fHß NVSSA GATE CITY JOUftNAt/ftttmSPAV, MÀRCti ifl, Ì942 PAGE S ft Repair Of Farm Machinery U rgetl •STATE« CAPITAL NEWS W h a t Should You Save To H elp f OREGON TRAFFIC DEATH TOLL IN 1941 IS HIGHER SALEM. March 19. (Special)— ' Repair your farm machinery l WASHINGTON, D. C.—Th* following table iaaued by th* Treasury Oregon’s traffic death toll for A. L. LINDBECK instead of buying new equipm nc! I Department is intended as a savings yardstick for the average income- 1941 was set at 396 today by tarl Sell that back-yard heap cf scrap earner. It suggeets how everyone of the 48,000,000 Snell, secretary of state, who said iron"! Through these two mithedsj employed persons in the United States may partici­ HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT MRS. E. S. FROST CHOSEN SALEM Or*.—Oregon's machin­ there was a total of 49,874 Waf­ ol agricultural ‘steel economy,' pate in the war effort through the fystematic purchase I EXTILES CLASS TOPIC CIVIC CLUB PRESIDENT ery Is all set for the distribution fle accidents in the state during every farmer can help keep Amtr- | of Defense Savings Bonds. Prints in buying h 'u ehcld La’s arms production rcliing", the ! of sugar rationing books just as the past year. A total of 8,009 per­ The Nyssa Civic club held it “The job ahead of us is far bigger than most'of us soon as the office of price admln- sons were Injured. annual election of officers thir equipment and textiles will be the Malheur county U. S. D. A. war | realize,” Secretary Morgenthau declared in making Economic loss due to traffic ac­ Istratlcn determines the registra­ week. Those elected wcre Mrs. subject of the discussion at the board advises. the table public. “I know that the American people tion dates, according to Rex Put­ cidents was estimated at *17, *20.- E. S. Frost, president; Mrs. Her­ me-ting of the adult homemaking ‘Agricultural equipment factor­ are ready to do their part to win the war. One of the nam. state superintendent of edu­ 000 bert Fisher, vice president; Mr cla-s, Monday, March 23. at 7:45 ies will work overtime in turning ways we can do much more is by intensifying our While fatalities «tcee<*td th* cation who has charge of the big J.. B. Giezentanner, secretary and p. m. in the high school. Anvone cut repair parts for farm machin­ interested is invited to attend. effort in the purchase of Defense Bonds.” Job. School houses all over the 1940 tell, the death rat*, showing Mrs Bernard Eastman, treasurer ery in 1942. having been given a The discussion will include stan­ While persons without dependents may be able to state will serve as registration cen­ the number of persons killed In After the business meeting a short production quota of 150 per cent set aside more than the suggested figures, persons ters and teachers will do the reg­ prcportlon to the exposure to ac­ program, consisting cf a v.ca’. d a rd upon wliirh to base buying of the 1940 level. Farm er, are I istering and distribute the books. cident. showed a slight decrease. with several dependents, or with other heavy family selection my Mrs. C. L. McCoy, habits for towels, linens, dishes, unfed to dc their repairing as The registration period is expected Snell said. Traffic accidents took a obligations, may be unable to save at the suggested violin sclo by Twila Crawford and knives, cc. eking utensils, sheet-, and much as possible before the Lu y to cover four days with registration death toll of 11.6 persons per on* a talk by Miss Flora Urquirl on ether common household articles season arrives, and to order re­ rate, the Treasury Department pointed out. offices open from 4 to 6 p. m. and hundred million miles of travel, her travels in Mexico, was given. Examples of available materials pair parts now so as to have I hem I compared to 11.9 last year. Oregon N um ber of 7 to 9 p. m. each day. Those in charge of the refresh­ with current prices will be shown cn hand when needed. In One And Tout Annual P erso n s in Eaoh Y ear He one of the few states In the One Save* I f Weekly Each of the ration books will ments were Mr.-. B: rt Llenkaemper. and discussed. Savings:* "Farmers of Malheur county Incom e G roup ! i 848.212.000 contain 28 stamps and each mem­ was WU1 S av e; E ach W eek: E e l ninji'a A r e s nation to show any Improvement - 8 - Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and Mrs. Eddy 8.824.000 $18.00 have ordered a small per cent cf $0.25 15 to $10 129.860.000 PLAY, PARTY PLANNED 4.975.000 / 26.00 .50 ber of the family, regardless of in the death rate in 1941, the rate Powell. $10 to $15 the parts they will need this year t l 8,880.000 6.470.000 80.00 .7$ to $20 Tiie Rebekah lodge is planning the county war beard estimates | $15 698.665.000 age, will be entitled to a book, for the nation as a whole going up 10.747.000 65.0» 1.25 - 5 - $20 to $30 808.496.000 7.7T4.000 104.00 2.00 a -hort play and party for April after a quick survey in coopera­ but stamps will be torn out of the four percent. $30 to $-¡0 ■ BOOK CLUB WILL MEET 1,205.152.000 6.794.000 208.00 4.00 $40 to $50 There were 108 pedestrians kil­ 988.184.000 8.007.000 books for sugar on hand at the 812.00 6.00 The Friendly Book club will t. The theme of th* pregram and tion with machinery dealers. Deal­ $50 to tea 928.096.000 2.281.000 416.00 led, a decrease of 18.8 percent 8.00 $60 to $70 time of registration. 678.080.000 1.304.000 meet at the heme of Mrs. Dick narty will carry out the idea of ers report that they have ordered 620.00 10.00 $70 to $d0 from the pedestrian toll of 134 929.186.000 1.489.000 624.00 12.00 $30 to $100 Tensen March 25. Mrs. C. C Hunt April Frol's day. The public is 35 per -cent of the parts that will I 1.191.860.000 1.069.000 1.040.00 20.00 In 1940 Non-colllslon accidents ac­ $ luO t o $150 I 642.860.000 298.000 All community fetes, fairs, round­ be needed to keep farm machinery will give the book review. All wom­ invited to attend. 1.820.00 $5.00 $150 to $200 2 , 000 . 000,000 695.000 O v e r $200 - 8 - rolling in the county this year. ups, regattas or other events at­ counted for 30 percent of the en Interested are invited to work CLOTHING 4-H CLUB OF $10.216.811.000 48.167.000 tracting crowds of 5000 or more fatalities during the year. cn their handwerk and enjoy the "There will be a shortage of Railroad-motor vehicle accidents persons must have the approval of book review. K^ Î ‘ONY MEETING certain new farm machinery In The second year clothing 4-H 1942 Productlc has becn L t0 the military command of the Pacif­ showed an Increase of 27.5 per­ -§ ~ Alvin McGinnis ranch on the new ic northwest area under new In-, cent, but deaths from this type club girls of Kingman Kolcny met 83 per cent cf the 1940 level. Far­ GIRLS PLAN ACTIVITIES and. at the heme of their leader, Mrs. mers are asked to buy only mach­ structions Just received by Governor cf accident dropped from 18 In Girl Scouts of troup No. 1 will E. C. Elliot, Saturday, The mem Drawings Not Available— Sprague from Lieutenant General 1940 to 15 in 1941. Bicycle fatali­ inery needed to relieve labor hold its regular meeting at their bers judgad each other's work and Robert Lytle of Vale, member DeWltt. Even after receiving ap­ ties Increased from eight in 1940 shortages, to help meet food-for- leader's home March 19 after had a lesson on care of the shoes. of the Malheur county selective proval these events are subject to ten in 1941. school. The next meeting will be Mrs. Elliott served pcpcorn. The freedom gcals, or to replace mach­ Navy Office Opened— While 76 percent of the traffic service board, staled over long dis­ to cancellation on short notice if D. R Williams, boatswain's mate inery which is beyond repair. Ma­ held March 26 at Scout griders. accidents in the state occured in next meeting will be held at the t a n t telephone today that the later developments Justify such An all-day session of work and home of Shirley Smith, March 21. jor emphasis on new machine first class, U. S. navy, recruiter in urban areas, these accidents ac­ production will be on machines charge of the Baker recruiting sta­ order In which the men who regis­ action. General DeWltt said. hiking has been planned for April counted for only 31 percent of the tered February 16 will be drawn - 8 - needed in meeting food-for-free- tion, announces that he was auth­ C. H. Gram, state labor com­ -8 - fatal accidents, indicating that ac­ ENTERTAIN TUESDAY CLUB dem goals, such as milking mach­ orized to establish a part time sub­ will not be revealed for about two missioner for the past 24 years, METHODIST LADIES TO Mrs. J. L. Church entertained ines, hay equipment, and certain station at Ontario today. The new weeks. He said arrangement of will retire from public life at the cidents hi rural areas are mWe HOLD MEETING, PROGRAM likely to prove serious, Snell's fig­ the members of the Tuesday club the list will be completed about The Women’s Society of Christ­ at her home March 17. Mrs. Burn- poultry equipment. Such items as station will be open on Thursdays, a week after the master list is expiration of ms term next Ja n ­ ures showed. Of the fatal acci­ I tractors and grain harvesting Fridays, and Saturdays of each uary. In announcing his decision ian Service will hold a meeting all Brown and Mrs. Tom. Eld- dents In cities, slightly more than received from Washington, D. C. not to seek re-election again Gram half occurred In residential areas. and pregram in the Methodist ridge were guests. High scores were equipment, however, have been S 3 - week and will be located in the Dinner Is Arranged— postmaster's office in the post of- endorsed the candidacy of W. E. church parlors March 26 at 3 p. wen by Mrs. Eidridge, first, and vercly cut. Advance reservations indicate a Klmsey, deputy commissioner in lice building. The navy is still ac­ Small Combines Needed m. The president, Mrs. W. W. Fos­ Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, second. Teacher Resigns— large attendance at the annual ter, will conduct a brief business Mrs. Minnie A. Davenport, sup­ “Principal new machinery needed cepting applications for enlistment dinner meeting of the Malheur charge of the Portland branch of - 8 - and men who are registered for the labor bureau. Before becoming meeting. Mrs. A. B. Hann and ORA SHELLEY AND R. C. erintendent of Notus schools for in this county is small combines County Public Health association selective service may apply if they labor commissioner in 1919 Gram the young women of the church SHELTON OF NYSSA WED to handle the greatly expanded the last three years, has resigned have not yet actually appeared in the Nyssa union high school served for 12 years as deputy in will be in charge of the entire Ora Shelley and R. C. Shelton, acreage of winter k ’ume seed before the army examining board. Monday evening. The dinner will the department under O. P. Hoff. her position because of “other program. Special music will con­ both of Nyssa, were united in production. Through the efforts of be served at 7:15 p. m„ mountain He has been elected to the office business interests". Her resigna­ sist of a duet by Mrs. Ralph marriage by the Rev. J. T. Groot the state war board, sufficient Minister Visits Sons— tion will become effective at the war time. The meeting will be six times. Beutler and Mrs. Wesley Sherman. at the Methodist church in Baker number of small combines will be close of the present school year. held in conjunction with the reg­ Rev. A. F. Lienkaemper of Port­ A short skit, “The Health of In­ Monday night. They were Issued a made available to harvest the With less than three weeks re­ iously eyeing the Job. These are dia", will be given by Mrs. Ray­ marriage license in Baker Mon- j winter legume seed crop, provid- land is visiting his two sons, Bert ular weekly dinner of the Nyssa Lions club. Dr. G. D. Bock direct- maining until deadline on primary Francis Lambert, Multnomah coun­ and Kermit Lienkaemper. mond Sager. Mrs. Wuyne Ches- day afternoon. ing all present equipment is used Promoted In Army— tor cf the Boise health unit, will filings Oregon Democrats are ty treasurer, and Wm. A. Dotaell, nut, Mrs. Clifford Fox. Mrs. Wil­ Following a short honeymoon I to capacity. The county and state J. B. Beckham, sen-in-law of be the principal speaker. Part of scurrying about In a desperate ef­ who served as secretary to Gover­ bur Holcomb, Mrs. Art Hann and trip, Mr. and Mrs. Shelton will beards are now working on plans Mrs. Vivian Cochrun. Irene Ogle make their home in Nyssa where to distribute the new combines so Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Boydell of the a capella choir of the Ontario fort to find some candidate to nor Walter Pierce. There is also Nyssa, has been promoted to the high school will sing. The ladles oppose Chas. L. McNary in his still a possibility that Farrell may will give a reading on the theme Mr. Shelton is engaged in the as to obtain maximum use. rank of captain in the 41st en­ of the Episcopal guild will serve opposition in his own camp of the program. dairy business. "In line with the reduction gineers, United States army, ac­ the meal. Mrs. G. A. Billings and campaign for re-election to another have with George Flagg, present deputy - I - sought in wheat production, out­ cording to Information received Henry Hartley are in charge of term in the U. S, senate. This, too, in spite of the fact that Willis under Secretary of State Snell, still WORTH WHILE CLUB TO ODD FELLOWS PINOCHLE put of machinery used to produce here. the arrangements. GIVE PROGRAM MARCH 20 Mahoney of Klamath F'alls, Port­ seriously considering entering the PARTY WELL ATTENDED this crop has been greatly cur­ Attrnds Funeral— land and Washington, D. C„ who race to succeed his present boss The Worth While club of Sun­ The pinochle party sponsored tailed. Farmers who have sought Lions Hold Meeting— M. C. Zamora of Nyssa, route 1 set valley will give a program at last week by the Odd Fellows to order new wheat harvesting Lmo Christensen, agriculture attended funeral services held for came so near to beating McNary who is new engaged in a campaign the community hall March 20 at lodge was well attended. After the equipment have discovered this teacher in the Nyssa high school, E. G. Johnson In Parma Friday. six years ago has come out in sup­ for the republican nomination for 8 p. m. No admission will be play, the lodge served hot apple when their orders have been can­ discussed the Lions club hog pro­ Mr. Johnson was a pioneer resi­ port of the Republican senate lead­ governor against the present in­ er with a declaration that his sup­ cumbent Charles A. Sprague. charged. Everyone is invited to a t­ pie. fruit slices and coffee. celled, the county war board points ject at the weekly luncheon of dent of Parma. port of the national administra­ tend. A quilt will be given away. the club Monday nocn. President Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mess won out. tion’s defense program has earned The quilt is now on display at the prizes given for ladies and the “Agriculture end the steel in- Fred Burgesser announced Legal Advertising for him the right to retain his the Golden Rule store in Nyssa. men and Mrs. Charles Ninemlre du fry are closely related today joint meeting of the Lions club seat for another term. Democratic The proceeds from this project won the traveling prize. in that America's six million farms and the Malheur county Public UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT leaders are trying to persuade Carl will be used to seal the community OF THE INTERIOR Another party will be held in are a Luge reservoir of scrap iron Health association to be held Mon­ C. Dcnough, United States district hall. The St. Paul’s Episcopal church General Land Office the near future. Then a third fu m which it is estimated 114 day evening in the high school attorney, to enter the lists against will hold a special Lenten service 031118 building. million tons could be collected. At The Dalles. Oregon, March McNary but so far Don a ugh has and choir practice March 20 at • Farmers should not sell scrap iron Registration Asked— shown no inclination to give up p. m. at the W. E. Schireman 17, 1942. for which they may have use in In order that every woman In NOTICE is hereby given that his present job for a chance at the home. the future but should cull their Nyssa and surrounding vicinity Eddie L. Underdahl, of Rt. 1, Home- senatorshlp. scrap heat« carefully. who is 18 years of age or older dale, Idaho, who, on April 18, 1938, That Robert S. Farrell, Jr„ re­ There will be a dance at the "Scrap steel Is necessary to steel n ay do her duty and register in publican, is not to remain un­ Cow-Hollow Community hall Sat­ made Original Homestead Entry, production under the open-hearth the mcbilization of women's skills. opposed in his race for secretary urday. March 21. The funds will process, being used in charging Mrs. W. E. Schireman, local chair­ Act 6-17.02, No. 031118, for Farm of state now appears certain. At be used for the benefit of the Will sell SATURDAY in eon neelion with their regular auc­ the furnaces. From 50 to 60 per man, has arranged with Mrs. S. Unit “A" or the N‘jSE ' 4 , Section least two Democarts are now ser- tion one Servel refrigerator, one Holpoint eleetrie range, one hall. cent scrap is combined with 40 B. Davies, city librarian, to han­ 13, Township 22 S„ Range 46 E., eoal range, some beds and bedsteads and several other house­ to 50 per cent pig lion in this dle the registration of any women Willamette Meridian, has filed no­ hold articles. fast modern process. It is pos­ who have not been reached either tice of intention to make final sible to makp good steel under through the schools. Granges, rural preof, to establish claim to land Will have buyers for a lot of fa t hogs and cattle. another method (the Bessemer clubs or the house-to-house can­ above described, before FYank T. process) without adding scrap vass. "Ttre rationing has made Morgan. Notary Public, at Nyssa. Don't forget your home market. We are doing our part. Give steel but this method is more it impossible to make a house-to- Oregon, on the 18th day of April, us part of your consignments. ccstly and takes about twice as licuse canvass in the farming dis­ 1942. Claimant names as witnesses: long. The fast epen-hearth pro­ trict". Mrs. Schireman said, “sc Alfred Costley, Tom Nedbalek. cess is vital in today's speed-up it Is my wish that all unregistered n d w c o f r Clayton Douglas, and William Flak, war program. women use this means of showing all of Rt. 1, Homedale. Idaho. their willingness to heed the call.” W. F. JACKSON 'S party will be given free for all Here From Boise— Register. RILL LANE, Auctioneer Phone 25-W Nyssa. Oregon these holding tickets from the Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Anderson GROCERY SPECIALS FOR two previous affairs. The proceeds of Boise spent the week-end at Too Late to Classify Friday and Saturday, MARCH 20 and 21 will be used to buy defense the F. E Newbill home near Nys­ FOR RENT—Kelley house. Either Jacob Groot stamps. sa. furnished or unfurnished. See Frank T. Morgan. 19mtfc Swan Ranch Is Sold— The Newbill ranch near Nyssa FOR SALE or TRADE—Town pro- I Down was sold this week to Mr Kenesiel perty In Klamath Falls, Ore. for I of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. L. True of farm land or good row land under Parma have moved onto the place. ditch. Write R. R. Phelps. Tlcnesta Chari'■s Newbill moved to Nyssa California. 19m4xp md F E. Newbill bought the — DOUBLE FEATURE — POUND—Several keys. Owner may have same by identifying them FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 20 - 21 JOURNAL’S and paying for this ad. Gate City Johnny Weissmuller, Maureen O’Sullivan, John Journal. SALE CALENDAR LOCAL NEWS Meetings Bybee Commission Co. si Ml Bybee Commission Co. NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE Sheffield and Reginald Owen in “TARZAN’S SECRET TREASURE” Rav Whitley Comedy and Cartoon 8at. Mat., 2:30 P. M„ Adm. 5c-20e; Evening, Uc-33c, include* tax "THE MALTESE FALCON” It’s the season’s thrill special. SUPERMAN CARTOON Mat 3mi 2.30, Adm iic-28c, Evening Adm, l lc-Mc, Include* tax — BARGAIN NIGHT — TUESDAY, MARCH 24 Cary Grant, Joan Fontain and Nigel Bruce in “SUSPICION” Color Car toon and Holt of the Secret Service Admission, 3c -20c. including tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. March 25-26 Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland. Arthur Ken­ nedy, Charley Grapewin, John Litel in "THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON” The brave saga of General Custer Merry Melody and News Admission Evening - lie and' 33c. Including Defense Tax 25c Baking Powder ?aib"£L ib G in ger Bread M ixPkg....19c String Beans Peace SUNDAY and MONDAY, MARCH 22-23 Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre* Gladys George and Barton MacClane in Cake Flour The peace that our departed know can­ not be felt by those here What we can contribute to the peace of mind of those who are grieved is the assur­ ance of dignity and good taste, and as reasonable an ex­ pense as is possible Please let us help vcu. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Ambalane* Servie« Phone ''JW Nyssa Sales listed by the Gate City Journal fer printing and publicity I are advertised without charge to J the advertiser in the Ontario Argus. : Payette Independent - Enterprise, the Malheur Enterprise of Vale, Welser American. Cambridge News ; Reporter and Council Leader. As our sale calendar protects your I date, consult us immediately when you plan a sale. Friday, March 20— It* mile north of Payette on US. 30 or H mile south Snow-Mocdy hill. Roy Halley, owner. Horses, rattle, hogs, poul- | try. farm machinery and household I goods. Col Bert Anderson, auctione­ er. March 24. Six miles southeast of j Payette cn highway 52 on Berllng j Island or • miles northwest of New Plymouth cn highway S3. Horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, farm machin­ ery James Payne, owner. March 27. Chas. McGosh ranch, 4 miles south of Ontario on Ala­ meda Drive, or I mile east and H mile south of Cairo Junction Hor­ ses. farm machinery, poultry, cat­ tle WANT TO BUY A NEW CAR? MAYBE SO BUT YOU CANT AND BECAUSE YOU CANT IT IS WISE TO Protect Against All Kind* of Lot* THE CAR YOU HAVE! You'll be surprised to learn how completely In­ surance. as It Is written, will help prevent loss of use of this valuable means of transportation. Bernard Eastman Cocktail No. 1 tall Gold M i- Bar, fruit 3 cans .......* F fu Plums No. 2 Vi* Gold bar J 1! - 3 cans .........................T i l l Shredded W h e a l f ^ 25c Ritz t e g e .......23c Corn or gloss. 1 lb 1 C . Starch pkgs. 2 for 1 jC of Matches Cartoon 6 boxes ..................... ZwC Soap Toilet WE ARE OPEN FROM I U 7 R m ^ NYSSA M b» OREGON 21C WAR TIME Wilson Groce $ry NYSSA A Dependable Food Store OREGON