Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
77?eNYSSA VOLUME XXXVII, No. 15. XÄÄSSS ä v JOURNAL ' NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 HYGIENE Registration In THREE 2732 Women In CLASSES Sugar Plan Will Dr. J. W. Weese ENDED announced the Malheur County completion of three classes In Be Begun May 1 heme Sign In Survey hygiene and care of the sick TRUCK WRECKED IN CRASH $1.50 PER YEAR Julius Bevins Of Nyssa Killed As Freight Engine Hits Truck In Malheur county. This is a 24- hour course offered by the Amer 39.5 Per Cent of Harney, ican Red Cross and its pounty Malheur Women In CURB AND GUTTER Farmer Suffers Fractur chapters over the United States. es Of Neck, Skull; Dog PROJECT FAVORED Mrs. Dyer Bennett. Ontario, has Mobilization been appointed by Dr. Weese as I Dies In Crash Registration for sugar rationing county chairman of class commit- The number of women volunlar- Obstruction of curbs and gut will be conducted in this area by tee. ters on Good avenue and Second Other classes are being plan- dy registering with the Oregon Julius Bevins, who operated a the elementary schools May 4, 5, street was approved by the city farm over the county by Mrs Een- board for mobilization of wommer eight miles southwest of 6, and 7. Members of the school ned ccuncil at a meeting held Monday nett. Forty-two individuals com- in the area s:rved by the Ontario Nyssa, was instantly killed Sat night. staffs and others will be on duty pleted e and t:.k the ex nployment office, Malheur and morning shortly after 8 from 4 p. m. until 10 p. m. for amlnatl the n. cour The city will advertise for bids o’ urday Miss I-iiDc.m Nance Harney counties, was 3476 cr clock when a truck he was driving on the project. the purpose of accepting registra registered nurse, working with the 33.5 per cent of those 18 years was struck by a Union Pacific The councllmen also passed an freight tions. train at the Park avenue Agricultural Worker's Health as of age. acccrding to information ordinance to hold a special elec In cr.'er tc reduce congestion as sociation of Malheur county, con receivid from the administrative crossing. tion on charter amendments June The locomotive, traveling at a much as pcssible. the registrants ducted two of these classes—one office of the United States employ 1. Several changes are provided in slow rate of speed, carried the are asked tc register on certain of the Patch and Chat club at ment service, Portland. the amendments. days in accordance with the first Lincoln Heights and one of the The tasx of taking the census truck for several feet along the letter of the family name. Persons Chatterbox club of Nyssa Heights. and classifying the cards was done track. The bed was torn from the wliose family name initial falls One class was ccnducted in On by voluntary women workers with truck and the chassis was dem between A and F. inclusive, will tario by Edna Farris, Malheur United States employment service olished. reister May 4; those whose initial county public health nur e. personnell directing the occupatlon- Mr. Bevins sustained fractures falls between G and K, inclusive, classes were conducted al classifications, of the skull and neck in the ac will register May 5, the group be as These defense measures. Dr Weese The cards were all classified into cident, in which his dog, riding tween L and R May 6 and those suggests groups desiring a 1 ss get ( nine major occupational groups In the truck, was also killed. The Civic club of Nyssa spon between S and Z May 7. in touch with Mrs. Dyer Bennett | Following are the percentage com- sored and helped to conduct a Mrs Emma Qulnby. a witness "The above plan is not arbi of Ontario. parisons: summer round-up clinic at the to the accident, said that Mr. trary”, Henry H. Hartley, super Total 3,476 100.0% 100.0? Nyssa grade school house April 25 Bevins drove the truck onto the intendent of Nyssa schools, said. Professional . ... 523 15.0 8. at 8:30 a. m. track from the east side when the "If you cannot register on the Clerical ............. 551 15.9 22.0 train was only a short distance Examining physicians were Dr. date suggested, we will take care Domestic and away. She said that as the train J. J. Sarazln and Dr. A. L. Mauld- of you on any of the other days. Service .......... . 1.122 32.3 34.5 was traveling at a slow rate of ing. The dentist was Dr. J. R. However, both for your conven Agriculture 414 11.9 12.0 Cundall. Others assisting In the speed, the man would have had ience and ours, we would prefer ........ .. 18 0.5 1.6 clinic were Mrs. Dick Tensen, Mrs. time to have Jumped clear of th« that you cooperate too the extent Paul Robert Davis of Nyssa died Lumber Skilled .......... ... 12 0.4 2.3 Bert Lienldaemper, Mrs. Desmond ‘ruck. Mrs, Qulnby expressed the mentioned. Monday in the Nyssa nursing Semiskilled ...... 118 3.3 2.9 Jones, Mrs. Archie Berryman, Mrs. belief that Bevins was so par "Following are some regulations home. He became seriously ill un Unskilled ....... ... 71 2.0 6.6 The picture sh ow s th e trues m w h ich ju u u s B r a i l of ,>y3»a was Leo Oonyer, Mrs. CoUlns, Mrs. alyzed by surprise and fear that regarding registration that are expectedly while in a barber shop Miscellaneous .. 649 18.7 9.7 Ralph Beutler, Mrs. Reta Benedict he was unable to act in time to after it was hit by a locomotive at the Park avenue crossing and arbitrary. Uncle Sam has set them and a doctor was called immed The registrants were distributed killed Mrs. Bea Williams. Owen avoid death. Monday morning. Photo through courtesy of the Idaho Free- up and you and I will have to obey iately, but he died a short time according to age, marital status, Press, Nampa. Price, principal of the grade Mr. Bevins, who was about 48 them. One member of an immed later. and employment, as follows school, assisted with the organisa years old was a member of the iate family (father, mother, hus Mr. Davis was born October 21, Percent tlon and set up the clinic. The Nyssa post of the American Legion band, wife, son, daughter, sister 1900 in Pocatello. He came to this Classification No. Local State following students assisted: Myma and a member of the Oregon Trail or brother) may apply for all community 23 years ago. Mr. Davis, Total 3,476 100.0% 100.0“: Jorday, Merry Norcott, Virginia Grange. such family members, provided whose mother is city librarian, was Single, 18-25 .... 114 3.3 3.7 Troutner, Grace Foster and Don He was a memberof the I.O.OF, they are residents under one roof water recorder for the bureau of 26-45..... 4 0.1 1.5 na Jean Warren. Mrs. Edna Far Masons and Eastern Star In Sen- and share a common family table. reclamation. Married without ris, pubUc health nurse, assisted in ect, Nebraska, where he lived for All other family members (aunts, Survivors are his widow, Doris; children, 18-25 152 4.4 4.7 The number of registered voters The first budget committee to organization and at the clinic. several before moving to this uncles, grandparents, resident do his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. 26-45 327 94 8.0 In Malheur county has increased meet in the county this year will The children that were to enter area five years ago. mestics, etc.) must apply indi Married with considerably during the last two be the county committee, which school next year were given a The body years was sent by the Nyssa vidually. In order to make appli children, 18-25 234 6.7 68 years. physical and dental examination. home to Pikeville, Ken cation for others, an individual of Los Angeles. S. B , Jr., of Pay 26-45 1,163 33.5 27.8 For the primary. 3417 republicans will gather May 7. AU chUdren of the age group funeral tucky, where mother must be at least 18 years old or ette, O. L. of Portland, and O. Registrants and 3399 democrats are registered, Members of the county board mentioned desiring Immunisations and his brother Mr. live. Bevins’ So far married. over 45 .......... 931 26.8 30.3 or a total of 6816. Persons of other are A. H. Boydell, J. D. Fairman were given the lnnoculatlon of known Mr. Bevins left no as re is C. of LaGrande. political affiliations, who will not and A. H. Bone. “Hired men or women, boarding Funeral services were held to Those now toxoid for dlptherla and vaccina latives in this section. with an employer ¿.tould Jpply in day ft 2 p. m. In the Methodist employed ...... 551 15.8 16.3 be permitted to vote In the prim The first meeting of the budget tion for smallpox. dividually or in family units. Peo church. Rev. M. H, Greenlee of-, The total number indicating that ary, brings Jhe total registration committee of school district No. All chUdren who received the ple boarding with others should ficiated. Interment was in the Nys they would assist in the recrult- figure at the present time to 6954. 26 will be held May 30. The final first toxoid at the clinic AprU 25 individually. All children are en sa cemetery with the Nyssa fun- j ment of labor during a harvest The 6816 represents an increase budget meeting is set for June are urged to return to the grade emergency was 1.439 or 28.4 per- of 911 over the democrat and re 15, when the annual election will school in Nyssa at 9 a. m. May titled to register, regardless of eral home in charge. _______________ cent of those classified. publican registrations of 1940. At also be held. The final meeting 23 for second toxoids and aU those age. A standard registration form- Based on the 1940 census the the time of the 1938 primary 2954 of must be completed for each ration union high school district No. who were vaccinated for smallpox 1VT Q I Vl galll* Prtmrtnil estimated number of women over republicans and 2746 democrats 5 will book issued. urged to return for reading Seeking a “100 per cent turnout were registered. In 1940 the numbers June 22. be held a week later, or are If you intend to register for “takes" on their vaccination. This of eligible voters,” Pieter Tensen, TTie total registration in Mal were increased to 2931 republicans The preliminary city budget is Important others in your family be sure that since the report that chairman of the county AAA com heur county was 2732. The women and 2974 democrats. you know their age, the color of goes to the U. S. public health mittee, yesterday announced poll registering were classified as fol At the opening of registration meeting was not set. their hair and eyes, their height, service, Washington, D. C., Include ing places and referendum com weight, etc. You must also know Agricultural and legislative dis lows: Professional, 400; clerical, this year 3290 democrats and3259 only those vaccinations that have mittees for Saturday’s referendum 434; domestic and service, 853; ag cussions were held and several republicans were registered so the the amount of sugar on hand at been read as “takes". on wheat marketing quotas. resolutions were passed at the ricultural, 354; lumber, 7; skilled, republicans made a net gain of the time of registration". "We ask the parents coopera The polls will be open from 9 quarterly meeting of the Malheur 6; semi-skilled, 85; unskilled, 57, 49 from the opening of the reg tion in this”, Mrs. Farris said. i, in. to 9 p. m. at the following Pomona grange at the Oregon and miscellaneous, 536. istration books to the time the "Since all lnnoculations and read voting places; One thousand sixty-one women bool* were closed. Trail school house Saturday. ing are done by physlciana who Big Bend, Wade school house; The meeting, presided over by J. living in Malheur county Indicated Charles Stafford Wade of Ad are very busy people it is neces Kingman Kolony, Kingman Kol- Edwin Johnson of Vale, Pomona that they would assist in the re rian died at his home Tuesday sary to arrive at the place at ony school; Nyssa, city hall; Vale, master, was well attended consider cruitment of agricultural labor MRS. COAD HEADS the clinic at appointed time so city hall; Harper, old school build night. ing the busy season for farmers. during a harvesting emergency. DRIVE FOR FUNDS that you may receive service since ing; Payette-Oregon Slope, Park Dinner was served by the ladies Mr. Wade was bom July 12, VALE, April 30 (Special)—Army the physician leaves as soon as school house and Ontario, county of the Oregon Trail Grange at 1880 in Galesburg, Illinois and FOR BOYS, GIRLS officers accompanied by local graz- agent's office. came to Malheur county five years he Is finished”. department officials have been in noon. Edna Farris. Each voter should cast his bal PORTLAND, April 30 (Special) ago from Calloway, Nebraska. He the southern part of the county Frank Parr of Nyssa provided lot at the polling place designated —Mrs. Carl H. Coad has accepted engaged in farming in this section. for the past week, contacting graz two reels of motion pictures, which for his community, the chairman the Nyssa chairmanship of the Mr. Wade is survived by his ing licensees and making arrange were shown during the lecturer's said. Referendum committees have drive for funds needed by the widow. ments to clear an 800,000 acre area, hour. been named for each community, A meeting for completion of the Boys’ and Girls’ Aid society of The funeral service has been of stock in order to have it in C. E. Charles of Vale was elected formation and each comittee has been sup of a home guard unit Oregon, state-wide child-caring readness for army operation by as alternate to the state Grange in Nyssa will be held next Tuesday tentatively set for Friday after plied with a list of eligible voters May 1, when a gunnery practice convention to be held in Milwau- night at 8 o'clock in the American agency. The state campaign, laun noon in the Methodist church. for the community. Any person under the endorsement of Rev. M. H. Greenlee will officiate. Approximately 400 men between who believes field will be established there. kie June 15, 16, 17 and 18. that he Is entitled to hall, according to Albert ched Oovemor Charles A. Sprague and | The Authorities stated positively that Twenty-five persons were initiat Legion the ages of 45 and 65 registered vote but whose name Is not listed Heldt, commander of the Nyssa opening on Child Health day as home. body is in the Nyssa funeral It would not be used for a bombing ed into the Pomona grange. j ^ t in Nyssa Saturday, Sunday and on the register will be permitted post of the Legion. nationally proclaimed by President range as will the Lake view field, Monday under the selective service to vote, and the legality of his Latest reports indicate that only Franklin D. Roosevelt, will begin and while they did not state speci program. The men represent the ballot will be determined May 4, 33 men have applied for enlist May 1. Purchases Dairy— fically, it is presumed that it will MUSIC WEEK TO last class to be registered under by the county committee. ment in the unit so that 27 more The state campaign structure is be used for antiaircraft practice. Roscoe Kellogg of Nyssa has are needed. Tensen announced that referen the present draft system. BE OBSERVED IN The boundary of the area is as purchased the Gate City Dairy Colonel Ralph Cowglll. head of divided into separate county units. dum committee* have been ap The registration was the largest follows: From a point nine miles from Herbert Fisher. Mr. Fisher the Oregon national guard, has The Nyssa appeal, which Mrs. NYSSA PROGRAM pointed as follows. ____ since the first legistratlon. Def south of the Crowley ranch to the has been operating the dairy for asked for completion of the organ Coad will direct, is a part of the BIO BEND COMMUNITY — inite figures are to be Issued by Vice Owyhee river, following up that the last five years. The dairy farm ization so he can swear in the Malheur county drive. Chairman. A. H. Parker; Final preparations have been the county board. Oovemor Sprague, wishing the made stream to a poiat Just below the that Fisher has been operating unit. member, Boyce Van de Water, and for Nyssa's observance of Many of the men served In the organization success in the forth mouth of Crooked creek) thence between Nyssa and Snake river first alternate, D. B. Roberts. National Music week. A program, armed services during the first coming campaign, has issued the southwest to the ION highway at will be used by the government as KINOMAN KOLONY commun will be given in the qymnaslum world war. following statement: Clip Tax Coupons— the Junction of the Follyfarm road a farm security administration ity — Chairman, Oeorge Kaylor; May 6 at 8:15 p. m. and continuing in a southwesterly farm labor camp. He said he is Anyone Interested In tax reduc ‘There is no stronger or more Wednesday, vice chairman, Loyd Elliot; mem Music week plans here are spon appeal than that found sored by the Civic club. direction (missing the Tudor ranch leaving the dairy business because tion—that Is reduction of expendi universal Recovering From Injury— ber, Dale Ashcraft. In launching a about two miles to the west). of the sale of the dairy property tures by cities and counties for in little children. T. M. Lowe, who is receiv NYSSA community — Chairman, campaign on May 1 to The program will be presented ing Mrs. treatment There It will turn south to the of the sale of the dairy property I non-essential things—should sign state-wide in the Holy Rosary Walter M, Thompson; vice chair funds, the Boys' and Girls’ as follows: “The Noble Count, Nys hospital in Ontario ION highway again. It will follow to the government. Mr Kellogg the coupon appearing in the tax raise for a broken man, A. P. Ooodell; member, C. W. sa high school band directed by Aid society can seek assistance has a new bam and new equip-1 advertisement in this issue of the the highway south to a point hip, is recovering satisfactorily. Barrett. Gordon Aspengren; "Morning” and from the public on the soundest approximately opposite the north ment, which L. Anderson, state I Gate City Journal and send it to However, the cast will be left on VALE community — Chairman. “Friend O'Mlne", Miss Bernice basis possible.” ern end of the Blue mountain inspector, said constituted a mod- the Joumay office. The Journal for two more weeks to make cer Charles A. Few; vice chairman, Martin: "March of the Uhlands," range, thence directly west to the ern and up-to-date dairy. He will owners will in turn submit the tain that the bone Is well knit. Harry M. Feathers ton; member. piano duet, Mrs. J. Slmmonds and Alvord desert. From there it will operate the dairy on his farm north coupons to the proper authorit Visit Relatives Herr— Fred E. Burgess. Charles Grider; "Climbin’ Positions Available— ies. proceed in a northrly direction a- of Nyssa. PAYETTE - OREOON SLOPE Mr and Mrs. Mscum Smith of Mrs. Up the Mountain" and “I Couldn't bout two or three miles east of the New Meadows and Mr. and Mrs. Hear Nobody Pray", obligato, Vio The United States civil service community — chairman, M P. To Attend Meeting— Crowley-Andrews ranch and will Services Planned— Kenneth Hunter of Salt Lake let Clowers; “Oood News”, mixed commission has modified Its re Clough; vice chairman. C. A, Dale; Leno Christensen, agriculture in City intersect the line nine miles south visited the ladies' parents, glee club directed by Mrs. John quirements in an effort to secure member, E. F. Reitz. structor In the Nyssa high school: A rally service of the western of Crowley ranch. Mr and Mrs H. E. CoUlns, over Young; "Mother Machree" and additional mimeograph and tabu Jack Marshall, Jimmie Cook and The use of the field will be from district young adults of the Me "Creole Lullaby", Gordon Apsen- lating machine operators for fed Buys Garage Interest— McCoy left Wednesday for the week-end. March 15 to October 1 of each year, thodist church will be held Sun Charles gren with Charles Wilson playing eral positions. Appointments will Nlnemlre has purchased thus occassioning only nominal day, beginning at 3 o’clock. Rep Corvallis to attend a Future Farm a violin obligato; "Morning, Noon be made In Washington, D. C., an Charles Appointed Agent— Interest with Keith Moss In the damage to grazing licensees since resentatives from the western half ers of America meeting. only, and applications will be ac E. O. "Mike" Campbell, formerly and Night", Nyssa high school cepted until the needs of the ser Malheur garage, formerly the Mal the season in this area has always of Idaho and eastern Oregon will of Nyssa, has been appointed as band; "Indian Lament", flute ob vice have been met. heur Motor company establish been from October to March. The attend. The president. Miss Mam Here From Portland— the new Consolidated Freight ways ligato by Margaret Sarazln; "I ment. Mr. Nlnemlre has been en grazing service will continue to ie Remington of Nampa, will pre Mr and Mrs John J. Smith of agent at Welser He succeeds El Dream of Jeanie”, boys' glee club; gaged In automobile mechanics In sdmlnister the lahds during the side. The dean of the group is Portland spent Saturday and Sun don Watkins, violin solo. Charles Wilson; "Es- Enlists In Army— who has been trans October to March period. Prac- Rev. Ray Mortensen of Boise. The day with Mr Smith's parents. Mr ferred to the operating department tudlantina" and "I Hear America R om C. Corn, youngest son of Nyssa for the lest five years. He In similar work before tlcally the only operator adversely I program will include a busine Singing", mixed glee club; “The Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Corn, has engaged of the concern at Boise. coming to Nyssa. affected la the Tudor ranch man meeting* fellowship "imur: and~oj»n an<1 Mrs ™ « * t S™1* . Voice In the Wlldemeas" and volunteered his service as a me in the afternoon, followed agement which has heretofore us forum "Somebody Cares”, Mrs. M. H. chanic In the United States army. Bishop To Speak- From Payette— ed this area for early lambing op by a supper at 5:30. a general dls- ] Here "Hark. Hark, My Soul" He will leave within a few days cuss ion at 7 p. m. and a special Mr and Mrs C. C. Me Victor Bishop William P Remington of Oreenlee, erations. Camp Button, North Carolina, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stevens of sermon by the pastor at 8 o’clock and Mr and Mrs. Edwin Walters Pendleton will speak Sunday In and "Beautiful Savior”, combined for Idaho are visiting at the The meeting is open to all Nyssa of Payette visited Tuesday at the St. Paul's Episcopal Mission. Ser churches of Nyssa, and “Star where he will receive two months Buhl. Visits At Msseww— home of Mr. and Mrs WSFlndl- vice will be held at • o'clock In Spangled Banner” and “Field Tac Instruction and be sent overseas In home of their daughter, Mrs. W. Mils Katherine Peterson spent residents who are between the ages ing. tics", Nyssa high school band. the regular army about July 1. A. Sherman. stead of 9 30. the week end at Moscow. Idaho. of 18 and 35. married or single. Schools Will Manage Sign-up; Rules Out lined Here Clinic Is Held By Physicians Paul R. Davis of Greater Number County Budget Are Registered Group To Meet Voting Places On Wheat Named ividineur r omond 18 years of age was 8799 Grangers Meet Charles S. Wade Of Adrian Dies Army Preparing Gunnery Field More Guardmen Are Need Here 400 Sign Up In New Draft Here