NEWELL HEIGHTS high school band practice in Nam­ THE NViSA ÜATJB CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, ¿M IL '¿, 1Ü4SI i_- /» tt .V j Riverview 11VK KINGMAN KOLONY MISS ZAMORA IS pa Saturday. The next practice Sunday School 10.00 a. m. Mr. M. BCKIFCVnr will be held in three weeks. The regular March P.T.A. meet­ — I L Kurtz Superintendent. 1 A***1 B t l N t r l I ing was held at the Kingman The Charlie Harris family has The Helping Hand' club met at Morning Worship 11 a. m. . OF SCHOLARSHIP Kolony sohool house with several located at Redding, California the Bartholoma home. A potluck Endeavor 1:4b p. m. Newell Heights ladles in atten­ where Mr Harris has steady em­ - OREGON - -STATE COLLEOE, dinner was servrd. The next meet­ 'Evening Worship £30 p m. dance All Officers were reelected ployment as a Welder. Corvallis, April 2—Susan Zamora ing will be held at the W. C. for the orming year. . of Nyssa has been named az Mal­ Bailey home April 9. Bill Kurtz received his call Fri­ I IRST » KRISTIAN CftlRCiI heur county's recipient of the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee and fam­ Farmers are rushing their field | day to Seattle tc take uncther (Church of Christ) $100 Carl Raymond Gray college ily were Sunday dinner guests of Werk because of the wind. Not physical examination prior to join­ vinnsters or omeis interested in churcii puohctty are Invited to use j I. S . Been). Minister scholarship granted each year by Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Frank and much night work is being done ing the flying cadets of the army. : the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notice.- j Bible school at 10 a. r.\. the Union Pacific system to the son. now but for a time tractors were He left early Saturday morning. 'o their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday ol Communion worship at 11 a in outstanding 4-H club mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hirsh and operated 24 hours a day. Much of The Adrian community church each week Evening Service at 7:45 p. m. most in counties served by that Louise the sugar beet acreage has been will observe Eister with a short of Seattle spent the week­ The public is cordially invited. bers railroad. The money is payable end with planted or will be soon. and Mrs. George Easter program to be given by FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE THE METHODIST COMMUNITY throughout the first year when Clowers and Mr. family. CHURCH They returned FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST the Mrs. Jess Sugg and Mr. and the children and adults. W. And­ Mr. and Mrs. Llcyd N. Pounds, winner is enrolled at Oregon home Monday. pastors. SCIENTIST Mrs. M. L. Kurtz attended the erson of the College of Idaho, will M. H. Greenlee. Pastor 215 North 9th Street, Payette Idaho State college. special business meeting of the deliver the Easter message. Visitors Remember the Easter sunrise Mr. and Mrs. D. W McGinnis 11 a. m. special Easter program A branch of The Mother Church Susan, a senior in Adrian un­ and family, and Mr. and Mrs. church in Adrian Monday even­ are especially Invited to attend. service for all churches on temp­ ion high school this year, plans by the Sunday school. The First Church of Christ. Sclent- ing. Rev. McKune, Mr. Ed. Wilde Ogle went to Caldwell tation hill Easter morning. to use her Scholarship In 1942-43. Tommy 12 a. m. church. Dedication of in­ lost In Boston Massachusetts and B. Hamilton of Nampa, were Sunday. They visited Mr. and Mrs. VALLEYVIEW Sunday will be the closing day She has been In club work eight Brackenridge and son. fants In baptlslmal and reception of Sunday School—10:00 a. m. also present. for the victory contest In the members Into the church. Com­ Rending Room — 710 1st Ave years and has carried nine dif­ J. Mr. The parents, relatives and A large group of relatives and 8unday and Mrs. W. P. Bailey, and North. Open oailv from 2 to 4 p m and a prize will munion of the Lord's supper. Spec­ where the Bible and authorized ferent kinds of projects. These In­ Lawrence and Reta Johnson went friends of the members of the friends gave a dinner Sunday In be given school to seme one. 8. 8. at 10:30 ial music by the choir. clude clothing, canning, homemak­ to Ontario Saturday. Adrian Union high school band the Methodist church basement a. m Subject, Christian Science Litpnture may be A special musical service hi the read, borrowed or purchased, and is ing, swine, poultry, rose and flower Mr. and Mrs. George Cough- were In attendance at their an­ Dean Wyckoff, who in­ Over Death." “Jesus Triumphs evening open from and two holidays to four garden, health, vegetable, and man and family of Nyssa, spent at 9 o’clock. nual spring cconcert Friday night. honoring tends to engage in defense work p m.. every except dav Sundays Easter service at 11:30. “But cookery. Sunday at the McGinnis home. Idamary Prouty spent the week­ In Nevada in the near future. New Is Christ Rlzen from the Walter Duncan of Willow Creek Mr. and Mrs. Tom Loe and end at her home In La Orande. tary hazard that would necessi­ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reynolds Dead” CHURCH OF THE NAZARF.NE has been named alternate. He Is family went to Homedale Sunday Ellen Judd and Harold and Dud tate the use of camouflage Willow Creek visited Mr. and Sunday night, April 5, special j Vern Martin, Pastor a Junior in high school and has evening to visit Mrs. John Red­ Kurtz rehearsed at the district of Mrs. George Stewart Saturday. message cn the second coming of Sunday school at 10 a. m. Classes been In club work five years. T. W. Penn is 111 witht influen­ Christ, 8:30 p. m. Some Ulta of the , xlent to which In approving the selection of man. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham for every age. za. Thursday, April 2, “Our Need of Morning worship at 11 a nr.. Pas- i j the rtate since has lirt> curtailed automobile and family were Sunday dinner these students as recommended by trftvel ratloning went Monday evening a group of peo­ the Baptism of the Holy Ghost". EASTER is APRIL 5th guests of Mr. and Mrs. .W. Hawell the state club office of the Ore­ tor in charge of the service. ple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- Friday, April 3, "The Seven Say­ into effect can lie gained through gon State college extension ser­ and family In Cow Hollow. Cosh’s neighbors, surprised them ings of Christ on the Cross". Junior meeting at 7 p. m. in the a report just Issued by R. H. vice, Joe Jarvis, supervisor of ag­ Mr. and Mrs. Allen Farmer of with a party. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Sunday night will close the re­ parsonage. Baldock, state highway engineer development for the U. Greenleaf were Monday visitors Oosh will move to Ontario soon. vival effort with Dr. C. W. PhlUeo Young People’s service at 7 p. ni. which shi ws that the highway de- ricultural P, commented that the students at the Charles Frank home. cf Portland. The regular district Evangelistic service ut 8 p. m. partmeni has reduced its auto­ have done fine work and have ,0*HO »°^VUBi DâM,TMPMON* “ mobile mileage by 57 percent. Em­ demonstrated fellowship meeting ol the Pen­ Message by the pastor. JAPS' RIGHTS TO their ability to carry NY5SA. OKIOON tecostal churches will be held at Prayer meeting Wednesday even­ ployees cf the department who a variety of projects. BUY LAND UPHELD heretofore travelled by automobile Meridian, Idaho Mcnday, April 6 at 8:00. is the place to shop Dr. Phillep will begin a revival ing Missionary meeting the first now go by stage or train, Baldock Read The Journal Classified Adz ONTARIO, April 2 (Special I — th re at that time and continue Thursday afternoon of each month. said. Japanese who are American citiz­ for a number of weeks. for bargains. ens cannot be prevented from . . . work . . . while it is day; the All are invited to these services. Public servants in Oregon who purchasing or leasing land either night cometh, when no man can enter * the armed services either by the state or federal government. work. John I. D. S. CHURCH 9:4. through voluntary enlistment or Governor Charles A. Sprague de­ Sunday 10:15 a. m. Priesthood through the draft are automatical­ clared Monday in a telegram to PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH ly granted leaves of absence under meeting. State Senator J. N. Jones. state law, acording to At­ Sunday 11:30 a. m. Sunday the Sprague's wire was in response A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Will be poorer in torney General Van Winkle. The to the protest against such ac­ Easter, the festival of the resur­ school. leaves, however, only cover the tion from a mass meeting held rection : Sunday 8:00 p. m. Sacrament period for which officials are elect­ at Vale. In a ire.-sage to the gov­ 6:30 a. m. Cars leave the church meeting. or appointed. ..Color and Quality., ernor, the Vale group protested for Mt. Zion, where an outdoor Tuesday 2:00 p. m. Relief society ed Savings V 2 j t L of nearly $5,000.00 a year against the location In this area meeting. CHOCOLATES Easter breakfast will be served. are now being enjoyed by con­ of any Japanese, either citizens Special guests will be the Walther Tuesday 8:00 p. m. M. I. A. sumers of electrlctity in Oregon C hoos* from our grand display of thia fall or aliens, unless they were held Eastar baskets and eggs . . . beauti­ of the Caldwell Lutheran meeting. as a result of rate reductions put under government supervision and Leaguers fully East*r-d«corr.tod packages, church. into effect in the past seven years, Including Am erica's favorite, the prevented from acquiring land by 7:30 a. m. Easter sunrise service Wednesday 5:15 p. m. Primary it is revealed In a report made to famous W hitm an's SA M PLER . S I.50 meeting. lease or purchase. to $7.50 . . . W hitm an's FA IR H ILL, Mt. Zion. Pastor Elmer Muhly The annual ward reunion will be Governor Sprague this week by ARE YOU popularly priced favorite . . . and Governor Sprague said federal at other delicious W hitm an's selec­ of Grace Lutheran church of held tonight at 8:30. Everyone Utilities Commissioner Bean. Rate tions! evacuation authorities are now in Caldwell Order your state­ reductions put into effect In the will be the guest preach­ welcome. the northwest studying proposed er. All are Protected past three years, Bean pointed invited to attend this locations for aliens who are re­ service. out, account for savings to con­ ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL moved from coastal areas. Your automobile Is one ments, letterheads, sumers of more than $3.500.000 a 10 a. m. Easter services at the MISSION Reports have been circulating church. year. will deliver a 11:30 Sunday school. the past few days regarding pur­ sermon on The the pastor of your most costly and subject, “Christ the Special Easter services at 10:30. chase of Malheur county lands by is Risen." The vested choir Young useful possessions. envelopes and other Japs coming in from the coast. Lord people’s choir will sing. FUNDS AVAILABLE will sing. Don’t wait till after It 1:15 p. m. The Lutheran hour TO PROJECT FOLK ASSEMBLY OF GOD LIONS CLUB WILL ever KFXD. Dr. Walter A. Maier is stolen or rifled to printing jobs now Sunset Valley of Concordia seminary, St. Louis. RAISE BEET CROP Loan applications are being re­ Pastor, Clarence Brotzman Missouri, will bring the Easter think about Insurance. Sunday school at 9:45. Classes for ceived under the Vale-Owyhee The Lions club, meeting Monday message. Call Frank Moigan to­ special real estate loan program, noon in Brownie's cafe, approved Good Friday, April 3, 8:30 p. m. all. Mrs. C. Brotzman. superinten­ according to Norman Fletcher, as­ a lease with the Amalgamated Good Friday services. Sermon by dent. day. sistant special area supervisor, Sugar company on five acres of the pastor: “Jesus of Nazareth. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Malheur farms project. land, on which the Lions expect King of the Jews". We bid you Evengelistic services at 7:45. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ “Funds are still available under welcome in Jesus’ name. to raise a crop of beets. nesday at 8 p. m. the special allotment to the Vale- The Lions voted to meet next A blessed Easter to all. Owyhee and Black Canyon area”, There is noth­ Monday evening at 6:30 instead of stated. “It Is expected neon as usual. The impracticability of supplying Fletcher ing magic about at Henry that new applications may be Hartley led a discussion the three Pacific coast states with •STATE« to Jne 1 from these the 'word milk, on the economies of the north­ gasoline by railroad or truck lines processed west. He expressed the belief that Is shown In a study Just completed funds.” but it d o es industries will continue to grow Ormond R. Bean, Oregon's pub­ Persons interested in making great things for in the northwest and that the CAPITAL NEWS by lic utilities commissioner. Bean's farm and home Improvements, growth has been accelerated by study shows that it would take land Improvements and real es­ A. L. LINDBECK you. the war. 226 tank cars or 452 trucks to tate refinancing should attend a Mr. Hartley pointed out that SALEM, Ore—Two more Initia­ supply the gasoline needs of the group meeting for applicants, “The United States Is the most tive measures were started on their three states for a single day. This which is held each Wednesday By W IN T H R U P hated nation in the world, not be­ way toward a place on the No­ Is based upon an average daily con­ afternoon at 1:15 at the county — SHELTON DAIRY — cause of what we have done, but vember ballot this week with the sumption of 816,347 gallons for office In the M 'es building, On­ filing of preliminary petitions with Oregon, 1,136,436 gallons for Wash­ tario. because of what we have". Secretary of State Snell. ington and 313,232 gallons for Ida­ During February and March One of these measures, sponsor­ ho. The figures cover only gasoline loans totaling $150.000 were sub­ ed by the Oregon State Teachers’ needs do not Include fuel oil. mitted. Construction Is now in association, would divert all In­ diesel, and lubricating oil or kerosene. progress on 14 dwellings on the come tax revenue in excess of $7,- The study was prompted by sug­ Vale-Owyhee area. Two of these Brown Moccasin Styles, 750,000 a year to support of the gestions that rail and truck lines will be completed for occupancy Leather Soles and Heels. public scchool system, under the should take over the job of sup­ within 10 days. The first completed plan proposed by the teachers this plying the Pacific northwest with new dwelling was occupied In Black Cap Toe, Leather Sole and Rubber txcess revenue would be opportion- gasoline now that tankers are March. There are seven others ed among the local school districts Its diverted to supplying the for which construction will begin Heel. on the basis of school attendance being soon. and would be used to off-set pro­ military forces. Additional information may be perty taxes for support of the The old pioneer atop Oregon's obtained Biown and Tan Uppers, Leather Soles and frdrr the county office. IF YOUR WINTER OIL BURNER IS INSTALLED school. Office hours are maintained from capitol will continue to shine in The other proposed initiative Rubber Heels. NOW OR BEFORE APRIL 14th YOU MAY measure Its gold-leaf splendor. . The \ Friday a . m and 10 ? Saturdays. £ m Monday through Involves four major all . . . . . , . I Supervisors HAVE OIL FOR THE DURATION! changes in the present set-up for fourth interceptor command ha., ! malnU1„ omce days Wednesday — Both Sport and Dress Styles — administration of public welfare funds. Whereas under the pres- advised that the reflection from and Saturday from 8 a m. to 12 Sizes 6 to 11. Width B to D enTiaw the state welfare ¿om- the statue l* ”°l deemed a m ill-, noon, mission consists of seven members appointed by the governor the pro­ These High Grade Shoes Will Please the posed amendment would require A WOMEN’S that these seven members be se­ Man Who Wears Better Shoes. lected from members of the variouus county courts. The measure would Bowling also abolish the pest of relief ad­ ministrator and do away with the four citizen-members of county welfare commissions. It wculd also Tournament eliminate frcir. the law the re­ quirement that relatives of needy DUO-THERM Featuring four teams aged perse ns—be required for their care when financially able to do RADIANT-CIRCULATING will be started this so. IDtlRCb for EASTER GIFTS PAPER GATE CITY Journal Frank Morgan Men’s Oxfords $6 Buy Now and Gel DELIVERY HEATING BUY OF THE YEAN/ HEATER week. Three more players needed HERE’S NEWS! This beautiful; entirely new and different Radiant- Circulator ia your* for only $39.95. Thia 1942 Duo-Therm fuel-oil heater ha* extrm feature* that make it . u n iqu e . . . such aa handy dial control, fron t opening door with Pyres glass window, famou* Dual-Chamber Burner with complete flame control, large capacity fuel tank . . . lilted as standard by Underwriters' Laboratories. It’« the perfect answer to your room heating problem . . . giving you ideal heating comfort at minimum coat. . . for it radiates AND circulates. COME IN . . . INZPECT IT . . . GET ONE FOR Y o u n h o m e . Only $39.95. — EASY TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED — Peterson Furniture Cr Undertaking Payette Ontario Vale Open every night from 6 p. m. on and all day Saturdays and Sundays. ENJOY Watch for me In the new comic strip starting in the Gate City Journal April 9 under the sponsorship of the Malheur Motor Company Clean Sport IN A Clean Place MAIN STREET NEXT TO POST OFFICE Grayco TIES $1 That Famous, End-Lock Tie. For a Better Looking Tie Try Grayco. E. L Wauon GOLDEN RULE “Maks It Right Stora”