.CtTVJ_0VHNAL,THt!R8DAV, MARCH 18, 1812 Classified Advertising H A T E 3 : Two cents per word fo r each issue Minimum cash In a^Vance U 30c. |IR • ” .».V . I •1 f ' * CLASSIFIED A D COUPON ^ 1 1 n * m a t to tail, buy, trade or borrow, use the Oiled ads, which ret results. Bate 2 cento per word per ' Isaac; wlwtmnm chare« 30 cent«. Write your ad on this coupon and mall It to the Journal alone with the required fee. c J m *■ * . . .a y i . V . « . . . N am e................ MISCELLANEOUS For Sale TO R SALE—Blue tag potatoes. Better book early and be sure. Also full line field seeds and gras ses. Oem State Service, Caldwell, Idaho. Box 481. 23f4xp Addreeq MISCELLANEOUS BRAKE W O R K —Let us put your car or truck brakes In first clas> condition. Special equipment am trained men at your service. Pruyt Auto Repair. Phone SOW. KALSOM INE, P A IN T at competi tive prices. First class quality. FO R 8ALE —White Rose and Bliss Triumph seed potatoes, grown Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and 16Mtfc from McKay certified seed. Inquire Highway 201, Phone 108. Jacob Fischer. 19ftfc TOR PLUM BER call J. C. Smith FO R S A L E Day old chicks. Pullets. Phone 78J. tic cockerals, (American Sexcr). High quality, old tested stock. Custom FO R SALE—Bliss Triumph and hatching done. Vale Electric Hatch White Rose seed potatoes grown ery. Box 382 Vale. Oregon. 22Jtfc from .McKay's certified seed. Ro- gued. Inquire 8. E. Flanagan, route FO R SALE— Baby chicks. New 3. Nyssa, Oregon. 12ftfc Hampshire Reds. B. Rocks and FOR SALE—2 choice lots on White Leghorns. Pullcrum tested. Park eve. E.C. Crandall. Phone Patqh Bros. Hatchery, Payette. 19m4xp Idaho. 19mtfc 08-R1. FO R SALE — 1 Farmal tractor LO ST—Gray gelding. W eight 1300 Age 12 years. Roberts Bros. A d with steel lugs. 1 McCormick 12 m 2 xp two row cultivator attachment. In rian. quire Fred Sutton, Wetser, Idaho, CITY PROPERTY route 3. 19m2xp. FO R SALE—Small bent alfalfa hay. Olen Suiter. 411 miles west Nysgja. 19mlxp ,-----Jr— ------------------------------------ F O R 'S A L E —1941 Ford. Good rub ber. Or trade equity lor older car. See Alma J. White 3 irlles north, 1% miles west Nyssa. 19mlxp TO R SALE—Household furniture. Inquire Journal office. 5mtfc For Rent FOR R E N T HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. SJtfc FOR R E N T—Six room house. In quire Star Hotel. 12Itfc Let us print your envelopes, state ments, letterheads, etc. The Gate City Journal. FOR R E N T—5 room, modem house. B AB Y CH ICKS— For delivery every 825. Available March 25. FYank Wednesday and Saturday. For D. Hall. Phone 12. 5mtfc information and prices coir.e In or write Thompson’s Ontario Hatch TOR R E NT—Two furnished houses ery. Box 578 Ontario, Oregon. 5ftfc with bath. See Oeo. Bertsch op Smtfc FO R SALE — White rose potatoes posite Nursing Home. 75c hundred bulk. Inquire Leslie F or Sale Schafer. Kingman Kolony. 5ftfc FARM LANDS FO R SALE— 400 chick oil burner brooder. $7. 400 egg electric In F IV E ACRES with Improvements in cubator 845. See Nyssa Imp. Co. Apple Valley. See Frank Morgan. Nyssa. 12m2xp 30 O tic TO R SA LE —Big team shire mares. T O R SALE—80 acres land, 50 Im 3 and 5. broken gentle. 8300. Nell proved. 81600, terms. Woodrow Dlmmlck, Rt. 2. 12m3xp Brewer, 13 miles S. W. o f Nyssa. 12m3xp FO R SALE—White Rose seed po tatoes. One year from McKay UPPER SUNSET certified. Nell Dlmirick, Re. 3. 12m3xp T h e FYank Parker, George Gab T O R BALE—Good second crop a lf riel and Claude Britton families alfa hay for sale near Adrian. have been 111 with influenza the A. J. Schafer. 12irJxc oast week. Howard Schneider, who has been FO R SALE—Several good young attending school at Baker, re fUUes. also some broke mares. turned home Thursday for an In Wm. M. DeOrofr. Phone 01-J3. definite visit. 19ni3xp Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bardmess spent the past week at the Dude W ANTED Parker home. John Hamilton, Dude Parker TR U C K E R S to haul manure. See and Jack Bardmess rode to the Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc Sage Brush springs Sunday to W E P A Y H IO H E ST PR IC E S for meet a group of men from M itch live fox feed horses. Phone 8 P ay ell Butte to Inspect the range prlcr ette. 47Ntfc to turning out the range stock. Mrs. Jack Bardmess. Sadie Park er and Dick Parker were Ontario FARM LANDS visitors Friday. For Rent Dude Parker and Jack Bardmess FO R R E N T — 30 acres. Inquire were Vale business callers M on Vern Martin, Nazarene parson day. John Hamilton attended a fare age. 18mlxp well party at the J. A. Black home FOR R E N T —Oood 80 and good 160 Friday evening In honor of Harold Dlxson, who left for the army See Frank Q Morgan. HOME GARDENING U one of the essential features of the government's Food Conservation Plan Enjoy fresh vegetables while assisting in the conservation of food. We sell Northrup-King and Michael Leon ard seeds in packages and bulk. We carry' shovels, rakes and hoes. V A LLE Y V IE W NOTICE OF REARING OF F IN A L ACCOUNT N O TICE IS HEREBY G IVEN that Lulu L. Hoxle, Administratrix of the estate of Warren Bert Hoxle, deceased, has filed her final ¡vocount ot her administration of said estate with the County Clerk of Malheur County, Oregon, and that Saturday, March 28th, 1942. at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. In the County Court Room In the City of Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, has been fixed by the Court as the time and place for 1.earing said account and object ions thereto, and all persons In terested In said estate and having objections thereto shall appear at said time and place and file w rit ten objections to the said account and show cause. If any, they have, why said final account should not be allowed and approved and said Administration brought to a close. Lulu L. Hoxle Administratrix of the Es tate of Warren Bert Hoxle, deceased. Date of first publication Feb. 26. 1942. Date of last publication March 26 1942. UNITED STATES D E PAR TM E N T OF THE IN T E R IO R 030761 General Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. March 7, 1942. Notice Is hereby given that Ira A. Mitchell, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, on May 27, 1937, made Original Homestead Entry, Act 6-17-02. No. 030761, for Farm Unit “ A ” or the WHNW14, Section 32, Township 20 S„ Range 46 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank T. Morgan. Notary Public, at Nyssa, ^Oregon, on the 14th day o f April, 1942. Claimant names as witnesses: Doc Pullen, Art Mayes, William Orr, and Emory Hobson, all of Rt. 1, Nyssa. Oregon. W. F. JACKSON Register. N O TICE OF SALE O F REAL ESTATE NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN that the undersigned Douglas M. McDonald, Administrator o f the estate of Elizabeth J. McDonald, deceased, from and after April 17th 1942, will proceed to sell at private sale and in separate par cels the following described real estate and all of the right, title and Interest of said deceased there in, to wit: Lots 11, 12 and 13 of Block 2, Taylor’s Addition to Nyssa; Three-fourth Interest In Lots 11. 12, 13, and 14 of Block 21, Teut- sch’s Addition to Nyssa: Three- fourth interest in Lots 12, 13 and 14 of Block 70, Green’s Addit ion to Nyssa; Three-fourth in terest In Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block 72, Green’s Addition to Nyssa. All In Malheur County, Oregon. W ritten bids for all or any portion of said real estate will be received by the undersigned Ad ministrator from and after said April 17th 1942, at his residence In Nyssa. Oregon. Said real es tate will be sold In separate par cels to the highest and best bidder, for cash In the event such sales are In parcels for less than 8500.00 and In all other instances for part cash and credit on the balance to be paid In annual Installments with Interest at six per cent, se cured by mortgage upon the prop erty so sold. All sales subject to obn/irrratfon by the Court. March 12. 1942. ,. Douglas M. McDonald Administrator o f the Estate c f Elizabeth J. McDonald, deceased. March 12. 19. 26. April 2, 9. Hans O ft built a new garage on his farm. Clarence May nearly severed tw: fingers in his hay chopper Mrs H L. Brocks underwent a major operation at the Ontario hospital last week Her sen. George Turner of Seattle, motored to Ontario Saturday to see hts mother and returned Sunday even ing to his work at an air plane factory there. Mrs. Lewis King and Mrs. Clara Young spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe King of Parma. The Jolly Janes of the 4-H cooking club met Saturday with their leaders, Wilma and Elma Brown. Several of the upper grade stud ents of Valley View school have been pledged by their teacher, Mrs Lewis King, to buy defense stamps. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wright of Vale visited the Amldons family and Mrs. N. Wright of Nampa spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Amidcn. Mr. West was Injured Saturday when hts team ran away. His ank le was sprained when he fell from the wagon. Several farmers are plowing for spring crops In this vicinity. Orland White left Sunday morn ing for Salt Lake City, where he will train for the army. Dean W yckoff of Welser called at the home of his uncle, A. A. Bratton, Sunday. Charles Wyckoff Is spending a few days with his son. C. C. W y ckoff, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCcnnel were Sunday dinner guests of the Wilbur Holcomb family In Nyssa. Buena Vista The “ Out Our W ay” club held its regular meeting last Thursday at the George Cleaver home when the members and their families attended a farewell dinner given in honor of Lloyd Cleaver, who left Saturday to serve with the armed forces. Mrs. Amy Larkin was present In the afternoon to teach the ladies how to make rag rugs. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Joe Callahan March 26. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op liff cal led at the L. E. Goodell home near Vale Saturday. C. S. W yckoff Is spending this week with his son. C. C. W yckoff and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell, Alva Jr., and Donna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Estrick near Meridian. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma and Dorothy June and Jonnie spent Sunday at the S. B. H off man home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op liff and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell at tended a pinochle party at the Ed Nielsen home Saturday evening. Loyd Cleaver left Saturday for the army. He is the first youth from this district to Join the armed forces. The Oregon Trail Grange held a benefit card party at the E. L. Jamison home Tuesday evening. Dean W yckoff spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff. County Clerk NORTH NYSSA HEIGHTS Sunday dinner guests at the Roger Tucker home were Mr. and Mrs San Sparks c f Ny.-sa. Mrs. E. E. Botner entertained the Nazarine Missionary society Thursday at her home. The a f ternoon was spent in quilting. The Cclumbla 4-H club met last Tuesday at the heme of their leader. Mrs. Dave Beers. Tire girls are completing their dresses and some are starting to make aprons. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lunger and daughter. Ernestine, were Ontario visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholema and children spent Sunday at the Silas Hoffman home in the Buena Vista district. Eldon Deel has moved his fam ily from Alfred Evans’ trailer house to the Julias Bevans’ ranch, where he is employed for the summer. _ Ouy FYigle of Fruitland was a Sunday dinner guest at the E. L. Lunger home. Donald Ford was absent from school part of last week suffering from a bad knee infection, re ceived while playing basketball. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholema and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ford at tended a pinochle party Saturday night at the Ed. Nielson home near Adrian. Mrs. Harold Anderson of Nys sa spent Friday with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Glen Suiter. The Columbia 4-H club gave a party last week for Leona John son, one of their members, who Is moving to the Black Canyon. Oames and refreshments were en joyed by a large number of girls. MAKE SURE YO UR FARM IS F U LLY Ninety-two were in attendance at Sunday school Sunday. An Easter program Is planned. Helen Bassett c f Ontario spent Sunday at the Chris Rookstool home. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smith and son were Sunday dinner guests at the Lee Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ross and Karon were dinner guests at the Ralph Barnes home Sunday. The party was held In celebration of the birthdays of Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Ross. Orover Findley has gone to Washington, where he will be em ployed. Mrs. Albert Clement of Boise spent the past week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Iven Findley. Orla Bishop is building a new barn. The Farmer's association held its monthly meeting at the L in coln school Saturday evening. The j njwly elected president. Verdo | Harris, was In charge. J. D. Fair- | man. Boulevard Orange member gave a report on his trip to the co-op convention held at Walla Walla. A committee appointed for refreshments, consists of J. W. Pettet, Mrs. E. F. Orammon and Mrs. Roy Whttsell. Mrs. Jule Hous- SOUTH NYSSA HEIGHTS Harold Kurtz, with a group of F.F.A. boys, attended a contest of par'iarmentary proceedure at l?nl:n Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J E. Keyrer tram - acted business In B:lse M.nday. Mr. and Mrs. Q. E. Webster are l'l with Influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corbett and on. Mcnt, spent Sunday after- oon at the L. J. Norris home in Tot us. tor— It comes without prepared. detour But around you can this un- p l a a s a n t n e s a simply by having your farm fully protected with Frank Mor gan's Insurance. You can rest assured then, that cosne what may, you’ll not be the loser. Full coverage Insur ance roots very little. In vestigate today! M c G i n n i s First Street Professional And Business Directory AB STRAC TO RS Complete abstracting service. Ontario Title Abstract Co. OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. M cF A LL “ See MeFaîl and See Better” ONTARIO, OREGON AUCTIONEERS DENTISTS J. R. C U N D A LL Dentist Phone 56-J Barazln Clinic OREGON NYSSA Electric Shops Consult us on your wiring needs and meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State requirements. Prices right— Information free NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP JE W E LR Y STORES PAU LU S JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS Main Street at Second W YCK O FF JEWELRY STORE Official Tim e Inspector for Union Pacific O N TA R IO OREOON Laundries QUALITY MEATS andy Shelton’s Dairy W ATCHES Frank Morgan Paint protects the outside and Inside. K A L S O M IN IN G and PAPER CLEANING — Free Estimate— School children need their quota of milk every day to help keep them alert during the long hours spent in the classroom. Vitamins con tained in milk are essential to their physical health. . . to help make them better students. any notice and catches you un Repaint for Defense — HELPS M A K E BETTER STUDENTS — ~1 Trouble isn’t a polite visi dish luncheon was served at noon. The farmers are preparing ground for spreading of enl.ns, beets, clover, aJf-l.'a and carrots. Jimmi? Jce Cor j e ’ f p:nt Sunday at the Earmst Barker home In Owyhee district. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kurtz were in Boise on busines, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kalian were callers Saturday evening at the l E Kayser home. MILK W. L. LANE Protected Vern Martin of Nyssa. A covered Miss Jeanne Fisher of Meridian pent the week-end at the O. J. ’ urtz home. Miss June Webster spent Sun- 'ay with Ruth and Lillis Math s'' in the Alberta V a lljy comn.un ity. Mr. and Mrs. o. J. Kurtz and ‘ ons. Edwin and Harold, spent Sunday at the Oscar M i:-hell home near Kuna. Mr. and Mrs. Sccttie cf Boise were week-end guests at the J. E. Keyser home. Merrle Sellumka returned to school after several days absence rn account of illness. Herbert Leon Fisher returned to , school Monday after a months ; abtence on account of measles I and their effects. Harold Kurtz was among the group of F.F.A. members who broadcast a 15 minute program .ver K. F X. D. Monday evening. Mrs. Herbert Fisher and child ren and Mrs. Dan Corbett were among the 11 who gathered at the home of Mrs. E. E. Botner Thursday and quilted for Mrs. Farm and Ranch Sales, Purebred IJvestock 22 Years Experience In the Auction Business "For the Best Prices— Sri! It At Auction” Rea. Ph. 25W P. O. Box 425 Nyssa, Oregon Lincoln Heights NOTICE TO VOTERS To Vote You Must Be Registered As provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to vote at a Primary, General or Special Election unless he or she shall be registered. Electors cannot be sworn In to vote on election day. Registration books are now open and will be open until the night of April 14th, 1942. I f ycu were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or Oeneral Election In 1940, or have changed your residence, ycu must re-register. You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any pre cinct In the County, or with the official registrars in the follow ing precincts: PR EC INC T8 R E G IS TR A R S Applegate Mrs M. D Clough Adrian and Big Bend D. T. Holly Brc*an .......... Mrs Ben Jones Harper and Bully O. Y. Chester Ironside ..... ................ H. C. Elms Jamieson Nellie D. Leavell Jordan Valley and Juniper ................... W R. Helm Jones ....................... Oeo. L. Baker I Malheur Mrs. Horten Worsham I McDermltt Alice D. Bankofier Nyssa No 1. No. 2. No. 3. 1 Arcadia and Owyhee I f P. Solomon Ontario No. 1, No 2. No. 2, No. 4. No. 8. Pair and Cairo --------------- 9 . P. Ryan i Riverside ......... Donald E. Libby i Rockville ............ Maude Greeley Rome ------- Mrs Dora Matthews Snake River _________ C. H. Spicer O fficial Registrars have lists of those who ARE NOW registered. H. 8. SACKED 4’ ton wki appointed chairman of the entertainment. A fter visiting and the social hour, refreshments were served. Mrs. Nanny Hainlin:, h ^ m Alien, and her daughter Mr Melvin Steppen cf Ironside, Deni ’ u n ity at the h :rre c f Mrs Kaln- ine's sen, Or?n Hainline. Rev. and Mrs. R L. Krln:-r 3 he parents of a daughter. Sandra Jc, born March 8 at the Payette hospital. Mrs. Ivan Pennington left Thursday fer Stanfield to jeln her husband, who is employed there Mrs. Roy Farley, who has been confined to her home several weeks by Illness. Is much improved. The Pinochle club met at the home of Mr. and Mr\ Ralph Win slow Saturday evening. The oc casslon was Mr. Winslow’s birth day. High winners were Emi' Frank and Mrs. Winslow. Re freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson and Mr and Mrs Emil Frank visited at the Rommell Moss ranch near Ontario Sunday. Mr. hnd Mrs Moss moved recently from Nyssa. THREE FAGË Nyssa's Own St Nyssa Owned — Seventh St Park Streets — Phone 146 V Nysia Steam Laundry e y b : s i g i i t SP E C IA LIS T O N TAR IO __________ OREOON PHYSICIANS L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and ! to 5 Dally- Except Sunday Frv Building MISCELLANEOUS NYSSA L IB R A R Y Open eech week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p m. Saturday, 2 p. m to 8 p. m. ALL PATR O N S WELCOME Librarian Mrs 8 B Davis NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES H ALL Visiting Eagles Weirome H A R R Y M IN E R Sec ROSCOE F IN D LE Y, Prea. CUSTOM B UTCH ERIN G Every M OND AY and F R ID A Y Beef. Sheep and Pork Sanitary Butchering Guaranteed Phone 05-R-l One Mile West of NA'SSA on Alberta Ave. JAKE FISCH ER FASHION FO U ND ATIO NS BAKCLF.Y and SM AR T-FO RM Foundation Garments Corset*. Girdles. Brassieres Perfect fit assured by experienced corsetlere ALIC E COLLINS Box 500. Nyssa