N Ï>»A (MT8 CITY JOURNAL, THUHBPAV, AfRIt, lr—an»*'» ii, 1114 3 rr-T** vertulng Legal Iverttktng Classified r a v ertu em en t •*IM . 'AWT |(SH »IfTT ^'ireX l Arcadia RAtiis fMhefc »on bofrt MireM It, Mil. K utid ill lift Monday for « two weeks' NOTICE OE SALE OF COUNTY Tract No, 743A. description. Lot* 1. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION vutt with them. iwehty nine wire present at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, R, 9 11 12 & 13, U N 1TID STATES DF.P \R T M E N T OWNED LANDS Charles Barnhart of Ontario Sunday school Sunday. The adult Block 21, Northae.t Townslte OF THE INTERIOR Pursuant tc an order of the visited at the John Hickey home class gave a special number Mrs Addition Second Vale; pric- General Land Office al The C unty Court of Malheur County, Saturday. $55.00. It ill) ,, Oregon. March 23, 194!. John Zlttercob gave a reading and .Oregon, dated the 11th day of Mrs Ira Ure held a meeting of March, 1942, I will on the 2nd day Tract 744A, description, Lots 10. NOTICE is hereby given iha Mis. Anna Dali and Mrs. John her 4-H sewing club at her home Zlttercob sang a duet. An Easter 11. 12, 13 ft] 14 B1 ck 61 O', evil ’ohn H a n lo n Knottlr. chain, cl of May, 1942, at the hour of 10 RATES: Two cents per word f :r each hsue Minimum cash in Saturday. Addi'ion, Ny-ca; pr. e $90.00. ,. sa, Oregon, who, on November pre gram will be given next Sunday o clock A M at the front door of Carl Hipp of Brise and Tom advance is 30c. and everyone is invited to attend. the County Court H.use at Vale, Tract No. 745A, description. Let 5, 7, 1937, made Original Hcmestea Marsh of Ontario visited at the Block 79, Green's Additi n, Nys­ ally, Ac '6-17-02, No. 03096. Miss Betty Flannery of Nyssa Oreg.n, offer for sale the tracts Elli Hipp home Sunday. sa : price $10.00. for Farm Unit “C" cr the 8 'jN E 'i. pent the week-end with her sis­ cf land hereinafter described and Bill and Wilma Hipp w re busi­ NEUSE'. Sec. 11 and NW '.SW 1. ter, Mrs. Sam Caldwell. numbered for not less than the C. W GLENN ness visitors in Juntura Saturday. CLASSIFIED AD COUPON prices fixed by said Court with the Mr. and Mrs Ernest Barkes and . Sheriff, Malheur Coun­ Township 21 S , R ing’ 15E. Wll Ian ette Meridian, has filed notice family cf Owyhee were dinner proportionate cost of publication ty, Oregon. If you want to sell, buy, trade or borrow, use the added thereto. Let us print your envelopes, state­ Date 1st publication. April 2, 1942 ri Intention to make final Pro f, quests Sunday at the Derrell Wil­ clas ified ads, which ret results. Rate 2 cents per word per Said lands will be offered for Date last publication: Apr 30, 1942 to e tab’iih claim to the Ian 1 liam home. issue; minimum charge 30 cent*. Write your ad on this ments, letterheads, etc. The Gate rtove de . ribed. before Frank T sale as fellows: All tracts priced Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey and coupon and mail it to the Journal along with the required Morgan, Notary Fublie, at Nyrsa, at $200 00 or less to the highest and fee. Dcnald and Hazel Visited Mrs. City Journal. SUMMONS Oregon, cn the 25th day of April Kate Hickey and Mr. and Mrs. Bill best bidder for cash; all tracts IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 19*2 priced at mere than $200.00 and Hickey and family in Ontario Sun­ Claimant names os witnesses: net more than $500 00 to the high­ TIIE STATE OF OREGON FOR day afternoon. MALHEUR COUNTY Harold Flv ccat, Ira Marrs. Ern­ est and best bidder for cash or Notice To Hog Raiseiv Mr. and Mr?. Clyde Bowers have for not less than 20% cash and A. M HIGHSMITH and ETTA ) est Smith, and Rus ell Talbot, all mcv.’d from the Joe Shaw place to ) of Rt 2. Nyrsa, Oreg n. the remainder to be paid under A. HIGHSMITH. Plaintiffs. Ira Ure's place here Mr. Bowers With the installation of a new vs. W F. Jacks n scale at written agreement with the pur­ ls employed by Mr. Ure. Nyssa Improvement Company, a Register. chaser In equal installments not Miss Lois Hantz of Welser was TIIE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS dissolved corporation; H S. Sack- exceeding 5 years, and all tracts a guest last week at the home we are now receiving your hog* ( Name priced at more than $500.00 to the tt, Registrar of Titles cf Malheur Address of Mr. and Mrs. Ames Berthelson. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT County. Oregon; Malheur County, there every Friday, paying tPt highest and best bidder for cash Gerald Zlttercob has been out OF THE INTERIOR or for net less than 20% cash and a political sutxitvlsi, n of the Slate highest price the market permits of school the past two weeks due f Oregon; A L. Fletcher, us Ad- 030761 the remainder to be paid under and seeking to serve you in ever to illness. written agreement with the pur­ ministrator with Will annexed of j General Land Office at The Duller, MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Ann Dail received a tele- possible way. 'he E-tate cf Harry F Brown, de- Oregon, March 7, 1942. chaser. in equal installments over For Sale SHAKE WORK—Let us put your a period not exceeding 10 years, ceased; Clara M. Brown; Carl E Notice is hereby given that Ira *ram Saturday stating that Mr. FRANK KULLANDER °* McMmne- car or truck brakes in first class all deferred payments to draw in­ Brown; Frank Brown; Winifred A. Mitchell, of Nyssa, Oreg.n, who, ant* ^*rs- ^ee ville are the parents of a six FOR SALE—W1 ile Rose and Bliss ondition Special equipment and terest at the rate of 6 per cent, Brown Th '.i as; Louis P. Thomas: on May 27. 1937. made Original Triumph seed potatoes, grown •.rained men at your service. Pruyn l>er annum, payable annually, and Clarence A. Rc.ce; Edith M Hon estead Entry. Act 6-I7-02. No. | from McKay certified seed. Inquire \uto Repair. Phone 56W. su< h agreement s shall be subject fieece; Clarence A Reece as E xe- 1 030761. for Farm Unit "A'' or the' Jacob Fische 19ftfc to all terms and conditions of cutor of the Estate of John F W '-N W 'i, Seel l.,n 32. Township KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi­ Pection 69-813 and Chapter 402 Reece, deceased; Mary A. Green; 20 S„ Range 48 E , Willamette j FOR SALE • iy old chicks. Pul lets, Alien Green: Sanford Emtson; Meridian, lias filed notice of in- I tive prices. First class quality, cockerals. (American Sexor). High lyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and Oregon C. d Laws of 1937. Eva Eirison; John Ennis; Edith lentlon to make final Pixof, to All lands within the boundaries quality, old t sled stick. Custom Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc ■ rail; Sarah Grod; I. K. Hawk. establi h claim to the land above I cf Irrigate n or drainage districts C. O. Hawk; Jatoes M. Lee; Viola described, before Frank T. Morgan.. hatching done. Vale E'ectric Hatch­ ery. Box 382 Vale. Or gon. 22Jtfc COR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith will be sold subject to any valid If. Lee; T. W. HiUoci; William N. Nctnry Public, at Nyssa. Oregon, Pitone 78J. tic esse ¿.rents made or to be made by Brown; Clara N. Brown; Newton on the 14th day of April, 1942. FOR SALE—Baby clucks. New said districts since the date said J. Minton; Elide L Mintcn; John Claimant names as witnesses: [ Hampshire Reds. B Rocks and FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph and lands were acquired by the County Xenos; and Jane Doe Xenos, his Doc Pullen, Art Mayes, William White Leghorns. Pullcrum tested. White Rose seed potatoes grown and all lands within the boundaries ivifs; Wilbur G. Craig: Frank O'­ Orr, and Emory Hobson, all of Rt. Patch Bros. Hatchery, Payette. from McKay’s certified seed. Ro- of the Wannsprings Irrigation Dis­ Neil; Lulu L. Iloxle: Lulu L. llcxie 1. Nyssa, Oregon. Idaho. 19mtfc gued Inquire S. E. Flanagan, route trict 8nd which have been classi­ as Administratrix of the Estate of W F JACKSON j To be successful you’ve got to have ex­ 12ftfc fied as In Classes 5 and 6 and as Warren B. Hoxie, deceased; Dewey Register. FOR SALE—4 pure br d Holstein 3. Nys;a, Oregon. to which said County has hereto- tensive knowledge about many things. B. Hoxie; Helen A Wilscn; Lloyd bull calves. One ready lor ser­ FOR SALE—2 choice lots on | fore by resoluticn dated September B. Hoxie; Clcston C. Hoxie; Har­ But you can’t excell in them all ! There­ vice. One eligible to reg. W. T Park eve. EC. Crandall. Pilone 3, 1930. authorized a transfer to old C. Hoxi:; - Herbert G. Hcxie; NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Buffingt-n, 12 mi. S. W. Nyssa. 08-R1. fore, when you buy '’'a in s it’s import­ 19m4xp said district of the water rights the unknown heirs and devisees of ESTATE » 2A2xp eypurt nant to said lands shall NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ant to choose a reliable dealer. Depend Lennox B. Boyle, deceased: the FOR LEASE —40 acres. 1 h mile te sold without water rights. .w ALt,—one year old register­ unknown heirs* and devisees of J. that the undersigned Douglas M. on Thompson & sons. If you are east of Nyssa cn highway. Will Said lands numbered as to tracts L. Lee, dec.ased; also all other McDonald, Administrator of the ed Che ter While bear. Sired by give good terms. Inquire at Walt .interested in buying fertilizer consult estate of Elizabeth J. McDonald, "Riinbcw". Maurice Judd, Jr. New­ Johnsans, 1 mile east cl Nyssa. F and with the minimum prices set persons and j parties unknown us. ppesite each tract are as follows, deceased, from and after April ell Heights. 2Alxp W. Osterkairp. claiming any right, title, Interest, 26mlxp to-wit: estate cr lien in the real property 17th 1942, will proceed to sell at Ed Gonnason FOR SALE—Baldwin Acrosonlc pi­ Tract No. 716A. description, SMs. described in the Complaint herein. private sale and in separate par­ Cl 1 Y PROPERTY ano. Spinit style, almost new sec. 24, twp. 14, rge. 39; price Defendants, cels the following described real For Rent Bedroom suite, 3-piece light wal­ $320 00. TO: THE ABOVE NAMED DE­ estate and all of the right, title nut. Florence Ray, 298 Ennis Tract No. 717A, description, N E 'i- FENDANTS, AND EACH OF and interest of said deceased there­ FOR RENT Phone 26 comer Fourth street. 2Alxp 2nd and Good Ave. 8 W \. secv 1, twp. 20, mg. 41; THEM in, to wit: HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. 8Jtfc SW'4NE'4, sec. 1, twp. 20, rng. Lots 11. 12 and 13 of Block 2. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE BABY CHICKS—For delivery every 41: price $80.00. Taylor’s Addition to Nyssa; Wednesday and Saturday. Foi FOR RENT—Six room house. In­ Tract No. 718A, description, S'-j- OF OREGON, y;u are hereby re- ? Three-fourth Interest in Lets 11, quired to appear and answer the quire Star Hotel. 12ftfc informati.n and prices cotre In or EE'iNW 'j, s?c. 25, twp. 31, rng. Ccmplaint filed against you in 12. 13. and 14 of Block 21. Teut- write Thompson's Ontario Hatch- | 41; price $20.00. sch's Addition to Nyssa; Three- FOR RENT—KelTy house. Either the above entitled court and cause ery. Box 578 Ontario, Oregon. 5ftfo I fourth interest in Lots 12, 13 and I furnished or unfurni hed. See Tract No. 719A, description. N W 'i- on or before the last day of the N W 'i, sec. 25, twp. 30, rng. 42; nublicaticn of this Summons, that 14 of Block 70. Green's Addit- I 19mtfc FOR SALE — White rose potatoes Frank T. Morgan. price $40.00. ion to Nyssa; Three-fourth in-1 being the day prescribed by the 75c hundred bulk. Inquire Leslie Tract No. 720A, description. Lot 1, Court in its Order for the publica­ terest in Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of ' 1 or Sale Schafer, Kujgyuan Kolony. 5ftfc sec. 31, twp. 30, rng. 43; price tion cf this Summons upen you Block 72, Green's Addition to I FARM LANDS $46,00. Nyssa. 5 *> | FOR SALE—Several goed young and four week» successively frem • Allies, also'fsritie''Broke Wares FIVE ACitES with improvements in Tract No. 727A, description. SW 'i- the date of the first publication All in Malheur County, Oregon. SW 'i, sec. 16, twp. 18, rng. 44; hereof; and if you fail to so ap­ Wni, M. DeGroff. Phone 01-J3. Written bids for all or any Apple Valley. See Frank Morgan. price $40.00. 19m3xp 30 O tfc pear and answer, for want thereof, portion of said real estate will be I Tract No. 722A. description, 1 acre Plaintiffs will take a decree again­ received by the undersigned Ad-1 FOR SALE—Seed potatoes. First i Ft,K s a LF, 15 acre tract lit mile more or less in SW corner of st you that they are the owners ministrator from and after said j year certified. Bliss Triumph and northeast of Parma, paved road SW 'iSW 'i, sec. 3, twp. 19, rng in fee simple of the following de April 17th 1942. at his residence I Netted Gems. 1 mile south Parma Two sets of buildings, medern. In­ 44; price $10.00. In Nyssa, Oregon. Said real es-1 ABSTRACTORS Lee Hobbs. 26m3xp quire owner. Clara Merriam, Par­ Tract No. 723A. description. NE'«- scribed property: OPTOMETRISTS s Lots A and B, Block 8; Lots tate will be sold in separate par­ ma. 26m3xc SW’4, sec. 13, twp. 19, mg. 44: Complete abstracting 14 and 17. Block 8; Lots 8 to 14 cels to the highest and best bidder, FOR SALE — Seven foot John price $40.00. inclusive. Block 2; all in the for cash in the event such sales DR. J. A. McFALL Dtere disc. George Barton. service. WANTED Tract No. 724A, description, NE%- '•See McFall and See Better” original townslte of the City of are in parcels for less than $500.00 Phone 07-R4. 26mtfc and In all other instances for part j NW'iiSWtJ, sec. 17, twp. 19, rng. Ontario Title Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. 44; price $10.00. FOR SALE—Yellow sweet Spanish TRUCKERS to haul manure. See Lets 7 and 8 qf BIcck 8; Lots 11 cash and credit on the balance to j Abstract Co. Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc Tract 725A, description, all West cf onicn seeds. See A. M. High- to 16, inclusive, Block 2; all in be paid in annual installments ONTARIO, OREGON ditch in NE%NW'i and N>4N- smith, Route 1, Nyssa. 26m2xp WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for Teutseh's Addition, City of Nys­ with interest at six per cent, se- 1 cured by mortgage upon the prop- | W HNW 'i, sec. 18, twp. 19, rng sa, Malheur County, Oregon. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay­ FOR SALE—Four purebred Hamp­ DENTISTS 44; price $45.00. Plaintiff will take a further de- erty so sold. All sales subject to 57Ntfc shire sheep with papers. Inquire ette. Tract No. 726A. description, Lot •ree determining all adverse claims confirmation by the Court. EYESIOHT SPECIALIST Jcurnal office. 26m2xp 1. Lot 2, W'4NE*4. NW'4, N'4- A the Defendants and declaring March 12. 1942. Lot us print your envelopes, state­ J. R. CUNDALL ONTARIO OREGON SWV., WHSE'4, sec. 21. twp. 15. Douglas M. McDonald you to have no interest in sail FOR °ALE or TRADE—Town pro­ ments, letterheads, etc. The Gate .... .. ■' Dentist rang. 46: price $450 00. Administrator of the property, quieting title thereto in perty in K'amath Falls, Ore. for Tty Journal. ' Tract Nc. 727A, description, N E 'i- Plaintiffs, enjoining you fr m as­ Phone 56-J Estate of E'izabeth J PHYSICIANS farm land cr rjood rew land under NOTICE McDonald, deceased. N W '.N W 'i, sec. 35. twp. 20. rnig serting any right, title. Interest Barazln Clinic ditch. Write R. R. Phelps, Ticnesta ¡EXPERIENCED farmer. 19 year 46; price $50.00, NYSSA OREGON lien and-or estate adverse to March 12, 19. 26. April 2, 9. L. A. Maulding, M.D. California. 19m4xp in Malheur county wishes to Tract N j . 728A. description E ' •S- Plaintiffs; that Certificate of Title Physician and Surgeon ‘ease or manage up to 80 acres E1., sec. 33. twp 21. rang. 46 No. 389. b: deter.rincd and declar­ FAPM LANDS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Electric Shops Phone >7 Must be A-l land with watfr. If price $80 00. ed to be regularly, lawfully, validly OF TIIE INTERIOR Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to A For Rent •i u are drafted or in ill health Tract No. 729A. description. SW 't - issued by the Registrar of Title Consult us on ycur wiring General l-vnd Office DaUy Except Sunday SW '.S W 'i, sec. 29. twp. 15, rng of Malheur County. Oregon, and FOR RENT — Farm house with this ls your chance to lease to an needs and meter set-ups. 031118 experienced farmer. Write, giving Fry Building 47: N '-3 E ',S E ',, sec. 30. twp. all previously issued Certificates of pasture, garden plot and fruit At The Dalles, Oregon, March Work guaranteed to meet 15. rng. 47; price $30.00. Title affecting the property de- 17. 1942. trees. Two cows fer rent with the details. A. D. Moss, E gin, Oregon State requirements. 26m4xp Tract 730A. description. N W ',- trrib d in Certificate No 389. be place. James Stephens near Ole's MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE is hereby given that Prices right—Information free SW1!. sec. 11, twp. 18. rng. 47; determined to have been lawfully corner. 2Alxp Eddie L. Underdahl, of Rt. 1. Home- SW ' i NW ' i . sec. 11. twp. 18. rng and regularly cancelled; NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP Mr. and Mr:. E R An 1 rson that dale, Idaho, who, on April 18, 1938 NYSSA LIBRARY 47: price $80 00. v'ii acted business in Ontario on Plaintiffs be determined to be the made Original Homestead Entry. Open each week day from Tract No. 73IA. description, W 'j- SOUTH NYSSA registered owners of the real prop­ Act 6-17-02: No. 031118, lor Farm Wednesday. ■JEWELRY STORES 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. HEIGHTS Dan Corbett was unable to work j N E 'iSW 1,. sec. 20. twp. 17. rng erty described in Certificate of Unit “A" or the NtsBE1«, Section Saturday, 2 p. m. to > p. m. 47; price $20 00 Title No. 389; that criginal Ccr- 13, Township 22 8., Range 46 E.. Wednesday and Thursday because PAULUS Tract. No. 732A. description. Lot rificate of Title No. 28 be deter­ ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Anderson f Influenza. Willamette Meridian, has filed no- I 11. 12. 13. 14 * 15, Block 71 mined to be null and void and JEWELRY STORE Librarian___ Mrs. 8. B. Davis of Garland. Wyoming, who ha lice of Intention to make final Mr and Mrs. G. E. Webster have Original Town of Ontario; price that the same be ordered cancell­ Union Pacific Time Inspector been visiting their son. Kenneth moved to their new home on the proof, to establish claim to land $600 00. ed; that the Registrar of Titles be ubovc described, before Frank T who Is in tlv army at Salem, are Black Canyon pr bet. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS NYSSA AERIE Tract No. 733A. description. Lets ’.rdered and directed to withdraw spending a few days with their Morgan. Notary Public, at Nyssa WATCHES 11. 12. 13. 14 tc 15. Block 73 F. O. E. NO. 2134 from registry of titles to the prop­ son and family, who moved re­ Oregon, on the 18lh day of April Ontario: price $25 00. erly described in Certificate No 1912 Main Street at Second cently onto the place vacated by Meets Wednesday Night Tract No. 734A, description, Lots >89, upon prop, r application by the Joe W, rxl family. Mrs. Ander­ Claimant names as witnesses: AT EAOLES HALL V 16 < fc 17. BIcck 85. Ontario; price h e Plaintiffs. sen Ls a datighter of Mr. and Alfred Costley, Tom Ntdbalek Paul and Irene Herring. June | $10 00 . Visiting Eagles Welcome WYCKOFF Service cf this Summons upon Clayton Douglas, and William Fisk j Mrs. W E. Maze of this vicinity HARRY MINER. Sec. Webster. Ilia Botner and Mrs. Ed j Tract No. 735A. description. Lets 1 you by publication is irude by all of Rt 1, Hotnrdulr, Idaho. JEWELRY STORE Mr. and Mrs Ed. Dillabaugh Wild attended the Nazarrne young ROSCOE FINDLEY, Prea. and children of Boise and Mr and copie s rally in Midvale. Idaho j 2, 3, 4. 5 & 6. Block 134. On­ Order of the Hon. Rob't. M. Dun­ W F. JACKSON Official Time Inspector for tario; price $30 00. can. Judge of the above entitled Mrs. John Lill and daughters of Iiitur.lay. Register. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Union Pacific Tract No. 736A, description. Lots Court, daled March 27. 1942. Till Montrose. Colorado wpc , Sunday Every ONTARIO OREOON Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen | 21 At 22. Block 2, Riverside Addi­ Summon- was first published April guests at the O. J. Kurtz h o n e were Ealurdny evening visitors at MONDAY and FRIDAY tion. Ontario: price $20 00 2. 1942. and last published Api* Mr. and Mrs J. E. Keyscr and lie home of relatives in Nampa. Beef, Sheep and Pork NORTH NYSSA Tract N.- 737A. description. Lots 1 30. 1942 Laundries children visited in Eagle and in Sanitary Butchering A t 2. Block 7. Riverside Addition. HEIGHTS O. Z. Matthew* slipped a car- MAX S TAGGART Be be with their parents Sunday. Guaranteed Nyssa's Own At Nyssa Owned Ontario; Price $20 00. Attorney for Plaintiff Mrs. Carl Selium spent Wed­ la d of rattle to Portland Prlduy P h o n e 0 3 -R -t j Seventh & Park Streets — Mr. and Mrs Virgil McOce cf Mr. and Mrs. O. R Anderson Tract No. 738A. descripti n. Lets 11 P-st Office Address: nesday in Ne t us. Idaho wit h Mrs r One Mile West of NYSSA on Phone 146 At 12. Block 7, Riverside Addit­ (he Richland district were Sun­ and family and Mr- and Mrs. Ed Ontario. Oregon L. J. N;rrls. ion, Ontario; price $20 00 day guests at the James Malloy Larson and family were visitors Alberta Are. Mont Corbett was a dinner «tucst Nygla Steam Laundrjr Tract No. 739A. description. Lot* 7 home. JAKE FISCHER Sunday in the heme of Leroy in Boise Sunday. to 27 inclusive, Block 11. River­ Mr and Mrs, Dave Beers and Clayton Jensen's sister, who has Seward near Nyssa. SHOE SHOPS side Addition, Ontario; price laughter. Doris, were Sunday din­ Willard, son of Mr. and Mrs teen visiting here has returned $50 00. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lon-1 FASHION FOUNDATIONS R. C. Smith, has left for Med- U> her h'm e in Blackfoot. Abbott’s Shoe Shop nle Morris at Notus. Idaho. Lillie Matthews ».id Ilia Botnar Tract No. 740A. description. L ets 1 f.rd to work on a defense pro­ BARCLEY and All kinds of shoe and harness to 6 Inclusive. Block 12. River­ The Columbia Busy Bees 4-H \ attended the gill's missionary ject. SMART-FORM repairing side Addition, Ontario: price■ club will meet April 7 at Dorl- Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz were reeting in Nyssa Sunday afier- Foundation Garments Across frem. po»t office. $30 00 Beers’ home. bu lness callers In Caldwell Thurs­ r.ocn. Tract No. 741A. description. Lots 1 ; Mrs. Glen Suiter and son. Mar- j Corsets, Girdles, Brassiere« Mr and Mrs F A. Powell of Paint protects the outside day. to 11 Inclusive. West 3' of Lot ! ion. and her daughter. Mrs Har- | KELLER’S Perfect fit assured by and inside. Mr and Mrs Joe Woodard and the Richland district and Mr 22. Lots 23 to 26 inclusive, and old Anderson of Nyssa. shopped ini KALSOMIN1NG and PAPER Gal? and Oeen were Sunday din­ end Mrs Ralph Crane of Ontario CABINET SHOP experienced eorsettere Lots 38 to 41 Inclusive. Bl:ck 4. Caldwell Thursday CLEANING ner guests a , the Dan Corbett j called at the Dwight Seward home Mr. and Mrs Alfred Evans and | If It It made of wood we Terrace Heights. Ontario; price Friday evening —Free Estimate— h:iae. ALICE COLLINS $100 09. can make It A* repair it. daughter. Jean, were Sunday din-1 Mr and Mrs. Wimp were In Miss June Webster attended a ner guests at the home cf Mr P O. Box 893 642 Main St. Box 500 Nysaa Tract No. 742A.. description. Lot a n d y M c G in n is W iser on business Monday Sunday school convention cf the 27. Block 5. Terrace Heights. On­ Evans' sister. Mrs Manford Stirr- j First Street Naearene northwest district at Mrs Charles Black wa a visi­ me! at Homedale. Idaho. tario: price $10 00. tor In Biose. Sunday. Midvale Saturday. Advertising you don’t know ^grains. . . KNOW YOUR DEALER! Al Thompson & Sons Professional And Business Directory Alberta Valley Repaint for Defense