mm PAGË Sflt ÎH Ë NYSâA GATE CITY JOURNAL, JtU JOURNAL'S SALE CALENDAR THURSDAY, MARCH LOCAL NEWS 26, 1942 VALLEY VIEW Valley View played baseball with I the Arcadia school Friday at Val- ! ley View Arcadia won by a score •alas listed by tha Oats City Biship Visits Here— Btshtp Stanley RcbMna of Og j cf 14 to 12. Journal fcr printing and publicity Kenneth and Dean Ireland en are advertised without charge to den, Utah Is visiting at the home roll'd at the Valley View school j of Mr and Mrs Robert McCurdy. the advertiser In the Ontario Argus. Th: foci WM reached to the club PROGRAM PRESENTED BY this week. The Ireland family has \ hope* soon to have the ceiling Payette Independent * Enterprise, Diseases Reported— SUNSET VALLEY GROUP purchased the Charles McCosh Five cases of mumps, one of the Malheur Enterprise of Vale. The Worth While club of Sun placed in the hall. Welser American. Cambridge Hews 1 tuberculosis and three of measles farm. Valley presented a program at ____ ___ The farmers are working early Reporter and Council Leader As were reported in Malheur county the Community hall last Friday CUTTING OUT DRESSES our sale calendar protects your during the week ending March 14. and late to get their fields ready evening DISCUSSER BY CLUBBERS date, consult us Immediately when The cases were reported by phy for beets and spring crops in this | The program conalated of plays. The Detente Helpers zmwnd year you plan a sale. sicians to the state department of neighborhood. ■kits, musical numbers and a 4-H club met Saturday at the health. Mrs. E C. Rees visited Mrs. N j reading. Most of the club members home of Sblrley Smith In Newell A. Peacock of Frultland Thursday j Tuesday. March 31. Sixteen miles Visiting In Payette— participated A Urge crowd was Heights under the leadership of westof Vale or six miles east cf E l Frost Is vi King in Payette while Mr Rees attended a sale at j present. Mrs. C. E EUict. Cutting out dres- Harper, directly west of the Little with hi; daughter and son-in-law, .New Plymouth. After the program prizes were ■5es was discussed Mothers of the Valley siding water tcwer, Little ! Mr and Mrs. C. C. McVicker. Mr. and Mrs Ben McCsnnel re- j presented to the following per girls were entertained end lunch Valley. Oregon. Six horses. 20 Lek. iin; Iras To Meet— turned Sunday evening from Wil was served by the girls. The next cattle. 2 hogs. 12 chickens, farm sons: A oe.ioi me itng cf representa- der, Idaho where they had visited j The quilt to Dr. Maulding of meeting will be held at the home machinery, household goofs Char j tives of the four American Legion Mr McCcnnel’s mother and broth- | Nyssa; the pillow cases to Mrs. of Patty DeHaven In Adrian April les A. Heater, owner. I posts in the county will be held John Ostrom of Nyssa; the dish 11. |M Friday, April 3. Six miles south In the Nys.a Legion hall tonight. Mrs. Clara Young spent the towels to Mrs Ernest Smith of - I - cf Welser or 12 miles north of Matters of interest to the com- week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Nysaa route one; the pillow and LEWIS HOME SCENE Ontario, V4 mile south of Highway munl les represented by the Leg Brc wn of Vale. cover to Mrs. Rateezyke of Nyssa FAMILY REUNION DINNER 30. Five horses. «1 cattle, grain ionnaires will be discussed. Charles S. Wyckoff returned to route two; and the pot holders to A family reunion dinner was and farm machinery. Roy Wrinkle, Holder Transferred— the A. A. Britton home Friday Shorty Cannon of Nyssa route two. served at the home of Mr. and owner. Paul E. Gilbert, former resident morning. He had been visiting his j The club wishes to thank all Mrs. Lloyd Lewis Sunday. l of Sun et valley, has been trans Iron. C. C. Wyckoff and family those who helped on the project Quests were Mr and Mrs. Carl Holman and «11 of Portland. Mr ferred by the arn y to Camp Bowie, Winfred Leffler of the Eastern and Mrs. Robert Holman and Texas. He said "we live in tents, Oregon College of Education spent daughter of Boise, Mrs. Hattie but that is net so bad. The weath the week-end at home with her Holman of Baker and Tommy. er is pretty hot here.” mother, Mrs. J R. Leffler. David and Marie Holman of Baker Returns From California— Mrs. George Stewart and Mis - I - Mr. and Mr F. W. Osterkamp Clyde Rowers gave a party In BNTERTAIN CHATTER CLUB have returned from North Holly Mrs Wallace Gregg entertained wood, where they lived fcr 15 lo o Late to Classify the Chatter Box club at her home months. They probably will remain “The People's Friend” NOTICE Wednesday afternoon Fifteen in Nyssa this summer. members were present. H ie next Hay Baler Wanted— EXPERIENCED farmer. 19 years For Greater Gasoline Economy, In Malheur county w Lilies to meeting will be held April 1 at An old-hashioned hay baler is Power and Mileage use the home of Mrs. Ed. Nielson. needed by the high school and lease or manage up to 80 acres. Leno Christensen, chairman of the Must be A-l land with water. If TUE8DAY CLUB MEETS salvage committee -.of the defense veu are drafted or In 111 health Mrs. Oecrge Sallee entertained council, for baling paper collect this is your chance to lease to an 1 the members of the Tuesday club ed for national defense. Anyone experienced farmer. Write, giving at her home this week Mrs. A having such equipment is asked details. A. D. Moss, Elgin, Oregon. 26m4xp | C. Sallee and Mrs. Sallee had high to contact high school officials. i scores. Two freight carloads are available FOR SALE- -15 acre tract 11, mile for shipment. northeast of Parma, paved road REBEKAH LODGE WILL Two sets of buildings, modern. In Examinations Close— j GIVE PARTY, PROGRAM The civil service commission has quire owner, Clara Merriam, Par The Rebekah lodge will give a announced March 31 will be the ma. 26m3xc party April 1 at 8:00 p. m In the closing date for receipt of appli I.O.O.F. hall. Pinochle and bunco cations for positions as regional FCR LEASE—*0 acres, l ' i mile will be played. east of Nyssa on highway. Will agent, trade and Industrial educa A program and short play will tion and special agent. Full infor give good terms. Inquire at Walt ARE DUE AND PAYABLE be presented and refreshments will mation may be secured at the post Johnsons, 1 mile east of Nyssa. F. be served. The public is Invited to office. W Osterkamp. 26mlxp — TO — attend. Parents of Girl— A small admission will be charg A. V. Cook, Chief of Police Mr and Mrs. Clifford C. Neilson ed. are the parents of a daughter bern March 21 at the Britingham home ATTEND DINNER HERE MALES $1.00 — — FEMALES $3.00 Miss Frances Foster, Bob Lang, in Ontario. Miss Laura Thomas and Miss Ed Motor To Boise— Mrs. Ralph Beutler, Mrs. A1 ith Rydholm. all from the Nazar- ene College at Nampa, took Sunday Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Al dinner with Miss Foster’s parents. bert Ebsen motored to Boise Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster. Here From Salem— CLUB ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ebsen of SATURDAY NIGHT Mrs R. O. Larson entertained Salem spent the week-end with the Thursday bridge club at her Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler. March 28 home last week. Mrs. A. C. Sallee Examiner Coming— and Mrs. Ralph Eyre were guests A traveling examiner of operat at 9 o’clock HAS LEASED THE High scores were won by Mrs ors and chauffeurs is scheduled to Artie Robertson and Mrs. E. D be in the city hall in Nyssa April CORNELL Norco tt 1 from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Adrian Beats Roswell— BOWLING . Take« Portland Job— EAGLES The Adrian baseball team de Miss Eleanor Foster, daughter of feated Roswell Friday by a score ALLEYS Mr. and Mrs W. W. Fostsr, has of 12 to 9 in the first game for HALL accepted a position In the Alber both teams. tina Kerr nursery home in Port Tout! Joins Air Corps— land. Joe Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson who has been Ernie Troxal and his attending Oregon State college, Open every night from 6 p. m. on and all has joined the navy air corps and Orchestra is now on furlough until he is Not only wearing out of day Saturdays and Sundays. called. set Inland OH Co O regon Chief Gasoline 'og Licenses Eagles Dance Tom Eldredge tire* can put a ear out of ENJOY use but dam age due to ac Clean Sport IN A Clean Place Phona 108 ran sam e re ulls. the Insurance ears. Bernard Eastman PROGRAM Real Estate THEATRE Phon« 84 NYSSA — DOUBLE FEATURE — FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 27 - 28 Gracie Allen, William Post, Jr., Paul Kelly in “MR AND MRS. NORTH” Roy Rogers and Gabby Hays in “SOUTH OF SANTA FE” Bat Mat . 2 30 P. M . Adm. Bc-30c; Evening, lte-SSe. laalndea tex SUNDAY and MONDAY, MARCH 29 30 Hedv I^amarr, Robert Young, Ruth Hussey, Van Helfin, and Charles Coburn in “H. M. PULHAM ESQUIRE” The celebrated best seller by John Marquand becomes the season’s best picture. Mat produre still restores wreck-dam aged MAIN STREET NEXT TO POST OFFICE NYSSA cident 3:»0 Adm. llo-3>c. Evening Adaa. lto-O a, — BARGAIN NIGHT — TUESDAY, MARCH 31 taa Loretta Young. Conrad Veidt, John Shepperd “MEN IN HER LIFE” , le-Me. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, APRIL 1-2 Charlie McCarthy. Edgar Bergen, Fibber Mc Gee and Molly, Lucille Ball, Dorothy Lovett “LOOK WHO’S LAUGHING’’ Comedy, Sports and News AdaUaslon Evening — lie and Me. Including Defect«* Tax OREGON $ m ce The peace that our departed know can not be felt by those hare What we ran contribute to the peace of mind of those who are grieved la tha aiaur- ance of dignity and good taste, and as reasonable an ex pends as ta possible Pleaw let us help you NYSSA FUNERAL HOME GROCERY SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, March 27 and 28 Tomato Soup Campbells 3 can«.... Tomato Juice Ä "8 Corn All flavors 3 packages Gold Bar 14 OZ. bottles. Each 21/» cans 2 for Cream sty le 3 can« Peas 3 cans Jello Catsup Hominy String Beans Coffee Coffee Starch 3 c .„ . Gold Bar vacuum packed 1 lb can« ... Gold Bar vacuum packed 2 tb can« Faultless 2 packages Orval Hickman WE ARE OPEN FROM 9 to 7 p. m. WAR TIME 25c 73c ?l)c 15c 19c 31c 31c 31c 30c 59c 19c Wilson Grocery NYSSA A Dependable Food Store OREGON honor of Donald Bowers Friday More than 232,000 tone of scrap at the Stewart home. Quests were raug have been left Imbedded in Alta Jane Taylor, Kathryn and clty streeta of the United States Paul Lucero, Loren Sevey^ Viola Mtlmated Plans are being Kyter. Ina Brown, and Jerry Han- ey. The Bowers family ia movur» . made to salvage this kcrap for to the Arcadia district. i national detent« NOTICE Starting April 1 Polar Cold Storage Will Be Open The F ollowing Hours WEEK DAYS 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. SUNDAYS 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.