Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1942)
PAGE SlX TRADE—B ron» U1 w b» er n tfc th Kl d! ai CO le> ar fe lo te ou wi th ba be no lei lir foi th. ati of ] tri loi tre to ale ta? pli bu sai to gri e th< th< poi pr< iou agi cor bo< Th' ont sou t fort con tha two lOWi Bes the all low« wesl on i be I ing gulf Al âge to n duct over The Is a of It em n els 1 chea indili coni* abou fe ht ar of Sairurday, February 21 Bybee Commission Co* r*| Qa _ _ _ L o NYSSA righ 2 Amaizo lip C 7n 10 PROGRAM THEATRE A C C ID E N T S s lyVnn Rari and Charles Rubles in a t M at T H E PERFECT SNOB" 3 3» F M . Adm V-3K - Fverr.-r*. lie - » ,- I $ 2 4 5° up W ill Happen! /ANK GREY'S ’ 'RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE" For a well tailored ready made *uit! rarladri t Sunday and Monday. February 22 - 23 Jane Wyman. Rc^is Toomey, Jimmy Durante and Phil Sihrers in -Y O U 'R E IN THE ARMY NOW" Rrwaduaj Brevity ami co K yt (trtooa. BARGAIN NIGHT— Tueadav. February 24 Newest styles, both sport and conservative. M réfR i #f inH Are You Prepared Materials — Worsteds, twists, Shirley Temple, Herbert Marshall and laraine I>av in KATHLEEN- NV edneadav and G an CoGjver, Waiter seryes. herringbone. tweeds etc. Yoo can select' ViMn color from a large variety of browns, tans, blues, greens and greys. Select your »«it now and we will lay it away. Februarr 25 - 26 a, Jv>an LItalie ami N'Vkh FWnr, Jr. in l\dor Cartoon and News • SERGEANT YO RK" 55c iacL ta«. Children 17c iacL ta». We will have a larjje selection to choose from. Mat B aa 3 3A -Adaq i l e a , E veoa^ AAm H e-JBc wtchaOeq tax Dm: Pkgs- Corn or MEN’S SUITS G ogksv Montgomery and Man Howarvi in Wh eoo 1 07n 23c Wilson Grocery Friday and Saturday, February 2 0 - 2 1 “I whi Swandovvn and Meetings Phone 108 W turkoY Auction Sale Bernard Eastman M P» Ul sa for LOCAL NEWS HEY! F ai tom and sister. Doris Ann Truelaon Return From Trip— lo o Late to Classify hen. Inquire J . I Brady, Route 2. After the ceremony they drove to Mr. and Mr* George Dalay re -■ ■ ■ — | 19f2xp Nyssa, wher# a wedding dinner turned home Sunday from a short LO ST—12x16 canvas tarp between |--------------- --------------- -------------- — was served at the home of the trip to Twin Palls. Snow fell in Nyssa Lumber Company and FOR SALE—Hay and barley. bride's parents. the Twin F’alls section Sunday Oeir. Avenue. Reward. Nyssa Lum- Cotton. Kingn an Kc.cny, Rt- l Clocks Went Advanced— morning, but probably melted by ber Ccmpany Mr Holtz law Is associated with I9tfc | cr phone Q2-R5. wmc The chamber voted to mast next the roller skating rink In Boise Wednesday at I p. m . mountain evening, Mr Daley salt. Mrs Holuslaw will stay In BoUe war time. Instead of at 12 o'clock Recover* From Sickness— Bernard Frost, amnsger qf the i arimi*. Mrs. S W Abersold was and take charge of the business as usual. QUEEN CROWNING Idaho Power company here, has re ii charge of the coronation osrs- while Mr Holtzslaw is in Portland Since Attorney Oeneral I. H. I tí ATURES HAI>L covered from an attack of Influen icny and Mrs Lloyd l.ewts was attending a welding school. Van Winkle cited the ruling of the za. i elisi ge of (lit program. The - 8 - Interstate commerce commlslon last The rroanlng <>l Wueen Mary School Administrators III— I e- Ideitele* of the M I A. were in BOOK REVIEW PLANNED Thursday relative to establishment Murinoli ami other features of the The Friendly book club, sponsor of the boundary line between P ac Purge .if the oilier arrangements. The mumps have reached the green and gt'ld ball of Ihe Nyssa ed by the L D S . church, will meet ific and mountain time several years higher-ups In the Nyssa and Ad ward of tile L.D.H church was en February 25 at the home of Mrs ago Nyssa residents have been ob rian schools. City Superintendent HACK RELATIONS'' W ILL Joyed Friday night by a large IK rilK M F OF' GATHERING J. C. Bowman. Mrs. Joseph E. serving mountain war time, ex Henry Hartley of Nyssa and Prin iluwd In the M-liool gymnasium Rare Relations" will be the gen Trent will review Franz Werfel'a cept that merchants are opening cipal Dennis Patch of Adrian were At 10 o'clock a trumpet was book. "Embezzled Heaven". The and closing their stores an hour suffering from the disease this Few MILK COWS and few STOCK CALVES » ;united and the procession was eral thrine of the February meet- public Is Invited. of later than before clocks were ad week. Mr Hartley's son, R :bert, had fx\i etl Two scouts. Revere Chant- :tig of the Women's Society the measles. - I - 'In let Inn Service of tile Methodist vanced. — Bring in What You Have For Sale — L i ,nd Orvli Newell, carried the BANQIJET PLANNED Enlist* In Army— Here From Ontario— .lurch Febiusry 20 fluì ami led Ihe audience In Ihe The Masonic annual Oeorge H i.Ilicih od" Is the topic for Dale Winfred Dewey of this vi Mr. and Mrs. Gregory of On al'egiante to the flag Lyto Cottle Washington banquet will be held cinity has enlisted in the United tario were dinner guests of Mr. lieadi >1 Ihe procession, carrying the he devotional servl's, arranged Monday, February 23, at 7:30, ■lueenr crcwn Two utile flower jy M n Flryd Lon ax. The panel mountain war time A potluck din and Mrs. Elmer Dutton Pebrimrv States army, according to infor mation received from the Port girls, Karlen Pelt and Marilyn II cii - m n, led by Mrs Earl Cran ner will be served All members are 12 land headquarters of the Oregon Here From Ogden— Abersold. showered flowers In Uie iali. will be on the subject. "We Invited to attend. Formerly Ny»sa Commission Company Mrs. Marilyn Cottle and Eldon recruiting district. path or the queen, wearing a green Vic Not Divided'. It will Include Soldier* Visit— Russia, i'll ina. Japan, the Amerl- Strlngsetlow of Ogden. Utah, were train, and her escort, Blair Hen MRS MORGAN H OSTESS nu iicgio and the Jew. Members Sergeant Jam es B. Afke on. who il«'ricks Janice Lewis and Clara Mrs Frank Morgan was hostess week-end guests of Mr and Mrs has been stationed at the Pendle { tl.e panel will be Mrs Henry Kenneth Cottle. Coates were Ihe train bearer*. Cux- to the Tuesday evening bridge Wealey Sherman. ton air base, visited bis parents. I ett Myers carried I lie queen's cor ilartlcy. Mrs. club at her home February 17. Attend Nampa Dance— sage, which was presented to her Mis. Helincr Julene, Mn. L. K High scores were made by Mrs. Mr and Mrs Buruall Brown Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Atkeson. last | Kobblns and Mrs. Louis Muster by the Nvssa ward. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle attended Thursday evening He was accom- j A real ex|>erlence In the life of J. J. Sarnzin, first, and Miss Eva the green and gold ball at Nampa panted by Lieutenant Eadie Horton | tjueeu Mary was attended by Baydell, second. and Sergeant Martin Q. Stubble- j Vera O it . escorted by .lesse llerrrl- :wo retired irlaslonarles. taken from Saturday night. —8— the magasine 'T h e Methodist field. They flew over Nyssa Friday j son. l.ovelle Wheeler, escorted by Leaves Hospital— DANCE IS PLANNED Chester Asliby: T alla Latham, es W oman'. will be presented by Mrs. Mrs. A L. Fletcher has returned morning in a bomber while en The "As You Like It" club met corted by Walter Asliby. and Kl- Joseph Ewer and Mrs. Dale Os- Friday afternoon at the home of I home from the Holy Rosary hos- route to an unannounced d estln a-' aine Lewis, esi-orted by Leslie Lew berne Special music, featuring folk Mis F ill'll S tlrr —el* T l'c after- P,f"> In Ontario nfter undergoing tlon. Passes E xam in atio n - is, The procession proceeded to the digs of the races being discus- Albert Heldt. Jr., has pa sed an j Visiting In Montana— stage, which was decorated as a ed, ’ will be enjoyt , ,,, the Nyssa Dancing club In- k c _____ ___________ rtn* meeting, and all progian I for ...... .......... .. . . . . . . . . ... throne with three tinge hearts back Mr and Mrs. A. H. Boydell are examination for entrance to a j dividual valentine cakes and coffee GROCERY SPECIALS FOR navy diesel schcol. Heldt, who en Hirelings of the society, will be j of It. The queen took Iter place visiting relatives In Butte. Mon were served by the hostess. listed in tiie navy the latter part | held in the church on the fourth j Friday and Saturday, February 20 and 21 on the throne and was crowned by tana tbLs week. They rvre expect -§ - Thursday of each month The ma- ‘ C. C. Cotton, Peb. 19 tier esecri, itlalr Hendricks ed to return home Monday They cf January. Is stationed at San MRS M M ANGUS AND F ------- --- * ■ The frllowtng pogrant was given: let U1 presented on the programs J c M c F a r l a n d m a r r i f d were accompanied to B utte by Mr. Diego. ^ ■ * 1 wtU be of Interest to all women j ••Orad Your Happiness", con-posed F C McFarland and Mrs Mor and Mrs, Seinsen. In a long dis CARD OF THANKS C a k e H o u r soft as snk Pkg. Z / U by Mrs d O Hybee and sung by of the community, who are very d a May Angus, both of Nyssa. tance telephone conversation Tues We take this, means to thank her daughter. Nannette; song. cordially Invited to attend. day mrrnlng. Mr Boydell said the were united in marriage at Cald our friends, neighbors, the Town A nursery for pre-school and pri- "Madeline.'' Darteli Bvltee. sc- well February 14. Mr and Mrs temperature In Butte was 40 de send club, the Rev. Mr. Greenlee r-ompanted by Mrs. Bybee. vocal manry children ts maintained at R. O. Boyles of Cow Hollow at grees below zero. o ta re n Gloss for............................-I l i t and Mrs. Greenlee fer their cards Red Cross Appeal Issued— -olo. ' Sweetheart.*", Gordon Aspen- the parsonage on each fourth tended the couple, of sympathy, personal calls a n d , Thursday as a service to mothers Persons who have not contributed greti, areon iwoted by Mrs John - 8 - Young two selections. "Kiss Me of young children who desire to ENTFRTAIN CLUB M EM BERS to the Red Cross disaster fund flowers in our time of sorrow in ; b y ru p tb paiu .............................. u / C the loss of our beloved husband, i attend the meeting Mrs. O. P Again" and "Sweetheart", high Mr and Mrs George Sallee en in Nyssa are. asked to do so. Nys father and uncle. sa will have reached its goal when school sextet dlm'ted by Mrs Council is in charge in February tertained the members of the The hostess committee (or Feb- Mrs. Dora Holmes Young, and exhibition dance. Mr Young Married Couples club at it has collected *15 more. Contri Homer Holmes | ruary consists of Mis Lambert C r a c k e r s pkg.................... ......................1 9 C and Mrs Max Swenson their home FVbruary 12 Prizes were butions n ay be made to Mrs. Dick Mr. and Mrs. F. G. The theme of the ball. Sweet - i Dlerktng. Mrs Ruth Brooks, Mrs won by Mrs. A C Sallee and Mrs Tensen. Holmes and family. hearts'', was cleverly carried out l1*-'1 Brat toil and Mrs O. k Beit Diseases Reported— R O Whitaker Twelve cases of communicable In live deccrattoivs and costumes srlv B a k i n g P o w d e r 25iounc«G'rl..2 2 C diseases were reported to the state of Uie little girls. The hall was —8— MR AND MRS MEET decorated With red ami white LFXH.A TRltKLSON BRID F Mr and Mrs. G. J Mitchell en- department of health by Malheur streamers and hearts Mrs Lorili ° F FRANK HOLTZSLAW iertatned the members of the Mr county doctors during the week P a n c a k e F lo u r ......2 9 C Goatee was In change of the dec- Mlss lev'1* May Truelson, daugh and Mrs. Club at a dinner party ending February 14. The diseases The Oregon Trail P.T A. are | ter of Mr ami Mrs Henry Truel at their home FVbruary 12. After were measles, fivw“. whooping cough, sponsoring a founder's day pro-1 became , the Frank , son. _ . . bride _ of . , , . dinner bridgr was played. Those two: pneumonia, four, and chicken- gram. February 20 at 8 p. m P a c - 1 C o rn F la k e s .....................2 1 C F Holt*-law of Boise FVbruary 11 h u h s<ww wfr, Mrs A pox. one ific war time. The public is i n - 1 JO URN ALS u . u . . Enlists in Marine Corps— vited to attend. H B -ydell and George Mitchell. Tire bride was attraettvety attir- SALE CALENDAR John O . McDermott of this vi Í ed in a dark blue suit with match- BARBARA I AK'ON P i EDGED T is s u e f a : fT o ilct 23C The Kingman Kolcny PT.A cinity enlisted in the regular m ar- I log accessories The couple were AT I OI t I'C.F IN DENVER t >ue corps last week and is now meeting has been postponed in-1 Sales llste.1 Uy the Gale attended by the bride's mother Miss Barbara Larson, daughter *n training at San Diego, accord- definitely because of sickness. City Journal for turmtmg and . f Mr and Mrs R O Larson of i l!'« S ta ff Sergeant Delbert E pnbhctty are advcrttsci wlth- T is s u e ..................................2 3 C Tlie Kingman W.C T.O. will meet Nyssa pledged an honorary leader- ; Meyers of the Boise recniiiing sta- oul dvarge I*' »h* ad ver User ship fraternity. Delta Tau Rapiva ,ton The qiKvta set fer the limner a t the heme of Mrt Elmer Dutton in U'* Ontario Aigus. Pay- at Colorado Woman's college in | marine reserve during February ! February 20 at 2 p m This being I rlte Imiet'eiutenl-Rnierprise, T o ile t S o ap 19C Denver where she is a freshman 1,as filled, but applications 1 the world's day af prayer, all in- j the Malheur KntVrprtse of student. are accepted for March enlistments, terested are inrlted to attend Va le Weiser American, Cam Miss Larson was formally initial - This quota limitation includes only bridge News Retxvrier and I'd Into the organization on t h e ; men between 30 and 50 years a f ' S o a p S t x ! ated.................... Councl leader As vHtr sale afiernoon of January 13 Ttie fra-1 *Fe- assigned to naval guard duty | calendar protevts ywur date, emity is c. mposed of three ooun- _ feazes for ('alifarnia- consul! us tmmevitately when Mrs. D O. By bee left Sunday ctls Miss l arson is a membe >vu plan a sale for an extended visit in Los An- cf Hauttv or the first council. I FYto 33. I p sv. Ernest geW and Hollywood, where she reo'grilles and encourages stud Anderaan. I * e miles east of ents who pos sess ability, character will attend a family reunion Feb Nvssa on Black Canyon pro NYSSA ruary 23 in oelehra'ion at her leadership, and personality OREGON je t . father's Kind birthday Mrs Bybee A Dependable Food Store Insurance t* mar Fwxinovv FV4' 37. 13 (Mon, will feature two of her origina’. AVORIO DAY O r P R A Y E R gomery and Orow. vvoe n- de tsioal compositions at the Mara i AAlft RF CELEBRATED " X < not sec us today about weet and hall mile nanti of Friday February 30 the first F ri Ahsta L D 8 chapel in Los An "»nr tns Apple Valley schooi iNMHk day in lent, is universalfy ohserv- geles FVbruary 34. the occasion be - j M uvb 3. 13 noon. Lewlte the fare» e.. oarty of her brothe r^ i zd by Christ-ans as a day of prayer W Ycwtng I mile mvrth and The Methodist church will have Victor Steunle who has been c o ls -ll 1S mile» «roi of Adnan three groups meeting in oonrenient rid to tiie western stataa a k s i a i II W a h tíes, making it tvssibie for She wiT. also stop in Ogden a n w | Maivh A 13 Xubi»- all persons who desire to partici Salt Lake City to visit fnenas. J areta Brothers. l«ro miles Mrs Bybee, who «nil be away from j M is a it pate to do se nerth and h-ut miles «oral of One croup «rHl meet in town at Nyssa about a month, will be ee-1 Adnan the FVvd Lomax home on Park com panted by her infant daagbeer. Ftrtday. FYb * t Rex Marquis, Phone 64 Jim Mussolini Feb. 19 street at 3 3Ö mountain war time Celia CarvJ ean er Three mile» east of Bwy* O n ta rio In te re s t— or 1 * Parifje war tin e , ot Va!e or eight mile« «re*i of B B Lienkaemper of Nyssa fun «W»R> »< the George Webster h-wne NYSSA OMGOS Catro .miK-isvo on hkgbway at the same hour and the third eral home has purchased a s in croup at the Ralph IVvies h.-roe terest in the Beatty funeral home Khterpnse ami Lytle K>uieiwrd at in Ontario from Thad Beatty 3 3# The theme flor io * j is " I am who will more to Bouse to become the Way deieicprd under seven assvvuted »1th the M cBratney fun eral home The Ontario business titles wii: be conducted as beforr under the same pome Mr and Mrs. F a R eate T» Seattle— MONDAY — TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY be actively a s a v u t e i Mr and Mrs Earl P*:>rs<w, and Beatty 'On* «ere dinner gumtx last Thure- the funeral heure In O ntano February 23, 24 and 25 day at ihe Lytir. Kygar heme while en route to Sentiri to make th e» heme Mrs. Keith K w ar was. a Double Feature •vek-end guest at the Lynn Kygar NYSSA FUMERAI FRANK MORGAN GOLDEN RULE n yssa OREGON