PAGE FOtfli At The National Capital THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1942 Mr. and Mrs. R. Slippy have re­ Mi*» Hazel Hickey attended a teachers meeting inBclse last week. turned to their home in Owyhee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis and j after spending a few days in the Lo Wanda and Robert Bogart Ray Franklin home. visited at the Cole Thornburg home Miss Orace Tucker left Wednes­ near Weiser last Sunday. day for Hillsboro, to resume her Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Orris and family were dinner guests Sunday teaching after spending six weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Tucker while convalescing Smith in Nyssa. Rev. Daniels of Ontario called at fr:n a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hartman the John Hickey home last week. Donna Matherly was out of and family were Sunday guests school the first of the week with a of relatives in Bcise. sore throat. Denver Glenn has been signing Mr. and Mrs. Amos Berthelsen tip students of this community in were visitors in Nampa Saturday civilian defense. evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. S Adams spenl Jack Norris of Nampa is chop­ last Thursday with their daught-r. ping his hay on the John Hickey Mrs. Delmar Dlcus, in Boise. place. Mrs. Anna Dail. Mrs. Otis Bul­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiel and children of Nyssa were Sunday lard and Mrs. Theo Matherly called on Mrs. John Hickey one day last visiters at the parental Mr. and Mis. Herman Welck home. week. Bever’y Sebree underwent an Vern Moore of Bancrcft, Idaho is staying at the home of his sister, operation last Wednesday in Me­ Mrs. Jack Shenk, and gcing to morial Park hospital in Caldwell for removal of her appendix. school here. Keith Orris left Monday for the coast, where he expects to fin d ! employment. By J o h n W K elly — 'V - WASHINOTON, D C —Most lively r;w In congress is ov?r the way office of civilian defense ir bring conducted. "Volunteer" work­ ers have been hired at a rate of $22 a day up to $8000 a year—mor< than an army colonel receives. On the payroll are fancy dancers (ccn gressmen refer to them as fan dancers), movie actors, several who are on the blacklist of the Dies committee on un-American activit­ ies. In brief, OCD has the appear­ ance of preparin' for civilian de­ fence a vast vauleville show, with folk dances for children and en­ tertainment for adults. The pay for these pecple comes out of several blank checks which were given to the president and this particular account still has a balance of $600,000 For days mem­ bers of congress have been de­ nouncing the kind cf civilian de­ fense OCD is planning, such as finding substitutes for toys children formerly had, giving instructions in the Virginia reel, interesting movie stars in shows under the aucpices of OCD. 8urrounded by some of the members of his cast in his current show, “Banjo Eyes,” Eddie Cantor volun­ Feeling hostile at waste and ex­ teers to institute the Treasury plan of Defense Payroll Savings for the regular and systematic purchase every i Mrs. Anna Piercy was hostess to travagance (which it does occas­ pay day of Defense Savings Bonds and Stamps. Left to right are: Lina Griffith, Virginia Mayo, Doris Kent, the Social Circle men bers last ionally) congress denounces the June Clyde, Audrey Christie, Sally DeMarco, and Tony Demarco with Eddie seated at the table. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ev rily treasury for paying Disney $80,000 Graham and Mrs. Alva Farmer to draw a colored cartoon of Don­ were assistant hostesses. During ged American citizens, entitled to duction fer 1941 wculd be available C. W. Barrett and Glen Dowers ald Duck to popularize the income the business meeting quilt blocks tax. The cartoon is ready to be dis­ fer domestic consumption; simply the rights of any other citizen, were business visitors in Vale last were given out to piece for the played In 12,000 movie theatres, make alchol from the grain and but these second generation Jap­ week. Red Cross. At the close of the anese are viewed with suspicion. Otis Bullard chopped hay for business meeting a shower was but why a Donald Duck is neces­ not from sugar. When Japanese bombers attacked Jake Groot last week. sary to get the people in the mood given for Mrs. Fred Hertig, Jr. to pay taxes is beyond the con­ War departent has given its of­ Pearl harbor several were shot The government is putting in Mrs. Lola Birkes and Mrs. Hertig down, and cn their bodies Were ficial O. K. on the measure to cre­ gressmen. new gates in the Shoe String ditch won first prize in the guessing found fraternity rings of the Uni­ The matter of waste paper is in ate a women's auxiliary for the Rose Warner and Lucille Hil games. Fifty guests were present versity of Oregon and of high the hair of the legislators. In 1941 army. Women will not be assigned are out of school with the measles Mrs. Hertig received a number of the government used 205,000,000 to con bat duty, but there are many schools in Hawaii. Bill Kipp went to Portland last lovely gifts. Refreshments cf sand­ Reclamation Commissioner John pounds of paper, most of it for tasks that fighting men are now wiches, wafers, salad and coffee Friday with a car of cattle. Page has been trying to have the propaganda purposes by the var­ doing which can be done as ex­ army guard the reclamation pro­ Lue Fleshman of Eenterprise Is were served. ious agencies. The department of pertly by women. Compensation is jects in the west—Owyhee, Roza, A program was given by teach­ visiting at the Frank Lewis homr agriculture alone allocated to every expected to be $21 month, with ers and students of Ten Davis last etc.—but the army refuses, insisting while locking after his place here congressman 400 copies of its year housing and uniform; lieutenants Friday night in the community George Campbell of Boise visited hall. The program consisted of book, which weighs five pounds. or leaders receiving higher pay. that the reclamation system provide Thus every congressman received Method of selecting the women has its own protection. It is possible at the Theo Matherly home last vocal and instrum ental music and . ) readings. Proceeds from pies and one ton of paper from this single not been decided—whether by draft that a battalion of military police Thursday. may later be assigned to this duty source. Mrs. Eunice Nowell of Picher, eakes amounted to $30. after registration or volunteer. The Under the censorship rules it is auvlllary may be authorized, or­ Oklahoma, is visiting her daughter forbidden to give the name of a ganized, drilled and equipped in Mrs. G. F. Garren, and family. contractors. However, it can be said time to serve in the military can­ Mrs. W. S. Pryor went to Boise that two concerns in Oregon and tonment to be erected in the- Al- Twenty-two attended the Sunday last week for a visit with friends. two in Washington submitted the bany-Corvallis area. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis have school party at the school house lowest figures for building 100 bar­ rented their ranch to Mr. and Northwest legislators are talking Thursday night. February 12. The ges to be used by the British on Mrs. Almo White of Nyssa. Mr. and the Tigris river. Bids came from in favor of the war department evening was spent playing bingo Mrs. Lewis and daughter are mov­ taking over the Japanese situation. all over the country but the four and other games. Refreshments of ing in Mr. White's house in Nyssa lowest were those from the north­ The department of Justice has been too lenient with the alien enemies cockies and punch were served by this week. west. No one was allowed to bid Mr. and Mrs. Lee Towell who on more than 100 barges. They will to suit seme of the congressmen, Mrs. Otis Bullard, Mrs. Amos Bert- be knocked down and shipped, be­ who assert that the army would lielsen and Mrs. John Zittercob. have silent the winter in Harper, have returned home. Mr. Towell ing put together on the Persian be more severe. The difficult prob­ Mr. and Mrs. George Stockfleth is employed by Jake Groot. lem. is what to do with the Nisei, gulf. of Boise visited their daughter, of Otis Bullard and Theo Matherly As a solution for the sugar short­ the American-born children age Senator McNary has proposed Japanese parents. Under the low Mrs. L. E. Robbons, and family shelled and hauled their corn to ' Ontario Saturday. to Donald Nelson, boss of war pro­ these American-born are full fled- last week. duction board, that the large carry­ over of wheat and corn be used. The senator says this carryover is a real surplus and a large part of it is owned by the federal gov­ ernment. Under existing price lev­ els McNary declares that it is as cheap to convert this grain into industrial alcohol as it would be to convert molasses. By this action about one-fifth of the sugar pro- Ten Davis H. S. Hotitadt underwent a ma­ jor operation in the Caldwell san­ itarium. Mrs. Fred Rumple has leased her farm land to Bill and Fred Htrtig, Jr. Let us print ycur envelopes, state­ ments, letterheads, etc. The Gate City Journal. Notice To Hog Raiser. With the installation of a new scale at THE RAILWAY STOCK YAHI.** we are now receiving your hogs there every Friday, paying tht I* highest price the market permits and seeking to serve you in evtr possible way. FRANK KULLANDEK The HORSE and BUGGY DAYS are Here Again! T h e re is a s y e t n o ra tio n in g of o ats, c o rn and le a th e r. R e p a ir t h a t buggy a n d w agnn a n d le t’s H itc h O ld D obbin T o T h e S h ay . W e r e p a ir a n y ty p e of h o rse - d ra w n veh icle. J. C. Olson BLAC K SM ITH ING , ARC W ELDING G ood avenue near Second Street Arcadia THEATER TIC K ETS Will Be Given Away FREE Every Week By the Nyssa Theater Company Are You Prepared? the Gate City Journal and local F ire r a n strik e an y w h ere, a n y tim e. T h a t's w hy It's fo o lh a rd y n o t to c a rry a d e q u a te in s u ra n c e to p ro te c t y o u r hom e from th e rav a g e s of fire. P lay s a fe by in su rin g your h o m e to d ay . You'll be a m a a rd a t t h e sm a ll cost o f th is v ita l p ro tectio n . merchants who Advertise in the Journal ■ NYSSA R EALTY THE TICKETS W ILL BE GIVEN TO JOURNAL READERS BOTH IN NYSSA AND ON THE RURAL ROUTES! The Farmer Needs Every Available "H a n d ," Today Worn Out? DRINK MILK W h e n you g e t t h a t dead. “I cant do it” feeling, w h a t you n e r d Is a glass of cool m ilk. I t p erk s you up r ig h t aw ay b lo ated h a b it w ith o u t fe e lin g . to get A In to , th a t good is to d rin k a g lass of m ilk every d ay a b o u t 3 o'clock In th e a f te rn o o n . I t's Ju st It's a war of food, too, and produce from the Snake River Valley is going to all corners of the world. Thanks to Cheap Electricity, our farmers have a willing "hand" to grind feed, pump water, raise chicks — and do a thousand and one other jobs. Time-saving electric service helps in feeding America — and the world. IS) sxooooo Read the rulei and the list of participating merchants on the front page of thi* issue of the Journal. Then read the ads to see whether your name is listed for a free ticket. Electric Cooking Meals cooked on your electric range are healthful, economical, with vitamins and nat­ ural juices retained. w hat It’s Really ’’Something For Nothing” you n e rd . D R IN K TW O O F M IL K G L A S SE S A DAY G ATE CITY D AIR Y IDAHO?POW ER Ç L e c P u c iÙ j Poos S o MUCH-Costs So L IT T L E ! Gate City Journal ill