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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1942)
Classified Advertising’ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, ^THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1942 W Legal Advertising Legal Advertising Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweitzer aitd Mrs. Charles Schweitzer attended the basketball game between Nys sa and Adrian Friday evening. Bob Reffett has been working lor Kropp and sons ot Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. A. M Jones were Sunday dinner guests at the Charle: Ditty heme. Mr and Mrs. Frank Evans arc Frankie and Naomi and Mrs. C Bradman and Phillip cf Apple Valley were afternoon gu:sts of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Query. Mrs. Jce Daugherty of Pcrtlan arrived Monday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mi Walter Cannon, for a visit. Mr. and Mrs Klnzer who 11V near Eagle, Idaho, were callers at th? Jchn Mittleider home cne day last week. School was re-opened after a three-week vacation on account j of mouth infection. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kendall visit ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFfcrlin of Wilder. Rudy Hlntz is 111 this week. NOTICE OF PROPOSAL TO SELL IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TUB $17,455.00 OF FUNDING BONDS STATE OF OREGON FOR OF AND BY UNION H I G H ! MALHEUR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 4, VIAL- I In the Matter of the Ei tate of ) HEUR COUNTY, OREGON, AND j Elizabeth J. McDonald, deceased ) INVITING BIDS THEREFOR. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NOTICE IS HLREBY GIVEN, I OREGON TO: Douglas M. M c RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue Minimum cash In That sealed bids will be received by Donald, John A. McDonald, Wil ¡he Baard of Directors of Uni.n advance is 30c. liam McDonald, Mrs. Annie Gib High School District No. 4, Malheur son and Kenneth McDonald, and County, Oregon, by Florence Otis, all other pers.ns or devices In Clerk of said District at Adrian, terested in the estate of Elizabeth M IS C E L L A N E O U S MISCELLANEOUS Oregon, until 8.00 o’clock p. m. on J McDonald, deceased GREET the 3rd day of March, 1942, for For Sale ! BRAKE WORK L l I us put youi the purchase of an is ue of funding INGS: FOR SALE Bliss Triumph reed car or tr'ica brakes ui first clast bonds of said Union High School By order cf this court made and potatoes ah from McKay's oiidilmn Special equipment ana District No. 4, Malheur County, entered on the 27th day of January certified seed. Jlcgued. Inquire 3. rau.-.u i. '-n at your v rv u t. Piuyn Oregon, in the amount cf $17,455.00. 1942, upon the verified petition of *<' ; .til F .io n e ooW . E. Flanagan. Reute 2, Nyssa, Oie- Said bunds will be negotiable cou Douglas M. McDonald, the Adminis trator of said estate praying for an gon. 12ftfc UALSOMiNE. PAINT at competi- pon bonds; each will be designated order of this Court for the sale cf tive prices. F.rst class quality ’Funding Bend” ; will be dated as of FOR SALE- 100 sacks of Bliss certain real estate of said deceased Tramp potatoes one year out of Nyssa Lin Co. tioede rtve ami March 1, 1942. and will be In de for the purpose therein yated, you nt rnina lions of $500.00 each, except Highway 201. Pilone 1 Ó H ltìMtlr certification, field run. for $1.75. tlic lust thereof which will be in and each of you are hereby cited Inquire Phil Dunbra-ky. Kingman FOR PLUMBEI call J. C Smith the sum of $155.00: will be numbered and required to appear before the Kolony. ' 12f2xp Phone 78J. tic consecutively from 1 to 35, both Judge of this Court, at the Court lumber- inclusive; will mature Room thereof in the City of Vale. FOR SALE Four room modern AIRPLANE factory training, hui- anally In numerical order In the Malheur County, State of Oregon, house «itn glassed in porch and Knal finance plan. Write for de ■mount cf $2,500 00 on the 1st day on the 28th day of February 1942, two jots, nice lawn and lets of j tails to Clinton P. Haight, Jr. 2533 >f March in each of the years 1943 at eleven o ’clock A. M. of that day, shade trees. Inquire J. T. Lang. f 10th St . Hiker, Oregon. 29j4,p to It) ,8. both years inclusive, and in then and there to show cause, If lie nmeunt of $2,455.00 on the 1st any you have, why Douglas M. Mc ~F a r m l a n d s CUSTOM HATCHING — Chicken uay of March, 1949, will be re- Donald. the Administrator of said eggs 3 cents. Turkey's 5 cents. 3 For Rent icemable at option of district on estate should not be authorized and miles 8. W. Mrs. II. H. March 1, 1943 or on any interest licensed to sell so much of the fol In one of the most exciting DAIRY AND STOCK Farm near Weideman. 19f3xp paying date thereafter, at par plus lowing described real estate be games ever played on the Adrian Parma, silo, artesian well, excel- longing to said estate as may be FOR SALE- 1934 Ford V-8 Tudor lent beet grouna. Tractor equip- accrued interest; will bear in- necessary, or such part thereof as basketball court. Adrian beat Nys cimplclely r'conditioned. Good ¡ment required. November 1. Mis. C. iejest at a rate net to exceed four may be proper, for the purpose of sa by a score c f 34 to 36 Friday per cent (4%) per annum, payable night. The score was tied mo t i rubber. Also young Jersey erw IT. Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd., en:l-annually on the 1st day of paying the debts and expense of of the time during the last quarter. just fresh. Heavy producers. See Phene 873-W, Caldwell, Idaho. administration as set forth in the September and the 1st day cf March Near the end of the regular play Woodrow Fischer at F„rd Garage 25s tfc. ol each year until maturity; will said petiticn on file herein, to wit: in Nyssa. 19flxp Lots 11, 12 and 13 of Block 2, ing time Don Hite went in for be payable both as to principal and F O R R E N T — 160 acres near Avl- Taylor Addition; three-fourth in Adrian and made a free shot that FOR SALE —. Ccod quality New rian. 40 cr 50 acres In cultivation. interest in lawful money of the terest in common and undivided tied the count. Overtime was play Hampshire Red Cockerels. L. E. Call cr write Mrs. W. JÎ. H . xle, box United States of America at the in and to lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 ed but the score was still tied. In Robbins, Glen Avenue. 192.-:p 174, Nyssa. 5f2xp cltice cf the County Treasurer of of Block 21, Teutsch’s Addition the second overtime period J. Wil- Malheur County, at Vale, Oregon; All of Lots 12, 13 and 14 cf Block sen of Adrian scored a basket, FOR SALE—White Rose and Bliss and will be callable after March 1, CITY' PROPERTY 7 and 8 of Block 72 Green's Ad wining the game. Triumph seed potatoes, grown 1943. Several local residents have the For Rent dition, all in the City of Nyssa, from McKay certified seed. Inquire Said bonds are Lsued by author Malheur County, State of Ore measles, fumps or scarlet fever. Jacob Fischer. 19ftfc FOR RENT ity of a majority vote of the legal Among those suffering with the gon. voters of said Union High School mumps are Principal D. W. Patch, FOR SALE—Day old chicks. Pullets, HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. 8Jtfc WITNESS, the Honorable David District No. 4, Malheur County. and Bus Driver Howard Hatch and cockerals, (American Sexor). High Oregon, voting at an election called F. Graham, Judge of the County John Enos, During the Illness of quality, old tested sleek. Custom F O R R E N T — Farm 5N miles Court cf Malheur County,, State of northwest of Nyssa. Soe I. B and held on November 15, 1941, and hatching done. Vale Electric Hatch Oregon, this 27 day of January the bus drivers Ernest Points and 19flxc by virtue of a resolution of the Henry Hatch are driving busses. ery. Box 382 Vale, Oregon. 22jLfc Allen. Board of Directors of Union High 1942. Brian Pounds of Caldwell visited HARRY S. SACKETT. FOR SALE — McCormick-De ring FOR RENT- Six roan house. In School District No. 4, duly passed Ills brother, Glen Pounds, Satur Clerk quire Star Hotel. 12ftfc and adapted on the 26th day of 15-30 four-wheel tractor on rub day. By HILTON CLARK, January. 1942, and pursuant to the ber. Reconditioned, go-;il shape. A. Several Adrian ladies attended I. I it. print your < pvi lopes, state* Constitution of the State of Ore Deputy L. Atkeson. 29jtfc malts. letterheads, etc. The Gate the Mary and Martha meeting Jan 29—Feb 26 gon, and the laws of Oregon, In at Mrs. W. E. Plercy’s home Thurs BABY CIIH'KS—For delivery every City Journal. cluding Chapter 17 Title 111 O. C. day. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Wednesday and Saturday. For FOR RENT—Three room, modern L. A., and laws amendatory thereof The Kingman Grange sponsored NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to information and prices come in or apartment. Inquire Mrs. Bessie and supplemental thereto, and Sec a box supper and dancing party write Thompson’s Ontario Hatch Long, Rt. 7. box 92E, Salem, Ore tion 97-101 O. C. L. A., and Sections the creditors and all ether persons interested in the estate of Harrison at the Legion hall Saturday night. ery. Box 578 Ontario, Oregon. 5ftfc gon or sec Frank Morgan. 12f3xc 97-201 to 97-207, inclusive, O. C. L. Fay Brown, commonly known as Proceeds from this affair are to be A. being Chapter 505, Oregon Laws, Harry F. Brown, late of Nyssa, de used for Red Cross and welfare FOR SALE — White rose potatoes 1939. f or Sale ceased: that the undersigned has work. 75c hundred bulk. Inquire Lr lie Each bid. except when made by been appointed Administrator of Schafer, Kingman Kolony. 5ftfc a state cr government agency, must the estate of Harrison Fay Brown, LOST—A set of gold aviatcr wings FIVE ACRES with Improvements in be accompanied by a certified check deceased, with the will annexed, Apple Valley. Sie Frank Morgan. in Lite amount cf One Thousand and has qualified as such. Reward. Phone 145-W or write 30 O tfc Dollars ($1,000) made payable to box 707, Nyssa. 12ftfc All persons having claims against ihe order of Union High School FOR SALE or rent at low price. ■ District No. 4, Malheur County, said estate are hereby notified and W A N TED Bar-N ranch, next to highway, Oregon. Checks of unsuccessful bid required to present same with vouchers duly verified ix milts west cf Vale. 150 acre ders will be returned upon awarding proper TRUCKERS to haul manure. See within six months of the date of Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc water right, all in cultivation, 1-3 uf (he bonds, and the check of the this notice, to the undersigned at in new last fall’s alfalfa reeding. successful bidder will be retained to WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES Fur particulars write to box 116. lie applied toward payment for the his office in Nyssa, Oregon, which live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay Vale. 12f3xe b; nds or for the security of Union office is hereby designated as the place of business in all matters ette. 27Ntfc High School District No. 4, Malheur FOR SAIE Three room basement connected with said estate, Feb. County, Oregon, in case of default 10th, 1942. house with 1‘4 acr s cf land, PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper by bidder. ^ A. L. FLETCHER cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone small orchard and h acre of ber All bids must be in writing, must ries. O. Friel, "i mile west.on Al Administrator with the will an 39M. 24Atfc. be unconditional, and must be for berta avenue. 19f2xp nexed of the estate of Har not less than par and accrued in rison Fay Brown. terest. Approving legal opinion of night at the home of liis daughter Teal, Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler Ac First publication Feb. 12, 1942. Last, publication March 12, 1942. in Nampa. Kelley will be furnished, but for Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ward of Em Mrs. Amy Barker went to Em which opinion tire successful bidder Miss Eva Boydell, Feb. 19 mett and O. Z. Matthews motored mett with her daughter, Mrs. Ira shall pay in addition to the price to Wenatchee, Washington Friday Ward, Monday for a visit. bid fer the bonds. Bids will be and returned Monday morning. Harold Patton of Cascade. Ida opened properly immediately after Ira Price recently purchased the Misses Ilia Botner and Irene ho, Is now visiting at the O. Z. ihe final hour hereinabove set forth cast 40 acres of land from Oscar Herring of Parma wore gucste as Matthews home. for submitting bids, at the High Muilenbsrg and is erecting a the Emery Hibson heme in Sun Raymond Pierce and Mary Pierce School building at Adrian, Oregon. house on it. Muilenberg is moving set valley Sunday. were bu iness visitors in Ontario The Beard of Directors reserves the his house onto his other forty. right to reject any or all bids and Kathleen Loe is now able to M'nday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland and Charles Black, who spent Sunday to re-advertir.e the sale cf said bonds return to school after being ill daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Ken at the E. A. Wimp home, returned if the bids are not satisfactory. with the mumps. By order of the Board of Direc neth Lorensen were among those Bonnie Atkeson has been quite to the Anderson dam where he tors of Union High chool District who attended the F.S.A. meeting 111 with the measles. i is em ployed at the Cow Hollow club house Miller Jen en was in Boise r e - 1 I illie Matthews visited at the No. 4. Malheur County, Oregon. Thursday. FLORENCE OTIS celving medical care Tuesday. ! horn- of Mary Pierce Monday even- Leslie Ditty hauled gravel for Clerk. Union High School Miller Jensen spent Tuesday ing. District No. 4, Malheur Ira Chadd last week. Mr. Chadd lias improved his place by building 11 County, Oregon. a new barn and hen house. He is First publ. Febr. 12, 1942. using the gravel to place cement Last publ. Febr. 26, 1942. floors in both buildings. NOTICE TO CREDITORS George Wilson Is working for TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Henry Terra. STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and ! HEUR COUNTY family, who formerly lived here, In the matter of the Estate of but have spent the past year In I ELIZA SMITH, Deceased Pocasset, Oklahoma, returned last Notice hereby is given by the un Wednesday to make their home dersigned Administrator of Estate here. They are staying at present of Eliza Smith, Deceased, to the with his sister, Mrs. Homer Cates, creditors of and all persons having and family of Cow Hollow. claims against the said deceased Henry Hintz and Adolph Schnei • In This Territory Through The to file them with the necessary der took seme hogs to the Nys vouchers within six months, after sa sale Friday. the date of first publication of this Charles Schweitzer spent Friday JOURNAL’S Cooperative Program notice, at the cffice of the under cutting willows on the O. Schweit signed at Nyssa. Oregon. zer ranch in Owyhee preparatory CARL H COAD, Administrator With Other Newspapers. to building a horse corral. Dated and 1st publ. Jan. 29, 1942. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty were Last publ. Febr. 26, 1942. Sunday callers at the Ivan West Your Sale Will Re Given heme In Nyssa. 11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL Publicity Throughout This HEUR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CASSIUS M. NICH Section OLS. Deceased Notice hereby is given by the ---------------- • ----------------- undersigned Administratrix of Es- j tate of Cassius M. Nichols, Deceased, j to the creditors of and all persons I CONSULT US TODAY j ............. n«t the I tir- : I ceased to file th* m with the neces- I FOR EXPLANATION I sary vouchers within six months after the date of first publication | of this notice, at the residence of the ---------------- « ------------------- It only takes one visit to our store to convince you how much undersigned administratrix near | lower priced our meats are! The high quality you discover Adrian. Oregon, which residence is Just as soon as you start cooki ng Come in soent II :rhgn perl m the place where busi- j ness of the estate will be transacted. | MARY F NICHOLS. Administratrix Dated and Ut pubi. Jan. 29, 1942. Last pubi Febr 26. 1942. 12flfc I MM THRk'F JL Mr. Hhd Mrs. Vernon P_i ':er | Mrs. Ruth McMillan of Owyhee railed t i his its. Mr. . nd called on Mrs. Dan Holly Sund-.y Mrs. E. E. Park rk r in Big B u d , .. .............. . Mrs Dan Holly took her son. Sunday Buddy, to the doctor In Caldwell Mr. and Mr. Ed New n c." C gen Slope called In th A.; dav i- Saturday. Buddy Is Just recovering :er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Q tr- from an iUness c f several weeks’ rltc Mvrty Sunday. duration. Mr ana Mrs. Me>’o McR'.vn is :f Nac pa called at the Oe rlt Muntjev.rnff heme Tue »ay. FQSJDEFENSE Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Points nd son. Jimmy, cf K>ssa called it the Everett Points home Satur day. Mr. and Mr:. Charles McC.r.nell of Kuna, Idahc called on frl nds in Adrian Sunday. Mbs Daphine Malstroui enter tained tiie Faculty Dames pinochle -lub Tuesday evening. * S- Shelton 's Dairy Adrian Alberta Valley Sunset Valley Front wheel align ment will eliminate shimmy, spotty tire wear, excessive tire wear, pulling to one side and hard turn ing. We feature scientific Motor Correction For pleasant motor ing bring your ear to our shop. Pruyn GARAGE QUALITY MEATS Gate City Journal Milk and Cream PHONE 05 J2 ATTENTION FARMERS SEEDS Are Scarce W e Have a Supply Of All Kinds While They Last See, Call or Write J. C. W A T S O N CO. PARMA — PHONE 42 Or James A. Duncan, Exclusive local dealer PARMA — PHONE 43 Professional And A Friendly Tip Business Directory FARM L ANDS List Your A U C T IO N S A L E for STRENGTH That all kids get ITr From Drinking Shelton's The best milk yet! Nyssa Packing Company ABSTRACTORS Complete abstracting service. Ontario Title Abstract Co. OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. McFALL “ See Mr Pall and See Better” ONTARIO, OREGON AUCTIONEERS W . L. LANE Farm and Ranch Sales, Purebred Livestock 22 Years Experience In the Auction Business “ For the Best Prices—SeU It At Auction” Res. Ph. 25W P. O. Box 425 Nyssa, Oregon DENTISTS J. R. C U N D A L L D entist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON Electric Shops Consult us on your wiring needs and meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State requirements. Prices right—Information free NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEW ELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEW ELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON _______ L aundries______ Nyssa’s Own Sc Nyssa Owned — Seventh Sc Park Streets — Phone 146 Nys«a Steam Laundry SHOE SHOPS Abbott’« Shoe Shop All kinds of shoe and harness repairing Across from peat office. EYESIOHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON PHYSICIANS L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 17 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday Pry Building MISCELLANEOUS NYSSA LIBRARY Open eech week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, 3 p. m. to 8 p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian___ Mrs. S. B Davis NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER. 8ec ROSCOE FINDLEY, Pre*. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Every MONDAY and FRIDAY Beef, Sheep and Pork Sanitary Butchering Guaranteed Phone 05-R-l One Mile Weal of NYSSA on Alberta Ave. JAKE FISCHER FASHION FOUNDATIONS BARCLEY and SMART-FORM Foundation Garments Corsets, Olrdles, Brassieres Perfect fit assured by experienced eorsetiere ALICE COLLINS Box 500. Nyssa KELLER’S CABINET SHOP If it is made of wood we can make It or repair it. P. O. Box «93 642 Main St