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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1942)
THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, Sunset Valley Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pcmeroy of Burley, Idaho spent Sunday with his brother, Ted Pomeroy, and Mrs.. Pomeroy Mr. and Mrs. L E. Newgen spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen of Wilder. George Brotzrr an of Scotts Bluff Nebraska, arrived here Monday foi a visit with his brother, Clarence Brotzman, and family. He returned Wednesday, taking a load of goods with him. Mrs. Charles Ditty and Tressa visited Tuesday with Mrs. Evelyn Kimball of Ontario. Mrs. Oeorge Wilson entertained a few friends at her home Tuesday evening In observance cf her hus band's birthday anniversary. Gifts were presented to Mr. Wilson. Sandwiches and cake were served. Mrs. Clarence Brctzman and son, Qary, Mrs. Boyd Query and Tressa Ditty spent Thursday In Caldwell attending an all-day fel lowship meeting of the Assembly of God churches. Mrs. A. R Roberts, who was quite 111 for the past two weeks, is able to be up again. A special meeting of the ladles auxiliary was held Tuesday after noon at the home of Mary New gen to make plans for packing boxes to be mailed to army boys from this district. About »30 was cleared for the fund at the bene fit dance. Mrs. E. J. Hobion accompanied her brother-in-law to Portland on Tuesday of last week for a few days’ visit with her mother. Mike Rataeyzk made a t business trip to EUensburg, Washington, his former home, to sell his potato crop, and bring back a load of machinery. He returned the first ;f this week. Mrs. Charles DUty. Mrs. Boyd Query and Mrs. George Wilson made a business trip to Ontario Monday. The program given Friday night In the count unity hall wa* well attended. The quilt was won by Dr. Mauldlng of Nyssa, lire second prize to Mrs. Ostrcm of Nyssa, third prize by Mrs. Ernest Smith of Mitchell Butte, fourth prize by Mrs. Rataeyzk and fifth prize fo W. T. Cannon, both of Sunset Valley. A total of $67 was received. The Union Sunday schocl will hold an all-day meeting March 29. In celebration of its first year of Sunday school. Classes will be held at 11:30 mountain war time, after which a basket lunch will be served. In the afternoon a Sunday school worker from the Nazarene College of Nampa will give a mes sage, followed by election of o f ficers for the coming year. Every one in or out of the community Is welcome. Members of the Worthwhile club were entertained Thursday at the home of Mable Gueck. The next meeting will be held with Beth Pomeroy April 5. Treosa Ditty, Phyllis Case and Mrs. C. A. Ditty were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans of Apple Valley. / ? = ------------------------— - -------a--------- ------------------------------- --------------------^ Uncle Sam Says WE CAN ONLY SELL GAS 12 HOURS IN ANY ONE DAY! ONLY 72 HOURS IN ANY ONE WEEK! Our 12 hour day will begin at 10 a. m. and close at 10 p. m., Mountain War Time. OUR GAS PUMPS WILL BE CLOSED EACH WEDNESDAY Our Grocery will be open the same as usual E A S T S ID E M A R K E T Cr S E R V IC E S T A T IO N 2 BU LÄ PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Palm Sunday: 10 a. m. Divine services. This Is •he annua! confirmation and re- tinicn Sunday. The pastor will de liver a sermon on "Christ's Love For The Church." Holy commun ion will be celebrated. 11 a. m. Sunday school and Bi ble classes for all. 1:15 p. m. The Lutheran Hour over KFXD. Good Friday 8:30 p. ir . We in vite you to meet with us at the church to commemorate the death of Je=us Christ, our Lord. Sermon: "The I.N.R.I.” Easter sunrise service and Easter services will be announced in next weeks' Journal. “Come thou with us and we will I do tliee good.” A. L. LINDBECK 16 NOW cords per carload. Immediate delivery. Save M o n ey Green Slab Wood, delivered now by the car load for next winter’s use, ia the thriftiest, most economical fuel you can buy. Divide the car and cost with one or more neighbors. You’ll all save money! Conserve Coal Defense calls for conservation of our nat ural resources. Coal is one of them. Slab Wood, on the other hand, is a by-product. Using it for fuel is 100% conservation! A id Transportation Civilians have been asked to lay in winter fuel now to relieve pressure on railroads during winter months. You can help defense in this small way, and save money, to° : bY getting complete information on green Slab Wood by the carload at— lB@CgB ESSfEWB LU M B E R SALEM, Ore—Veteran observers of political events about the Capi tol are agreed that the crop of candidates developed in the pre- primary campaign to date is one of the smallest in recent Oregcn history. With more than 100 state offices to fill only 80 candidates had filed up tao Saturday night. While many more will have volun teered their services before this appears In print the prospects are that there will still be many vac ancies, especially for legislative seats, when filing time closes at 5:00 p. m. next Tuesday. Even if the customary last-day stampede Is repeated this year it is hardly probable that the total of filings will approach that of 1940 when 417 men and women were entered in the race for state offices, or that of 1938 when 423 candidates filed. So far only one candidate has filed for each of the three posts to be filled on the supreme bench. The same situaticn prevails with respect to the offices of attorney general, labor commissioner and superintendent of public Instruc tion while In many of the legisla tive districts no candidate of either party had filed. Secretary of State Snell has an nounced that the doors c f his of fice will be closed to candidates promptly at 5:00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon although any who are in the office at that time will be permitted to complete their filing and declarations sent in by mail and bearing a postmark prior to that hour will be accepted as meet ing the requirements. CASTES is APRIL W pTj Q C Ô . ^ ID A H O POW E R & LDQ P H O N E 20 S IO E S M IT H NYSSA, OREGON is the place to shop hr EASTER GIFTS Sunday 10:15 a. m. Priesthood meeting. Sunday 11:30 a. m. Sunday schocl. Sunday 8:00 p. m. Sacrament meeting. Tuesday 2:00 p. m. Relief society meeting. Tuesday 8:00 p. m. M. I. A. meeting. Wednesday 5:15 p. m. Primary meeting. The annual ward reunion will be held tonight at 8:30. Everyone welcome. Alberta Valley Protected Your automobile is one of your most costly and useful is stolen think "CHOCOLATES Choose from our grand display of luster buskats and o g g * . . . beauti fully Gaiter decoratod packages, Including Am erica's favorite, the famous Whitman’s S A M P L E *, $1.50 to $7 !0 . . . W hitman's F A IR H IL L pjpularlv priced favorite . . . and oilier delicious Whitman's leiec* iions! *MllR »2.00 Nyssa Pharmacy rifled Cali Frank Morgan to Frank Morgan y 1': 7 I n * By the Fighting Farmers of America Now as never before in the history of our country, the fanner has been called upon to produce food for our fighting forces. Creameries too, are doing their the best foods— foods that are part for National Defense. It’s necessary for the health o f the a vital pail that members of nation’s fighting forces— on the th e Co-Operative production line at home, or the Creamery are playing. It means firing line abroad— foods such keeping America strong, with as SUNSHINE products. Fanners Centralization of operation, such as to insurance. day. we now have, permits the members of the Farmers Co-operative Creamery a greater return; it mean» more savings of all eler. ents vital to national defense, it is co-operation with America at i>\i# time when every JOHNSTON'S CHOCOLATES to or about Easter Specials Luscious cream*. fruits, nuts, coated with delicious chocolate. Packpd In special Easter flft boxes Per fect fer giving. possessions. Don’t wait till after It quest of military authorities, has I banned night clam digging or any [ other activity that involve; the use of lights on the beach. Further more the sale and use of fireworks cf all kinds have been banned In , Oregon for the duration. Prcspect that Oregon may have I to ferego its annual state fair this 11 year was soonTAOe..-xet-w5y3-7A- year was seen when J. D. Mickle, director of the state department | of agriculture, announced that the fair would not be able to operate , if revenues from the dog races [ w re cut off. The fair's share cf | those racing revenues last year ( amounted to »30,000. Without this money Mickle said, it would not be possible to pay the premiums usually offered to exhibitors in the various departments. In spite of the fact that defer ment from military services Is be ing granted to farm workers there is still a serious shortage of men for werk on the farms due to heavy enlistments amoung farm boys and to the migration of hun- I deeds of men from farms to the j | cities to take better paying Jcbs ' in defense Industries, according to i | Colonel Elmer V. Wooten, state I director of selective service. While J there appears to be plenty of core- ( mon labor for farm work, Wooten } | said, the shortage Is in men who are able to repair ad operate farm j machinery. ARE YOU Food for Our Fighters L. D. S. CHURCH 60c Nyssa FIRST f HRISii.YN rni'K J.,1. (Church of Christ) • f; J. s. Beem. Mlnltter , Bible scliiml at 10 is. nr. Communion worship at 1J a .m Eveirliur Service at 7:4a,p. .m. .. j The public Is cordially invited • , every individual is part c f the defense program. •Tbere's a yard near you Phone 15 P Â O Ë t lV E ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunset Valley M. H. Greenlee, Pastor Pastor, Clarence Brotnnan Church school opens promptly ai Sunday schccl at 9:45. Claeses fer | 11 a m. Mountain War time Tnere all. Mrs C. Brotzman, superintea •. I is a class for each age group. Jent. Morning wore hip is at 12 o'clock Morning worship at 11 o'clock. neon. The Methodist Youth Fel Evengchstlc services at 7:45. lowship meets at 8 p. m. in two Mid-week prayer meeting Wed- \ divisions. Evening worship Is at nesday at 8 p. m. 9 p. m. The services today will | conclude the special revival s;h esj F I R S T C H I R C H Ol ( |IR)S| of services. The pastor will bring SCIENTIST the message both morning and 215 North 9fh Street I r el'e That evening. Prayer service will be held i A brunch of The M 'her Church at the church Wednesday evening I The First Church ul Chi i t. Scient at 9 p. m. is t. In Srston Mu ui > ■ dts Sunday School in 00 a m. CHURCH OF T1IE NAZARENE n ndinc Ri-«:n 7m l«t Av,- North. Open unilv from 2 I M p. m Vern Martin, Pastor where the Pille end m horlzed Christian 8c eore T iter tnr. in.iv be Sunday schocl at 10 a. m. Cla ses read, borrowed or purchased. and is i pen ev rv dnv from two to four for every age. Morning worship at 11 a . m. Pas n m evoent Sundays and Ivlidnvs. tor in charge of the service. Junior meeting at 7 p. m. in the parsonage. Young People's service at 7 p. m. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Message by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 8:00. Missionary meeting tire first Thursday afternoon of each month. All are invited to these services. E. A. Wimp finished electric wir- | lng in the homes c f the following persons the past week: Russel Pat ton, E. E. Crocker, Charles Crlt- ton and Ralph Jones. Ronald Jensen Is 111 and unable to attend school. Ouests at the O. Z. Matthews heme Sunday Included Mr. and Mrs. Avery Grear, and Gerald Oregon's bonded debt which hit Patton of Payette. a high of »66.062.810 on January 1, Miller Jensen's daughter of 1928, will be down to »29.648,235 Blackfoot. Idaho, Is here for a an April 1. On that date State weeks’ .visit with her parents Treasurer Scott will pay off »1,- O Z Matthews and Jesse Bar 975,000 In highway bonds and | ker were business visiters In Mai- : *700,000 In Oregon veterans' state hrur Sunday. Ilia Botner ‘.everly injured her 1 1 aid bonds. finger Sunday while preparing din- . 1 It will no longer be possible to ner. Mrs. Mary Plercfe attended the slip up on the elusive Clara In the da rk - that is not until the war j Pi ntecostal fellowship meeting In | ends. Governor Sprague, at the re-1 Caldwell Thursday. COMPANY Dwight Smith, Manager U ) 12 THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Mr. and Mrs. Llcyd N. Pounds, pasters. Snnday school March 29. Sub ject: "A Oocd Name” 10:30 a. m. We are now In the last three weeks of a seven-weeks Sunday school oontest—come and get your name In VICTORY Morning worship at 11:30. Sub ject “The Crucible Experience.” Evening evangelistic message: “H ie Dcceltfulness of the Human Heart.' 8:30 p. m. Friday, March 27. Subject: “The seven-fold attributes of Christ." Saturday, March 28. Subject "The Need of The Holy Ghost.” We are In the second week of the revival with Dr. C. W. Phllleo of Portland. The meeting will pos- lbly continue this week ana next. Afternoon Bible studies are be ing conducted at 3 p. m. and the ,cla?s Is Increasing as well as in terest. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL MISSION 10:30 Church service. 11:30 Sunday school. 36 , KINGMAN KQLONif | I>t us print your envelopes, states Sunday School to oo a. m. Mr . M L. Kurtz Supennt ndent. ! cents, letterheads, etc. The Oate Worship 11 a m. . j Uity Journal. Eh,leaver 7 gi ...» » Evening Worship 8:30,Pf-iq. VUiitaieib or outers Invereatea m cnurcii puDiicity «ire invited 10 us* tiie columns of the Journal to carry Important messages and noticr f.o their congregations Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday *• •ach week ® S T A T t0 CAPITAL NEWS Order TH U R SD AY, M ARCH armers {jo-operative SUNSHINE BUTTER, ICE CREAM, CHEESE industry,