Classified Advertising THE NV88A PATE CITV JOURNAL. THÜfiSDAV, MAKCH 2ent FOR SA L E -2 choice lots o n ; Doc Pullen, Art Mayes, William meved to their new home this Satisfaction guaranteed or money two row cultivator attachment. In­ Saturday night and Sunday at Park eve. E.C. Crandall. Phone Orr, and Emory Hobson, all of Rt. week. the home of her parents. back! quire Fr.d Suttcn. Weiser, Idaho, 08-R1. 19ra4xp 1, Nyssa, Oregon. route 3. 19m2xp Mr. and Mrs. John Pennington W. F. JACKSON Fred Sims of Caldwell spent Wednesday at Register. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE—Household furniture the parental. George Pennington I For Rent Inquire Journal office. 5mtfe NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL home. The Wade PTA will meet April ESTATE BABY CHICKS—For delivery every FOR RENT The farmer's meeting will be 3 at the home of Mrs. F. A. Miller. P h o n e 26 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 2 n d a n d G o o d Ave. Wednesday and Saturday. For HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. 8Jtfc héld each third Thursday even­ Anyone in the district is invited to that the undersigned Douglas M. attend. A covered dish lunch will information and prices come in or ing of the month Hereafter, in­ write Thompson’s Ontario Hatch­ FOR RENT—Six room house. In­ McDonald, Administrator of the stead of the second Saturday even­ be served at noon. Mrs. Walker Bishop and Miss quire Star Hotel. 12ftfc estate of Elizabeth J. McDonald, ing of each month. ery. Box 578 Ontario, Oregon. 5ftf. Angela Hickman attended a deceased, from and after April Mr. and Mrs. Orval Green went shower at the heme of Mrs. Roy FOR SALE — White rose potatoes- FOR RE N T—Kelhy house. Either 17th 1942. will proceed to sell at furnished or unfurnished. See private sale and in separate par­ to Baker fer a load of lumber Wilson in Arena Valley Friday 75c hundred bulk. Inquire Leslie evening, in honor cf Miss Mary cels the following described real Friday. Frank T. Mcngan. lDmtfc Schafer, Kingman Kolony. 5ftf< Geraldine Pettet has been con­ Ann Aten. California. 19m4xp estate and all of the right, title Several cases of three-day meas­ FOR SALE—Big team shire mares and interest of said deceased there­ fined to her home with an ab­ les have been reported in the 3 and 5. broken gentle. $300. Neil scessed ear. She is improved. in, to wit: i or Sale Dimmick. Rt. 2. 12m3xp Lots 11, 12 and 13 of Block 2, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strong school. FARM LANDS Mrs. M. F. Rogers, Mrs. R. L. Taylor's Addition to Nyssa; have been sick. FOR SALE—White Rose seed po­ Haworth. Mrs. F. A. Miller and Three-fourth interest In Lots 11, FIVE ACRES with improvements in Members of the fair committee Mrs. E. H. Brumbach attended a tatoes. One year from McKay 12, 13, and 14 of Block 21, Teut- met at the George Markham heme Apple Valley. See Frank Morgan certified. Nell Dimmick, Re. 2. dessert -lunchecn for Book club sch's. Addition to Nyssa; Three- Friday evening. • 80- O -tfc men bers and guests at the home ' ' ftmSxfS fourth interest in Lots 12, 13 and Chester Gocdell has been con­ of Mrs M. M. Creeling Saturday. FOR SALE—80 acres ] uid. 50 im­ 14 of Block 70. Green's Addit­ fined to his home several days with FOR SALE—Several goed young Mrs. Dick Tensen reviewed “ Dar­ proved. $1600, terms. Wocdrow ion to Nyssa; Three-fourth In­ mumps. ABSTRACTORS fillies, also some broke mares ing Deeds” by Peerl Buck. Brewer. 13 miles S. W. of Nvssa. terest In Lots 5. 6. 7 and 8 of Win. M. DeGroff. Phone 01-J3. OPTOMETRISTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beacham County Commissioner C. A. Mar­ 12m3xp Block 72, Green's Addition to were Boise visitors Saturday. 19m3xp shall c f Nyssa was In the Bend Complete abstracting Nyssa. district Monday looking after DR. J. A. McFALL service. WANTED FOR SALE—Seed potatoes. First All in Malheur County, Oregon. business. “ S e e M e K a il a n d S e e B e t te r “ SHEAVILLE year certified. Bliss Triumph and Written bids for all or any Ontario Title Mrs. N. S. Plielan left Monday Netted Gems. 1 mile south Parma. TRUCKERS to haul manure. See portion of said real estate will be fer Pendleton for several days' Abstract Co. Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc The highway Is in fine shape, Lee Hobbs. 26m3xp received by the undersigned Ad­ visit. _ but the county roads are still O N T A R IO , O R E G O N ministrator from and after said The T. A. Miller sheep were FOR SALE - Seven foot John WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for closed by mud. Everyone has to; j taken to the lillls Saturday. The live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay­ April 17th 1942, at his residence travel by team cr horse back. Deere disc. George Barton in Nyssa, Oregon. Said real es­ AUCTIONEERS Cameron and Rowe Miller herds 27Ntfc 26mtfc ette. Phone 07-R4. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Falen, Jr , were taken earlier In the week. tate will be sold in separate par­ EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Mrs. R. L. Haworth has re­ W . L. LANE Let us print your envelopes, state­ cels to the highest and best bidder, moved to Bend, where he is em­ FCR SALE—Yellow sweet Spanish ployed ait the lumber mill. F a r m a n d R a n c h Sa las, ONTARIO OREGON turned to Corvallis, where she will onlcn seeds. See A. M. High- ments. letterheads, etc. The Gate for cash in the event such sales Mr. Corbett and son frem Dan­ remain until school closes. P u rebred L ive sto ck are in parcels for less than $500.00 smith, Route 1, Nyssa. 26m2xp City Journal. 22 Y e a r s E x p e rie n c e In th e and in all other instances for part ner have moved to the Frank PHYSICIANS FOR SALE- Four purebred Hamp­ A u c tio n B u sin e ss cash and credit on the balance to Heins ranch, where the Van Natta family lived last year. shire sheep with papers. Inquire “ F a r th a B e a t P rice s— Sell be paid in annual installments L. A. Moulding, M.D. Mrs. D. C. Stulls, who has been Journal office. 26m2xp I t A t A a c t io n ” with interest at six per cent, se­ Physician and Surgeon quite ill for some time. Is staying Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch Dean Wyckoff is visiting at the cured by mortgage upon the prop­ R e s. P h . 2 5 W P . O . B o x 425 FOR SALE or TRADE—Town pro­ and family attended a family re­ Phone >7 home of his parents. Mr. and erty so sold. All sales subject to In town with Mrs. Bessie Stults. N y ssa . O re g o n perty In Klamath Fnlls, Ore. for Mr. Haylett and grandson, Dan­ union at the home of Mrs. George Hours: 10 to 12 and I to 5 Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff confirmation by the Court. farm land or good row land under nie Yturraspe, both cf whom, were Hull in Caldwell Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Howard Day and March 12, 1942. Dally- Except Sunday DENTISTS ditch. Write R. R. Phelps. Tienesta Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fitzpatrick severely burned several weeks ago, children returned from the west Douglas M McDonald Fry Building of Roswell spent Saturday at the have recovered. Dannie still wears coast last week and are visiting Administrator of the Ellen Sparks h one visiting Verne FAKM LANDS bandages, but walks as well as J. R. CUNDALL at the heme of Mr. Day's parents. Estate of Elizabeth J MISCELLANEOUS ever, and his leg will scon be en­ Moore, who left to enter the army. For Rent Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were McDonald, deceased. Dentist Mrs. Ellen Sparks and her tirely healed. in Vale Saturday. Mcrch 12. 19. 26. April 2, 9. FOR RENT—Good 80 and gcod 160. Phone 56-J Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haylett and daughter, Mildred, were guests at NYSSA LIBRARY Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day. a dinner given in observance of See Frank G. Morgan. Saraztn Clinic Mrs. E. L. Jamison and Mrs. C UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT D. H. Haylett were business visi­ Open eech week day from N Y S S A O R E G O N OF THE INTERIOR tors at Nampa and Caldwell Sat­ 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. urday. General Land Office <_i_ .............. Saturday. 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Mendal Falen and Naida Cheese- 031118 Electric Shops ALL PATRONS WELCOME At The Dalles, Oregon, March borcugh were visitors In Caldwell Librarian ..... Mrs. S. B Davis over the week-end. 17, 1942. Consult us on your wiring nu V r NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. and Mrs. Walt Smith and needs and meter set-ups. NYSSA AERIE Eddie L. Underdahl, of Rt. 1, Home- 'ittle daughter, Patty, of Nampa, Work guaranteed to meet dale, Idaho, who, on April 18, 1938, were dinner guests at the Haylett ¿ c ffe A , Paint protects the outside State requirements. F. O. E. NO. 2134 | made Original Homestead Entry. home Saturday of last week. and inside. Prices right—Information free Act 6-17 02. No. 031118, for Farm Mr and Mrs. Max Ladlges and Meets Wednesday Night KALSO MINING and PAPER NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP Unit "A" or the N^SEV«, Section children made a trip to Olenwood. AT EAGLES HALL CLEANING 13, Township 22 8.. Range 46 E., Washington, last week to visit Visiting Eagles Welcome —Free Estimate— Willamette Meridian, has filed no­ relatives. HARRY MINER. Sec. JEW ELRY STORES % 4 -iQ U A R i The grazing beard has been tice of intention to make final a n d y M c G in n is ROSCOE FINDLEY. preof, to establish claim to land marking out the sheep trail the First Street PAULUS above described, before Frank T. past week. C U S T O M B U T C H E R IN G Read, point b y point, how this JEW ELRY STORE Morgan. Notary Public, at Nyssa. E v e ry 4-Square Rilco brooder house Union Pacific Time Inspector Oregon, on the 18th day of April, MONDAY a n d F R I D A Y can help you raise more chicks l i ' K 14> 1912. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS B e e f. S h e e p a n d P o rk and earn more money. See us Claimant names as witnesses: S a n ita r y B u tc h e r in g WATCHES WE CANNOT SELL YOU Alfred Costley, Tom Nedbalek. foi the plans. G u a ra n te e d Clayton Douglas, and William Fisk, Main Street at Second Phone M -E -I A NEW STUDEBAKER all of Rt. 1. Homedale. Idaho. ^ Hoof veal I n w n proper vooHotwo P o r ta b le -M o u n te d on skids fo r One M ile W e s t o f N Y S S A on W F. JACKSON easy moving to fresh, d e a n , r a n g e — W YCKOFF * important Easy So dean— 6gM, smooth Boor A lb e r t a A r e . OR A NEW TIRE Register. in controlling disease. Lower Bend Lincoln Heights If you don’t know rains. . . KNOW YOUR DEALER! Big Bend Al Thompson & Sons Professional And Business Directory B uona V ista DESIGN FOR lò ffia Adrian Repaint for Defense CHICKS P n & lfiti • *u c o BROODER House 'S* NT Q ❖ D esigned for the largest electric hovers. N o escess gloss a r e a — an aid In avoiding rap id chilling and over- heating. Laminated Rilco rafters gfve great strength for hauling. ❖ and unobstructed space. ^ Arch roof— less space to heat. ♦ ♦ Door swings out for safety to chicks S a fe ty chick board across bottom Has capacity for 3 5 0 chicks, the longest ft b advieohlo to broad in one for. Easy fa bu»d with reody-to ,«r materials. No complicated fra .1 tinte «owing. Proper ike for p ou c.r Sire*. Blueprint* and material Ktlt for more thin 200 building». Alto, for Nyssa Lumber Co. USE P IT T S B U R G H e q u ip m e n t BUT------ C. Wyckcff were In Ontario Wed­ nesday. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ooodell at­ tended a plncclile party at the Jesse Ford home In Nyssa Heights Durght Wyckoff returned home from Corvallis last Wednesday evening. He had been attending schcol. James Ritchie is building a house on the 8 B Hcffman farm. Mr ind Mrs. Ritchie and Oamet Belle trill occupy the new house scon. Mrs C. C. Wyckoff and Vurl were in Nampa Monday. P A IN T S lt t Let us print your envelopes, state- rrents. letterheads, etc The Oate City Journal. W e can repair cracked blocks and valve seats, all kinds of cylinder heads caused by freezing or heat. No use to send them to Atlanta. — EVERY REPAIR GUARANTEED — This is a service that will help a lot at this time, when motors are hard or impossible to get, and of course it is much cheaper. Bring them to------- Towne’s Garage JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREOON ________ Laundries Nyssa’s Own dc Nysaa Owned — Seventh dc Park Streets — Phone 146 Nysia Steam Laundry SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Shoe Shop All kinds of shoe and harness repairing Across from post office. J A K E F IS C H E R F A S H IO N F O U N D A T IO N S HARTLEY and S M A R T -F O R M F o u n d a tio n G a rm e n ts Comets, Girdles. Brassieres Perfect fit assured by experienced corsetlere ALICE COLLINS _______ Box 500, Nysss_______ KELLER’S CABINET SHOP tf it is made of wood we can make it or repair it. P O. Box 883 642 Main St.