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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1942)
...... ........................... • raeNYSSA VOLUME XXXVII, No. 10 Gas” Rationing In This Section Hotly Contested = COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED FOR SALVAGE __ DRIVE CAÍf JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2$, 1942 Patch Is Elected Head Of Health CONCERNS GIVING THEATRE TICKETS $1.50 PER YEAR Residents of Nyssa to Vote On ^ A^rsouiht Proposed Charter Amendments Bigger Output Leno Christensen, F.F.A. leadei G r O llD I n C o iin t V The firms whose names ap of the Nyssa high school, and * * _____ " pear In this article are giving Glen wood Pounds, postmaster ol I r , D . D . . , , away free theatre tickets this Government Action Giv Adrian, have accepted the chair- i “ c<:* r T i n c i p a l s p e a k ' Assessments, Salary For week If your name appears In Meeting Sponsored By WOMEN TO WORK es Idaho Gasoline Deal manshlp In their respective com er at Annual Associa an advertisement of one cf Beet Growers; 27,000 IN BEET FIELDS munities for the handling of sal Mayor, City Manager ers Advantage tion Dinner these firms In the Qate City vage materials needed for the war Acres Signed ------ Selection Proposed Journal you are entitled to a --------- PORTLAND. March 26 < Special) George K. Aiken, executive sec effort. Officers of the Malheur County free ticket. Last minute plans to step up —Prospects that women and child- According to Walter M. Thomp Public Health association were un retary of the Interior and petrol A resolution providing for chan Clip the ad and take It to beet acreage contracting In the ten and older men will be em- eum coordinator, protesting the son, county chairman, the pregram animously elected at the organiza the Nyssa theatre, where you Boise valley to assure a capacity plcyed In the beet Helds of Mal- ges In the city charter was passed rationing of gasoline along the is not a single effort like the al tion's annual meeting held In con will be admitted free upon run for the new Nampa sugar f a c - ! heur county were revealed here to- at a meeting of the city council eastern border of Oregon on the uminum drive, but a continuous junction with the Lions' club Monday night. payment of the defense tax. tcry as asked for by the federal 1 day. same basis as In western Oregon. drive to maintain a constant flow weekly dinner In the high school The proposals will be voted on Cooperating concerns are: "overnment in Its "food for free- j Emory Worth, United States em- of scrap materials through the building Monday night. Mr. Aiken reported that he had election, drm campaign, were discussed pioyment service representative, by the people at an Pruyn Oarage received vigorously worded appeals channels of trade handling scrap The new officers aré as follows: Tuesday at a meeting in the Dew- told employment service execu- probably the primary to be held Fox Drive-In from the distributors of gasoline and waste materials. It will give Dennis Patch of Adrian, presi I l‘V Pa,ace hotel, at Nampa. Pres- tives that women, older children In May. A1 Thompson and Sons products along the eastern border I organizations the opportunity dent; Mrs. Madge Flegel of On The atr-endments provide for as I ent for the discussion were rep- and older men will be asked to Golden Rule of Oregon, particularly those resl- 10 Participate, tario, vice president; Arthur Ath (csentutives of the Nys-:a Sugar i serve m place of the 2,000 tran sessments for parks, the cemetery Wilson’s Grocery dents In Malheur county, concern- Mr. Christensen and Mr. Pounds erton of Ontario, treasurer, and sect Growers association, the Ida- stents who normally work In the and garbage disposal and a sal ing the proposed ra tioning of gas have named the following members Mrs. Q. Y. Chester c f Harper. The he srtar ■'cel Ion director of the beet fields, but will be unavailable ary for the mayor of $50 a month oline ■ in Or gon while their com of their committees: Nyssa, Char nominations of the nominating United States department of ag- j thi^ year. He said the workers will and compensation of $3 a meet petitors across the line In Idaho les Share, Chalk Butte Grange; committee were read by Mrs. Rob riculture. the Idaho Orange, the pe taken from the coast areas and ing for councIlmen, but the coun- will not be subject to such regula Luther Fife, L.D.S.; Dale Garri erts. chairman. U. S. bn’ eau of reclamation, Un- j transported in buses and farm cllmen shall not be paid for more son, Oregon Trail Orange, anc tions and business hours. In the principal address. Dr. O. j than two meetings a month. tted States employment service, lrucks tcl eastern Oregon. Mr. Aiken quoted from a letter Wesley Sherman, Hi-Y club; Ad D Bock, director of the Bclse pub- county war board and civilian de- | _________________ The amendments also provide rian, Robert Robertson. Ridgevlea written by H. F. Lcgue. secretary !ic health unit, speaking on "Pub Possibility of the establishment fense council, irrigation districts, | for the possible selection of a city of the Ontario Commercial club, Orange: D. W. Patch, principal cf lic Health and National Defense”, of a military reservation for 10,000 Nampa chamber of commerce a n d ’ T i m w x * » R o n m i A l manager and if and when such the Adrian high school: Lester summarized the functions of a as follows: Pacific coast Japantse between Uie sugar company. JUIlIOr a manager is employed the mayor "We can see no reason why east Schafer, Kingman Grange: Mor health unit, which, he said, In Caldwell and New Plymouth on a Is to receive the same compensa "The combined Nyssa and Nam-! P la n e O lltlin p H ris Judd, Newell Heights: K. I stitutes certain health measures, ern Oregon should be placed In section of the Black canyon pro pa sugar factories are capable cf i *< *»»0 U U U l l l v U tion as the council members. The Peterson, community church: Walt r educates the people and provides the same war proviso on gas rat ject across the Snake river from processing at least 30.000 acres of 1 plan also Includes provision for -------- Bernard, Big Bend, and George ; the personnel to carry cut the ioning as western Oregon, when to Nyssa was revealed in Boise this sugar beets, possibly more," re- i The annual junior-senior ban- the raising of the possible maxim irogram. date, the mountain range has been DeHnven. week. ported R. O. Larson, manager of I quet Is to be held March 27 at um tax millage from. 30 to 50 the dividing line. i The first Item In protection A site board representing the the Nyssa-Nampa district ol th e , the Nyssa high school, instead of mills. against disease, the doctor said, army’s western defense command Amalgamated Our gas service men will be fac Sugar company, March 20 as formerly announced. Resolution No. 125, creating a is general sanitation—protection at San Francisco was said to have “and already nearly 27.000 acres Committees have been chosen local improvement district for con ed with two miles away, ration j of water, food and milk supplies, free, Idaho gas. This competition visited Idaho last week after Tom have been contracted for. though by the Junior class president, Bob struction of curbs and gutters on and sewage disposal. Dr. Bock Clark of Lieutenant-General J. L. mere beets are needed from the Yost. These committees have al will greatly curtail gas and as Good avenue between First and said dumping cf sewage Into rivers Dewitt’s civilian staff conferred Nampa district to assure the most ready sociated business here and will started working and ac- Second streets and on Second s wrong. ultimately close many doors and with Governor Chase Clark of efflclent run. A considerable num- cording to Mrs. Young and Mr. street between Main street and The agricultural sub-committees take a great slice from the state’s “The milk supply Is extremely Idaho on possible placing of part ber of growers are already signed Stark, class advisors, the event Oood aVenue was approved. The for Malheur county announced to- important when you consider that of the evacuees in Idaho. Income.” The up in the Nampa side of the ter should be a big success. council also passed an ordinance Mr. Aiken stated that the gas- they recommend that the certain diseases are started from board is said to have asked for ritory. though many of these con The invitations have all been regulatlng establishment of given out to the seniors, faculty curbs curt) ,lneg gidewalk Unes milk”, the speaker said. "The milk detailed Information on the land tracts are for relatively small oline dealers "further point to the d^ U^ n of Caldwell. acreage. The time for experiment and school board members. There and parking spaces. fact that they are offered by Ida under the control and supervision supply here can be as good as it northeast ho distributors all of the products of government agencies originat is new In Boise, There are several Authorities stated that home ing with beets in this valley is were made and distributed by Dr. L. A. Mauldlng, city health ways In which the food supply steads scattered over two or three now past. Beets are a proven grop Wincna Henderson and Helen Sal they require, and that dealers in ing from reception centers. officer, gave a talk on health The report of the committees | should be protected, Including in sections about six miles north of for the district and some of these lee. Idaho, to wit, those In Weiser and cards, garbage disposal and water Other chairmen have announced c:ntracts could be Increased in Payette, Idaho, actually are farther states that “It is the belief of I spectlon”. Parma might provide a possible and s^wer connections. In some places there is the prob site for the concentration center. size, and new ones added, in the that their committees have been west than those in either Ontario this committee that this is the working and planning for the ban view cf the majority cf farmers lem c f Insect control, Dr. Brock interest of grower, processor and or Nyssa in Oregon: that these the nation alike. This district, quet. Idaho dealers draw their supplies employing agricultural labor and said. Committee chairmen are: Dick urges that all haste be made in The second method of controlling which last year yielded 16.9 tons from exactly the same source and per acre, is cne of the best in Tensen, gym decorations; Ray Lar will not be subject.d to any re areas where labor emergencies may communicable disease Is by en on, banquet room; Beverly Dona develop. forcement c f quarantine regula- the entire nation for sugar beets strictions. "The committee goes on record; t-ions, which needs the cooperation General conditions point to an hue. table; Dorothy Snader, menu; "Manifestly, the rigid application other bumper crop this year. If Alvin Uye, program; Lyle Miner, a^ agencies. The county public First Malheur county man to of the rationing program within as opposing any Japanese labor I Mere than 350 farmers and the beets are put in early,” Lar music. have his number called in tbs new state Unes will do a gress injustice contracts handled in any manner! health nurse instructs the fam- Much h i i x p .; v is b « ln g aroused draft lotte-a, whScq took place in fo the citizens c f these southeast except through gefvernment agsn -1 *** hv how to care for the pat- other persons, meeting In the Vale son concluded. community hall Monday night, L. B. Taylor, Idaho director of as to the sÆret theme that Is to Washington Tuesday, was Frank - ient* ern Oregon communities and will cies. took preliminary steps in the or sugar section of the United States be carried cut In both the banquet Bllboa. Ontario, whose serial num serve no good purpose, since by "This committee opposes the „ As j the thlrd ™ethod ucf agriculture, re and prom. It always has been the ber, 441, was the fourth number merely driving two miles their practice of any party cr parties < ,!ng disease' the apeaker dl8CUS ganization of a home guard and department of that beet contracting custcm to keep the theme a secret drawn. The second Malheur coun customers will be able to obtain all contributing to the infiltration of sed the Immunization program, passed a resolution opposing the ported until the night of the affair in ty man to hear hlg number called the gasoline they want. In this Japanese in Malheur county for which, he said "Is so important leasing or selling of land to Jap throughout the state shows a sub order to stimulate interest. that the president is recommend anese In the Vale area. stantial increase and quoted a re was Geo age A. Rose, whose serial highly competitive territory, the the purpose of leasing, 'renting or This is the juniors method of number was 1103, was No. 21 In the The resolution on the Japanese cent report from the secretary of imposition of the regulation would buying property in the county and ing Immunization against small pox and dlptherla. situation will be sent to govern agriculture that there will be suf bidding the seniors farewell, and national lottery. Klass V. Powell, indeed be a gross Injustice. condemns the action of these in Dr. Bock discussed syphlllis and ment officials. Representatives of ficient labor for the expected sugar to show their affection for and Nyssa publisher, Is No. 10 In the “ I have the personal assurance volved in such practices. tuberculosis, which are slow kil Nyssa and Adrian attended the beet acreage throughout the nation appreiation of the senior class. Malheur county call list and O. R. and I also know It to be a fact, “In order that the position of this year. Cummings, Vale grocer, Is No. 30. that the service station men and this committee will not be confus lers. He also covered control of gathering. venereal disease—control of pros Eighty men were enrolled in A survey of available student ORGANIZATION OF Names of the 20 county men citizens of Oregon are more than ed It Is the desire of this commit whose serial numbers were among willing to undergo any inconven tee that these resolutions be re titution, education, early disinfec the Vale home guard at the meet labor for sugar beets and other DEAD OX SCALES the first drawn follow: ience caused by the war that will leased for publication and copies tion and establishment of treat ing. Plans call for the organiza crops will soon be made by the tion of home guard units in Nyssa. United States employment service, GROUP REVEALED help or assist In any way to pro be mailed to the proper authorit ment centers. George T. Olenn, George A. “ In controlling tuberculosis", the Ontario and Burns for a battal in co-operation with the state de mote Its successful conclusion and ies”. Rose, Date Pomperlan, C. R. Cum Organization of the Dead Ox doctor said, “we have no specific ion of four companies. partment of education, according will cheerfully comply, but they mings, Vale; Bllboa, James Fred drugs. Basically we have not ad Each company will be composed to A. J. Tillman, Boise, state di Scales association by 18 Malheur erick Butler, Arthur Fox Warren, do not feel that they should be ccunty farmers, through the com vanced In the specific treatment cf 75 men, 60 regulars and 15 re rector. He pointed out that nor penalized by having their business OLDER YOUTHS TO Wm L. Parker, Ontario; Mason of tuberculosis". serves. Equipment will be furnish mally not over 60 per cent of the munity and cooperative section of Reid Hlllls, Hudson Robb, Frank taken from them and handed over START 4-H CLUB the farm security administration, Discussing the various clinics ed by the state as soon as possible. farm labor that Is available In the by government regulations to their Phillips, Clifford Morgan, Klass and educational programs spon For the present, the men will be state is utilized during the season. has been completed, Howard Bert Powell, Claude Chard, Nyssa; Al IN MALHEUR CO. competitors. sch, area supervisor, Ontario, an sored by the health units. Doctor required to furnish their own guns, ’’Closer co-operation among farm “ If I may do so, may I suggest fred Blocher, Weiser; Byron R. ers, and between farmers and var nounced. Older 4-H club members o f Mal Bock said "In no way should the ammunition and clothing. that since transportation difficul Wheeler, Payette; Henry Bowen, ’Weighing facilities for hay, live health department come In com Albert Heldt, commander of the ious responsible agencies, should heur county will assemble at the ties compel rationing that the «one Brogan; Floyd Miller, Arock; W stock, grain and other farm com, petition with the private physic Nyssa post cf the American Leg result in a r\ore complete utili lines be projected through the des Boulevard Orange hall Saturday W. Me Fall, Phoenix, Aria., former modules is expected to save trans ian” . ion, Is expected to call a meeting zation cf the remaining 40 per ert areas In such a way that dis evening, March 28, to formulate ly of Vole and Merril Everett Bet Fred Burgesser, president of the soon for the organization of a cent.” he added, "thereby relieving portation. Insure honest weights, hel, Honolulu, T. H„ formerly of crimination will not result between plans for organizing a Senior 4-H aid marketing, and bring about Lions club, opened the meeting home guard here. the labor situation." contiguous Communities. This is club, composed of club members Harper. with a few remarks. Following a Speaking for the reclamation economies vital to war," said Ber- easily possible In these western cf high school age. tach. service. Merte Tillery. Caldwell, de states, each of which have large, A committee of older club mem flute solo by Miss Helen Trenkle Members of the association are FARMERS SECURE clared that even the Inexperienced sparsely settled areas.” bers representing the different of Ontario, R. O. Whitaker, chair Ray Nelsen, W W Ker, H. W MANURE SPREADER man of the Liens program com m- grower should be reasonably sure communities met last week to draw Freeman, 8. M of a good beet crop in this valley, Cople, Frank up plans for the assembly Satur mlttee. Introduced A. H. Bone of NYSSA, PAYETTE Purchase of a manure spreader if he has the proper supervision. Peii rson, Ernest Mattson, Ralph day and to discuss the possibilit Vale, president of the association, Lauer, Basil Trueblood. Byron has been made by Fred Campbell, WILL PLAY HERE A second degree murder charge "Our ixtst experience shows that ies of organizing the senior group who said “We are Indebted to the Lions club for coming here this has been filed against Earl Klm- beets grow unusually well in this Wheeler, John Rice, A. A. Hagood. Amos J. Bontrager. and H. Wayne The assembly Saturday night evening". Ralph Nlefcton, Oscar Rosen, C. A. Williams, Willow Creek, through The Nyssa and Payette high berllng In connection with the valley with its long growing seas school baseball teams will play will start at 7:30 p. m. with a pot- Mr Bone gave a brief history death of Da.le Nutt at Juntura on on. Moreover, sugar beets do not Harding. Pete Plnney, W. L. Oil- the community and cooperative A program, skits, of the early treatment of tuber son, Robert Orenler, and Oscar services section of the farm secur a double-header on the Nyssa luck dinner March 15, according to Dintrlet At take more water than other crops diamond Friday afternoon. The stunts, readings and musical num culosis and reported on the assoc torney Max S. Taggart. administration, announces . . . and they are one of the most Houston. Ppterson will serve as ity president and Freeman as secre Howard Bertsch, area supervisor, first game and Warren Marsh will bers will furnish entertainment iation's activities of the last year. A charge of assault with intent d< pendable in our Irrigation dls- during the dinner hour. Those tary. mountain war time. The games Ontario. He pointed out that the association to kill was filed against ___ DeWltt frtrts.” presented from Community and cooperative ser will be non-conference contests. , numbers ------------ will ---- be - Perrin O. Harlan. Caldwell, sec had been handicapped by lack of a , palmër hT cminecÜôiT' with' "the “Civilian shortages of vital war Frank Wilson will pitch in the j the differ'nt communities, public health nurse for six months same case Each man had been ar- retary of the Idaho Orange, said: vice loans are available to all materials at the present time,” Mnllipur county farmers Detailed E. first gameand Warren Marsh will — H. Hauser, ccunty club agent, during the year. Mr. Bone stated raigned in thl, Vale justice court Our organization Is back of the said Bertsch. "makes cooperation may be secured Imperative. Joint purchase and use hurl in the second. “Lefty” Mal will present medal and awards to hat the groups principal activity but no Uire had ^ s, , Tupsday movement to the best of our abil Information through the county FSA office. club members who have been loy. another pitcher, will be held In lies In Its program of attempting for preliminary hearings. ity Situated, as we are, right on of farm machinery not only re tounty winners In the various to eradicate tuberculosis reserve. duces Individual operating costs, Both men are in the county Jail the top of a freight rate zone National 1-H club contests during ‘ We want to make as many tests In Vale as Kimberllng’s case is which runs down from here both ELDREDGE LEASES but helps maintain soli fertility." he past year. as possible It is In the field of edu- not bailable and Palmer's ball of east and west. It seems highly Im Letter Long On Way— Them loans are available to all BOWLING ALLEYS Mrs. John Ostrom lias received Games and stunts aie planned cation that our greatest oppertun- $2000 has not been posted. portant to me that we put more Malheur county farmers needing a letter from her sister In Sweden. for entertainment following of our land to the growing of sugar the tty for public service lies. We must Tom Eldredge leased the Cornell credit for joint purchase and use The letter, which was two months dinner hour. An old-time dance furnish leadership In determlng executive secretary of the Oregon beets which can be marketed in bowling alleys from Mr. Cornell of equipment, pure-bred sires and what kind o f public health program Tuberculosis association was ser- the condensed form of sugar, than enreute to Nyssa by air mail, cost sill be held. other facilities. and took charge this week $140 for postage Before the out Ail regularly enrolled and pros the county Is to have. The rejection lously 111; Conuty Commisslcners to grow all bulky crops which can Mr. Eldredge. who operates the break of the war letters reached pective 4-H club :~embers ol high of 43 per cent of our young men Erwin Troxell and C. A. Marshall not be so reidlly exported. For Norcott service station at Second Judge Seeks Re-election— the United States frsm Europe by- school age are Invited to attend by the army because of physical and Edwin Johnson, master of the another thing. I can see no eco Judge W. J. Williams of Nyssa and Main strieta,- will keep the al boat In 11 days. Mrs Ostrom s the meeting disabilities Is a disgrace to the Potncna Orange and candidate for nomic excuse for a farmer growing re . . . _ , _ leys open eve?y night and all-day filed Monday at Vale for sitter said residents of Sweden riatlcn Total war means that the county Judge. grains of any kind except from a 8aturd 9unday durlng thp nomination as Justice of the peace have plenty to eat, but that costs Reports on the year's activities health of the civilian population ..P" ‘ P“ re ! summer. When cool weather start. on the democratic ticket. He served are high. However, the Swedish PUPILS SEI ECT Is as important as the health of were given by Mrs Kathryn Clay -1 ground for other crops In Jtje fall the alleys will be kept four years under appointment by THREE-ACT PLAY are unable to buy coffee. the men In the field”. pool. Chairman of the school e d -1 Speaking for the business inter - the governor and six years after oiEKJkU day comnttte; Miss Amy P*ta of the valley, Bert Stone, Miss Helen Hobson of Ontario, ucatlon Visits In Kansas-------- his election In 1936. A three-act comedy, "It Never accompanied by Dale Robbins of Larkin, nutrition committee; Mrs president of the Nampa chamber of national defense Mrs. Ruth Bodmer has been Dance Is Planned— visiting relatives In Kantss. She Rains ’, has been selected by the Ontario, sang a solo. Other mem C.S. Harris. Christmas seal sale, of commerce, emphasized the al “I believe It Is the duty of every The Eagles lodge of Nyssa will Nyssa high school senior class as bers of the Ontario high school a and Mrs O. A. Billings, executive porta net of the new Nampa fac- farmer living In the district who sponsor a dance In the Eagles hall Is expected home this week. the play to be pres nted April 10. capella choir who furnished enter- secretary of the association, who tory, which will bring to the dis has suitable land to put some of Saturday night. March 3$. The Tires Katiened— Tires and tubes were rationed according to Perd Stark, director tainment were Marjorie Hawkins, gave a financial Report In the ab- trict s $300.000 payroll and a new U Into sugar beets this year to music will be furnished by Ernie Twila Latham and Eugene Brady Patty Boyer. Syble Penn. Gerald aence of Mr. Atherton, treasurer. cash crop of $2 000.000 a year March 20 by the Nyssa rationing help make up our national short Troxal and his orchestra. William Careen. Weiser. presi age ' board as follows: C. N Tensen. have been chosen for leading parts Bull. Bill Karrlck. Leland Jackson Other reports were given by Dr. Yeutli Lest On Ship— Clyde Walker of Vale, ccunty health dent of the Nysss-Msmps Sugar truck tube; John Emery Cameron, In the play. Other members of the and Don Waggoner. M r Carson also presented a Donald Lewis of O rash sir., broth Mr Bone Introduced Mias Wint officer; Mrs Chester on the free Beet Growers association, with a resolution, which was unamlnously er of Mrs L. A. Mauldlng of Nys two truck tires; Herbert J. Horn, cast are Margery Benedict. Lynn two truck tires; Clyde Didericksen. Farmer. Thelma Co per. lone Ben ers of the state association. County lunch program at Harper, and Mrs membership of approximately 2.- adopted, pledging support and co sa, was on the United States two farm Implement tires and son. Jack Church. B b Oerdes. Ce- Judge Ora ham. who paid tribute Edna Farris, county health nurse, 000 growers, appealed for more operation of those present to a cruiser Houston when It was sunk tubes. and Carl Herman Sebum. 11a M*rehouse Audrey Dewey. El- to the health association and re-| The dinner was served by the beet acreage and more sugar pro program of Increased sugar beet by the Japanese In the Pacific. duction this year la Ut# interest acreage. I ported that Mrs Saldle O rr Dunbar, i Nyssa Episcopal guild. two tractor tins. I sine Leads, and Delma Ward. The youth was It years old. 7r Japs May Be P dt ; In Black Canyon Farmers Desire Control of Japs Units Of Home Guards Planned Taggart Files Murder Charge Names Of First Draftees Aired