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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 Classified Legal Advertising Legal Advertising Legal Advertisement NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY Tract No. 743A, description, Lots 1, NOTICE OF MEETING OWNED LANDS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 & 13, OWYHEE IRRIGATION DIS Pursuant to an order of the Block 21, Northwest Townsite TRICT, Malheur County, Oregon: County Court of Malheur County, Addition Second Vale; price Notice Hereby is Given, That the $55.00. Oregon, dated the 11th day of Board of Directors of the Owyhee March, 1942, I will on the 2nd day Tract 744A, description, Lots 10, Irrigation District, sitting as a of May, 1942, at the hour of 10 11, 12, 13 Si 14, Block 61 Green's Board of Equalization, will meet RATES: Two cents per word lo r each issue. Minimum cash in o'clock A. M., at the front door of on Friday the 8th day of May, Addition, Nyssa; price $50.00. advance is 30c. the County Court House at Vale, Tract No. 745A, description, Lot 5, 1942, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. of said Oregon, offer for sale the tracts Block 79, Oreen's Addition, Nys day at its office at Nyssa, Oregon, of land hereinafter described and for the purpose of reviewing and sa; price $10.00. numbered for not less than the correcting Its assessment roll and C. W. GLENN MISCELLANEOUS prices fixed by said Court with the MISCELLANEOUS Sheriff, Malheur Coun apportionment of charges for oper proportionate cost of publication For Sale ation and maintenance for the ty, Oregon. BRAKE WORK—Let us put your added thereto. Date 1st publication; April 2, 1942. 1942 season. The assessment roll oar or truck brakes in first class Said lands will be offered for and record may be inspected at FOR SALE—Baby chicks. New Special equipment ana sale as follows: All tracts priced Date last publication: Apr. 30, 1942 the office of the District by any Hampshire Reds, B. Rocks and condition. interested person during office White Leghorns. Pullorum tested. trained men at your service. Pruyn at $200 00 or less to the highest and hours of each business day. SUMMONS best bidder for cash; all tracts Patch Bros. Hatchery, Payette. Auto Repair. Phone 56W. By order of the Board of Direc priced at more than $200.00 and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Idaho. 19mtfc KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi not more than $500.00 to the high THE STATE OF OREGON FOR tors. tive prices. First class quality. est and best bidder for cash or BABY CHICKS—For delivery every MALHEUR COUNTY OWYHEE IRRIGATION Wednesday and Saturday. For Nyssa Lbr Co., Geode Ave. and for not less than 20% cash and A. M. HIGHSMITH and ETTA ) DISTRICT 16MtfC the remainder to be paid under A. HIGHSMITH. Plaintiffs. information and prices come in or Highway 201, Phone 108. ) By Frank T. Morgan, write Thompson's Ontario Hatch FOR PLUMBER call J. Secretary vs. C. Smith, written agreement with the pur ery. Box 578 Ontario, Oregon. 5ftfc Phone 78J. chaser in equal installments not Nyssa Improvement Company, a Dated and first publ. Apr. 16, 1942. tfc. exceeding 5 years, and all tracts dissolved corporation; H. S. Sack- Last publ. May 7, 1942. FOR SALE — Seven foot John priced at more than $500.00 to the ett. Registrar of Titles of Malheur Butchering Deere disc. Qeorge Barton. highest and best bidder for cash County, Oregon; Malheur County, Phone 07-R4. 26mtfc NOTICE OF HEARING CUSTOM butchering every Mon or for not less than 20% cash and a political subdivision of the State Owyhee Irrigation District FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. W. A. day and Friday. Beef, sheep and the remainder to be paid under of Oregon; A. L. Fletcher, as Ad NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, McNall. 4H miles S. W. on Ad pork. Sanitary butchering guaran written agreement with the pur ministrator with Will annexed of rian highway. 23a2xp teed. Phone 05-R-l. One mile west chaser, in equal installments over the Estate of Harry F. Brown, de That Petitions for Inclusion of of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake a period not exceeding 10 years, ceased; Clara M. Brown; Carl E. Lands into the Owyhee Irrigation all deferred payments to draw in Brown; Frank Brown: Winifred District have been filed with the FOR SALE — Centrifugal pump. Fischer. terest at the rate o f 6 per cent, Brown Thomas; Louis P. Thomas; Board of Directors of said Dis Single stage. American S22. 8 per annum, payable annually, and Clarence A. Reece; Edith M. trict, and that the owners of said in. discharge. 10 in. suction. $250. For Sale such agreements shall be subject Reece; Clarence A Reece as Exe land and petitioners are as fol Inquire Rust Ranch on Owyhee. CITY PROPERTY to all terms and conditions of cutor of the Estate of John F. lows: Also seed barley and com . 23a4xp Lester Harris and Tressa Har Section 69-813 and Chapter 402 Reece, deceased; Mary A. Green; FOR SALE—5 room modern house. FOR SALE—One-half ton small Oregon Code Laws of 1937. Allen Green; Sanford Emlson; ris: Southwest quarter of North Terms likje rent. See Frank D. white lima beans. Inquire An east quarter (SW KNEK) Sec. All lands within the boundaries Eva Emison; John Ennis; Edith 16atfc drews Seed Co. Ontario. 23a4xp Hall. 36, Twp. 22 S Rng. 46 E. W. M. of irrigation or drainage districts Ennis; Sarah Good; I. K. Hawk; Fred W. Trenkel and Esther K_ will be sold subject to any valid C. O. Hawk; Jarffes M. Lee; Viola FOR SALE—New linoleum yardage CITY PROPERTY Trenkel: That part of South half assessments made or to be made by M. Lee; T. W. Hitson; William N. and rugs. Nyssa Furniture Co. For Rent of Northeast quarter (SV4NE14) said districts since the date said Brown; Clara N. Brown; Newton 30a2xc Sec. 21 Tp. 18 S. Rng. 46 E. W. lands were acquired by the County J. Minton; Effie L. Minton; John FOR RENT M. lying South of Nevada and all lands within the boundaries Xenos; and Jane Doe Xenos, his W A N TE D HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. 8Jtfc Ditch. of the Warm springs Irrigation Dis wife; Wilbur G. Craig; Frank O’ Sylvia Knudson and Lyle TRUCKERS to haul manure. See FOR RENT—Four room basement trict and which have been classi Neil; Lulu L. Hoxle; Lulu L. Hoxie Ketchum: West half o f South as Administratrix of the Estate of Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc house on acre of groudn. Berries. fied as in Classes 5 and 6 and as Warren B. Hoxle, deceased; Dewey west quarter (W HSW %) Sec. 13, Fife, Alberta avenue. to which said County has hereto B. Hoxie; Helen A. Wilson; Lloyd and East half o f Southeast quar WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for LaVere fore by resolution dated September 23alxp ter <EHSE%) of Sec. 14, Tp. 17 live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay 3, 1930, authorized a transfer to B. Hoxie; Cleston C. Hoxie; Har S. Rng. 46 E. W. M. ette. S7Ntfc FOR RENT—Kelley house. Either said district of the water rights old C. Hoxie; Herbert G. Hoxie; the unknown heirs and devisees of Louis Recia and Elvera Recia: furnished or unfurnished. See appurtenant to said lands shall Let us print your envelopes, state Lennox B. Boyle, deceased; the That part of NE%SW%NE14 19mtfc be sold without water rights. ments, letterheads, etc. The Gate Frank T. Mongan. Sec. 2. Tp., 21 S. Rng. 46 E. W. Said lands numbered as to tracts unknown heirs and devisees of J. City Journal. M. lying South and East of Jor FOR RENT—Five room modem and with the minimum prices set L. Lee, deceased; also all other dan Valley Highway right of unknown house. A. L. Atkeson. 30a2xc opposite each tract are as follows, persons and parties For Sale way; all that part of Lot one claiming any right, title, Interest, to-wit: FOR RENT—Furnished 3 room of Sec. 2, Tp. 21 S. Rng. 40 E. estate or lien in the real property FARM LANDS house. Modern. Or will sell. In- Tract No. 710A, description, 8 %, described in the Complaint herein, W. M. lying South and East of sec. 24, twp. 14, rge. 39; price Defendants, FIVE ACRES with improvements in quire: Opposite Nursing home. Jordan Valley Highway right of $320.00. 30a2tc Apple Valley. See Frank Morgan. way; that part of Lot 4 and of TO: THE ABOVE NAMED DE Tract No. 717A, description, NE14- FENDANTS, AND EACH 30 O tfc NHSW%NW% of Sec. 1, Tp. OF SW%, sec. 1, twp. 20, mg. 41; THEM. 21 S. Rng. 46 E. W. M. lying FOR SALE—White rose and Bliss SW%NE%, sec. 1, twp. 20, mg. West of the right of way of IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Triumph seed potatoes. First VALE MEN M AKING 41; price $80.00. Oregon Short Line Railroad OF OREGON, you are hereby re year out of McKay seed. C. P. JOINT PURCHASES Tract No. 718A, description, S% - quired to appear and answer the Company and described as fol Overstreet on old Sleep ranch. SE'4NW14, sec. 25, twp. 31, mg. Complaint filed against you in lows: 30a3xp Robert E. Fields and Freeman 41; price $20.00. Beginning at a point on the the above entitled court and cause W. Masom Vale, are cooperating | Tract No. 719A, description, NW14- west line of said Lot 4,660 feet on or before the last day of the in the Joint purchase of a regis LOST NWy,. sec. 25, twp. 30, mg. 42; publication of this Summons, that south of the Northwest comer of tered guernsey bull and manure price $40.00. said Lot 4 and running thence being the day prescribed by the STOLEN spreader through a community and j Tract No. 720A, description. Lot 1, South to SW com er of N 4 8 W - Court in its Order for the publica Lost or Strayed for three con cooperative service loan, announces sec. 31, twp. 30, mg. 43; price tion of this Summons upon you t4NW(4 of said Sec. 1; thence secutive weeks notices under this Howard Bertsch, area supervisor of $46.00. East to the right of way of Ore and four weeks successively from heading appear in the Cambridge the farm security administration, Tract No. 721A, description. SW14- the date of the first publication gon Short line railroad; thence News-Reporter, Ontario Argus, Ontario. SW!4, sec. 16, twp. 18, mg. 44; hereof; and if you fall to so ap Northerly along the West line Weiser American, Vale Enterprise, “Joint purchase and use of the price $40.00. of said right of way to the pear and answer, for want thereof, Nyssa Gate City Journal and bull and farm equipment is ex Tract No. 722A, description, 1 acre Plaintiffs will take a decree again North line of said Lot 4; thence Adams (Council) County Leader. pected not only to cut overhead more or less in SW corner of st you that they are the owners West on the North line of said The total cost is $1.00. List stolen operating costs, but to improve S W 'iS W ti, sec. 3, twp. 19, mg. in fee simple of the following de Lot 4 to a point 330 feet east stock with the Gate City Journal their dairy herds and soil fertil 44; price $10.00. , of the Northwest com er of said scribed property: and receive this extra service. ity,” Bertsch said. Tract No. 723A, description, NE%- Lot 4; thence South 660 feet; Lots A and B, Block 8; Lots Cooperative loans are available SW>/., sec. 13, twp. 19, mg. 44; thence West 330 feet to the 14 and 17, Block 8; Lots 8 to 14, LOST OR STRAYED — Black and to all Malheur county farmers price $40.00. place of beginning inclusive, Block 2; all in the white male Springer Spaniel, needing credit for point purchase Tract No. 724A, description, NEÎ4- original townsite of the City of all in Malheur County, Oregon. answers to “ Zeb.” $10 reward. and use of purebred sires, equip NW%SW%, sec. 17, twp. 19, mg. That the prayer o f said peti Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Ralph Hinshaw, Weiser. Phone 88. ment and other facilities. 44; price $10.00. Lots 7 and 8 of Block 8; Lots 11 tions and petitioners is that an Weiser American. CFYP Tract 725A, description, all West of to 16, inclusive, Block 2; all in order be made by the Board of ditch in NE 14 NW14 and NV4N- Teutsch's Addition, City of Nys Directors of the Owyhee Irrigation W14NW14, sec. 18, twp. 19, mg. District including the lands des sa, Malheur County, Oregon. 44; price $45.00. Plaintiff will take a further de cribed in such petitions and as Tract No. 726A, description. Lot cree determining all adverse claims hereinabove set forth within the I, Lot 2, WV4NE14, NW14, N%- o f the Defendants and declaring boundaries of the district. SW14, WHSEVi, sec. 21, twp. 15, you to have no interest in said NOTICE FURTHER IS GIVEN, rang. 46; price $450.00. property, quieting title thereto in That said petitions will be heard Tract No. 727A, description, NE14- Plaintiffs, enjoining you from as and considered by the Board of Candidate for Republican nomination for NW14NWV4, sec. 35, twp. 20. m g serting any right, title, Interest, Directors o f the Owyhee Irriga 46; price $50.00. lien and-or estate adverse to tion District at Its regular meeting Tract No. 728A, description E%8 - Plaintiffs; that Certificate of Title to be held on Friday, May 8 , EÎ4, sec. 33, twp. 21, rang. 46; No. 389, be determined and declar 1942, at 8:00 o ’clock P. M. at the price $80.00. ed to be regularly, lawfully, validly District office at Nyssa, Oregon, Tract No. 729A, description, 8W K - issued by the Registrar of Titles and ail persons Interested, or de SWV48W'/i, sec. 29, twp. 15, mg. of Malheur County, Oregon, and siring to object thereto, are noti If nominated and elected, my entire time will 47; N%SEV4SE%, sec. 30, twp. all previously issued Certificates of fied to appear at the office afore be devoted to the interests o f Malheur County. 15, rng. 47; price $30.00. Title affecting the property de said, at the time above stated, and Tract 730A, description, N W 4 - scribed in Certificate No. 389, be show cause in writing, if any As a licensed engineer I am especially interest SW%, sec. 11, twp. 18, mg. 47; determined to have been lawfully they have, why the prayers of said SW14NW14, sec. 11, twp. 18, mg. and regularly cancelled; ed in all matters pertaining to county roads, that petitions should not be granted. 47; price $80.00. Dated the 7th day o f April, 1942, Plaintiffs be determined to be the and can legally manage this class o f work. : Tract No. 731A, description, W % - registered owners of the real prop by order of theBoard of Directors. NEÜSWS4, sec. 20, twp. 17, mg. erty described in Certificate of Frank, T. Morgan, 47; price $20.00. Secretary Owyhee Title No. 389; that original Cer Tract No. 732A, description, Lots tificate of Title No. 28 be deter Irrigation District. II, 12, 13, 14 St 15. Block 71, mined to be null and void and First publ. Apr. 16, 1942. Original Town of Ontario; price that the same be ordered cancell Last publ. May 7, 1942. $600 00. ed; that the Registrar of Titles be Tract No. 733A, description. Lots ordered and directed to withdraw Y O U GET — t 11. 12. 13, 14 Si 15, Block 73. from registry of titles to the prop PROSECUTION OF Ontario; price $25.00. erty described in Certificate No. Tract No. 734A, description. Lots 389, upon proper application by W A R BIG ISSUE 16 Sc 17, Block 85, Ontario; price the Plaintiffs Marvin Klemme of Bums, can $ 10 . 00 . Service of this Summons upon Tract No. 735A, description. Lots 1, you by publication is made by didate for the republican nomina 2, 3, 4. 5 & 6. Block 134, On Order of the Hon Rob't. M. Dun tion for congress from the second With Our district, who is spending some time tario; price $30.00. can, Judge of the above entitled Tract No. 736A, description. Lots Court, dated March 27, 1942 This in Malheur county, stated today 21 Si 22, Block 2, Riverside Addi Summons was first published April "while not in accord with much of the administration's foreign policy tion, Ontario; price $20.00. 2, 1942, and last published Apr. leading up to this war, the matter Tract No. 737A, description. Lots 1 30, 1942. is no longer an Issue. I shall there & 2, Block 7, Riverside Addition, M AX S. TAGGART fore support all measures directed Ontario; Price $20.00. Attorney for Plaintiff. toward a more efficient prosecu Tract No. 738A, description. Lots 11 Post Office Address: KINGSCROST HYBRID tion of the war, placing the inter Si 12. Block 7, Riverside Addit Ontario, Oregon ests of this nation, however, first ion, Ontario; price $20.00. Flatf and Round Kernels at all times. I feel that politics Tract No. 739A, description. Lots 7 should be eliminated completely to 27 inclusive, Block 11, River Iowealth Hybrid from the conduct o f the war and side Addition, Ontario; price that the American people are en $50 00. Idahybrid titled to a more definite state Tract No. 740A. description. Lots 1 ment as to what they are fighting to 6 Inclusive, Block 12. River- j Open Pollinated Com for. side Addition, Ontario; price $30 00. "Eastern Oregon's future pros Shovels, Forks, Hoes and Rakes Tract No. 741A, description. Lots 1 j perity depends almost entirely up Paint protecta the outside to 11 inclusive, West 3' of Lot on its forests, agriculture and live and Inside. 22. Lots 23 to 26 inclusive, and stock. I will therefore support all KALSOMINTNG and PAPER Lots 38 to 41 Inclusive. Block 4. measures designed to protect and CLEANING Terrace Heights, Ontario; price stabilize these activities; I will 2nd and Geed Ave. $ 100 . 00 . work for adequate provisions in our Immigration laws to meet the Tract No. 742A, description. Lot A n d y M c G i n n i s present situation. I would favor 27, Block 5, Terrace Heights, On deportation of meet aliens who do tario; price $1080. Advertising J. Edwin Johnson COUNTY JUDGE V W V .W .V .V Bigger Yields SEED Corn Repaint for Defense A1 Thompson & Sons W UW W AW A PAGE THREE LOCAL DAIRYMEN ARE HONORED BY NATIONAL GROUP Two dairymen in Malheur coun ty. members of the local Dairy Herd Improvement association, should feel somewhat proud of their efforts during the past years of the activities of the cow test ing association. Through the coun ty agent's office, two national dairy association honor rolls have been received, one for P. F. Count ryman, who has a 25-cow yearly production average of 361.3 pounds of butterfat; the other for R. V. Nielsen of Oregon Slope commun ity, who had an average of 362.1 pounds of butterfat for 12 cows. These diplomas are Issued by the National Dairy association to dairymen who have herd averages of 350 pounds of butterfat or more. They were formerly issued to herds a v e r a g i n g 300 pounds of fat. Had the s t a n d a r d not been raised a number of Malheur county dairymen would have received the national recog nition that has been accorded the two for the 1941 year. A great Improvement in the pro duction of dairy cows Is shown through the cow testing records. The local cow tester, Clifford Cox, reports a full schedule with 940 cows on the application for active testing. CLINICS PLANNED FOR LOCAL AR EA EXPERIENCED MEN ON FARMS ASKED An active campaign to keop ex perienced workers cn the farms this summer to help with Ore gon's increaser crop output has been started by the agricultural committee of the United States employment service. Under the leadership of E. C. Ziegler of Hood River, representa tives of agricultural organizations passed a resolution urging the em ployment service to ask deferment for key farm workers and to co ordinate all farm labor supply programs, both for seasonal and full-time employes. With 34,957 women listing ag riculture as their primary occu pation and 99,963 pledged to help with seasonal harvests and with more than 100,000 older school children and college students sign ed up for farm work, L. O. Stoll, state director, believes the United States employment service will be able to meet all emergencies this year. “Oregon already is months ahead of the federal farm labor pro gram, Just announced," declared Robert B. Taylor, chairman o f the war labor board o f the United States department of agriculture, which through active state and county planning committees is co operating closely with the employ ment service. Improved housing accomodations are being offered by farmers and by the 18 migratory camps being set up by the farm security ad ministration. The Nyssa camp al ready is receiving sugar beet work ers. Berry camps for western Ore gon will be open early in May and the Athena camp for up to 5,000 pea harvesters will open May 15. A series of clinics for immuniza tion against smallpox and dipther- la has been announced by Mrs. Edna Ferris, county health nurse. Fifteen summer round-up clin ics were scheduled to be held in Malheur county during April and The remainder of the clinics will May. Parents are urged by nat be held as follows: May 1, 8:30 a. ional and state health authorities m„ Willow creek school house; as a defense measure to have their May 2, 8:30 a. m„ Jamieson school children between the ages of six building for Jamieson and Brogan months and six years immunized. communities; May 5, 8:30 a. m„ Owyhee school house; May 6, 12, not become citizens within five noon, Lincoln school house; May 7, years. I will work for federal sup 8:30 a. m „ Oregon Trail school port in developing Oregon's vast house, and May 7, 12:30 p. m.. An mineral resources, support nat nex school. ional legislation authorizing ade quate pensions to all needy per sons over 60 years of age and op Notice To Hog Raiser pose profits to favor groups (both labor and capital) while our boys With the installation of a new are fighting for $21 a month". scale at a THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS we are now receiving your hogs there every Friday, paying thv highest price the market permits and seeking to serve you in even possible way. FRANK KULLANDER Professional And Business Directory ABSTRACTORS Complete abstracting service. OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A . McFALL Meran and Soe Better "See Ontario Title Abstract Co. ONTARIO, OREGON DENTISTS J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Filone 86-J Saraain Clinic NYSSA OREGON Electric Shops Consult us on your wiring needs and meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State requirements. Prices right—Information free NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP JEW ELR Y STORES PAULUS JEW ELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second W YCKOFF JEW ELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Parine ONTARIO ORSOON EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON PHYSICIANS L. A . Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 87 ■ours: 10 to 12 and 1 to S Daily—Except Sunday Fry Building MISCELLANEOUS NYSSA LIBRARY Open aaoh week day from 2 p. m. to g p. m. Saturday, 2 p. as. to 8 p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian___ Mrs. & B. Davie NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT BAOLEB HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, See. O8OOE FINDLEY, Free. Laundries SHOE SHOPS Nyssa's Own Sc Nyssa Owned — Seventh St Park Streets — Phone 146 Abbott s Shoe Shop Nytaa Steam Laundry All kinds of shoe and he men repairing Across from, post offloe. KELLER’S CABINET SHOP If it Is mads of wood we can mako it or repair it P. O. Box IH 842 Main ■ FASHION FOUNDATIONS BARCLAY and SMART-FORM Fewndatien G annente Corset», Otrdlcs, Brassieres Perfect fit assured by ALICE COLLINS