Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, March 26, 1942, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Or*gdft Trail -
Mr and Mrs Willard Bartles were
hosts at a Sunday evening dinner
In honor of their daughter. Mrs.
Jim Jchrscn of Soncma. Califor­
nia. Ooasts were Mr. and Mrs
Howard Mullen cf CaldweU. Mr
and Mrs. A. W. Andrews of Notus,
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bartles and
Children of Arena Valley and Mr.
and Mrs John Pritchard. Mrs.
Johnson ahd children left Monday
for their home alter spending six
nr »aim with her parents and other
Mrs. George Ames of Errmett
and Mrs. Cora Grlffen of Wenat­
chee. Washington were Monday
afternoon visitors of their cousin,
Mrs. Fred Rumpel.
Mr and Mrs. R. Slippy of Owy­
hee. and Mr. and Mrs. Ollbert
Toll and children were Sunday
dinner guesU at the Ray Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vader of
Hagerman, Idaho, were Thursday
night guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Mae Lytle and Mildred.
Lee Harris and BUI Harris of Ros­
well were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr and Mrs. Denver Glenn.
BIU Kurtz and Miss Idamary
Prouty of Newell Heights, were
Thursday evening callers In the
McLaughlin and Graham homes.
Charles Buran
visited from
Tuesday untU Saturday with his
mother, Mrs. Carl Graham. He
left Saturday for Boston
Mrs Herman Weick, Sr, was
hostess at a dinner Monday night
for Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Schmidt
and famUy of Parma.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Miller were
Sunday visitors of their mother.
Mrs. Minnie Miller, at Lakevlew.
Mr and Mrs. Nick Howerton
and daughter, Shirley, of Boise,
and Mr. and Mrs. Denver Glenn
and family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Lar­
Ten Davis played baseball with
Notus last Wednesday at Notus
and won by a score of 25 to 16.
Word received from Donald Her-
mo stated that he la still at Camp
Lowry, Denver. David Bay Is on
coast guard duty In Oregon.
Miss Elizabeth Weick spent Fri­
day night with her cousins, Miss
Roedels, at Marble Front.
J. B. Newport, state agriculture
commissioner, and Mrs. Newport
have moved from Boise to their
farm home.
The Owyhee community club
met with Mrs. Earl Strickland
Thursday with Mrs. Charles Cul­
bertson assisting After the busi-
ness meeting, ln which a bazaar
was planned to be held the Satur­
day before Easter at the Skinner
store, a shower of bridal gilts
waa given by club members and
friends to Mrs. Clara Skinner
Nicholson. Mrs. O. L.
and Doris KUngback were also
shower hostesses. The bride re­
ceived lovely gifts. A lunch of
salad, wafers, cake and coffee
were served.
Rev. Krlner of Payette held
preaching services after Sunday
school on the fourth Sunday of
the month.
Charles Huffman of Stanfield
has been visiting his sister, Mrs.
Lynn Kygar, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bergam and
family of Hermiston have moved
to the house on the lower Kllng-
back ranch.
If You Are Interested In a
“Career in Beauty
Nampa. Idaho
for complete details. There
are openings for girls to
earn their tuition
The Oregon Trail P.T.A. met .at
the school house Friday after­
noon. Miss Hyde had charge of
the program. America" was sung
by Bennie Kresslsy and Margene
Gardner, accompanied by Donna
te e WUson on the violin and
Yfr*. Bud Wilson on the piano. A
group cf third grade pupils drama-
ilaed the story of "The Homeless
Dog.’’ Ducky Darley, Bennie Kres-
sly and Kenneth Snodgrass sang
a song. The Virginia reel was dan­
ced by Betty Ann Boeing. Marian­
ne Relk, Betty Alice Byers, Bon­
nie Kressly. Jack Chard, Melvin
Smith, Larry Holmes and Dickie
Hart. New officers will be elected
at the April meeting. Mrs. Rook-
stcol, Mrs. Varble and Mrs. Loyd
Adams were appointed as mem­
bers of a nominating committee
Mrs. Fry wUl present the April
Miss Jean Hyde visited at her
home In La Grande over the
•Mr. and Mrs. Tarvald Olson
visited In Ontario Friday after-
Mrs. H. H. Whitman returned to
m any pay he n-lght git, 8«#l hll
(allow men gathered up and held
Tom Nordale
Jimmie Miller and family who
live south of Parma visited Mr
Miller’s father and the E. R. And­
erson family Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Paul Baker. Mrs. F. J.
Cahill and Mrs. J. E. Keyser at­
tended the regular meeting of the
Just-A-Mere club at the home of
Mrs. Glenn Suiter Friday after­
Mr. and Mrs. Orvll Hickman and
family were Sunday dinner guests
at the Charlie Castellaw hime in
Mr. Slater and his hay chopping
crew of New Plymouth are chop­
ping hay on the E. R. Anderson
ranch for Mr. Mandolia.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Norris of
Notus and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell
Webster of Nyssa were Sunday
evening visitors at the Carl Se­
bum home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keyser at­
tended the funeral of Mr. Keyser’s
cousin ln Payette Tuesday.
Mont Corbett spent Sunday with
Paul Herring ln Nyssa.
Vernon Walker and little step­
son of Payette stopped at the
home of his sister. Mrs. E. R. An­
derson Saturday. Mr. Walker will
leave the first of the week for
Hermiston where he has employ­
Mrs. Wilma Sherman of San
Francisco, ls visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pullen.
Mrs. Joe Oodr entertained at a
birthday dinner Thursday evening
for her husband and their grand­
son, Dickie Codr, whose birthdays
fall on the same day. Other guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Codr. Jr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gygar.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Slippy and
daughters, Carol and Sharon, were
Sunday guesU ln the Charles Cul­
bertson home.
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow en­
tertained at dinner Sunday for
Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Calhoun, Mrs.
Martha KUngback, Doris and Fred
and George Gregg.
Mrs. Alta Oordan returned to
her home at Vale after spending
a week at the home of her par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brad­
Mrs Lewis Skinner Is 111.
Mrs. T. M. Lowe, who is In the
Ontario hospital with a broken
hip. ls reported as doing well.
Totorla brothers have been mov­
ing their sheep from their winter
feeding ground near the Owyhee
school, by truck to the Jordan Val­
ley vicinity.
in providing this specialized service
Car Conservation I
in administering it
d e p en d a b ly , the w ord* to rem em b er a r e : See your
local Chevrolet deafer. . . .
C h e vro le t o rig in ated the
" C a r C o n servatio n P la n ," an d ha is a sp ecialist in "C a r
C o n serv a tio n ." . . . He gives skilled , re lia b le , econom ical
service on al! m akes of cars r n d t r u c k s .. . . S ee him to d a y
— seo him at reg u la r in te rv a ls—If you w an t your car to
" it s
The Oregon State Motor associa­
tion urges auto owners to store their
anti-freeze t h i s spring to guard
against possible shortage next winter.
The motor association has been acl-
v'sed by the OPA that ethylene glycol
— the “permanent” anti-freeze — is
among the chemicals needed for war
industries, explosives and in the rad­
iators of tanks and airplanes.
Anti-freeze should be drained
from the radiator and put into air­
tight bottles or cans that will not rust
and stored in a cool corner off the
tb rcu r;h .”
A s k a b o u t lb,- *• ii/jfi t r . ’rf??. L o m - d n r r v p j m en L* a n d
m m
- u rm a o n p a rts a n d s o rv k * .
A/zi-cys see your local
We will gladly help you with
your anti-freeze problems.
for the War Period
on an y car c r trut'c
Electric Welding — Reboring — Valve
Grinding — Wheel Alignment Service
"C A R C O N S !* VAT? O N " l O O U
T - f t il
Y o u m a y re c e iv e m c o p y o f t h is u s e fu l Isooklet fro m y o u r
C h e v r o le t d e a le r , or by w r itin g to - C h e v r o le t M o to r
D iv isio n , G e n e ra l M o to r s C o r p o r a tio n . A -227 G e n e ra !
M o to rs B u ild in g . D e t r o i t . M ic h .
Lathe Work — Parts — Accessories
For all m otorist* w ho w an t to k e e p th e ir cars servin g
IB m R
Bo Arranged
• * LEADER * ;
R. P. Duncan
Convenient Payments Can
Mr. and Mr*. Tommy 0|U h*v<
moved from the Fred Leir place
to the Rivervlew district.
as "Hostages" to be shot down
Forty were present at church
Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller
wholesale when some of those
By The Happy Fanner
and Sunday school Sunday. A
. . Ford
. , arrived home
By Monday morning the mumps ' Independents" just cculdn’t stand pedal number was given by the visited Mr and Mrs. John Snow
ln Nyssa Saturday evening.
urday night from Milton, where he were at least tottlng „ e „et 0ut to it any longer and handed justice to
young people’s class After Sunday
Mrs. Zack Walker and baby of
had been with his grandparent. I
wh>t the wcrld ls dolng „ i some "Hitlerite”.
since last sumrtier
j e.an-t really go t: work yet. Tls an
What d-es
Frenchman school. Rev. Daniel of Ontario gave Nyssa spent the week-end with
Mrs. Olen Butter was hostecs , wind that blows no good. Had lot think? How many of them w.uld a message. Mrs. Daniel sang a s:lo Mrs. Walker’s brother, Sam Cald­
like to get down on Jheir knees accompanied on the piano by Mrs. well, and family.
tc the Just-A-Mere club at her I tjme f0 r?ad apd think. Read an
Sonny Oroct, small son of Mr.
home Friday afternoon with 10 | artfclc ln our i00al paper (frequen- and beg us "Free” “Independent’’ Bill Stewart.
Mr and Mrs. Denver Lay and and Mrs. Jake Groot, was Injured
members and one visitor pre ent t,y thpy c. ntain a reai cremi that Americans to at least have horse
last week when his tricycle be­
The door prize was won by Eliza- should |v rc2d bv minions; called sense and forget our grabbing
beth Keyser. The next meeting ' -W inder What a Frenchman think" selfishness and cooperate at least Powers, Oregon, arrived here last j came entangled ln a manure
week and moved onto the Olen spreader wheel, throwing him un­
will be held with Sara Gaham. |
years ago llie Frenchman for the duration cf the war.
Why does Labor have to grab Lay place.
der the spreader and cutting a
Each member ls requested to pro- , h;ld freedom .we brag ab ut our
Glen Dowers has rented the C. bad gash in his legs. He was taken
vide a plant or bulb for the an- freptjr r .
Frpnch really had while grabbing ls g: d? Why does
to a doctor for medical treatment.
nual plant exchange.
‘i t ” with tmohasls on the big "I". the Farm Bloc have to hold up
Mr and Mrs. Jess Ford enter- ?. ¡t'i e oha'ls cn the big "I" everything to try to grab? Why year.
Clarence Barrett and George
tained nine couples at a pino- i -r :nd carpal where to pet off does the construction
outfits on
Moeller built a fence around the
chle party Saturday night.
| or e’ ’ r - i ol told industry m ilitary J l;s have to make It cost
Twenty ladies were present. The Arcadia school grounds Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Morris ef where
net cf: and It got off all possible so as to mearly add business meeting was called to
The Farmer family has moved
Notus were callers at the Dave cr else. Fcli-I
told the pe-ple the "plu " onto cest plus? Ask order by the president. The secre­ from the island in Snake river to
Beers home Sunday.
; Gne cabinet w '«h d its hands and j the boys working on those jobs.
tary's report and roll call were Nyssa.
Mr and Mrs Roger Tucker were stepped nut. "Let some m e try it ; In the Almighteys eyes Is Fran- given by the secretary. Thirty three
Sunday dinner guests at ti e Her- * '•h,Y ”
“Indepen- ces lesson worth more to them
pennies were received in the penny
bert Fischer home.
den-e” up to the very last, while than if cost? Oh let us take drill. Refreshments were served
, ,,,
Hitler laughed. Wouldn't even al- heede while it is still today.
Mrs. Glen Suiter and Clarence
As Hit-
Fvrr..nnP is runnlng ar3und ln by the hostess. Mrs. Lloyd Orris
and Mrs. George Moeller. The next
were Sunday dinner guests at the
wn:kod in the frant door the
EvPrjnnP * rUnnlnK
high now getting their crops in
nun r of
ui their
wMn and
mi i aunt.
. Mrs. Frenchman stepped ojj tthe back ,., ^ f ,, af . i, very late spring meeting will be held April 2 with
Mary and Sylvia Roth as hostes­
Manford Stimmel at Hcmedale. I n ........... J r .
ln ■
s>Jlce 01
the afternoon Mrs. Suiter and Mr.-. I wly To hPck with ,hpm thaU — sf cf these Hollr.witers are get- ses.
their hard luck.”
ling their crops in early. An early
Mrs. Charles Barnhart and son
Stimmel drove to Boise to visit
Where is F rances independence; Rrain crop wilh the same care of Elgin spent the week-end with
teday? Fourty hour week? Double wiU out yield a ]ate one We won’t her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hickey and with her husband who
is employed at the Ontario air­
occasion being her 13th birthday
• ■ capital
. . . . be willing
What would
to | Chuck Sin re was drilling grain port. Mrs. Barnhart will teach
Look over our stock
Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholema do new If they only had a little Monday. Mr. Drydale, on the Chet 1 the Lincoln school this year.
attended a pinochle party at the to do with? And politics? If they Sage place has had six or eight
of Bedroom Suite*.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris receiv­
Jess Ford home Saturday evening.1 n'v could have a chance to come icres cf grain In for a ccuple cf ed word from their son, Keith, who
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hershey of I back and wasli up a bit.
We have a splendid
veeks end has ten or twelve more , left here some time ago, that he
Nyssa spent Friday at the Dave | New the "Humble" French man in now.
I is employed in a lumber mill in |
Beers home.
i sets down in the gutter and lets
Young CorHeld. on Jim Trum- Portland.
Mrs. Harold Anderson of N ys-1 the conquer swagger by. He works
Arcadia and Valley View played
sa visited Friday at the home o f ; seven days per week and exists
grain ln for some time. Elza Nic- ball Friday oin the Valley View
her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. G l e n _______________________________ um will have his twenty acres | diamond. The score was 14 to 12
Suiter, and attended the meeting
i in favor of Arcadia.
Betty Jean To mb spent Sun­ f new land in the time this ls in
of the Just-a-Mere club.
day afternoon and night as a •mint.
Ru'sle Howell and Claud Brit­ spent Sunday in Nyssa.
guest of Joyce Kurtz of Newell
ton both got started to tcurning
Those who attended the meet­
K ingm an K olony Heights.
Nadine Wilson was a week-end th* soil among the first ones. But ing of the Cloverleaf sewing club
The Kingman Pinochle club met guest of Marjorie Ilite in Owyhee, it takes Doc Raffington to really were Donna Goodele, Idaleen, Alo­
at the home of Mrs. Raymond Hol­
Miss Jeanette Martin of CaldweU set the pace for us. Dec says that ha and Madelina Maw. The meet­
Phone 94
ton Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Har­ spent the week-end with her par­ he is the youngest one in Cow ing was held at the home of their ’
vey Holton played with members. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mar­ Hdlcw. He says “you are just leader, Mrs. John Ridder.
as old as you feel.”
Mrs. Conrad Martin received high tin.
Our hay supply keeps looking
score prize and Mrs. Harvey Hol­
Mrs. Mary Nichols left Sunday
ton received the traveling prize. mc*ning to visit her daughter, worse and worse and this late
The hostess served refreshments. Mrs. Elmer Frank of Los Angeles. spring is not helping much. Our
Mr and Mrs. Wade Nichols o f ! newly organized cattle association
The Home Economics club of
the Kingman Grange met at the Ontario are the parents of a boy j Uas turned their range cattle out
home of Mrs. Wesley Piercy Wed­ born March 18. The boy has been ch the °ld grass,
You get quality that is
nesday for an all-day meeting to named Kenneth Doaw. Mr. and I The old grass Ls very plentiful
Mrs. Nichols are former residents anc' makes pretty good feed too
work on a quilt.
supreme . . . Service that
| fcr dry cattle. In fact many of the
The second year 4-H sewing club of the Kolony.
is unbeatable . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newbill, who | farmers are using dry grass right
girls entertained their mothers at
a party at the home of Shirley recently sold their ranch, have nnw to "fill in ln the absence
beyond comparison. Come
Smith ln Newell Heights. Mrs. bought the Alvon McGinnis place cf hay. It doesn’t boost the butter
fat production much but we hope
Wesley Piercy and Mrs. William in Newell Heights.
in and judge for yourself.
Dorothy Toomb spent Saturday to soon have new gras pasture.
Toomb attended from the Kolony.
Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb night with Irma Points in Ad­
and sen. Richard, and C. M. Beau­ rian.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McConnell
mont were In Ontario on busi­
Those who attended the party
ness Monday.
of Nyssa visited Mr. and Mrs. held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Ford cf Nyssa Heights were
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin Herbert Shaw Sunday.
shopi>ed ln Caldwell Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton and Mr. and Mrs. David Mitchell. Mr.
Joyce Kurtz of Nowell Heights family were ln Caldwell Friday. and Mrs. Orland Cheldelin, Mr.
spent Tuesday night with Arlene
Nadine Nichols. Nadeen Wilson and Mrs. Lloyd Adams and Mr.
Piercy and help’d her celebrate and Kenneth Elliott met with and Mrs. Harlan Maw.
Dorothy Toomb Sunday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Riggs and
her 11th birthday.
Mrs. Fail Parker of Newell to plan the entertainment for the Roland and Rnymrnd of Parma
Heights. Mrs. Wesley Piercy and 4-H club party to be held at the were Sunday visitors at the H
Mrs. Arthur Cartwright dreve to Boulevard Grange hall Saturday V. Maw home.
New Plymouth Tuesday afternoon, j evening, March 28.
Mr. and Mrs Orland Cheldelin
arTJ ¥ s£i-,B jru n sirs r - r
Mrs. Hans Wurl has been ill
Gilbert Hclmes made a business
trip to Nampa Friday.
John Bowen ls operating a drag
line near Parma.
Prepare your car
. City a n é Sia la
Cables Chevrolet Company
Phone 62
Ontario, Oregon