THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, _ THUHSDAY> FEBRUARY 19, 1942 PAGE PIVE The Roberts brothers now have Wurl, Olive Hcke, Opal 'Holmes Vein Bai'.ey', who lias been visit department of agriculture has NEWELL HEIGHTS a drilled well, 245 feet deep after and June Smith. Parlor games ing at the H. O. Bailey home for asked that enough beets be planted The Mary Martha Missionary so about four years of hauling water were played with Minnln Mitchell 'he pa t two weeks, has returned to utilize the full capacity of pro and Gladys Davis receiving prizes ciety he'.d its regular monthly l'A miles. ic his heme in Wendling. Crcg n. cessing plants. meeting with Mrs. Wesley Piercy. Beginning Sunday, February 22, Roll call was answered with favor Mr. and Mrs D. W M 'llm is The Sugar City factory of the Mrs. Art Cartwright was assistant the Adrian United Presbyterian ite poems. The club will hold Its went to Caldwell Saturday on bt > Utah-Idaho company wculd be re next meeting at the heme of Bon hostess. community church will begin the iness. opened. and the Nampa factory nie Oregg with Ola Chard assist Mrs. Jim Lane led the devotional Sunday school hour at 10 o'clock constructed by the hit? Oe:rge De lastm utt speat new being ing February 25. Pot holders will on the subject “Should Christians and church at 11 o'clock. There Is m|1||| | | Friday with Mrs. D. W McGinnis. Amalgamated Sugar ccirpany op be exchanged. Refreshments were a possibility that Dr. Sawhlll of Oo To War," and Mrs. E. O$born Ministers or others Interested in churclr publicity are invited to use These who retuirei lhis week erated. served by the hostesses. reviewed the first part of "Roots Scattlb ’ will be there. If not a the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and nonces t0 school after having th ' : . ps To double production. It was ex returned missionary who is In The Oregon Trail P T. A. will of Christian Democracy,” a book to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of and meesles. are Kathleen and Dor- plained, about 5C00 ore workers hold its regular February meeting Caldwell for a short time Will be U-.ted In the reading literature each week. i cthy Loe. Robert Johnson, Lais would be neces ary than were em Friday afternoon at the school program and one that is proving there. * and Lora Jane De Lashimi:t, F.dan ployed last year. very lnteres Ing. Mrs. Harvey Otis A meeting for Wsdnesday even house. L. D. S. CHURCH THE METHODIST COMMUNITY Herman, Francl High! an t O. rc- Those at the meeting Included F. G. Holmes and Roy and Bob will take up where Mrs. Osborn ing at the Harvey Otis home In ! thy Barnithama. CHURCH Sunday, 10 a. tr„ Sunday school Russell Richards of Boise, R. G. Adrian was announced Sunday, made a business trip to Caldwell left off at the March meeting. Those still sick are Mary and meeting. Larson of Nyssa, H A. Elcock of M. H. Greenlee, Pastor Friday. Ed De Laslnrutt. Ifarlun Gcnnasa Twin Falls, A. E. Bennlng of Og The society voted to affiliate asking all per ons connected with Sunday. 11:30 a. m„ priesthood Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen and Mrs. R C. Breckenridge. and Colleen Bybee. with the United Presbyterian Mis the local church to meet with Dr den. all of the Amalgamated Sugar family and Mrs. Mills visited meeting. Sunday, February 22 will be Lay- sionary prroblterlal and the neces "awhill cf Seattle and Rev. Mc- The weekly Christian Endeavor company; Carl Leonard, Filer beet Tuesday, 2 p. m,. Relief society. friends and relatives In Caldwell Kune of Nampa. nan's Sunday. The morning church meeting will be h l j at tii H sary changes will be worked out. grower; William Carson of Weiser, The February 19 meeting of the Sunday. service will give recognition to the O. Bailey home beginning at Then nominating committee was William Hogg of Marslng and H. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Mrs. Nathaniel Ashby and child P. T. A. to celebrate Founder’s layman's movement. Tire evening o ’clock, appointed with Mr-. Jim Lane. Vern Martin, Pastor A. Tiegs cf Nampa, leaders In the ren returned last week from Utah, day with an appropriate program ervice will continue the series j Mrs Patch and Mrs. de Haven Nyssa-Nampa Sugar Beet Growers Sunday school at 10 a. m Classes where they visited relatives. has been p:spoiled due to so much of sermons dealing with the vital (Continued Frcm Papa One» acting. About 24 ladles were pres- association; H. L. Stafford, admin W. A. Mettlen returned to Lucas, lor every age. illness in the ccmmunlty. heme of “The Comradeship of SUGAR INDUSTRY EXPANSION istrative assistant for the agricul «nt. Morning worship at 11 a . m. Pas Kansas after spending several An epidemic of mumps, especial Personal Evangelism". The local W.C.T.U. will hold administration The group — 12 men from tural adjustment weeks here visiting his daughters. tor in charge of the service. The services cf the Methodist Its February meeting the 27 ob ly among the high school stud Junior meeting at 7 p. m. In tire •hroughout the Idaljo sugar beet In Idaho, and Agriculture Com Mrs Marion Chard and Mrs. Ervin ents and adults has hit the neigh church are timed to coincide with serving "World Day of Prayer," area—passed with the governor's missioner J. B Newport. Chard and attending to business. parsonage. meuntain war time. Sunday school approval a reso'utlon to use alien anniversary. The meeting will be borhood the past two weeks. Two Upon his return from the Boise Young People's service at 7 p. m. Mr and Mrs. G. F. Holmes shop bus drivers and the superintendent begins at 11 a. m„ morning wor labor if It Is sent into the state, meeting. Mr. Laison said that If held with Mrs. Dutton. Evangelistic service at 8 p. ni ped in Ontario Monday. of the high school are 1 1 1 . ship at 12, Youth Fellowship at kept under armed guard and con the farmer gets $10 for his beets, Carl Hill was a Nyssa business Ben Ashby returned from a visit Message by the pastor. Grade school students enjoyed 8 p. m. and evening worship at 9. centrated In farming communities. payments In Malheur county to visitor Thursday afternoon. Prayer meeting Wednesday even to Utah last week. This will hold as long as the town M. L. Kurtz attended the meet the valentine parties planned by “ I am willing to guarantee per growers will approximate $2,000,000 ing at 8:00. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers and of Nyssa remains on mountain sonally that nobody in Idaho is for 1942. That figure will not In ing of the agricultural committees each cf the teachers. Little brothers Stanley made a business trip to Missionary meeting the first and sisters and parents were spec time. •of the Malheur Pomona Orange going to lose any erep because of clude the payroll at the factory Thursday afternoon of each month. Ontario and Vale Friday. and other interested grangers at ial guests. lack of labor," the governor _ccm- and ether expenses. All are invited to these services. Br. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith. Wil ithe Moore hotel Tuesday when ^ Merlin Andersen is visiting rela- ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL MISSION mmented, adding an appeal to the Up to Monday night of this week liam Mettlen and Earl Ewen and ithey met for a conference with tlves He went with friends The Rev. B Stanley Moore, Vicar state's press for co-operation in the company had contracted In ex FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Peggy Chard shopped In Ontario tut will return with his uncle and .members of ' agricultural ccm- (Church of Christ) last Mcnday. Morning prayer and sermon 9:30 quieting fears among farmers that cess of 15,000 acres. The goal for :mlttee of the state Grange. In family. help wculd not be forthcoming for the season ls 30,000 acres. The acre J. S. Beem, Minister Miss Dorothy Pearce spent the Tcny Zublzaretta is making plans creasing crop production, saving the expanded crop sought to re- age ls being contracted at about Bible school at 10 a. m. <eek-end at her home in La itlres and the labor situation were to join the army. Frank Ray has Grande. Holy Communion and sermon | ileVe the sugar shortage. 1000 to 2000 acres dally in the Communion worship at 11 a. m. j rented the ranch. Pedro Zublzaretta .discussed. each Fourth Sunday of the mouth ‘Tell your people to get in and Nyssa-Nampa district. Evening Service at 7:45 p. m. The school children enjoyed a will go to Burns and herd sheep. The Girl Sccuts of Adrian, Owy- plant every acre that can be used The public is cordially invited. valentine party Monday. A number Church school at 10:30 a. m. ihee and Big Bend will meet again Their sister will move to Boise, of pre-school children also a t - < for beets,” he counseled the gath where they have relatives. Two this Saturday afternoon at the ering. “We'll save every bit of the ASSEMBLY OF GOD ended. Gaily decorated valentine j FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST .home of Mrs. M. L. Judd. The girls brothers are already in the armed Poxes were opened and valentines crop.” Sunset Valley SCIENTIST are very interested In assuming ssrvices Fcrnlce 15 a« ain in Port distributed. The teachers passed' Clark said were it necessary he Pastor, Clarence Brotzman their share of Red Cross work and I-ewis anc* John ls in Alaska. Sunday school at 9:45. Classes for 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho would order out state employes to treats to all. Byron Barton enlisted in the iirst aid Instructions. j all. Mrs. C. Brotzman. superinten A branch of The Mother Church. werk In beet fields and expressed navy the past week. belief counties and municipalities dent. The First Church of Christ, Scient Wayne Ptercy is working at Paint protects the outside also would be willing to assist in a I Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Boulder, Utah, but may return and Inside. is t, In Boston. Massachusetts. labor scarcity. Evengelistlc services at 7:45. heme socn. KALSOMINING and PAPER Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Patriotism, of the state's citl-1 Mid-week prayer meeting Wed De Coursey is now drilling a The Owyhee P.T.A. met at the CLEANING zenry, he declared, also could be i nesday at 8 p. m. Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. well at the Jess Sugg ranch. school house Thursday evening. Be —Free Estimate— North. Open daily from 2 to 4 p. m. counted on in a labor crisis. The Goulet brothers purchased sides the routine business the quilt As outlined by David Evans of where the Bible and authorized PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH a n d y M c G in n is a two-room house In Big Bend made by the pre-school group was Christian Science Literature may be Salt Lake City, public relations A. A. Schmidt, Pastor First Street and moved it to their ranch Fri displayed. The quilt blocks are read, borrowed or purchased, and ls representative of the industry, the First Sunday in Lent. day for use as a tenant house. made of the 48 different birds of 10 a. m. Divine services with the jpen every day from two to four Mrs. Stanley Hill and baby the states outlined on white blocks celebration of holy communion p. m , except Sundays and holidays. daughter came home from the set In pink. The quilt Is now on Sermon; “ Christ's Love For the KINGMAN KOLONY Memorial Park hospital in Cald display in Nyssa. It will be given Father.” This Is the first In a Sunday School 10:00 a. m Mr. M. well Thursday morning. away soon. A second prize of a series of sermons on the “Love of L. Kurtz Superintendent. Leu Pratt, Bill Kurtz and Bert set of embroidered dish towels will Christ.” Osbcurn made a trip to Cow Val also be given. Morning Worship 11 a. m. 11 a. m. Sunday school and Bible ley Monday for eight head of Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow en classes for all. horses belonging to Lou Pratt. They tertained at dinner Sunday for Evening Worship 8:30 p. m. 1:15 p. m. The Lutheran Hour rounded up horses In more than Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zlfdar and over KFXD. FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE a foot of crusted snow. family, Mrs. Nora Minton of Par 8 p. m. Walther League meeting. Regular care lengthens ma and their house guest, Dick Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds, The young people are asked to Pullen of La Grande, who is a pastors. meet at the church at 7:30. From the life of your battery. nephew of Mrs. Bigelow. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. (his place the committee will take William Peutz, Jr., left Friday Drive In and let us test Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. — SALE STARTS AT l p . m . — The Merfy Matrofts club met at for Portland to attend the wed all to a home for a surprise gather Evening evangelistic at 7:30 p. m. the home of Virginia Rookstool ding of his friend. Walter Paulson. ing. All young people are invited. It for you. We have the Wednesday night prayer and Wednesday 8 p. m. Mid-week Wednesday afternoon, February 11. Dr. Walker examined the Owyhee latest charging equipment. Anna Whitman was co-hostess. school children again Monday and Linton services on the subject: Bible study at 7:30 p. m. Special young people's service Twelve members and four visitors pronounced most of them well, so •Symbols of His Suffering.” Protect your battery by We welcome you to our services. every Friday night at 7:30. Faye McGinnis, Grace Mills, Olive school has been resumed. 2-14-42 subject "Dressing the “A Changeless Christ for a Hcke and May Wurl, enjoyed a Mrs. Klingback and Doris and treating it well. Garden of Eden” . social afternoon. New officers were Fred were dinner guests of Mrs. Changing World.” On« -White horse. Smooth mouth. elected as follows: President, Min Anna Gregg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff en Brown gelding. Smooth mouth. Mr. and Mrs. John Strickland One nle Mitchell; vice president, Jen tertained with four tables of pino and daughters have returned home One nle Benson; secretary, Alberta Bow Brown gelding. Smooth mouth. chle at their heme Saturday even after a month's visit with Mrs. en and treasurer May Wurl. Gladys One Brown gelding. Smooth mouth. ing. Strickland’s parents in Missouri. Davis was awarded the attendance One Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver Derrick cable. Pulleys and Jackson fork. Frank Parker is Installing prize for last year, having missed Opal Mitchell, granddaughter of were In Ontario Wednesday. only two meetings. Four new mem water pipes in his house. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, has One Sagebrush R. R. iron. Mr and Mrs. Cecil Flora and been quite 111 and was taken to a Marvin Niccum and Virginia bers joined the club. They are May One— Riding fresno. One— Land leveler. family were Sunday dinner guests Salt Lake City hcspltal. Eastman have the mumps. One— Small leveler. Adolph Schneider was an On at the H. L. Day home. Billie Buffington, youngest son One— 2 horse fret no. James Stephen, Jr., returned of Mr. and Mrs. William Buffing One— 4 section harrow tario business caller Sunday. One— Slip scraper. Roy Rookstool and son, Bob, from Seattle Thursday to attend ton, has been quite ill with an One— Disc. One— 1 horse cultivator. accompanied Freeman Rookstool his farm sale. He took his fam abscess in his ear. Three— Rolls of hog wire. One— Wagon with rack. to Adrian Sunday. They were din ily with him to Seattle, where they Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith have ner guests at the home of their will make their home. just returned from Rexburg, Ida 20— Rolls of galvanized barb wire. brother, Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were ho, where they formerly lived. One— Wagon with rack. 18— Locust posts. The Wahlne club met with Helen ! in Ontario Wednesday. They went to Idaho to get some 224— Ceder posts. One— Steel barrel. Niccum. today. Leonard Goodell who lives near machinery. Vale, called at Leslie Topliff and Mr. and Mrs. George Schweitzer Two— Sets work harness. One— Two row cultivator. Elva Goodell hemes Sunday. have returned from a visit In Boise Six— Sacks of seed wheat. C. S. Wyckoff was a Sunday din One— Model A Ford coupe. ner guest at the home of his son, Poles, planks, lumber and some small tools. The "Out Our Way” club was C. C. Wyckoff and family. Mrs. Joe Calleahun ls staying entertained by Mrs. C. C. Wyck Ten— Tons of hay, o ff Gust Roth farm. Lucile Toombs is staying with off at her home Friday afternoon. at the Hunter home while Mrs. Mrs. Wiley Clowers in Ontario. One— Table and chairs. One— Kitchen range. A valentine bax was enjoyed. Each Hunter is 111. Mrs. W. P. Bailey has gone to One— Platform scale. Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff were member gave some kind of en Eugene to visit her daughter and tertainment. Refreshments were in Ontario Saturday, Beds, bedding, canned fruit and other household family and friends. served by the hostess. The next Mr and Mrs. R. H. Johnson and articles. meeting will be held with Mrs. CCC VICINITY family were Sunday dinner guests — TERMS CASH — George Cleaver February 28. cf Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waud and Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Allen of Cali The Pleasant Hour club met at family. fornia spent Thursday night at the home of Mrs. William Orr Feb EDNEST ANDERSON, Administrator ' Mr and Mrs. F. T. Johnson and the E. L. Jamison home. ruary 12. About half the members Roy of Frultland were Saturday Dean Wyckoff spent the week were present. Work was started on dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. a quilt for the Red Cross. The COL. BERT ANDERSON ELDON MADDON C. C. Wyckoff. next meeting will be held at the R H Johnson and family. Auctioneer Clerk V. L. Kesler ls building a big Mr and Mrs. J. W. Jennings heme of Mrs. Helmer Julum with new barn. were In New Plymouth Thursday Mrs. O. B Ege assisting. Lunch Mrs. George Cleaver, Mrs. C. C was served. The Associated clubs Wyckoff, Mrs. E. L. Jamison and will meet March 7 at the Adrian Mrs. Alva Goodell attended the high school. Home Economics club meeting at James Stephen Jr., carr.e home the Dave Mitchell home Thursday for a -few days to help with the Second and G ood Are. r i one $< aftemcon. I farm sale. Mr. Stephen ls working Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison a n d ! at the Bolng airplane factorv at Erls were Sunday dinner guests Seattle. He plans to move his fara- at the C. H. Bennett home. 1 lly there. Repaint for Defense Owy !iee Public Administrator SALE S E R V IC E D Monday, February 23 Oregon Trail Two miles east of Nyssa and two miles north on the Fruitland-Parma highway on the Black Canyon project, at the Henry D. Imbler farm. Thompson O il Co. Upper Sunset Buena Vista Rlverview , A l Thom pson Cr S o n s \ H Spring M m it roo yaw have effort« again, and many more Spring* may • hare a new ear. ta gire the car*. Bring It la aad we’ll pat oar M l to TOW NE S GARAGE