Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1942)
im* NUtMlM tN H !« • Prlvsto Phillip A. MitchsU, »oh of Mr and Mrs. J. B Mitchell of Owyhee, is now stationed at Here ftm . t a m a ay , a w h , i , m i Toe Lot* to ClaMify • ( ï Society Mri lidniy Mr». Homer MaoArlhiii add Virgil Ad*n W'.Utti - H Parker of Baker Visited Sunday FOB SALE-- Nice country home Modern. 1 mile from Nysea. Part m r s R in e h a r t e n t e r t a in s Fort Joseph T. Robinson, Arltan- with Mr MaOArthUT's sister, Mrs. terms. C. W Raberger. 2A3xp j The Wednesday night bridge j Juluum. who lives between Nyssa club was entertained by Mrs. and Adrian. LOST—Large white boar. Finder I LE010N BIRTHDAY IS Grant Rinehart High scores were 2A3xp OBSERVED AT BANQUET phone 06J3. At the regular meeting of the won by Mis. Barnard Eastman POR SALE AT ONCE—Team, good Nyssa American Legion auxiliary and Mrs. C W Buchner. smooth ir.outh work horses. Price March 19 the post and auxiliary MRS. BROWN HOSTS The only priority ruling as $65.00. A. M Hlghsmlth, Nyssa Rt. celebrated the 23rd birthday of MR, Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown 1. near Adrian. 2Alxc the Legicn with a victory banquet. The tables and hall were decor entertained the Mr. and Mrs. club yet on Automobile Insurance FOR SALE—House 14 by 16. Oood ated with V’s and the national at their home Thursday evening. The peace that our condition. Inquire Smltiy’s Oro- colors. A large birthday cake High sccres were won by Mr. 2Alxp formed a centerpiece. A good-sized and Mrs. George Mitchell. is that the owner be good eery. departed know can crowd attended the affair. - 5 - Participates In Contest— not be felt by those FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN risk—We assume you art and LeRoy T oon* of Nyssa partici Tire auxiliary plans to hold its here. What we can A farewell party was given Fri pated in an American Legicn ora annual Mother’s day flower sale day night at the home of Mrs. Fan ?ain thi year. contribute to the we’U be glad to show you torical contest held in LaGrande nie Felton, honoring Florence - 5 - March 23. He secured the right peace of mind of Dierking. Sixteen guests were pres ~M LGV/E THANKS to represent Malheur county at MR3 "our line" of coverage* which the ent. Many pretty handkerchiefs those who are district meeting through de SCHOOL TOT-5 FOR GIFT honored Mrs. lorn I. we of the Owyhee were received by the fault. Nyssa was the only school grieved Is the assur guest. fit present conditions. In the county entering the con district teday expressed a desire to ance of dignity and test. Toemb was sent to the La- extend her d.ep appreciation and Attend Funeral— Uraiule contest by the local post thanks to the grade school child good taste, and as Mr and Mrs. P o rrs t Bodmer ren of the Owyhee school district j l the American legion. reasonable an ex for the beautiful gift presented returned Sunday from Kansas Visit In Nyssa— where they attended the funeral pense as is possible A. H. Schomburg. who lias been to her in fhe hospital at Ontario. Realizing Hurt the remembrance cf Mr. Bodmer’s brother, Lewis *pp. luted as superintendent of the Please let us help Bodmer. lucje Carnation condensary plant and token represented the child \m m j B l B f c Real [state you. at Nampa, and his family, stopped ren's savings of pennies and dimes. JOURNAL’S In Nyssa Tuesday to visit at the Lite kindness and loving thought which prompted the gift Is es home of Mr. Scliomtourg's sister. SALE CALENDAR Phone 84 Mrs. J. C. Olsen. Mr. Schomburg, pecially touching and appreciated who has been In charge of the by her, a friend stated. Ambirla nee Service Sales listed by the Gate City VY88A OREGON company’s plant at Mt. Vernon. - 5 - Phone ’’SW Nyssa Journal for printing and publicity Washington, succeeds J. P. Thomp MRS FLETCHER HOSTESS are advertised without charge to son, who has been with the Nampa TO TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB plant since 1928. Mr Thompson Mrs. A. L. Fletcher entertained the advertiser In the Ontario Argus. has retired from the employ of the Tuesday evening bridge club Payette Independent - Enterprise, the Malheur Enterprise of Vale, the company. at her heme last Tuesday. Track Meet Held— Guests who played with mem Weiser American, Cambridge News The Nyssa and Adrian high bers were Mrs. A. C. Salee, Mrs. Reporter and Council Leader. As schools held their first track meet Bernard Eastman and Mrs. C. our sale calendar protects your of the season today in Adrian. L. McCoy. Prizes were received date, consult as immediately when The meet marked dedication of I by Mrs. McCoy and Mrs. Bernard you plan a sale. the new cinder tiao’ at Adrian. Frost. The Easter motif was used School children need their quota of milk every Friday, April 3. Six miles south Visit Relatives Here— in the decorations. day to help keep them alert during the long cf Weiser or 12 miles north of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Selby and —9— Ontario, V. mile south of Highway baby of Baker stopped here Sat OFFICERS ARE SELECTED hours spent in the classroom. Vitamins con 30. Five horses, 61 cattle, grain urday to visit Mr. Selby’s sister. BY KINGMAN KOLONY CLUB and farm machinery. Roy Wrinkle, tained in milk are essential to their physical Mrs. Emil Paulas. They were ac Mrs. Duane Anderson was elect health. . . to help make them better students. companied to Melba, Idaho, by ed president of the Kingman Kol- owner. Monday, April 6, One half mile Mrs. Paulus for a short visit with ony Parent-Teacher association at east and one mile north of Payette the parents of Mr. Selby and Mrs. a meeting held Friday. at end of Lover’s lane. Horses, Paulus. Mr. and Mrs. Selby re Mrs. William Tcomb was elected turned to Baker Saturday and then vice president; Mrs. George De cattle, hogs, household goods. M. went to Portland, where Mr. Sel haven, secretary, and Mrs. Earl W. Alspaugh, owner. Friday, April 10. Seven miles by will manage a variety store. McKinney, treasurer. south of Weiser or six miles north Under the topic, “Gleanings cf Payette. One mile east of Com The navy department on August From the PTA Magazine”, Mrs. 12, 1941, had five billion dollars Judd gave an Interesting program. munity hall, across road from worth of ships and parts either Articles from recent issues were Park school, Oregon side. Horses, under private contract or under reviewed by Mrs. Toomb, Mrs cattle, hogs, poultry, grain, farm machinery, household goods. Mrs. construction In navy yards. James McGinnis. Mrs. Sugg, Mrs. Martha Bingham, owner. McKinney and Mrs. Patch. ? tact Meetings Woman Breaks Hip— Mrs. F'annle Felton was taken to the Hoy Rosary hospital Sunday after the fell and broke her hip. M O RE EFFICIENT FARM BUILDINGS Here is a farm building service that shows how to construct farm buildings and equip ment that will actually cost less and make more money for you. With Boise Payette plans (which cost you nothing extra) you can build faster and with less waste. They save your money because they leave guesswork out of building—save time, labor and material. — HELPS MAKE BETTER STUDENTS — D A F F O D IL S FOR Building Permits EASTER Take Home Several Dozen of These Beautiful Daffodils The Golden Rule $ Dog Licenses 20 . 00 . No. 525 Taylor Sandy, build, Lot 14 Blk 72 Green Addition, $60.00. No. 526, John Points, addition, Lot 26 Glasgow addition, $100.00. No. 527. Nick Rudelick, build. Lot 8 Blk. 73 Green Addition, $140.00. - 8 - NO-HOSTESS PARTY HELD The Wednesday night bridge club met at Brownie's cafe at a no-host dinner party. After dinner cards were played. Those who won prizes were Mrs. Klass Tensen. ARE DUE AND PAYABLE — TO — A. V. Cook, Chief of Police MALES $1.00 — — FEMALES $3.00 GROCERY SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, April 3 and 4 NYSSA Hams Phone 108 _ PROGRAM THEATRE — DOUBLE FEATURE — FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 3 — 4 William Boyd “Hopalong Cassidy” and Andy Clyde in “SECRETS OF THE WASTELANDS" George Sanders, Wendy Barrie Allen Jenkins THE GAY FALCON” B et Met., 1 :» P, M„ Adm. gc-kOc; Evening, llo-SSo. tududm tux SUNDAY and MONDAY, APRIL 5 — 6 Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, Virginia Weidl- er and Fay Bainter in Met 3un Fred “BABES ON BROADWAY” 2:S0, A dm llo-SSc, Evening Adm. lla-M a — BARGAIN NIGHT — TUESDAY, APRIL 7 MacMurray and Marlene Dietrich •THE LADY IS WILLING” >ux in Sports and Holt of the Secret Service Se-tPe. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, April 8 9 Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main, Lewis Stone and George Bancroft in •THE BUGLE SOUNDS” Pop Eye Cartoon and News Admlielon Evening — lie and S3c, Including Dafeoae Tux I _ Pork Cr Salmon Sardines Carstens precooked for Easter tb ..v....... Van Camp* medium 39c Beans1’' 25c _ _ _ 2 _ fo r _ ............. _ _ 43c _ 'S for l'ink 1 lb. cans Oval, in tomato and O C p mustard sauce. 2 fo r Z u u Fruit Juice Grape 47 oa. can* * for ...................... 45c oz. 2 fo r ........... 39c 47 cans Tomato Juice Iodized Salt 2 pkgs...................2..... IJc Shurfine, ground Coffee fresh 1 tb bags ..... 30c 3 Easter Egg Dyes Pkgs. 25c Albers, 11 Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. “ 17c Ritz Crackers Large pkgs. ?3r, C. C Hunt WE A U OPEN FROM » U 7 p. m. WAR TIME Wilson Grocery NYSSA CHECK OVER YOUR NEEDS Then check them against the Boise Pay ette Farm Building Service. You’ll find just what you want, and the terms on which to buy it, at— ib ® o § e isssfBinrs L U M B E R ^ (COMPANY “There’» a yard near you" Dwight Smith, Manager Phone 15 Nyssa -5- NYSSA ODD FELLOWS TO GIVE PINOCHLE PARTY The Odd Fellows will hold the second of their series of pinochle parties April 16 in the I.O.O.F. temple. The proceeds will be used for he purchase of defense stamps. Refreshments will be served. The public is invited to attend. The April 16 party will be fol- 'owed by a third affair, to which persons holding tickets from the first two parties will be admitted free. No. 520, S. C. McConnell, re model, Lot 22 Blk. 143 Ward Ad dition, $900 00. No. 521, R. A. Thompson, addition. Lot 13-14 Blk 16 Original Addi tion. $35.00. No. 522, H. O. Johnsen, remodel Lot 5 Blk. 16 Original Addition $300.00. No. 523. J. B. Quigley, move and remodel, Lot 5 Blk. 17 Teutsch, $300 00 No. 524, Charlie Nlnemire, build. Lot 19-20 Buk. 144 Ward Addition, 2 doz. 25c because of muddy roads. frost Is Just coming out of the ground near the mlnas, leaving the roads very soft, and almost Impassable for the large trucks. A small range fire Saturday kept several men busy for a while at the top of the Succor Creek grade. It was started by a camp fire left by sheep men, who camped over night there. Boise Payette Shews fhe Way to M IL K Shelton’s Dairy Or* hauling has btwtt reduced The St. Paul’s Episcopal Ouild will meet April 8 at Ontario at the home of Mrs. Stanley Moore In conjunction with the Ontario Guild. Bernard Eastman NYSSA FUNERAL HOME SHIAVILLt A Dependable Food Stör« OREGON New Spring Suits Sunday is Easter Ihis EASTER you’ll want a SUIT that not only has style, fit and pattern you like — but a suit that will give you long-wearing satisfactory service. Alexander's ARE FEATURING FINE ALL-WOOL, HARD FINISHED WORSTED SUITS IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED MODELS THAT WILL OUTWEAR AND OUTLAST ANY OTHERS AT A COMPARABLE ¿PRICE. $2750 *30J35 NEW SPRING NEW SPRING Hats DUNLAP — ASTOR DALTON New Hats—tooth in style and color Hats that harmonize with the new shades tn spring suits. Discard that winter h at for one of the new spring shapes and complete your Easter wardrobe, lobe. $3.50 to $6 Ties Silk and Wools, Crepes Poplins, Toulards and the Silk and Glass ties which are growing in popular ity. Now here in torlght new spring ' patterns to make your Easter color scheme complete. 50c to $1 New Spring Shirts MANHATTAN — ESSLEY — FRUIT OF THE LOOM Shirts that will pep up your Easter outfit Broadcloth and woven Madras in plain colors of tan, gray and white, also many new fancy patterns. Shirts of dependable quality. $175 $2 and $250 A L E X A N D E R ’S Where Good Clothes Cost Less’ OREGON