M l TEN DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Shirk of Pearl, Idaho, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Fred Rumpel and children. Mr. and Mrs. Nick H;werton and daughter, Shirley, of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Denver Glenn and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Ole Larson A contest between members of the scclal circle through the year 1941 was won by the golds fcr the most points gained by visiting In tire community. Mrs. Elva Bower was leader of the group. The win ning side was entertained by the losers last Saturday night at the Ten Davis community hall The evenlnt was 9pent playing games and visiting. Refreshments of pie and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Miller and Dixie Lee were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs Minnie Bower at Lakevlew Mr. and Mrs. Winston Miller of Boise were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W ill Gahley Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLaugh lin and children, and Mrs. Carrie McLaughlin were Sunday visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. M L. Kurtz home in Newell Heights. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dud Tucker March 25. Mrs. Elizabeth Sorenson was hostess to the social circle mem bers last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Gertie Bartles and Mrs. Nell Bright assisting. Twenty members were present. Mrs. Doro thy Hertlg was a guest of the group. Ice cream, cake, coffee and grape Juice were served. A group of young people from Parma, accompanied by Richard Weltoourne and Elmo Peterson, at tended services at the Lower Boise Presbyterian church. At the close o f services they enjoyed a covered dish luncheon In the community haU. The 4-H club, “comb and curry” has sold »21 of scrap iron for de fense. Ten Davis mixed softball team defeated Greenleaf Friday after noon at Greenleaf. Dud Tucker has sold his 80 acre farm in Black Canyon. , .. tut nvm . a hath rrfr JtftmMAL. thumpav , <*m. a, ma Suns*» VâlUy ! Lincoln HelgîîuKlo$<i>a<t Kolony B ill Good left for Whiteflsh, In tbservance c l its first year I Sunday school activities, the Montana, Thursday, after having Jnion Sunday school met Sunday pent the past week at the home or an all-day meeting at the :f his sister and her husband. community hall. Rev Clarence Mr. and Mrs Lee Smith. tro t in an was the afternoon Mrs. Kay McCarty and son. and peaker. using as his subiect. "We her parents who live near Weiser Vre Laborers Together With Him' were Sunday visitors at the Roy Irj. Lester Kendall and Mrs McNeal heme. Im Kirkland sang as a duet, “ In Audra Andersen has been ccn- the Garden". Mrs. C. Brotzman Ined to her home as a result cf ind Mrs. Boyd Query sang "Neath injuries she received v j die at he Old Olive Trees” . Officers school Monday. ,vere elected fcr the ccming year A basket dinner will be served as fellows: Hudd R ot*, superin following Sunday school Eastei tendent; Jim Kirkland, assistant Sunday. Everyone is invited to at .uperintendent; Verla Mae Wolfe tend. Rev. Kriner of Payette and ecretary-treasurer; Lilly Mae Sch Ray Chandler of Caldwell are ex neider, librarian and Mrs. L. E pected to be present. Newgen, pianoist. Each Sunday Joe Ward has returned to the school class elected its own teach tome of his brother, George Ward, er. after having spent the winter The two small daughters of I m0nths with relatives in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ransom are The health class met at ths ill with measles. Avery Anderson home Thursday. Connie Klssner is shingling his The next meeting will consist of a 15 minute test besides the les Past.rent house. Jack Raffett, who has been at son scheduled. Mr. and Mrs. Errll Frank were tending N.Y.A. school in Weiser, expects to complete his course in Sunday guests at the home of M r and Mrs. Eurie Musick near New two weeks. Tressa Ditty was a Sunday din Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Winslow ner guest of Mary Pierce of Nys- were last Saturday business visi aa. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Johns of tors in Weiser. Clyde Hainline in confined to Quincy. California, visited a few ays last week with his uncle, John 1 his home by illness Vanderpool. Charlie Schweitzer moved his | cattle to the hills Sunday. Gary Wilson, youngest son of By Tha Happy Farmer Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, was Cow Hollow See where some or our great quite badly burned when he fell quite a following into a pan of hot water last week leaders with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Penn spent thinks many of us are quite un Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Darrell patriotic in our opisition to the ideas of organized labor. Organiz Williams of Arcadia. Larry Gueck is ill with chicken- ed labor is not the only people that thinks of feathering their pox. Charlie Browning, who spent the own nests first. We dont want to have to bow winter in California, returned here down to no axis. I f we are to con last week. Jay Howard and Howard Sch tinue to kid ourselves and refer neider have been helping Bill to ourselves as “The great Ameri Bolitho clean government irriga can people" we must now wake up up and as a people forget this tion ditches. Gash Turner sustained an In selfishness. jury to his finger one day last The only thing we should con week when he caught It In a grain sider feathering riffht now has drill. The Injury required the at headquarters in Tokio, and we need a great amount of tar too. tention of a physician. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Loren- Right now the Australians hold sen and son, Bernie, and Mr. and us in very high esteam. Lets “ keep Mrs Don Parker were Nampa visi ’em flying.” Jamie Hamilton is stewing tors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker of around to get some hog accomo- Portland arrived here Friday night | dations fixed up. He has six old to visit their parents, Mr. and I sows to furrow In the next few Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen and Mr days. Jonnie knows he will have and Mrs. Flank Parker of Cow to go to the army In six months Hollow. and he is determined to raise all c t Melba. Idaho, were Sunday din- i the food possible for its future ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. use. Look over our stock Bolitho. The magneto on Elza Niccum’s Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper. Mr. \ tractor went haywire a couple of Bedroom Suite». and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen, Mr «reeks ago and he has been having and Mrs. Bud Chapin. Miss Mer- j difeculty geting repairs for it. He W e have a splendid trude King of Sunset Valley, and n „ aly sent the whole magneto Mr and Mrs Don Parker of Port back to the company expects It selection. land were Sunday dinner guest.-* back any lime new but the trac of Mr and Mrs Frank Parker of tor sets idle all this time and his Elmer Dutton Cow Hollow. farming progresses slowly during this time. Some of us fellows holler be Mr. and Mrs. R. Slippy of Owy hee and Mrs. Plynn Carpenter of cause we dont get the kind of Notus were Sunday visitors of service at the local Farm Secur their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray ity office that we would like to get. Expect that office feels the FYanklln WtUard Pease of Ellensberg shortage of labor about as much Washington and John Baxter, Sr., as any one. The other day one Phone 94 of Notus, were Saturday afternoon of the neighbors went direct to the office with his troubles. He callers at the McLaughlin home. aid "when I 'got in there I be- leave there were a hundred people in there ahead of me.” There has been very little new farm m achinery come to Cow Hollow this spring so we are still confronted the same old problem. that c f borrowing farm tools from You get quality that Is our neighbolr This year we can supreme . . . Service that feel patriatic in doing this. The Is unbeatable . . . and idea Is to make what equipment available produce all possible. Out values that are big drawback In this system Is beyond comparison. Come ‘those neighbors that barrow and In and judge for yourself. don't bring back when they get through'. W e sort of feel the pinch of NYSSA tires. You take a team and go PA C K IN G a mile to a neighbor to borrow a CO. a tool and find sc'ire other neigh bor a mile farther on has borrow ed it. He has been done with it " V for some time but Just ha«n* brought it back. I Noah Howard was in the Hol low Monday interviewing the nel- ghboer to get witnesses for to try to hold his Homestead. Their con test hearing was set for Saturday April 4th. Noah has asked for a two weeks delay on the grounds that he has difficulty In finding an atturney with experience along that line Contesting homesteads Is something that is not dene a great deal now days. Don Parker and his wife were home at F*rank Parkers ovag the week end Tls lire flpst time he had been back in the Hollow since IS ONE OF TH E IM P O R T A N T PHASES Xtr.as time When Don and Naimo Larmson were married last fall OF M O TO RING S A T IS F A C T IO N they went to Portland and he went to work in the ship yard. Last Saturday was his schedule to gel Prepare your car now for lha W ar Period Tom Nordale Says: Oregon Trail Buena Vista s*fv»d i t Xyuf lutKtay M oí Dean Wyckoff. who will leave for California scon to enlist in The Pclljrenna club met w:th The Merry Matrons club met Miss May Beaiiiront Wednesday at the h e r e of Minnie Mitchell The Out Our Way club held the navy. aftsmeon. The afternoon was Wednesday afternoon with Jessie 1 its regular meeting at the Je« spent doing hand work. Tne hes- Chard as oo-hestess. The after Callahan heme Thursday after- :e-s served refreshments. The next noon was >pent sewing and em meeting will be held with Mrs. broidering Thirteen members an neon. Mrs. C. C. W yckoff and Mrs Herbert Shaw April 8 swered roll call with April fool Alva Gocdele were In charge of Mr. and Mrs Hugh McConnell pranks. In a ju ^ sin g contest June the games. Mrs. Glen Hoffman of Nyssa spent Sunday at the Smith received the prize. The next and Mrs. Lee Hoffman each won meeting, April 8. will be an all Herbert Shaw home. a prize. Each member furnished Mrs Rrbert Toomb returned day meeting at the home of Nora with Alberta Bowen an April fool hat, which was auc to her home Saturday after being Snodgrass in the hospital in Ontairo for a assisting. Each member will pro tioned off. Mrs. Leslie T op liff won vide a covered dish for lunch at the prize which was given for few days. Sam c'haw, who has been work neon. Sewing will be done for a a sking the best hat. The next sick club member. This meeting ing in Vane. uv:r, Washington, meeting will be held with Mrs will take the place of the annual came hon e Saturday to get some Claude Day April 9 with an Easter j h e' ” h"a7 sold” 'on the j a d v e r s a r y party. Roll call will hoi es the | be answered by Pallyanna sugges egg hunt. coast. tions. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie and Mr and Mr«. Ray Elliott cf the hostesses. Garnet Belle. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Yaki.i a arrived Friday for a short Mrs. H. D. Holmes of Nyssa was .i It in the [»re n ta l T. T Elliott a dinner guest Saturday evening Day and children and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman enjoyed an home. On Sunday they took Mrs. at the F. G. Holmes heme. oyster supper at the S. B. Hoffman T. T. Elliott and Kenneth and Mrs. Roland Whitman and baby Donald Elliott to Pendleton to son left Tuesday for California, heme Sunday evening. ee Clai nee Elliott, who has been where Mr. Whitman is employed. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison and milk comes without faiL in a hospital there for several j Walter Ashby, who recently en Erls were Sunday dinner guests months. listed in the army, left Boise Sat- at the John Hagerty home near R e d assured that your most Marslng. On the way home they Mrs. Clarence Elliott accompan urday. Important food will get to ied Mrs. Walter McPartland of , Bob Holmes, who left for the called on the Martin Osborn fatr.- Adrian and Mrs. Mildred Hite of j army several weeks ago. has been , dy. you promptly every day. Owyhee to Caldwell Saturday for : stationed at Camp Roberts, Cali- j Mr. and Mrs. C. C. W yckoff and a day of shopping. fom ia. \ family attended a family dinner C. C. Cotton shipped a carload cf cattle to Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Case have completed the new addition to their house and have moved into it. Frank Newbill finished moving his household goods to his farir. | in Newell Heights Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Tnomb en- | tertained at dinner Sunday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patcli and fam ily c f Adrian. Latest styles in Silk and Rayon for Girls Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cartwright and Darrel were guests of Mr. from 2 to 16 years and Ladies Dresses in and Mrs. Ray Cartwright Sunday. They attended a dinner served to print? and plain materials. 35 guests in celebration of Mr Cartwright's birthday anniversary. Mrs. Charles Wilson. Mrs. Arthur You W ill Be Delighted Cartwright, Mrs. Earl Osborn and Mrs. J. G. Lane attended a W.C.T. U. meeting held at the home of With the Selection Avail Mrs. M. L. Kurtz in Newell Heights Thursday afternoon. able From This New Ship Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Show were in Caldwell Tuesdny. Frank Fredericks had the w 11 ment c f Dresses. drillers drill his well a few feet deeper this week. After much d if ficulty and inconvenience lie has George Schiemer his pressure pump working again Dependable as the U. S. Mail Gate City Dairy D RESSES Easter Sale of For Children and Ladies a week end o ff so he and Naimo made a run home. The Ladles plan to change the eats proposition some at the Cow Hollow dance this Saturday night. Some of them think the dancers might like some thing else differ ent than hot-dogs. ATKESON’S Clothing Store Nordale Furniture Company EVERY DAY Compete Motor Reconditioning Electric Welding — Reboring — Valve Grinding — Wheel Alignment Service I*athe Work — Parts — Accessories Batteries Convenient Payment» Can Be Arranged P R U Y N ’S G A R A G E P h o n « M -W i t 's » * e tractor — a startling product of As the demand for power zoomed up and up, new Am erican industrial in gcn u itv-d elivers military pouer construction helped to meet iL Last year, the electric • The amphibian where it w ill do the most good. lf You Are Ir.teresled In a T h e electric network — another example o f indus “ Career in Beauty Culture” trial resourcefulness — connects operating electric com u n ITE GRACE C. BROWN SITHRIOR BEAUTY SCHOOL Nampa. Idaho for complete details There are openlngs for girli to rara thetr tuitton ded' industry installed over zVk m illion more horsepower — enough to light one-fourth o f all the nation's homes! Careful, planned production w ill continue — w e panies and delivers electric power at points o f need. pledge it — until the war is won — until America's Built up by the business men w h o manage America's tractors turn again from dealing death to planting electric companies and produce "h o f Am erica’s power, peaceful fields. this nation-wide w eb o f electric lines has proved its vital value in the war emergency. Because o f this foresight, the electric power to put ,DA H 0 V PO W ER »w t.M U Q e O W S.U TTU ! tank and plane plants, shipyards and arsenals into r production was ready almost overnight. IN V E ST IN A M E R IC A! BUY DEFENSE BONDS AN D S TA M PS!