U GATE c m JOUKKAt TBUMDAY. Big B«nd PAdE íti'o The Gate City Journal Editor »ad Publisher KLASS V. POWELL ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1.50 11 00 Six Months 0» - Single Copies (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the poetofflce through the United States the act 35c Open rate, per Inch 35c National, per Inch Classifieds, per word .... 2c Minimum ..... 30c at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon lor transmission Mails, as second class matter, under c f March 3, 1879. EASTER COMES INTO WORLD THAT IS IN TERRIBLE CONDITION As Father Time nears Easter in 1942 the heart of the world is convulsed by hatred and greed and the devastations o f war. That condition exists in contrast to the possibilities o f pease, happiness and contentment. Some persons say that war will never be eliminated until human nature changs. That may be true, but it is a shame that the world should suffer such terrors as modem warfare when we have available an individual and international code o f human relations that if placed in effect would give the world the content­ ment and peace of mind that it has been seeking since the dawn o f time. That code was given to us by Jesus Christ before he died upon the cross. No person in his right mind would deny that the principles enunciated by Jesus while he was on earth would prevent the out­ break of war. Apparently the world is not ready for His program, because each generation seeme to have to learn from its own bitter experience the folly of war. Because human beings are selfish we will not even make a start toward the practice of brotherly love until nations sincerely attempt to eliminate trade bar­ riers, monopolies and other restrictions that prevent even a semblance of an equal distribution of wealth among nations. Dictators and others o f their cal­ ibre will probably continue to ring tears from mothers’ eyes and blood from the sons o f men until every strata of life learns to “ love one another” . Easter Specials JOHNSTON'S CHOCOLATES Luscious creams, fruits, nuts, coated with delicious chocolate. Packed In special Blaster gift boxes. Perfect for giving. Nyssa Pharmacy «W riroM Iryril la viirtiCS ( , . ‘ IMPORTANT to the Life of your Country National Defense— WHEEL BALANCING Correct Wheel Balance Saves Tires. It eliminates shimmy and the "hard to steer" feel — and above all prevents SPOTTY TIRE WEAR — the worst of ell tire wear. Save your tires — Aid National Defense Have your wheels properly balanced NOW! Election of officers for the com­ ing year will be held at the reg­ ular meeting of the Wade P.T.A. at the home of Mrs P. A. Miller. Friday. A covered lunch will be served at n*»n. A number af oases of three day measles have been reported In this vicinity but no one has been very 111. The Jolly Janes met at the home of Mrs. H R Hatch Thurs­ day afternoon Mrs. Claude Riggs of Parma and Mrs. Wilbur Roberta of Roswell called on friends In tnis vicinity Thursday. Miss Virginia Miller returned home Thursday evening from La Grande for a short visit with her parents. Mr. and Airs. F A. Miller. She returned to La Grande Sunday. The Little sheep were taken from their winter feeding quarters along Snake river to the hill, Monday. Several herds of cattle and horses were also taken to the hills this week. A number from Bend attended the dance and shower given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward | Peterson at Arena Valley hall Saturday evening. Leroy Mogus, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mogus, has been sent to I Fort Riley, Kansas, where he will receive amodem course of In- j structlon In horse shoeing at the world's largest cavalry school. Mrs. F. A. Miller ar^d Miss Vir- ! glnla Miller spent Friday shop­ ping In Boise. Mrs. H. R. Hatch accompanied j Mrs. Harry Russell to Ontario j Monday. A family dinner was given at I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett Sunday in observance of their daughter. Margaret’s seventh birthday. Relatives from Parma and Roswell were present. OWYHEE ■ If you are going to have a lot of hauling to do this fall, now would be a good time to in­ vest in a truck. Come in Saturday afternoon and bid on this truck. 1 . ¡ ¡ j j NYSSA MERCHANTS WILL TURN BACK Their Clocks One Hour * SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT April 5, 1942 BECAUSE OF THE INCONVENIENCE CAUSED TO FARMERS IN THE NYS­ SA AREA AND THE CONFUSION CAUSED BY THE CONFLICT OF TIME WITH OTHER MALHEUR COUNTY CITIES, THE MERCHANTS OF NYSSA HAVE DE­ Mrs. Carl Quackenbush of Spo- j kane arrived Thursday to spend several days with her mother, Mrs T. M, Lowe, who Is recuperating from a broken hip in the On­ tario hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crocker and two sons and Mrs. O. L. McMillan were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam KUngback and family of Emmett were Sun­ day guests at the KUngback home In Owyhee. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Pullen and three children at the Lower Bend area visited relatives In Owyhee Sunday. Harvey Sanders of Melba was a week-end guest of Emil Codr. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters had as gueats Sunday Mr. and Mrs ; Rex Walters and daughter, Brenda, of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters of Boise. Word from Jack Walters, who is at Camp Haan, California, states that he is out of the hospi­ tal after a short stay there for a minor Illness. Albert Codr of the Boeing air- j craft corporation of Seattle, visited j over the week-end in the parental Joe Ccdr home. j J Upp«r Sunset CIDED TO FOLLOW PACIFIC W A R TIME UNTIL THE PRESENT EMERGENCY IS CONCLUDED AND CONDITIONS RETURN TO NORMAL. THE BUSINESS MEN OF NYSSA DECIDED TO MAKE THE CHANGE AFTER TRYING MOUNTAIN W A R TIME FOR SEVERAL WEEKS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE GOVERNMENT’S REQUEST FOR THE SAVING OF DAYLIGHT. THE SWITCH FROM MOUNTAIN W AR TIME TO PACIFIC W AR TIME WILL PLACE NYSSA ON THE SAME LEVEL AS FARMERS LIVING WEST OF NYSSA AND RESIDENTS OF OTHER SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY~AND WILL BE OF GREAT BENEFIT TO SCHOOL OFFICIALS AND LOCAL CHILDREN. BECAUSE THE CHILDREN LIVING ON FARMS WEST OF NYSSA ARE FOLLOWING W A R TIME, CHILDREN OF NYSSA HAVE BEEN ATTENDING SCHOOL FROM 10 a. m. TO 1 p. m. AND FROM 2 p. m. TO 5 p. m., CAUSING CON­ FUSION IN LOCAL FAMILY ACTIVITIES. Roy Rook stool and Walt Hat­ field were Ontario and Payette business callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker of Portland, were week-end guests at the parental Parker and Lorenson homes. A family reunion was held •t the Parker home for them Sun­ day. The visitors returned to Port­ land Monday. John Hamilton was an Ontario business caller Saturday. The "Hill Billy" dance club held a party at the hall Saturday night. Forty were present. Roy Rooks tool Is bundling a brooder house. The local club met with Sadie Parker today Instead of April 7 as stated last week. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Rookstool and son of Ontario called at the Walt Rafflngton home Sunday. . Prank Hoach. who Is stationed at Balt Lake City, spent from | Thursday until Tuesday with his mother. Mrs R. L. Thompson j Donald Ttosch. who has been i quite 1U. Is able to be up part at the time. RICHLAND We will have in addition to our regular sale of livestock one good Chevrolet Ton and Half truck in good condition that has just boon over­ hauled and six good tires» U J j Towne’s Garage M Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meredith ol j Vale were Sunday visitors at the H. V. Maw home. Joe Olass' children are spending awo weeks at the home of their j aunt. Mrs. John Bidder Nick Luek has gone to Baker ■ He had been visiting his daughter. Mrs Merle Johnson. This Advertisement ia Sponsored by the Fol'ewing Business Firms and Individuals: Frank Morgan J. C. Olsen Nyssa Packing Co. Thomas B. Nordale Swan Bakery Powell Service Station Idaho Power Company By Bernard Frost Nyssa Theatre Company s Thompson Oil Company C. C. W yckoff, Chairman o f Union High School Board Owyhee Drug Company The Food Mart. Fox’s Drive-In Market Gamble Store Stunx Lumber Company Nyssa Pharmacy Nyssa Lumber Company Paulus Jewelry Dr. C A. Abbott Grant Rinehart Brownie’s Cafe Golden Rule Store Wilson Brothers Clothing Department Amalgamated Sugar Company W e also have our usual ran of livestock, hogs and cattle. Remember the day, SATURDAY, April 4 and bring your consignment Saturday afternoon. BYBEE C O M M IS S IO N . Company ~ Col. W. L. Lane, Auctioneer iPhone 25-W W e Should At Least Get Together "On Time’