturday in all sec gathered for a basket dinned in tions of the state with the excep honor of the teachers. Mrs. Ruth tion of Baker, Grant. Harney, Lake. Tooze, a state W. C. T. U. officer, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wheeler and Malheur counties, where the gave a talk. Mrs. Frank Cummings of New opening will occur May 2. The bag limit remains the same ell Heights called at the home of Mrs. William Toomb Wednes as last year, 15 fish or 15 pounds and one fish In any one day, but day, Mrs. John Auker of Adrian spent not to exceed 30 fish or 30 pounds Tuesday afternoon visiting with and two fish In any seven consecu tive days or In possession at any Mrs. Arthur Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McConnell one time. and baby son were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shaw Sunday. Dorothy Toomb spent the week end with Irma Points of Ad rian. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Shaw were Diesel— Jobs— T ractor In Caldwell Friday. Mr. and Mrs William Toomb and Dickey and Betty Jean were | Men 18-40 who REALLLY want in Ontario Saturday. C. C. Cotton was In Nyssa, Sat good pay, permanent future in this basic field as servicemen, urday on business. Mr. and Mrs D^ye Mitchell and operators and dieselmen. 15 will Mrs. Ira Ure of Nyssa were Sun be selected from' the Nyssa area day callers at the C. C. Cotton in May for training and placement home. Mrs. Ruth Tooze. state W. C. T . 1 service. For full particulars write U. president, has been visiting Tractor Division, 610 Mead Bldg., in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J Portland, Oregon, AT ONCE. O. Lane Mrs. Tooze talked at Adrian Sunday morning, Nyssa in the afternoon and Ontario In the evening. Glen Osborn competed in the solo contest at the music festival In Nampa Friday. He sang two selections. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton had as guests from Friday night and Saturday Mrs. Arlene Gibson and Mrs. Albert Moore of Nampa and Mrs. Thelma Ott of Jerome. The guests are grand daughters of Mrs. Cotton. J Every Local Property Tax Dollar Must Be 00°!0 Effective You are now making war-time sacri fices. State and local government in Oregon must get in step.. . every dol lar saved from taxes on Y O U R prop- erty, is a dollar released for ultimate V IC TO R Y ! Oregon taxpayers can help themselves and aid Democracy’s war effort by insisting that local tax-levying bodies cut every non-essential expense and eliminate every dollar of waste. That’s the sensible, that’s the patriotic, thing to do............................... H E R E ’S H O W YO U C A N H E LP Express your feelings — fill out the coupon below and mail it today to the Gate City Journal. Gate City Journal Nyssa. Oregon Gentlemen: I wish to register my protest against any non-essential" or unnecessary spending of local tax money In these times of warll emergency. Reduction of local tax will give the people more op-|| portunlty to help the national war effort. II N a m e ______________________ _____________ ________ __________ j . .. Address ___ ________________________________________ ________ II H ............... - _______________________ ___________________________ NORTH NYSSA HEIGHTS Mrs. Cleo Jordan and daughter of Pendleton are visiting at the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs Jess Ford. Mrs. Roger Tucker is recovering from an attack of influenza. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Evans and daughter visited 8unday with Mr and Mrs Eldon Deel. who are em ployed on the Julius Bevins ranch. 8tanberry is drilling a well this week for Jim Malloy. Mrs Roger Tucker and Jerry were Ontario visitors Monday Olen Suiter is having a pres sure system installed this week Mrs. Harold Anderson is spend ing a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Suiter, while j Mr Anderson is in Portland. Your Opinions Will Be Reported To Your Local Tax-Levying Bodies And To The Citizens’ Committee For Wartime Tax Savings in Portland, Oregon. If You're Looking For GOOD SOUND Insurance We Have It. Bernard Eastm an Retl Estate Insurance Phone 94 NYSSA OREGON II Nyssa Chamber of Commerce and the Nyssa Lions Club II II