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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1942)
VOLUME XXXVII, No. 11 NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL2, 1942 $1.50 PER YEAR NYSSA STORES WILL GO ON PACIFIC TIME Alleged Nyssa Burglar Bound Over To Jurors CONCERNS GIVING THEATRE TICKETS Officer Eichner Captures Man After Service Station Break-in The firms whose names afg pear In this article are giving away free theatre tickets this week. I f your name appears In an advertisement of one of these firms in the Gate City Journal you are entitled to a free ticket. Lettuce Men Of County Oppose Rail Rate Hike SEEKS NEW JOB Nyssa Takes 3 Ik s »ball Games LEAVITT ENTERS RACE FOR COUNTY JUDGE POSITION The fourth candidate for county Judge, Deputy Sheriff Charles Lea vitt of Vale, announced his can didacy last week. He has filed his petition as a candidate for the democratic nomination. Tlie other three candidates are all republicans. They are Judge David Graham, County Commis sioner Irwin TroxeU and J. Ed win Johnson. Mr. Leavitt, a resident of M a l heur county for many years, said T li- first game with Adrian he entered the race after being vas called in the third inning be urged to do so by friends. cause of time. The score was 16 Mr. Leavitt, who was bom In ‘o 2. Malheur county, was associated Tiie second game, a five-inning with the Pacific Livestock com- contest, resulted in a score of 9 l>any and engaged In work in the to 6 civil engineering department of The starting lineups in the Ad- the Oregon Short li n e for sev rian-Nv sa games were as follows: eral years before becoming deputy Nyssa—Cleaver, ss; Russell, 2b; sheriff 18 years ago. The Nyssa llg h school base! all e .put a double-header with Payette last Friday and won both ends of u (win bill with Adrian n the Nyssa illmi ond Tuesday. Wilson pitched ih “ Bulldogs to 1 5 t: 1 victory over Payette in e first game Marsh hurled In lie >e-end encounter, which Pay 'd te won by a 6 to 4 score. H ie games were practice con- iests. Hearing On 35 Percent Increase Is Held In Boise Merchants Vote In Survey And At Wed. Meeting Clocks Will Be Set Back One Hour at Midnight Sunday, April 5 Merchants of Nyssa voted In a A hearing on the propo ed in survey conducted during the last crease in railroad freight rates few days by the Nyssa chamber on lettuce from Malheur county of commerce to switch from moun lo eastern points was held by the tain war time to Pacific war interstate commerce commission time. n th? Boise hotel in Boise Tues Cooperating concerns are: day and Wednesday. The business men, m eetlw at Wilson Grocery The Union Pacific company has the weekly chamber lunchecn asked for an increase of about Wednesday noon, set Sunday Golden Rule Store 35 per cent on lettuce. The pres night at midnight as the time for The burglar who grabbed the Nordale Furniture Store ent rate to Chicago is 94 cents setting clocks back one hour. money from a cache In the service A1 Thompson and Sons nd the railroad company asks A t last week's luncheon, the station escaped, but his partner Francis Lambert for $124. chamber passed a resolution in crime was captured by Police Jchn Carkln of the Oregon pub authorizing Frank Morgan, secre O fficer George Eichner, who hap lic utilities cornin'issloner’s office M ULTNOM AH CO. tary, to conduct a survey among pened to pass the station at the ■vas in charge o f the testimony merchants to determine whether Eldredge, lb; Heidi, cf, Malone, c; time of the burglary. TREASURER ASKS submitted by Oregon growers. Ral they were in favor of remaining on Pierce. If: Malloy, rf; F. Wilson, The thieves entered a rear ph Brooke, Malheur county ag SECRETARY POST mountain war time or switching p; and H. Wilson, 3b; Adrian— window o f the Pruyn garage and ricultural agent; H. F. Logue, sec to Pacific war time. The merchants Tollman, rf: Nelson, If; D. Kurtz, from there went through a door A constitution and by-laws for retary of the Ontario chamber of Francis Lambert, Multnomah 2b; Mitchell, lb: G. Osborne, c; also asked the Oate City Journal Into the service station. Realizing an organization to be known as commerce, Mr. Gribbin of the county treasurer, has announced G. Davis, cf; E. Codr, 3b; E. Hatch, to publish an advertisement ex a burglary was underway, Officer the Malheur county council were Oregon slope, and Frank Morgan, his candidacy for the democratic ss; and Deffenburgh, p; Nyssa— plaining the Change and the reas Eichner entered the place. One of Irafted at a meeting of American nomination for secretary of state. secretary of the Nyssa chamber of Talltran, c: Nelson, if; Kurtz, ss; Preliminary plans for organ ons for it. the burglars disappeared, but (he Legion representatives in Vale last Mr. Lambert was elected treas I. Mitchell, lb; V. Mitchell, cf; G. ization of a home guard unit in ccm).T.erce, testified for the grow During the survey and the other one dove through a window week-end. urer of Multnomah county in 1936 Davis, 2b; Codr, 3b; Pitkin, rf; and Nyssa were announced today by A. solicitation of sponsors for the ers. and Eichner followed suit, captur Answering the cail of Albert L. The growers pointed out that if and was re-elected In 1940. Hathaway, p; Adrian—Bowen, ss; L. Heldt, commander of the Nys advertisement 35 persons expres ing the thief on Main street. He’ dt, commander of the Nyssa he increase is granted to the sed themselves as being In favor of The candidate announced that Ycst, 2b; Lcpen, 3b; Keck, if; Lar sa post of the American Legion. post of the American Legion, o f A man giving the name of Glenn railroad company the lettuce in he will “ make few promises and son, lb; McCoy, c; Alggl, cf; Some enlistment blanks, but not Pacific war time and eight in favor ficers and del gates from Adrian. Smith of Blackfoot. Idaho was dustry in Oregon will be eliminat make them goed, cooperate enough, have been received by of mountain war time. in Adams, rf. and Malloy, p. charged with burglary In connec Vale and Ontario posts attended ed. Under the vote, Nyssa is to Mr. Heldt. every way to cut the cost of gov tion with the service station case the meeting. The purpose of the Plans for completion of the or remain on Pacific war time until ernment so that every energy may and was bound over to the grand organization is to, coordinate more ganization will be announced with the present emergency la con be directed to the war, personally TIEG BROTHERS Jury Friday by Judge W. J. W il efficiently the efforts of the ex- CHILD CLINIC IS in the next few daya. The pro cluded and conditions return to supervise the operating details in BOOST ACREAGE liams, justice o f the peace, under service men in the war effort. posed organisation will be dis normal. the office of secretary of state and Officers were elected as fo l HELD IN C O U N TY $1000 ball. Smith failed to post cussed at the regular American operate the offliie as I have the OF SUGAR BEETS Sponsors of the movement point lows: Albert L. Heldt. commander: the bond and was taken to the Legion meeting Thursday night. ed out that the change was de The crippled children's confer Multnomah county treasury—with Bernard Anderson, Ontario, vice county Jail in Vale Friday even Flye Tlegs brothers, Herbert, Ed, All ex-servicemen are asked to at sirable because of the contusion ence, which was held in Ontario economy and carfful attention to ing by Chief of Police A. V. Cook. commander: Ed Hendricks of Vale, Elmer, Leonard and Marvin, all tend the meeting. , caused by farmers living west of at the Women's club building the service” . secretary-treasurer, and Floyd The police chief said Smith spent Nampa, are doing their part in ------- i~ ------ Sixty-four men must be signed Nyssa being on Pacific w ar time March 24, was well attended. two and one-half years in the Glass of Adrian, sergeant at arms. the government’s food for free up before a unit can be formed. while Nyssa was on mountain war Thirty-five individuals were ex Idaho penitentiary cn a charge dom program, by contracting for Another 157 men may be held in time, and th* Inconvenience caus amined. Thirty-four were children of burglary. 230 acres of sugar beets for the reserve, if desired. ed to families with children at and one was an adult. A warrant has been issued for TIRES, TUBES FOR new Nampa factory. Officers will be selected here tending school. Dr. Roderick E. Begg, orthepedlc the arrest of the second man. APRIL RATIONED "T h e sugar from these beets," and approved by Colonel Ralph Children of Nyssa, following the specialist, and Dr. Louis Clark, said Herb, spokesman for the Caldwell before plans are develop fast time, are a t t a d ta g school director of the division of crip Malheur county’s quota of tires pled children, were Ml attendance. O N TARIO , April 2 (Special)— group, and director of the Nyssa- ed for the complete organization from-TO -a m to 1 g a « 7 and from MRS. L. -fly. HAINES, and tubes tor April was rationed 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. Miss Margaret Simpson, con Secretary o f the State Earl Snell, Nampa Sugar Beet Growers as of the unit. by the county rationing board at SHEAVILLE, DIES make enough sultant nurse for the division, and speaking before a joint luncheon sociation, "should a meeting in Vale Wednesday Miss Erma Garner, consultant in cf the Ontario Commercial and ugar to supply 59.423 soldiers one- BHEAVTLLE, April 2 (Special)— night. medical social cases, and a steno Klwanls clubs last week said that half pound of sugar per week for The qucta end rations were an Mrs. Lydia Bardsley Haines died grapher from the division were in Oregon- is going to have to re an entire year. If our beet tonage Wednesday evening at a Caldwell nounced as follows: new passenger attendance. double its efforts to get war in and sugar content of the beets are •Ires, county, 16; Vale, 4; On hospital after a sudden illness. Assisting from. fhe county were dustries located within Its boun equal to our last year's crops, and Mrs. Haines was bom March 19, tario, 6, and Nyssa, 6; new pas Mrs. Roderick Belknap of Ontario, daries. Snell blasted the practice they might well be better, for we 1907 at Caldwell, and lived there senger tubes, county 38 ;Vale, 10; Mrs. G. A. Billings from Nyssa, of federal bureaus In failing to be have done even better with our Ontario, 14, and Nyssa, 14; pas most of her life. and Alice Goodman from Vale, consistent in location of war pro beets, speaking collectively, in some R O Y A L N E IG H B O R S O F She was married to Frank senger recaps, county 55; Vale, 18; who acted as secretary for Dr. duction plants inland. He cited a previous years than we did In O A N T A D A W IL L B E O IV K N B Y LDS CH URCH CH ORUS A M E R IC A C A M P F O R M E D Haines. Jr., in 1925 She had been Ontario, 19, and Nyssa, 18; truck Clark. current announcement that large 1941.” A Royal Neighbors of America A sacred cantata "Resurrection a resident of the Sheavllle com •Ires, county 70; Vale, 23; Ontario, During the day Mrs. E. C. Van plants are slated for eastern sea- “The nation needs more sugar 23, and Nyssa, 24; truck tubes, Morning", will be presented Eas camp was organized at a meeting munity for the past seven years. Petten and Mrs. Charles P. Flegel coast cities. The federal government has called ter morning at 11:30 (w ar time) held In the American Legion hal Survivors are her husband, two county, 78; Vale, 26; Ontario, 26, of Ontario and Judge David F. "W e all want the plants to be fer all-out production o f sugar at the L. D, 8. church under the Tuesday evening. daughters, Donave and Sharon; and Nyssa, 26, and truck recaps, Graham and Mrs. Katherine Clay- beets up to the processing capac placed where they will be o f the Deputy R. N. A. Mamie Secoy of The two sons, Robert and Gerald: her county 51; Vale, 17; Ontario, 17 pocl. county superintendent of greatest value The direction of Nelda Schenk. to the defense ity of our sugar factories. participants consist of a chorus Ontario had charge of the meet parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bards- and Nyssa, 17. schools, visited the conference. program," Snell said, "But If the Nampa district is the only district Tires and tubes not used In leys of Caldwell; four brothers, At 5 p. m. a conference was at practice is to be followed of in the entire United States that of 20 voices and six soloists. The ing and established the camp ac program will be presented as fol cording to the rules of the so Charles of Caldwell. Bonnie of Em one town may be used in other tended by the physicians, nurses, moving plants inland we want will have a new sugar factory ciety Thirty ladles of N y w a h a 1 lows : mett. Bud of Moyle Springs, and ‘ owns If needed. county welfare workers, Melborne set r e of them moved inland in this year, so why not do the Job W alter of Seattle, and three sis Introduction, chorus and trio, made application to organize this Davis, cash grant supervisor, and Oregon.” He riled the Falrview right and crowd this plant to Its ters, Mrs. Hettie Robertson, Look Water Users To M e e t - Ray Chagnon. family selection ser plants removal to Spokane as an capacity? That's what the govem- Malcolm: Crawford, Angus Bishop camp and become members of the T i e Owyhee Water U'crs as Neighbors of out. California, Mrs. Fannie Yoe- vice cf the Malheur county P S A example of inconsistent function inrnt is asking for; th.its what the and Duane Andersen; “Pilate Said society of Royal America. mans of Bonners Ferry, and Mrs. sociation will hold a public meet office. Unto Them”, Malcohm Crawford nation needs; we have some of ing ing in the Nyssa unkn high school Marie Herr, Salem. Officers of the new camp, which They Crowned His Brow” Dar Tourhtng cn taxes, Snell called the best sugar beet land In the Services were held at the Peck- 'wilding Tuesday, April 7 at 8 "Deep will be known as Victory camp, United States: the beet contract Thel Bybee and chorus; on all local and slate taxing agen Pacific war time. A YOUTHS PLACED ham chapel Monday afternoon, o'clock. Peals o f Thunder”, musical read were elected as follows: cies to |»are levies to th- lowest is the best offered sugar beet hale can, three directors and a and Interment was In the Canyon Oracle, Helen Oonyer; V lce-O ra- ing. Zelda Brown; "W hen Jesus growers since the last war: so why ON HONOR ROLL possible level. Citing the bur secretary-treasurer will be elected. Hill cemetery at Caldwell. Was Crucified", Angus Blslicp; cle, Sylvia Fox; Past Oracle, M a r net go all-out for sugar beet- den of the federal war taxes he Other business will also be trans Oh Fear Not Y e ”, ladles trio with guerite Wilson; Recorder, Alice A. EASTERN OREGON COLLEGE said. "Unless someone figures out here?" Tlegs rclitlnued. “One mil- acted. “As TTre Collins; Receiver, Jessie Graham ; Stop Here For Visit— OP EDUCATION, La Grande, a way to ease taxes, someone Is 11. n. five hundred forty-five thous Vera Bishop soloist; Woman Is Recovering— Mr. and Mrs. Manley Arant and Aoril 2 (Special)—Four Malheur going to have to uncover the tax and pounds of refined sugar Is Fruits and Flowers of the Field", Chancellor, Laura Moss; Marshall, Mrs. "Doc" Douglas, who is visit- two children of Nam pa stopped In county students were among the payer. With all of the increased what Tiegs' expected mlnlmun- Thelma Bybee ; "The Lovely Flow Helen Herod; Assistant Marshall. Inner Sentinel, Dot ers", ladies chorus; "Oh a rave Iris Blake; Nyssa Sunday while en route to 'ng at the heme of Grover Doug 53 who earned a place on the burden the tax dollar Is going to output will total and that’s quite Nam pa from Baker. Mr. Arant is lass. Is convalescing from a case scholastic honor roll for the win a lot of sugar to sweeten your Where Is Thy Victory”, chorus; Toomb, and Outer Sentinel, M a r have to be rationed.” Managers. Gertrude ’And The Women", Fern Anderson garet Moss. auditor of the Idaho Free Press ' t mump?. M r snd Mrs. R Cham ter quarter at the Eastern Oregon Snell presented figures on Ore r e ffe ; with," Herb elaborated. "But on at Nam pa and the Democrat-Her berlain and children called College of Education. They were gon's excellent financial condition figured another way. It’s only a and "He Is Risen”, Malcohm C raw Atkeson. three years; Joyce Lien- their daughter. Mrs. "Doc" Doug kaercper, two years, and Edith ald at Baker. Kathryn and Robert Harris, dau but stressed the necessily of re minor military engagement,” he ford and chorus. las Sunday afternoen. Mr. and ghter and son of C. S. Harris of vising the Income tax structure explained, “ for it takes 700 pounds Tooth Makes Solo Flight— Between the numbers six and Jackson, one year. Physicians, Dr. Mrs. John R effett of the Sunset Wlllowcreek; Clarice Notheis. dau so that present reserve funds could cf sugar to make the powder to seven a scripture reading appro Mauldlng and Dr. Sarazln. Jack Brodie, son of Mr. and Mrs. srea visited at the Grover Doug The next meeting will be held ghter of Albert L. Notheis of Nys be available to decrease tax bur- fire a 16-lnch gun Just once.” E. L. Jamison of Nyssa, made his priate to the theme of the can lass home Sunday. Three of the Tiegs have been tata. will be presented by Arthur Tuesday, April 7 at 8 p. m. In the sa and Alex Reid, son of S. J. r;ns. irst solo flight Monday after eight Youths' Club Organized— American Legion hall. In Nampa Hansen. Reid o f Ontario. v ours of dual Instruction during Met crista were told by the sec- I crowing sugar beets The K. K. Porkers of Kingman •he last week. He was the first The names of members present retary of state tc use their cars since the year before the Nyssa Special devotional mualc will be 'Colony were organized at a meet of 13 Oregon State college stud as needed but to observe all rules fa Ury was finished, and the other played by Marion Orace Brown and adopted Into the society and ing held March 20 at the home of Tires, Tubes Rationed— ents who are taking civilian pil others who made application as Several automobile and truck for greatest preservation of tires. I two. Leonard and Mervln. took up and Vivian Fife. the leader. Harvey Holton. The the work the year of the opening, ot training at M adras to solo. He charter members are: following officers were elected: tires and tubes »-ere rationed last The public la-Invited to attend in 1938 was his instructor's first solo stud Sylvia A. Fox, Oladys E. Wright, Kenneth Elliott, president; Ivan week-end by the Nyssa rationing i Stenogs.. Typists Needed— the cantata. ent and the first person to make Herb, the oldest of the five, board. They were rationed as fol- , Maud Peterson, Oertrude Atkeson, Jensen, vice president; Jimmy The need for stenographers and - I - , a primary solo flight from the Laura Moss, Marguerite Mess. 'Yils:n, secretary, and Ross Lane, ‘ows: Maricn R. Hay, two pas typists In government cf frees In started with a 25.37 ton average Jefferson county airport. i for 18 acres of sugar beets his i P R O G R A M IS P R E S E N T E D senger tires; Bud Wilson, one Marguerite Wilson, Elizabeth Mae Names To Be Revealed— W ash Ingtnn. D. C. is critically Attend Dinner Dance— Atkeson, Helen Herod, Iris Blake. The order numbers of the men truck tire; Jenario Rementarie. acute. according to information re first year and has been getting 21 A T M E T H O D IS T M E S H IN G tons, or better every year but The Women's Society of Christ Mr. and Mrs John Ostrom at whe registered in the last selective one truck tube; Walter Hlllls, two Dot Toomb, Evelyn Thompson, ceived by portal employes. Ex- j one. when his yield dropped to 16 ian Service held Its monthly meet truck tires; William Lcbb. one tended a Scandinavian dinner and service registrati n may be an Wandalee Oroot, Marguerite amlnaticns should be taken at the I tons, cr four more tons than the ing In the Methodist church par dance in Emmett last Friday. The nounced by the Malheur county truck tire and three truck tire Toomb, Joyce Lienkaemper, Juan earliest possible date by persons The president. party, an annual affair was as- board next week However, the recaps; Pete Larrinage. two trac-1 desiring to fill such positions. A d - ! national average. His acreage has lors March 28. ita Johnson, Ruth C. Foster. L a - tended by 50 couples from Boise. board members do not know tor truck tire recaps: Charles G a r dltional information may be se-1 come up every year. In 1*41 he Mrs W W, Foster, presided over vonne Fox, Marcella Newell, Jes grew 89 acres and expects to In the business m e e t ln ^ j^ Caldwell. Nampa. Parma, Emmett whether they will complete th< rison, one tractor tire; W . W ( sie C. Graham . cured at the Nyssa peat office, i crease up to around 115 acres this Mrs. A. B Haim arttf toe young and Nyssa. work in time for announcement •ones, two passenger tubes; S. E j Harriet Harris, Edith Jackson. year from a total of 265 acres that women cf the churcn ‘were Visiting In Denver— Flanagan, one tractor tire, and In Elsie In the newspapers of the county Jordan Valley Tooth K i lle d - Towne. Kathrtne Smith, he farms. Gale Gatrlscn. one tractor tire. Mrs. Frank Morgan has g e n e ' charge of the program. Special W illiam Skinner, 24, pilot In Homestead Case Held— Alice A. Collins. Merlin J. Neill, to Denver to visit at the home o f ■ music consisted of a solo by A homestead contest case was To Visit In Seattle— structor who was killed in the Despite the fact that the nat ion is facing a rubber shortage and that automobile tires are practically unbuyable because of government restrictions, burglars entering the Powell service station Friday m oilin g at 2 o'clock pre ferred $11.90 in cash to the more valuable rubber products. Clip the ad and take It to the Nyssa theatre, where you will be admitted free upon payment of the defense tax. County Legion Council Formed Guard Unit To Be Formed Here Snell Talks On Defense Plants , ] \ crash of an army training plane at Boise this week, was a former resident of Jordan Valley. The student pilot. Jack A. Wilson, who was with Skinner, was seriously in jured in the accident. Dance Is Planned— The Cow Hollow d u b will give a dance Saturday night. April 4, In the community hall. Frank S av age and his orchestra will furnish the anisic Refreshments will be held in the city hall today be fore Frank Morgan. Claude Day is contesting the right of Noah Howard butte to property near Chalk Visit In Nyssa— L. W M arshall of Medfcrd, son • f Mr. and Mrs Walter Marshall of Nyssa. and his family who have been visiting here have returned to their home Mr. Marshall Is • teacher In the Medford high Mrs. A. V. Cook and daughter. Thelma, will leave for Seattle to r a t for 10 days with A. V. Cook. Jr., who Is working at the Boeing aircraft factory. Visits In Ontario Mrs. W alter Marshall was s guest of Mrs Louis Hyde in O n tario last week-end. Visit In Mr and M rs O . J. Mitchell visited relatives In Council over the week-end. f'ownril— her daughter. Mrs Blaine Ballah.| M r and Mrs Ballah are the par ents of a son bom last Friday. Mrs. Ballah was formerly Miss Margaret Morgan of Nyssa. School Bonding Entered— Return* From Meeting— Dr. J. J. Saraztn has returned from Portland, where he attended the annual University of Oregon Medical school alumni post grad- uate session and the Ernest A A burglar entered the Parma Sommer memorial lectures March high school building through a 23 to 27. Many prominent phy- basement window Monday night, •(clans and teachers appeared cn but apparently stole nothing of the speaking program Dr. Richard was in value, according to Information re- I Woodward of Payette oelved from the sheriff's office a t ! charge of the Sarailn clinic during the absence of Dr. Saraxln Caldwell X Wesley Sherman, accompanied Mrs. Milton Greenlee A short skit, “The Health of India”, was given by Mrs. Raymond Sager. Mrs. Wayne Chesnut, Mrs. Clifford Fox. Mrs Wilbur Holcomb, Mrs. Art Hann and Mrs Vivian Coch- run Mrs. Irena Ogle gave a short reading on "Lenten Meditation’ Mrs. Dale Oarrtson. Mrs. Louisa i Mosier, Mrs. Ed. Pruyn and Mrs Ralph Beutler were In charge of the refreshments. Anna E. Goshert, Helen Oonyer, Nellie Powell. Maud Calvert and Cecile Ntnemtre C O U P LE S E N T E R T A IN E D Mr, and Mrs. R. O Whitaker entertained the members of the Young married couples club at toelr horn« last week. Ouests were Mr. and M rs Onurt Rinehart and Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Buchner High scores were won by Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Sallee.