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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, PAGE TWO The Gate City Journal KLASS V. P O W E L L ..................................Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year............... ADVERTISING RATES $1.50 $1.00 Sinsle Conies........ ...............05 (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act Ooen rate, per inch........ 35c 85c Classifieds, per word........ .. 2c Minimum.......... 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at, Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879. R EG ISTR A TIO N IN DICA TES IN CREA SE IN P O P U L A T IO N Registration figures released by County Clerk H. S. Sackett indicate that despite the induction of hundreds of Mal heur county men into the armed forces and defense industries the number of eligible voters is now greater than it was in 1940. Increased registration does not al ways indicate an increase in population, but because of the almost total absence of interest in the primary election the boost in registration must almost cer tainly be due to an influx of adults into thi£ county. Many of the men who left the county were young men, some of whom had not registered to vote. In some years the increase could be accounted for by intense interest in an election, but certainly not this year, when everyone’s thoughts turn to war. The total democrat and republican registration in 1940 was 5905 and this year it is 6816, a gain of 911. Other reg istrations brought the total this year to 6954. The registration figure is just anot her indication of the favorable economic — I AM H A N D LIN G — Real Estate M ake Y our Listings W ith Me A. L. Atkeson 5 « / V O # Insurance Bonds T iie x e NO OTHER WORK SHOES OH EARTH U Ki THEM! 0 * 'S'etut&te WOLVERINE wmrsHm Wolverine's triple! -sa m ates proc- thi. t*Hth R ts strength. Have Uppers, Soles and Insoles of Inner-Shell Horsehide IT’S AN ACTUAL FACTt No other work shoe in tha world is so thoroughly con structed of Genuine shell horsehide and noother horse- hide is triple-tanned to amaz ing softness and flexibility the way Wolverine’s secret process does it. That process ives you work shoes as com- ortable as old slippers, and even dry that way after soaking. Yet, it re tains all the wear-de fying toughness that makes shell horse hide world famous for money saving durability. In Wol verine Shell Horse-, hides you not only t far greater com- rt but also a whole > lot longer service.. Come in and try on a pair of ’em soon I f S GOLDEN RILE G R ID SC H ED U LE R E P O R T E D H A RD Nyssa Man Helps Keep ’em Flying FARM G ARDENS BADLY NEEDED position of Malheur county even in times of war, despite the fact that it has no war industries, aside from its food pro duction. Some eastern Oregon counties are losing population to the armed forces and defense industries on the coast and have no interests to draw other persons to their areas. The removal of persons to Malheur county from other areas pro- ably centers about the various phases of agriculture. An Ontario clothing merchant rec ently said that he realized that many families were leaving Malheur county, but that his business is better than it was last year. He said further that the cus tomers are “coming from somewhere”. It doesn’t seem possible that with the migration from Malheur county the population could increase, but at this particular time the registration figures should be a conservative indication of the population trend. In any event, belief that our loss of population has been off set by an influx of new families is a good morale stimulator—and we believe it is more than that. A far.r garden on every farm is needed this year and for the dura- ticn to add to the nation's food supply of necessary vegetables. ‘ Aimed forces will require large parts of the '•ommerclal or can ned and dried packs of vegetables.'’ County Agent K. E. Brooke said •Our Allies will get* a large seg ment of this pack. Transportation congestion will be relieved to the extent that 50 million farms will produce their cwn vegetables right where they will be used. Then, too, vegetables can be expected to be higher in price. By growing these vegetables cn the farm for fam ily use. cash outlays for food will u; less. There Is the health factor too — vegetables In the diet for better health. ■'It is not too late to plan and plant a vegetable garden. The plantings can be limited to essen tial green, leafy, and yellow veg etables. Lettuce, cabbage, carrots, squash, par. nips, tomato .s. beets, beans, and peas are among the suggestions. "Farmers who had not grown vegetable gardens in recent years can help the war effort for food production by growing a garden this year.'1 SAN FRANCISCO, April 30, (Special»—George L. Hall is one ol the lads who will soon have the t remend, usly important job of keeping ’em flying on the scene of action, it was reported today from United States marine corps headquarters. Before he enlisted In the leather necks at 826*a McCarty building, Boise, this 22-year-old marine was a plumber living at Nyssa. Now he is taking an intensive course Let us print your envelopes, state in the theory and practice of air craft maintenance at the Naval ments. letterheads, etc. The Gate Aviation Training school, Navy City Journal. To the R epublican V oters of M alheur County In asking you to support me in my campaign for congress I feel that you :l should know something of ‘ m.v background and what I stand for. I was born and raised on a farm; am 41 years old; am a college graduate In the field of forestry and agri culture; spent several years with the U. S. forest service and later organized the Tay lor grazing administration MARVIN KLEMME -------------------------------------- hi the state of O r e g o n . More recently I have been in charge of the state school lands. During this period a considerable portion of my time has been spent in Malheur county. Rem em ber Mother "Easy” schedules are a thing of the past for football teams in the Snake River Valley high school league. Principals, coaches and the athletic board cf the S. R. V Schoolmasters club voted to adopt a round robin schedule at a meet ing held in the gymnasium last week. Parma’s wlthdrawl from the con ference to enter a southwestern Idaho league was accepted by the group, and a round-robin schedule for the eight remaining teams was immediately formed. The annual football jamboree, opening the S. R. V. season, is slated for September 18 at On - 1 tarlo and first league games will be on October 2. Teams now in the league are ’ Emmett, Adrian, Frultland, On tario, Payette, Vale, Weiser and | Nyssa. J Pier, Chicago. Hall will taiae his place at one of the various marine corps air bases established throughout the world. Hall's father. Leon E. .Hall, resides in Gorman, South Dakota. By the time Hall completes his aviation machinists’ course, for which he was selected from the ranks, he will have spent a total of 560 hours in study.His seep? of in struction deals with all phases of maintaining airplanes except act ual piloting. Of the total 70 hours are spent on aircraft structures, 35 hours on propellers, 35 hours on insturments and 79 hours on en gine theory and construction. ON H ER DAY M other's Day M ay lO I am an ex-service man (U. S. marines) with a year and a half of foreign service. I also spent most of 1939 studying agricultural conditions abroad; visiting over 30 foreign countries, including Australia, China, Japan, Russia and Germany. Silk Lingerie, Mottoes, Candy, Towel Sets, Tablecloths, Ryrex and Other Splendid In seeking this office I represent no special class or group and will be under obligation to no one. If nominated and elected I promise you that I will be “on my toes" every minute back there working for your interests. Gift Articles. O (Wu MARVIN K U M N B •- Republican candidate for Congress Wray's Dime Store Paid Adv. V A L LEY V IE W As a P a rt of My Business Real Estate THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 Those representing Valley View in the annual spelling contest were Lona Belle Stevens, Martha Lee Taylor from the fifth grade, Ruby Bolles from the sixth grade, Wil bur Stewart and Paul Alexander from the seventh grade and Wil- helmina and Eddie Stevens, eighth grade. Ruby Bolles and Paul Alexander won in their respective groups and are eligible to compete in the county contest in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bratton and Charles Wyckoff motored to Nyssa and took Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cochrun to see Mr . and Mrs. George Webster's new farm In Ida ho Sunday. The Websters have one of the new homesteads In east Apple Valley. They also called at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Seiger In Idaho on their return trip. Harllyn Richmond fell and broke her arm while roller skating at school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Oft motored to Boise on business Tuesday. Glenn Downs is working for Fred Moeller this spring. Coy Brown is working at the county experiment farm. Oscar Bratton attended the Methodist young people's rally at Nyssa Sunday afternoon. Miss Betty Mess of Frultland spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hans Oft. The cold weather did not dam age the fruit and berries here. Mr. and Mrs. Hazen of Maca, Idaho, visited the Henry Derry family last week. Joan Countryman has been un able to attend school on account of an Infected knee. Mr. and Mrs. Shef White and Mrs. Orland White left for Cali fornia last week to visit their son and husband, who is In the army training camp. A M E R I C A AT W A R ★ - ★ ★ Cartoon by ENDS / here / — t, Court * j y Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Hit The Enemy Where It Hurts HEALTH FO R YOU IN O U R FI NE M ILK There is noth The More Bonds You Buy, The More Planes W ill Fly Even as you read this, American sail ors and soldiers are in action— fighting fo r you. One extra plane, tank or gun can often make the difference between victory and defeat. Your dimes, your dollars invested in U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps may help to buy that very tank, or plane . . . may help to spell out ing magic about | the word milk, j but It d o e s great things for Get Your Sharo of ' ^ ‘TORY. Meanwhile, your money will he safe; it will come back to yon with interest, 84 for every 83 yon loan, when bonds are held to m aturity. Ask your hank, post office, or employer fo r details NOW, THIS VERY DAY! pay day “ Bond Day!” Make every U. S. Defense BONDS * STAMPS you. THIS — SH ELTO N D A IR Y — SPACE IS A CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL The Gate City Journal DEFEN SE BY