PAGE Poll ft Adrian THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THUftSDAY, MARCH Ì9, 1&2 Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner and it in both sides Alvin and James McGinnis have Owyh c e family visited at the Harry Hull went down. ontracted the building of the r>:nnis home In the vicinity of the Mrs. T. M. Lowe fell and broke heme at Vale Sunday afternoon. The regular March meeting of Mitchfll butte. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Barthelsen hip at .her home near Mitchell have the Snake River valley school Mrs Mabel Mack. nutrition her been rehired to teach the butte last Wednesday evening. She masters was held In the Adrian pccialtst of Oregon 3tate college was taken to the Ontario hos Arcadia school for the coming high school building W'-dnesday ’xtanslon service, talked to the pital next day and has been put year. , evening, March 11. figh school student body and the in a cast. Mrs. Ray Day and two sons, who Thirty nine school men from lupil cf the grade schcol Wed- been visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Bradley fell from have Parma, Frultland, Weiser. Emmett, i 'ay afternoon In the high a Mrs. Jameson, the past month, hay Wednesday while Lester Payette, Nyssa, Ontario and New -hoil gymnasium. Her topic was with load her of husband left last week for their home in feeding stock. Plymouth attended. Ladles from Fcod to Keep You Fit.” Spokane. After being under observation in the various communities cf Ad The first part of the program the hospital for several days she rian union high schocl district onsistrd parlimentary drill with returned home, where she Is re-, served a chicken dinner. Dinner he F.F.A. of officers Alberto Valley Nyssa also cuperating. Mrs. Alta Gordon, her arrangement» were in charge of aklng part. Then from Allen Nelson daughter, from Vale, is with her W. J. Matthews of Payette was Mrs. Carl Hill Proceed; from the presented his talks, “Vegetables for a week. a Friday morning visitor at the dinner were turned over to the for Victory”, which he also pre community park board to help sented at the public speaking con James Liddle has taken his O. Z. Matthews home. defray expenses on the park pro test at Union, where he wen sec- sheep from the Bradley ranch to Darwin Klbby of Malheur was ject. The schoolmasters enjoyed 1 prize. Harold Miller and I the Jordan Valley vaclnlty. a visitor at the home of O. Z. a reading, “And So Did I”, pre Ncrbcrt Mrs. Ellis Walters spent several Matthews Monday and Tuesday. Bucks contributed "Cow sented by Lois Moore. Following boy Songs” played on an accord-1 days with Mr. and Mrs. Rex Vlnclent Essenprlce. who has the reading Ralph Brooke spoke Walters in Ontario last week. been visiting his mother in Boise, and harmonica. on “The Labor Situation in Mal ian Verne Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow were left Saturday to Join the army. Moore, former janitor at j heur County". Mr. Brooke stated the Adrian high school, left Sun- j Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Gerald Patton of Cascade, who that Malheur county will have a has been staying at the home of to enter the army. Mrs. S. T. Calhoun. shortage of labor but that the clay Miss morning Helen Hatch of Big Bend Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner en O. A. Matthews, went to Pay general outlook is encouraging. -pent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. tertained at a birthday dinner ette Monday. He will work on a After Mr, Brooke’s talk the James McGinnis. for their daughter, Mrs. farm. schoolmasters divided into units. A Founder’s day program was j Tuesday Clara Nicholson. guests were Ruth Matthews spent the week The F F A. boys of Adrian pre-j civen by the P.T.A. at the high Mr. and Mrs. G. Other end at the home of her parents. L. McMillan, sented their annual program to school Thursday evening. The pro Nicholson and Betty Skinner. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Ed Larson have the student body March 12. into the Woodard house. consisted of readings by Lois Mrs. Martha Klingback and moved Jesse Barker went to Vale to The faculty ladies met with gram Moore and Louise Hinton, two daughter, Doris, were Boise visi take his examination for the army. Mrs. Watts at Parma Tuesday numbers by a quartet and tors Monday. Bonnie Atkeson has been ill evening. They totalled their scores musical talks by Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Greet Among those leaving this vicin with the influenza. for eight pinochle parties and ing, and Mrs. Newbill. The pro ity for army service are Keith found Mrs. Watts holding high gram ended with a candlelighting Kyger. Neal Nicholson, Plyn Car O. Z. Matthews and Gerald Pat ton were business visitors in Pay score. eremony followed by refresh penter and Carl Hite. ette Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGinnis ments. Owyhee P. T. A. met at Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Williams of and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith were Mrs. D. W. Patch, Mrs. Clyde the The schocl house Thursday even Redmond were week-end guests at Sunday guests at the Alvin Mc Steelir an. Miss Eleanor Beier. and ing. The pre-school was won the home of her parents, Mr. and Ginnis home. Mrs. Dan Holly attended a Gar by Harry McPike of quilt Payette and Mrs. E. A. Wimp. Mr. and Mrs. Walter MrPartland den at Mrs. Cotton’s th? second prize, a set cf em Persons from this community at were Sunday dinner guests at the home club in meeting Kingman Kolony Tues broidered dish tcwels, was won tending party given by the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mc day. by Mrs. Alton Boehme of Owy | L. D. S. the church in celebration of Kinney. Mrs. Patch met with the young hee corner. Election of P.T.A. of The Relief Society group of Girl Scouts at the Piercy ficers has been announced for the were Mr. and Mrs. O. R. anniversary Anderson home Saturday. The girls planned April meeting. A pantomine, “Fer and family and Mr. and a tea fer their mothers the day dinand, the Bull,” was given by Melvin Jensen and family. Mrs. My Health before Mother’s day. the first graders under the direc Miss Daphne Molstrom spent the tion of their leader, Mrs. Ruth Cow Hollow week-end with a friend. Miss Mar McMillan. Method Is tha Hult, in Huntington. By The Happy Farmer The Adrian high school band Arcadia Dont know much of what is plans to present its spring con on in the Hollow. Cant see March 27 in the high school Thirty three were present at going Not O n Trial cert beyond of my room but gymnasium. The beginning and Sunday schcol Sunday. Janie feel like cealing a phllifasfer My health method may advanced bands and girls chorus Dowers gave a birthday offering. thority on mumps. and an au be utterly different from will take part In the concert. The The junior class charge of Tis instinct for parents to anything you ever heard groups are directed by Mr. F. A. the closing services. had Sunday schocl shield kiddies from all of or experienced, but it will be held next Sunday at 2 p. sickness their and desease. What per is not on trial in any Mr. and Mrs. Verne Boren of m. with services held by Rev. of the people reaching the sense of the word. It is Boise called on her brother, Ray Daniels of Ontario at 3 p. m. cent ripe old age of seventy get there a tried and tested meth Thrasher, and his family Friday. Everyone Is invited. out having to have the od. It makes the sick Gloria Pounds spent the week Miss Hazel Hickey attended a with mumps? well. end with her grandmother, Mrs. banquet given In the Dewey Palace My grandfather in law, by two My health service deals Mabel Hart of Vale. hotel in Nampa Friday evening by or three marriages, had the with the Spinal nerves Dudley and Harold Kurtz, Ellen j the chumoer of commerce for the mumps a while back at the ripe and restores them to Judd, Keith Eachus, Chrisilla Tul- Canyon county teachers. old age cf eighty-six. The old normal carrying power. 11s, and Helen Pullen attended The members cf the school gent had raised a family In the My health service recog Saturday the first rehearsal ol ! board held their meeting Wed south where many children know nises that when life for an all-district band that is to i nesday evening at the school more about cotton than school. ce travels the nerve lines furnish entertainment at the mus house. Mr. and Mrs. An-os Ber- Eventually one of the grandchild In equal quantity to all ic festival in Nampa April 25. thelsen were hired to teach again ren brought home the mumps. organs of the body there The mumps raged in the tribe for The Junior class will present ibis coming year. Is health. Its play, “Calm Yourself", a farce- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner and months. Most all learned a lot. comedy In three acts, in the Ad family visited at the Harry Hull Granddad took a Post-graduate Dr. C. A. Abbott rian high school gymnasium Fri home In Vale Sunday afternoon. course too. Russel Howell did my chores day, at 8 o’clock. Pacific war time Miss Jeanie Roth of Ontario CHIROPRACTIC The second annual F.F.A. bene pent Sunday with Beverly Ann morning's the first week of our “all-out for mumps. Words cant PHYSICIAN fit drive will be held in the Ad Vre. Mrs. Will Holady and Mrs. Virgil express cur appreciation for that rian high school gymnasium Sat Phone 142 Nyssa urday, according to Dan Davis, Holady and daughter of Mitchell, at a busy time too. Russel tells Oregon, and Mrs. Clarence Burd of his experience of mumps. “I chairman. visited Mrs. Otis Bullard last Tues was just a big award kid”. day. Others who met with the When he had the mumps he visiters were Mr;. Lloyd Orris. never stayed In bed. “Pin a old Mrs. Charles Bullard. Mrs. J. M wool sock around your neck and Wagner, Mrs. Theo Matherly, Mrs. see that you keep your feet warm’ Oeorge Moeller, Mrs. Ann Dali and vas his advise. "It wont hurt you Mrs. Jack Shenk. to get around seme”. "Get out Freí Y mu ’ i nnd sen, cf Red into the warm sunshine awhile mond visited at the J M. Wag each day it will be good for you”. You will be alright in three of ner home last Sunday. A large crowd attended th? mis four days. Thats all fine words cellaneous shower given fer Mrs. to give a big overgrown ten year Jack Ray at the home of her old kid and would all work out mother. Mrs. Ira Ure, last Thurs just fine. It would on all six of day. She received many useful our kiddies. But dad. Oh Oh! gifts. Refreshments of Ice cream The doctor had given me hopes and ccokies were served by Mrs. that I might not take them owing Ure. Mr. and Mrs. Ray plan a to my age. While the wife and leave for Ogden soon to make half of the kiddies were taking their home. them I kept faith by telling them Jake Groot went to Portland I wasn't going to take the mumps. last Friday with a carload of cat On Sunday morning I got up I tle. knew I was taking the mumps. Bill Kipp was a business visi Had put off getting hog feed for tor In Harper Sunday. a Sunday job and now taking the Mr. and Mrs. Amos Barthelsen mumps, twenty head of hogs on visited friends at Parma Sun the place and not enough feed for tonite. Got around pretty fast. day. Sam Caldwell and Tony Marcs- Looked after the mumpy family, tica made a business trip to Seat did the chores, borrowed a trailer, got the much needed com, got tle last week. Mr and Mrs. John Hickey visit Russel Howell engaged to do the ed Mrs Bud Hickey In Ontario chores. Got corn unloaded and Sunday afternoon. Sunday nights chores done very Mrs. H. L. Brooks is recovering nicely. Monday morning one Jaw from a major operation In the was swelled up thought It wisest to stay In and let Russel do the hospital in Ontario. Mrs. Vernon Butler substituted chores. Under the present condi K e y men In government and industry require last, fer one of the teachers In the tions Russel's advise sounded very sound. The next day both sides Ontario schools last week. dependable tranaportation. That's where l i ning Pacifia Mr. and Mrs. J. M Wagner re was swelled up, Continue to get Streamliners play an Important part. They axe on the Job ceived a letter from their son. around seme and look after the —day in and day out. , Leo, who Is in the army. He is kiddle* But by the end of the at Boston. third day I discovered that I had And eo it is with Union Pacific freight service. Production and assembly plants demand a steady stream o f —»*—<*!■ and parts. Union Pacific freight locomotives, powerful giants of the rails, are keeping 'em rolling SO th-»! Uucle Sam can "keep 'em dying." Today, our Nation's war program comes first and Union Pacific is cooperating to the fullest extent. W e appreciate the patient understanding of travelers who are not always able to obtain the accommodations they desire. Our thanks to you for your past and future cooperation. E. C. CRANDALL, Nyew. Or*, rhone 27 PARTS Will Be The Next That Will Be SH O RT Better Let Ua Check Your Car While We Still Have The Part* and they had To heck with the kids to bed for me. For the next three or four days dont know as I would of wanted. to get up if the house had of been cir. fire. Have had plenty of .time to lay here'and think and guess Tye got it pretty well figur ed out. That wool sock around your neck and warm feet stuff is good advise up to ten year olds. But let me advise that all kiddles get the mumps before ten years old. And If they do. get them after they get to man-hood or woman hood dont let any thing be Im portant enough to move them un til they are sure their mumps are completely gene. Here’s hoping kind fate will let me see what the nelghb rs are all dclng before time fpr me to write again. Lower Bend Oregon Trail The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Bonnie Gregg Wednesday afternoon, March H with Ola Chard as co-hostess, The afternoon was spent embroider ing and quilting A kitchen show er ' was given Norma Zriegman, the fermer Norma Pitkin. Eleven members and two' guests answered roll call with something pertain ing to St. Patrick's day. In a guessing game Gladys Byers won the prize. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home cf Minnie Mitchell March 25 with Jessie Chard assisting. Roll call will be answered by an April fool prank. Mrs. H. H. Whitman entered the Holy Rosary hospital in On tario a week ago Friday for an operation. She planned to return home Sunday. Mrs. C. H. Young and daughter, Mrs. Lewis King, of On lari j , spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe King. The Elmer Stradley family of Arcadia visited Sunday and Mon day at the Walter Stradley home. Allen Nlckleson left Saturday morning for Vale, from whence he will leave to join the army. Verne Moore, of Adrian, a former Big Bend boy, left Sunday for Vale and left to join the army. Mrs. Howard Hatch of Adrian visited Mrs. Harry Russell, who Is ill, Saturday afternoon. Syren Carrol has moved Into Allen Nickleson’s tent on the Reu ben Basket place until he can find a place to move into. He spent Sunday with Mrs. Carrol at the Stephenson’s home in Marsing. Work on the Riverside ditch was stepped Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Davis of Nyssa were dinner guests Thursday evening at the Harry Russell home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Alexander- son of Greenleaf were supper guests Wednesday at the Scott home. They brought Riley 8cott home after he had worked a few days for them. The Jolly Janes met with Mrs. Harry Sipes of Ridgevlew Thurs day for an all-day meeting. Mrs. Joe King attended frem here. Lovely PARTY Gowns Mid delicate colors. to MAIN'S /At & Ca/tfic yjfuA dék >5« m S~ Towne’s Garage Doxens of scientifically en gineered plans are ready for y o u r inspection, including economical "p o le " construc tion. Boise Payette terms ere— No Cash Down 3 Years to Pay Phon« 16 for may Main's Cleaners Good housing for good dairy cow» pay» the dairyman. Agricultural engineers, after exstensive research, tell us that a cow can support good buildings on the basis of about 10 c 'c of the income she produces. The same research showed that it require» about 8% of the building value for taxes, insurance, maintenance and depreciation. If a cow produces the national average of 6202 lbs of milk at an average price of $1.70 per cwt. to the producer, plus $4 for the calf, that cow could “pay rent” of $10.94 per year. $10 per year capitalized at 8% is $125, or the amount that can be profitably in vested per cow in dairy buildings. Since Idaho production and prices are above the averages used, Idaho cows can afford more “rent.” Are YOUR buildings doing an adequate Job for your herd? Perhaps your cows are ready now to pay for improvements. Whether your problem ia the planning and construction of a com plete set of new dairy buildings, or the re modeling of your present setup to meet Grade A requirements, you can get plans, materials, financing and helpful counsel at BO' LUM BER CO M PAN Y ~T>on'( • Yard Haa* Yaa” U N IO N P A C IF IC RAILROAD ready FAIR PRICES These men are thoroughly familiar with Grade A require ment* and are qualified to recommend remodeling of your present buildings to meet them. 7ÏÜ 7/éy be your* be coming. Boise Payette experts will help you plan your dairy build ing* and furnish complete working drawing* at no extra charge. cMsMt 4r.WM*I w4 H im •* and Send the clamour evenlnf that Planning Service TI m S o.« r*y«m 1*42 F«m* Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen went to Anderson ranch dam last Tues day. returning Saturday. Mrs. Bud Wilson’s mother of Long Valley visited her last week. Jean Hyde and Roy and Bob Helmas * spent Saturday evening in Bcise. . . Mr. - 'arid Mrs Willard Whit man and daughter of- Seat sic visi ted at the. H H WGtWBkO tio«w part of last week ........... H: noring Bob Holmes, who Wit Sunday for the army, Mr. and Mrs. F S. Byers were hosts at dinner Friday: evening. Other guests were Mrs. H. Hoimes cf Nys<®, Mi. and Mis. F. O. .Holmes, Roy, Gilbert and Junior, Miss Jean Hyde and Mr. and MS’*. R. W Holmes and children. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith and sens visited Sunday evening at the Frank Byers home. Earl Chard made a business trip to Boise Monday. Dwight Smith, Manager Nyssa