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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1942)
JOURNAL 7%eNYSSA VOLUME XXXVU. NQ. ö Vale Boys Win District Title In Basketball Nyua Defeated in Final Game With Vale by 32 To 15 Score SNAJLK IUVER V ALLE Y STANDINGS Northern Division W L P c t. W L Pet Vela ...... • i 900 Emmett A « .400 Nyssa .....7 8 .700 Welser 3 7 .300 Ontario S 5 500 Payette 2 • 30» RESULTS L A S T W EEK: Vale 34. Payette 28: Ontario 27,. Welser 24; Bnm ett 28, Payette •; and Vale 32. Nyssa 15. Soathern Division W L Pet. W L P c t. Fruit- New land ... 6 0 1.000 Ply a-.... 2 4 .333 Adrian 2 4 333 Parma . 2 4 333 RESULTS L A S T W EEK: Fruit- land 35, Adrian 23. By W ESLEY SHERMAN Losing only to Ontario. 22 to 17, during the season Just ended, the Vale Vikings again emerged supreme from the Snake River Valley high school basketball round-rabbin In the northern di vision. Southern division standings f und the Frultland Orlzzlles on a pedestal all by themaelves at the top. Victories over Payette and the second-place Nyssa Bulldogs clin ched the pennant (or the Vikings, and the win over Nyssa ireaat th e undisputed right to represent district 13 In the Oregon state tournament for the second con secutive year. JOURNAL TO GIVE DEFENSE STAMPS TO SUBSCRIBERS In order to Increase the sale o f United States defense stamps In this vicinity and promote reading of the Gate City Jour nal, the owners of this news paper will give away absolutely free defense stamps during March and April In return for subscription orders. W e will give a 25 cent stamp and album for a year’s renewal or a 50 cent stamp and album for a new subscription. We feel that this Is an excellent time for youngsters to start saving for defense bonds. All you have to do Is fill out the coupon appearing In the Gate City Journal advertise ment in this Issue and mall it to the office along with $1.50. Your album and defense stamp will be mailed to you Immed iately. Act now before you mislay your coupon. This offer Will be extended only during March and April. HOUSE NEAR HERE LOST IN FLAMES The former Art Neeley residence one mile from Nyssa was destroy ed by fire Monday night. The blaze was discovered by Miss Elizabeth Atkeson, a neighbor. Other neighbors were called to fight the flames, but the fire had spread beyond control by the time they reached the place. The farm was recently purchased by Oi val Childs, who lives 12 miles west of Vale. The he use, unoccupied at the With Nyssa putting in a strong bid to tie the Vikings in the league time of the fire, contained only until the final game the Vikings two stoves. took their home floor Saturday night, outclassed the visitors from WOMEN’S PLAY the start, and rolled to a smash CLASSES PLANNED ing triumph, 32 to 15. While all eyes were on Bill Mus- A series of women's recreation grove, center oh Vale's team, as one of the high scorers in the classes will be held Tuesday night league, diminutive Charles Shoe Mbh week In the gymnasium be maker, Viking forward, slipped in ginning March 10. Frances Tom with accurate shooting from the linson, high scchool physical edu sidelines to hall down the game. cation director, will be In charge. Body conditioning, folk dancing, Musgrove, suffering from throat trouble, edged out his teammate organized games, and sports of for scoring honors. 11 to 10, but various kinds will be included, ac five of his points were free throws cording to Miss Tomlinson. Any woman who wants to at- to Shoemaker's two. Nysaa's Bulldogs' settled down ‘ end 'I s invited to participate in in second place after a very sue-. the ‘ »-weeks' course. T o pay for cessful season, losing only two expenses, including heating, light- games to Vale and one to Emmett ln«- and accompanist, a fee of In conference play. A fter losing $1.50 will be charged, she said. Rubber-soled shoes are necessary Frank Wilson, ace forward who broke his leg In the final game of equipment for each member, but the football season. Coach Irwin the type of costume is left to the Elder came up with a well-balanc discretion of the participant. ed contingent that (bund all eight first-stringers sharing equal hon W ORK CONTINUES ors. IN HOME-MAKING Oalning vengeance over Weiser Friday night, the Ontario Tigers How to put the finishing touches wound up In third place, hitting on garments such as hems, pock •n even .500 in the standings. The ets. loops and sleeve pads will be 'Only team to trim the champion demonstrated at the homemaking Vikings, Ontario was unable to re- class for adults by Margaret SteV' .cover from two losses to Nyiaa. enson. instructor, in the high school Emmett, to, spent one night last March 2 at 7:30 p. m. The class week settling an old score against Is still open to anyone interested Payette in a crushing battle, 28 This will be the last meeting In ■to 9. which clamped the ltd on the the course devoted entirely to "Pirates in last plaac. clothing construction. The Pirates were able to drop Special Instructions in tailoring •only Emmett and Welser. one game will be given for those interested each, during the season, while In making coats and suits. Regular :losing eight. 1 class members are all constructing Only undefeated team In either a garment under supervision. The division. Frultland Itumed baak first half hour of the class is Adrlan’i desperate bid to defeat given over to individual construc the Ortsslles. 35 to 25. As a result tion problems. Adrian. New Plymouth, and Parma 'W ere all bunched with two wins i a n p k f r * i t i n 1C and four losses each In th e fin a l « A J I U E N C LU B IS standings I CHURCH PROJECT In the Vale game. Nyssa m ade1 Organization of a garden club on ly one field goal in the first half, In which the Vikings hit six is one of the new and major pro jects of the Women’s Society of consecutive times on foul shots. Christian Service of the Methodist Lineups Community church. Nyssa Vale The elub will attempt to accom- Brady (1> ...... P _____ (2) Jacobs »d r e d g e ( I ) ..p.. (|0) Shoemaker ptlsh the slogan. “T o make the Larson (8) .. ...0 (11) Musgrove ' church grounds and property beau- ..O........... (2) Paw tlfuliy useful and usefully beauti- Cleaver (4) Rettlg ful". Russell (2) _ 0 ______ Mrs. M. H. Oreenlee said “The Browne (1> .. .... 8 ...... (4) Presley M iner (1) .. __ B ___ (2) Cornett object not only Includes plans for ______ Ross making the grounds beautiful to M i n e r _____ ( ! ) Shelvtn look at but a place of recreation, T oo t --------- relaxation and service. The grounds should not be considered as a place belonging exclusively to the Funeral services will be held Methodist church, but rather to Baturday at 3 p. m.. mountain war the community to which the Meth- i, in the Methodist Communityj (xUlt Church ministers In every church for 811as S. Cartwright. ph lM of itg nfe who died Wednesday in the Nyma person desiring to be a nursing home. part of this project who Is wil ling to team and gain valuable knowledge for themselves in the realm o f gardening, landscaping Clark Schweltser of the and toll building and to assist Power company la suffering from In working out th$ project on the church grounds IS very heartily urged to get In touch with the parsonage or som e member Mr. and M rs John Ostroas were of the church A meeting will be umts of Mr. and M rs E. A Peter- called In (b e very near future, to which m rjrO M interested is tn- on of l NYSSA, OREGON, s e e k s o f f ic e ^ TH U R SD AY, FEBRUARY26, N ew Experiment ¡Area Discussed In Speech Here Dudley Sitton Says Ex periments To Be Con ducted This Year 1942 CONCERNS GIVING THEATRE TICKETS The firms whose names ap pear in this article are giving away free theatre tickets this week. I f your name appears in an advertisement of one cf these firm 3 in the Gate City Jcurnal you are entitled to a free ticket. Clip the ad and take it to the Nyssa theatre, where you will be admitted free upon payment c f the defense tax. Cooperating concerns are: A1 Thompson and Sons Nordale Furniture store Golden Rule store Wilson’s Grocery Main's Cleaners Fox’s drive-in ___ _________I ____ $1.60 PER YEAH Hog Cholera Quarantine Is Placed On Malheur Couuty ---------------------------------• LEGION SUGGESTS OF U. S. BE PUT IN CAMPS i ENEMIES ____ Order, Effective Feb. 25, Lea» Severe Than Prev ious Quarantines Plans for operation of the new Another 30-(!ay quarantine, ef Nyssa pest No. 19. American Leg experiment station near the Cairo ion. at its last meeting adopted fective February 25. cn the sale, Junction were discussed by the u resolution recommending that all gathering for sale or disposal of foreman. Dudley Slttcn, at a meet eneiry aliens be interned new and all feeder pigs (weaner pigs) has ing of the Nyssa chamber of com established fer . Malheur held for the duration of the war been merce Wednesday noon In Brown county, the state department of The resolution read In part; ie's cafe. “ Such action would make im agriculture announced today. Mr. Sitton said considerable This quarantine, like two which possible acts of war or sabotage money has "ween appropriated by against the United States by any have proceeded. Is to prevent the the state for the farm. Some cf spread of hog cholera and swine ef them. the money will be used for re “ No Innocent ones would then erysiplas. Ho»_ever, it has some modeling the buildings. Estimates be under suspicion or possible at modifications from the previous on the remodeling of the residence quarantines. Under the new order, tack. on the farm ran higher than ex “ I f these nationals, guilty or In such pigs may be sold or handled pected so work on the building nocent. are at large any Incident for sale if they have been vacci will be held in abeyance. Work In connection with their conduct nated against hog cholera and ex men are using lumber from the would be used as reprisals against amined by a licensed veterinarian old buildings in construction of a barn. Hugh Lancaster of Baker, field our unfortunate nationals who are and found to be free of disease. I f the serum-alone treatment is Mr. Sitton i p ‘d officials conduct engineer of the state department in the hands of the enemy1’. Ray Larson of Nyssa gave a talk used for vaccination. It must have of geology and mineral industries, ed a soil survey on the level ground Marvin Klemme of Burns, who on Washington and Lincoln. He been made within 21 days of the resigned as supervisor of the state and found thd soil to be good. The stated at a meeting in the city also discussed the war and the date of sale; and if the serum hall Tuesday that further deposits school lands In Oregon, announced hill soil is new or raw soil. simultaneous vaccination has been Forty acres of the farm is plant of otnnebar will probably be found post war period. In Nyssa today that he will become used, the vaccine must have been a candidate for the republican ed to alfalfa, leaving 80 acres to in Malheur county. administered more than 21 days be used for .other purposes. -r yuinci |ju. The chief mineral production In 30 TO BE GIVEN nomination for congress from the prior to sale. We do ngt know how many j the county comes from mercury, second congressional district. His FIRST AID CARDS Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterin experimental 1 'plots pli we will have [ found in two mines in the southern resignation as supervisor will be this spring", Idr. Sitton said. “ We part of Malheur county. arian with the department of ag come effective March 1. Thirty persons are expected to riculture, said that there has been Mr. Lancaster briefly discussed Mr. Klemme said 98 per cent of probably will not start any fer pass requirements for standard first the school lands In Malheur county tilizer experiments this spring. We the department, which is allowed aid certificates as a result of a considerable improvement in the have been leased, assuming that a will have to get our rotation start to make two asseys a month for study conducted two nights weekly hog cholera situation since the disease was first discovered late each prospector and Identify rocks. gunnery range will be established ed as soon as possible” . Sitton expects to do some ex In a technical discussion, he cover under the direction of Frances last year. This new quarantine is by the government In the southern perimenting in varying distances ed mostly the streteglc minerals Tomlinson, physical education in a further protective measure. part of the county. Hog cholera has again made its that are of value in the war ef structor In the Nyssa high school, between beet rows. ¡Jr. Klemme, born In Missouri 41 appearance on Malheur county fort. He also discussed the sam said today. years ago. engaged in farming, After reviewing material tonight farms, and considerable anxiety ples that he displayed at the meet lumbering and forest service work ing. Mr. Lancaster named the the class next week will do fin nas been felt by hog raisers regard and spent three years In the Unit stretegic minerals and added that ishing work, preparatory to ex ing this fact, according to County ed States marines when In his Agent Ray Brooke. While the out probably the ones of most Interest amination. early youth. Mr. Klemme, a grad B. B. Lienkaemper gave the class break is somewhat more widespread in this area are antimony, chrom uate of the University of Wash a demonstration Tuesday night how than that occurlng In October, fa r ium, manganese and mercury. ington and the Yale forest school ambulance men handle stretcher mers are urged to refrain from Fun galore for Nyssa residents Probably the second most im left the forest service in 1935 to of all ages Is promised by high cases and how they apply traction over-anxiety of feeling regarding portant war mineral is chrome, assume charge of the newly or school students this Saturday night splints. this outbreak, and the following ganized division of grazing In this at 9 o’clock In the gymnasium, a mineral of high specific gravity. Another course to follow the one precautions are prescribed: Mr. Lancaster said. Chromimum is state. Under his supervision 12.000,- when «h e schools carnival will be J ust ending 4s a possibility. H "Use extreme care In purchasing always associated with basic rocks. 000 acres of grazing land was or presented. enough interest is shown. Miss feeder and stocker hogs. It was Chrome appears in kidneys and ganized Into federal graring dis Tomlinson said. Twenty-two booths, housing all by this means that the outbreak tricts, several livestock associa manner o f attractions, will be con the veins do not generally run con occurred. Do not vacclnat* until tinuous. Production o f chrome in tions were set up. and admlntstra structed in the gym for the amuse absolutely necessary. I f the disease tlve organization was built up and ment of customers. Prizes in abun eastern Oregon during the last war STOCKMEN W ILL makes its appearance on the farm, 10 C.C.C. camps were placed In dance. as well as good things to was not great. HOLD GATHERING or in close proximity to the farm, Tlie speaker showed two manga operation. In December. 1938 he eat. will add to the gala event. vaccinating may be necessary, but nese specimens, but stated that left the grazing service to make The annual meeting of the Mal the use of virus in immunizing A free show will be given by there are no manganese properties a world tour to study principally wrestlers and boxers of the school heur County Stock Orowers assoc hogs means that all hogs must be rural conditions and agricultural during the evening, but there will in eastern Oregon. He discussed iation will be held February 28 vaccinated in the future, because tungsten ores and shewed how to practices. at 1:30 p. m. In the Moore hotel of the fact that vaccinating has in be a small admission charge. fluresce ore under ultra-violet rays. in Ontario. Mr. Klemme said if he Is elected The Image of Adolf Hitler will troduced the disease on the farm. he will support all military meas be offered as a target in the base The shellte in theore appears white A fine program has been ar It is well to keep livestock from under the light. ures designed fer the protection cf ball throw. Mine. LaHula will pre ranged for the benefit of the stock- other farms, as well as people from Mr. Lancaster. Introduced at the the area of the Pacific, Including sent the characteristic Hawaiian growers of the county, which in farms having the disease away meeting by Frank Morgan, showed a military highway between Alaska dance. Mickey Mouse and Donald cludes a talk by Dr. E. L. Pot frem non-lnfected hogs. I f hogs and Panama; Support all meas Duck will be seen on the screen, picture slides of various speci ter, head of the department of are three to four months old and mens of ore. ures directed toward a more e f and fortune tellers will predict agricultural economics, Oregon the disease makes its appearance, The speaker, accompanied to ficient prosecution of the war, one’s future for the required sum. State college, on “ Important Eco the use of serum will immunize Nyssa by Ned Thomas of Baker, placing the interests of the U. S. A. nomic Problems; a talk by Mac these hogs until they have been Sponsored by the high school j first at all times; support all yearbook, of which Delma Ward said “The thing our department Hoke, president of the Oregon fed out and marketed. Every pre can do and will do is identify your measures directed toward the pro is editor, the carnival Is given to Wool Growers association, on the caution should be taken to stamp tection of the agricultural and raise money to finance the student rocks” . “ Price Ceiling on W ool"; a talk out this outbreak because cf the lumbering interests of the Pacific publication. A large part of the by D. E. Richards, superintendent fact that it is a summer time or northwest; Support legislation en student body is working on var of the union experiment station, hot weather disease, and If it is MUSIC CONCERT couraging the development of all ious aspects cf the affair. on “ Feeding Beef and Lambs and not checked during the cooler mineral resources o f eastern Ore the Importance of Grasses": and weather, severe losses may be sus Mrs. Stella Yeung and Flora Ur- WELL RECEIVED gon; Support any reasonable old quirl are advisers of the Tupelo, a talk by C. L. Jamison, secretary tained which might continue on The annual concert presented by of the State Cattle and Horse as age pension program; Oppose pen the school yearbook. during the summer and early fait the music department of the Nys sociation. on “The Importance of season." sions to congressmen, or any other sa union high school Friday night the Association to its Members.” government official, unless paid was said to have been the best for by the recipient in the form of REGISTRATION IN All stockmen of the county are given here in several years. an annuity, and oppose excess prof MALHEUR CO. 1093 invited to attend this meeting, NUTRITION GROUP A large crowd attended the con which will be both educational and its to any group while soldiers are PLANS GATHERING fighting for $21 per month. VALE. Ore. Feb. 26 (Special)— cert despite the stormy weather instructive. An attempt will be Malheur county’s third registra All numbers presented by the stud made to Increase the membership The first meeting o f the M al tion, completed Monday, totaled ents under the direction of Mrs in the association as the import heur county nutrition council will BUD HARMON Jchn Young and Oordon Aspen- 1093 or about 40 per cent of the ance of agricultural organization be held Monday evening, March first selective service registration. gren were well received. is greater now than it ever has 2 at 8 o'clock in the Moore hotel DIES IN FALL The variety of numbers seemed been. O f this number, 1028 were Mal- In Ontario. Plans will be outlined to please the appreciative audience. for the county’s nutrition program. Bud Harmon, former electrician hfU' “ y « • * > « * • • * * 65 " h° The program Included instrumental The activities of the county com in the Amalgamated Sugar com- re* * tered in RINEHART CHOSEN and vocal solos, group singing and pany factory in Nyssa, was killed residence as ou tofth ecou nty had mittee will be closely coordinated HEAD OF WARDENS been estimated that the national band selections. with the defense council program, while working for the Pacific Light average wculd be about 60 per which p rovides for teaching nu and Power company In Walla Walla Grant Rinehart has been ap cent of the first registration. The trition and physical fitness In the Saturday. Moving To Ontario— pointed by Herschel Thompson, lower figure for this county was Mr. and Mrs Rommel Moss and chairman of the civilian defense schools, adult education in nu Mr Hannon fell from a pole partially accounted for by the fact when a spike on his climbing out that so large a number of men children are moving this week to council, as chief air raid warden trition, food buying and prepara tion, extension of infant and child a ranch near Ontario. fit breke. in Nyssa. from Malheur county have gene health conferences, provisions of Mr. Harmon left here two years into defense work. “ I f these men Mr. Rinehart succeeds Ray Lar school lunches for children, com ago after working at the local working away from home, and al sen. who resigned because of the Youth I* Promoted— munity canning centers, home food factory for two years. He Is sur so college students, give this coun Bert M. Sandy of Nyssa has been pressure of business. Mr. Larson production, and a wider use of vived by his widow. Interment will ty as their home address as they promoted from the rank of sejrf wlU remain as an air raid warden surplus foods. be a Salt Lake Ctiy cemetery. The wardens will have to be properly should, said Robert D. L y geant to that c f staff sergeant tfY tle. chairman of the lacai board. the United States air corps. Ber’- trained in at least 10 hours of first today. we should receive enough geant sandy, son of Mr and Mrs. aid. five hours of fire training, Fanner* Learn Repairing— M e « ile* Prevalent— Farmers of this community are more registrations from other Taylor Sandy of Nysaa. U stat- five hour* of police work and five Seventeen cases of measles were repairing their farm implements reported from Malheur county to boards to make the total figure loned at Baton Rouge. Louisiana. hours of drill. in the high school agricultural shop the state department of health of registrants coming under M al at classes held from 7 to 10 p. m. COW HO LLO W DANCE TO during the week ending February heur County jurisdiction, around Called Into Army— each Monday and Friday evening. EE G IV EN FEB R U AR Y 28 21. Other sickness Includes one case thirteen hundred.’’ Dr Edlescn. local physician as A dance will be h e ld ' February The course Is open without cost to of pneumonia and six cases of sociated with the Saraxln clinic, 28 in the community hall in Cow any fanner who wishes to do hla mumps. 8eventy-five per cent of Herr From Washington— has been called into the army. He Mrs. Ed West o f Sunnyside, Hollow for the benefit of the halt repair work at the shop. Vincent the doctors of the county re left with Mrs. Edelson fer Port Washington is In Nysaa visiting fund. The dance will be sponsored Skubal is in charge of welding ported. land Tuesday morning. friends. by the community club. Frank Savage and his orchestra will fur Here Prom Calofornia— Gaea Ta ( olormdo— Brother* Enlist— J. A Wade o f Hillsborough, Cali Examination* nish the music. C liff Oreer of the city water de Robert and Lloyd Wilson of Nys fornia. was a week-end guest of The United 8tate* civil service partment has gone to Colorado to his sister. Mrs. H. R Sherwood, and commission has announced exam sa have enlisted in the United Rehtrn Home— visit his father for two weeks. inations for the position* of black States army They will leave Tues Mrs. L. O. Poulsen and daugh her family. Mr Wade spent part smith, gas cutter and burner, mold- day for Portland to assignment. ter, Vela Dee. arrived home Satur of the time in Boise on a business er. machinist helper, pipefitter They hope to be assigned to the day after a two-week visit in Utah trip. Enltits In Nary— Mr and M ri B F Rcokstoot helper, brick irason and pipefitter. air corps. and Idaho. They were called to hare received a letter from their 8alt Lake City February 8 be Returns Ta Portland— son. Harold, who enlisted in the Examiner Coming— cause of the death of Mr*. Poul- Mra. W Eldrtdge left Monday navy, stating that he arrived in An examiner of operators and Mrs. Minnie McFarland of Nam sen'a brother. They visited rela afternoon for her home in Port San Diego February 10. He will re chauffeurs Is scheduled to be in pa was a week-end guest at the tives in Salt Lake and Ogden. land after visiting several day* ceive training at San Diego for the city hall Wednesday. March 4 home cf Mr and Mrs E. C. M c Utah and In Montpelier and Faria, with her mother. Mr*. Betty For- six months In cUasel engineering from $ a. m. to $ p. m. Idaho. Farland. Lancaster Talks About Minerals Klemme Running For Solon Post School Planning Carnival In Gym