Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1942)
/ TH Ji— E *A NYBSA GATE CITY JO URNAL. TH r U R SD AY. M ARCH 19.1942 r,i rar: z=r _g - —;— — :-r x S E V E R A L TIRES, TU BE S R A T IO N E D Clowers and Tommy and Mrs. D. H. McGinnis. Bill Purrier of Rogue river ar rived here Sunday and is work ing for Jce Hand. Mr. Hibbert has built a new room on his house. Claude De Lashir.utt of La Grande is visiting Mr. and Mrs George De Lashmutt and family. Ministers or others interested iu Uiurcfi publicity are Invited to i - he columns of the Journul to carry important messages and nolicr. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. and Rita o their congregations. Please try to gel your copy in by Tuesday ot Johnson went to Caldwell Sunday, ach week -rvnv were accompanied by Leon FU LL GOSPEL TABERNACLE THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY Bailey, who came here for a visit Mr. and Mrs. Llcyd N. Pounds, CHURCH Mrs. Grace McPhall, who ha- pasters. M. H Greenlee. Pastor 1 een living in California, has mov Sunday school 10:30 a. m. Sub ed onto her farm. Her daughter set: "T h ; Emptiness of a Wordly Church School opens primptly and son-in-law also moved to ASSEM BLY OF GOD Life.” Sunday March 22. at 11 a. m. Morning wor-hip is at River-ids. Sunset Valley The regular district fellowship of 12 ¡-’clock noon The Methodist D. H. McGinnis is building a the Penteccstal churches was held | Youlh F.iloWfhip meets at 8 p. m Pastor, Clarence Brotzmun new room on his house. >t the Nyssa tabernacle March 16. ; Evening w rship is at 9 p m. The Sunday school at 9:45. Classes for The Helping Hand club met at These fellowship services are held I paster will preach beth morning Mrs. D. W. McGinnis' home on tenerally every two weeks at var- and evening. At the morning ser all. Mrs. C. Brotzman. superinten Thursday. ious parts of the valley and God vice special music will be rendered dent. richly blesses and Inspires His by the trained choir und r the Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olson wer Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and people. Our brother Dr. C. W direction of Mr. A pen r n There Evengellstlc services at 7:45. Phllleo brought the message Men- is a half hour of . or> r. g.-.ii n il Mrs. Jce Hand a n l family. Mid-week prayer meeting W ed and will continue singing preceedlng the evening Mr. and Mrs. Sparks and family 'ay night nesday at 8 p. m. H O M E S E W IN G IS f Paima who bought the Sim through out the revival with Hcly sern-cn. Cur revival services will URGED ON W O M EN continue every night this w ek at mons farm, have moved onto the Spirit anointed messages. Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 8:30 p. m. The public is lm ll d. place. -------- Better clothing through home Sunday school will be held at >. ill be Intended for the Evangel- otic effort and stirring me-sages PAR M A LUTH ERAN CHURCH sewing. is just one of the many the Scott home Sunday. SE C O ND A N N U A L .vlll be brought from the Word of A. A. Schmidt, Pastor ways the F.S.A. families are help God along that line. Wednesdays ing in. the national defense pro CCC V IC IN IT Y 10 a. m. Divine services. Sermon, will be devoted to: "Our Day gram. Home sewing not only In the Light of Prophecy. Thurs "Christ’s Leva for His Fi lends." ■ means financial help to the ram The Pleasant If, ur club met 11 a. m. Sunday school and Bible days will be devoted to "Our need i'- , v-ut makes more clothing ma March 12 at Mrs. O. Fillingner's c'asses for all. terials available for national de- heme with Mrs. O. B. Ege as co- of the Holy Spirit." Special Bible studies will be c. n- 1:15 p. m. The Lutheran Hour ataiae aqcoruing to Virgene Grimes, A w. dding gift was given farm security home management to Mrs. Joe Stephens. A stork ducted in the afternoons (3 p. m > over K FX D . 8 p. m. The young people meet The night services will begin a' supervisor. shower was given for Mrs. Chet at the church and then go to a ".Wilful 'ft’aste makes woeful CorfLld. Each member provided a 8:30 p. m., Sunday morning wor home for another surprl-e party. want” , is the theme of the F.S.A. quilt piece for the Red Cross. ship at 11:30. The subject: “ The Wednesday, 8:20 p. m. Lenten Psalms” March 22. A D R IA N H IG H SC H O O L homemaker. With scarcities loom Lunch was served. The next meet Messianic services. Scrmcn, “ The Cross." We Evening: "Preach the Word.” ing, the wise homemaker is more ing will be he'.d April 9. welcome you to our services. A U D IT O R IU M 'OgrCrned in what she can make Oliver Fillingness drove to Win- "A Changeless Christ for a K IN G M A N K O LO N Y than in what she can hoard. The nemucea. Nevada last Thursday Changing World.” Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Mr. M F.S.A. woman is bringing into to meet his sister. Mrs. Dick Lar- toticn her own ingenuity for mak- acy. and son, cf Sacramentc. She L. Kurtz Superintendent. PAU L’S EPISCOPAL Meriting Worship 11 a. m. • ng over and making-do. came to see her brother, Oliver, M ISSIO N Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. M A R C H 21 — - Miss Grimes lists the ways in before he left' for the army and Evening Worship 8:30 p. m. 10:30 C lutch service. also to visit her parents, Mr. and which F.S.A. farm women are 11:30 Sunday school. aring for the family clothings Mrs. O. Fillirjgness. A farewell par Excellent Floor Good Music F IR S T C H R IS T IA N CHURCH to insure longer wear. Among the ty was given for Oliver Saturday (Church of Christ) L. D. S. CHURCH ' ways are turning shirt collars and night. He left Sunday morning. .1. S. Beem. Minister f~. catching the rip and tear ADMISSION The annual Ward Reunion of Bible school at 10 a. m. and threadbare places at the be- j EX-R ESIDENT OF the L. D. S. church will be held Communion worship at 11 a. m. ¿inning, regular washing and [ Gentlemen 45c — — Ladies 15c Friday. March 27 at 8 p. m. Every Evening Service at 7:45 p. m. Kaning, remodeling and remak- M A L H E U R C O U N T Y one welcome. The public is cordially invited. i..,. Additional. savings are re a l!- 1 V IE W S BO M B IN G cod by families through m aking! -------- »¿m m pillow cases, comforts and' VALE. March 19 (Special)— SI yir-i ¿sag -¿as '1' d tedding. j Mrs. Lota Brown, formerly con- Hon e sewing and clothing c a re ! nectcd with thp relief office in always been a regular part of Ontario, has written to Mrs. Ora : he farm security program," says Hope, county treasurer, relative to Miss Grimes, “ but as never before, the bembing lhat occurred at .th. pecple realize that conserva- Pearl harbor in December. Mrs. Brcwn, who was at Pearl ,,;n and thrift are becoming nat- harbor at the time of the bombing, t nal virtues." is now back in Brooklyn, New York after serving as stewardess R on a beat while en route home. _ , . . . . . . . Speaking of the finej$ttitude oi Thoe? who -attended the party mcthenl and chlidrtn leaving hr Mrs. C. Barret at the V e s t; ^ husbands and fathers, Mrs home where Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown said. “They were grand all I Gctjnsen Mrs. Walter Thompson, the way across; the women werj and Mrs. brave just like their husbands. I Mrs Joe Hand, Mr. Allen Nelson of Adrian won sec Rationing of tires and tubes by ond place in the district F.F.A. the Nyrsa rationing board March public speaking contest at Union 9 and 13 were anncunced today. was. "Vegetables for Victory." Gale The tires and tub’ s were ration- Friday. March 13. Allen’s subject ' -yl as follows: March 6—H:m er H. of-U nion won first place and will Whitman two passenger tires and represent eastern Oregon at the tub's; Frank Hollander, two ob state convention the last of April. solete tires and one obsolete tube; Five registered Duroc-Jersey gilts Ralph H. Curry, one truck tire were purchased from Roy Shut- I and tube; Richard Smith, two well by Billy Hamilton, Eugene 'ruck tires and tqbef, and Elmer Dazey, Gene Davis, Dwain Hatch Dutton, two recapped tnjck tires; and Allen Nelson o f the Adrian March 13—Nornyan Douglas, one chapter March 14. M r Shutwell i tractor tire; Joseph L. Waud. one has one of the outstanding rec ! obsolete tire and tube: Frank ognized herds of Durcc-Jerseys in | Laws, one passenger tire and tube; the nation. On February 11, this Gecrge Whipple, one truck tire at Blackfoot, Idaho, bringing $150, and tube; Myrtle Hatch, two year one of his gilts topped a sale truck tires and tubes; Otto G. while another sold for $105 at the Wolfe, one truck tire and tube same sale. and three recapped truck tires; The second annual F.F.A. bene Bert Osborn, one truck tire and fit dance will be held in the Ad tube, and E. A. Wimp, one truck rian high school auditorium March i tire and tube. 21, according to Don Davis, chair man of the dance. F.F.A. DANCE Worn Out? D R IN K M ILK When you get that dead, ‘‘I can't do it” feeling, what you need is a glass of cool milk. It perks you up right away bleated without feeling. habit to get that A good into, is to drink a glass of milk every day about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It's just what ■ - r you need. D R IN K TW O OF M IL K GLASSES A DAT Saturday, W BP I jverview GATE C IT Y D A IR Y have a lot of respect for our sol- ! diers". Mrs. Hope told how the ships In the convey zig-zagged while en route across the Pacific. The former Malheur county res ident is now a heuse mother in a school in Brooklyn. Conducting Revival at the F U L L G O SPE L TABERNACLE Order NOW m 16 cords per carload. Immediate delivery Save M oney : Green Slab Wood, delivered now by the car load for next Winter’s use, is the thriftiest, most economical fuel you can buy. Divide the car and cost with one or more neighbors. You’ll all save money! Put Your Dollars Into Uniform V i, Invest in Safety Conserve Coal Defense calls for conservation of our nat ural resources. Coal is one of them. Slab Wood, on the other hand, is a by-product. Using it for fuel is lOO'e conservation! Aid Transportation Civilians have been asked to lay in winter fuel now to relieve pressure on railroads during winter months. You can help defense in this small way, and save money, too, by getting complete information on ereen Slal Wood by the carload at— m LU M B E R ^ m COMPANY “ There’» a yard near you” Dwight Smith, Manager Phone 15 Nyssa - An Important part o f Am erica’s job, your job, this year Is to spend less and save more! Not only does th eU . S. Government guarantee your money, it guarantees to give you bark $-4.00 for every $3.00 you save in Dr. C. W . Philleo of Portland is truly an anointed messenger of the Word of God and he rotnes to us at a very needy time . . . . A time when men’s hearts are fa ll ing them for fear for looking for the things that are to come upon the world . . . a time when men and women are tempted to flee ¡rom the house of God's sanrtaary to houses vainly built by human effort and resting on foundations of shifting sands. Our brother lomes with great and good news of our Lord's wonderous grace that is sufficient for every human and -piritaal need. . . glad tidings of good things: God loves and saves and His hand is stretched out ¿till. Attend every meeting at the Full Gospel Tabernacle and fill your soul with good things . . . . strong things that will make you stand in the evil day. G et Your S h a re of U. S. Defense BONDS and STAMPS This space is a contribution to National Defense by F O X ’S D R IV E -IN FO O D M A R T SM IT H ’S G R O C E R Y EDER H A R D W A R E CO. C H A D W IC K ’S D R IV E -IN » N Y S S A F U R N IT U R E CO. ______________________ A D R IA N B O Y W IN S P L A C E W IT H T A L K