Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1942)
im V A L, T H l'ftfehi V «tUWIAftV II,. 19«' a ■, j . , • mimi* « r pl » j Æ h k j» ■ ibfinutH rs n r (iLnfii. are Invited to use the columns of the Journal to carry Important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of each week. L D. S. CHURCH Sunday. 10 a. m., Sunday school - meeting. Sunday. 11:30 a. m., priesthood meeting. Tuesday, 2 p. m„ Relief society. CHURCH O F THE NAZARENE Vern Martin, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Classes for every age. Morning worship at 11 a . m. Pas tor In charge of the service. Junior meeting at 7 p. m. In the parsonage. Young People's service at 7 p. m. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Message by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 8:00. Missionary meeting the first Thursday aftern:on of each month. All are Invited to these services. F IR S T CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Church of Christ) J . S. Beem, Minister Bible school at 10 a. m. Communion worship at 11 a. m. Evening Service at 7:48 p. m. The public Is cordially Invited. ASSEM BLY OF GOD Sunset Valley Pastor, Clarence Brotzman Sunday school at 9:45. Classes for all. Mrs. C. Brotzman, superinten dent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Evengelistlc services at 7:45. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed nesday at 8 p. m. THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH M. H. Greenlee, Pastor Mrs. R. C. Breckenridge. Church school opens promptly at 10 o’clock every Sunday morning. Morning worship Is at 11. This church Is observing Race Relations Sunday at the morning service. The paster will bring a special mes sage on race relations. The Metho dist Youth Fellowship meets in two divisions at 7 p. m. The evening worship hour Is 8. This service opens with a half hour of enjoyable congregational singing. The paster will bring the second message of a series on “Comrades in Evangel ism". Each message in this series is complete in Itself so that one need not hear the whole series to derive benefit from any one mes sage. Prayer service will be held at the church at 8 o’clock Wednes day evening. This is the beginning of a new service in this church. All are invited. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vicar Morning prayer and sermon 9:30 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon each Fourth Sunday of the month Church school at. 10:30 a. m. KINGMAN KOLONY Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Mr. M L. Kurtz Superintendent. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. Evening Worship 8:30 p. m. F IR S T CHURCH OF CH RIST SCIEN TIST 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho A branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ. Scient- ;est. In Boston, Massachusetts. FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds, Reading Room — 710 1st Ave pastors. North. Open daily from 2 to 4 p. m Sunday school at 10:00 a. in. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. where the Bible and authorized Evening evangelistic at 7:30 p. m. Christian Science Literature may be Wednesday nlight prayer and read, borrowed or purchased, and is open every day from two to four Bible study at 7:30 p. m. p. m., except Sundays and holidays. Special young people’s service 'every Friday night at 7:30. PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH 2-14-42 subject "Dressing the A. A. Schmidt. Pastor 'Garden of Eden”. VALLEY VIEW The Friendly Neighbor club mem bers motored to Arcadia Thursday .for a covered dish luncheon. More than 50 ladles were present. A .short program and games were ienjoyed. Mrs. M artha Amidon and Tom went to a Federal land bank meet ing In Payette Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bratton and ■Oscar and Charles S. Wyckoff a t tended the fellowship dinner In the Nyssa Methodist church F ri- iday night. Mrs. Della Langford of Ontario .'spent the week-end with her sis ter, Mrs. Velma Amidon. A number of the Valley View ■girls with the help of their leader, Wilma Brown, organized a 4-H cooking club Friday afternoon at D»wty » » e . Um H uh * Oft Wh |un4*y to Mr fchd Mr* San Diego to visit h«r son, Igg«ri. have b«en visiting In Salt Lake City, returned home Sunday who is stationed at cam p Callan Mr and Mrs. C. E. Rees w ere1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson Sifiittay dinner guests of Mr a n d ; have been visiting In Salt Lake Mrs. D. E. Rees. The party Was City, returned heme Sunday. given n celebration of the birth- | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson day anniversary if their grandson, have moved to their farm In Idaho Douglas. Walter Thompson and Joe Waud went to Ontario Monday on busi ness. Persons sick this week are Mr and Mrs. George B rotzm an, Grandpa McGinnis, Nadine and and family were Sunday dinner Roy McGinnis, EUan Ann and Ruth guests at the Conard Brotzman Herman, Mary, Edward, Jan e and home in Apple Valley. Lois de Lashmutt, Dorthy and Miss Irene Herring of Parma K ate Loe and Collean Bybee. spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Ilia Botner. Kenneth Pierce and Dcrothy Brotzman left Monday for Scotts A large crowd c f Bend peop'o Bluff, Nebraska. attended the defense meeting held Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pierce at the Wade school house Thurs and daughter of the Richland dis day evening. P. J. Gallagher of trict, visited at the homo of Mr. Ontario, county chairman, gave an and Mrs. O. Z. Matthews Satur Interesting talk concerning detente day. work. The ccmmlttee appointed to O. Z. Matthews returned from a canvas the Bend consists of Mrs. business trip to Wlnatchee, Wash Dyre Roberts, Elbert Fretwell. Har ington. Sunday evening. vey Bennett. Horace Chaney and Mrs. Khoal of Vale was a visitor Joe King. Mrs. H. R. Hatch, Mrs. at the I. L. Cooper home Friday Joe King and Mrs. Anna Sparks evening. spoke on women's past In defense, Gladys Cooper is planning a school collection and Red C r. s activities. trip to Harlam, Montana. Due to the fact that pupils from Miss Ruth Matthew's returned to Nampa Sunday night after other schools are misrepresenting spending the week-end with her calls for aid. parents are requested to give nothing unless a cer.lfied parents. note from a teacher Is presented. E. A. Wimp has been 111 the Viola Higgins, daughter of Mr. past week. and Mrs. Floyd Higgins, under Mrs. Conrad Brotzman and child went an appendix operation in the ven left Tuesday on the train for Nampa hospital last week. Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. Cyrus Bishop has gone to W al O. Z. Matthews wa» a business lowa, where he has employment. visitor in Emmett Monday. Miss Virginia Hally of La Grande arrived home Friday evening for a visit with her uncle and aunt, who are guests of her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Allen, who and Mrs. F. A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee of Kva have been spending the winter in southern California, have returned ss were dinner guests hi the Phel an home Saturday. to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ulmer of Mr. and Mrs. J Lytle and Don, Dick, Marylan and Alice were Sun Sunny Slope moved to the Mlllsap day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ranch, recently vacated by the Hance family, who moved to Wel- Ed. Gonnason and family. Mrs. George de Lashmutt, who ser. has been visiting her father, Mr. | Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Higgins and Fulwider, has returned home. j daughters spent Friday In Caldwcil, D. W. McGinnis went to Ontario where Eudora is having her eyes treated. Saturday on business. Alberta Valley Big Bend Riverview the school house. Officers for the coming year are as follows: Presi dent, Wilhelmina Sm lt; vice presi dent, Ruby Boles; secretary, Wanda Leffler; song leader, Marla Smlt and yell leader, Lona Stevens. Other members Include Anna Lu cero, Martha Lee Taylor, Marilyn Richmond, Jeanette Sperling and Vera May. H. E. Noah and Wilbur Atherton motored to Idaho and bought some sheep Thursday. A, A. Bratton attended a farm sale near Notus Friday. Mrs. Lola Weaver of Seattle spent Thursday night with M r. and Mrs. W. S. Rees. Coy and Win Brown went to Emmett Tuesday and bought a purebred Poland China gilt. \ V ' ftS w R i 11 lUflfc FtVÊ TftS Wada P.T.A, mat Friday ilié D :» Hiaitihgham well drill afternoon at the Kbtne of Mrs wa# rïio.îü Tuosdir to the Ira Mart's plsc* behind Mitchell butte. Will Glbscn with Mrs Harvey Ben Doris Chapin uuenpined , , mem- church service» were held in ti e nett and Mrs. De Os:> as assistant s of the W :rth »h u e club at hcr T. II. I ii.a e r home In Owyhee hostesses. The afternoon was spent iii> ”V jru a rt 5. Breau s of the Sunday evening. sewing for the Kandler baby. The bad wca.ner several members were Clarence Brotzman irada a busi theme f :r the afternoon program !’*■ t present. M artha Lorensen and ness trip to Nebraska last week. was “Good Minds for Emergencies’ TVessa Ditty were appointed as During his ufcsence, Mrs. Brotzman which was outlined by the pro*, i ia.-r.bcrs of a flower committee and son visaed in Apple Valley. chairman, Mrs. W alter Bishop. A Ti e lievt club meeting will b* held dcnatlcn was given Xoi Founder’, : Leo’ a D itty , hoe February 18 day. A quiz and clever chardo put with Vlc'a and Tressa Ditty enter- W T Can non and Mrs. R. J . Thompson cn by children closed the program, tainlng. Mrs Charles Ditty and grand after which lunch was served by Officers elected for the com daughter, Phyllis Case, left last the hostesses. munity hall fer the coming year week for a visit in La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Holly, who were j were Roy Gueok, Hudd Robb and John Case cf Seattle and will leave guesti in the Miller homo, lift I,ester Kendall. . the latter part of this week for Sunday for their home at Gran Mrs. John Mettleider and Boyd , Seattle for an Indefinite stay. ville, Illinois. Query were sick last week. 1 They were joined Sunday by Mrs. Mis Walter Bishop, Mrs. E. H. Eiumback, Mrs. Tllden W hitley,' Mrs. De Oss and Mr. and Mrs • ï t f î t f l — T H t ^ t e i S Î i Q R U G S T O R I FO R B ES T V A LU C S IN T O W N Ernest Mausiing attended the 25th birthday anniversary of the Ros well R. N. A, Monday evening. | Twenty-five year pins were pre sented to Mrs. Brumback. Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Mauslirg. Lyle Do Oss fell and ran a r.ail j into his hip during the noon r e -j cess but the injury is! r.ot serious. The following pupils enjoyed j their Friday afternoon vacation: from school as a reward for per fect attendance during the second nine weeks period: Don De Oss, Lyle Do Oss, Donald G ibson,! George Gale, Leona Kandler, BU- I lie Van de Water, Margaret Ben- | nett, Wayne Kandler, Carmen S i i - ! T1‘ere B,re « "»if 2E>° Ion is and Cecilia Llllonls. I f vaiues d u rm g tlu s .a le 1 tiiat go a long way toward Dolores Eachus has teen absent helping you balance your buil- frem school on account of sick- | get. This is our way of cele- ness. brating Rexall’s 3‘J th Birthday . , and the way we advertise to By daylight saving school i mai<e thousands of now cus- will be opened at 10 o’clock, lunch tomers for Rexall merchandise. We reserve the right to limit sales bc- served at 1 o’clock and the pupils cause we want everyone to have a chance at these values, dismls-ted at 4:30 o’clock, as long Notice! Due to National Emergency conditions, we may not be able to as bad weather continues. After ; add additional merchandise when our stocks are exhausted. So take our that dismissal will be at 5 o’clock, advice and be here early to avoid disappointment. John Young, Feb. 12 A valentine party will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the Wade school house. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans, who have been living on the L. B. Lcndreth place, have purchased a farm cast of Parma and are mov ing this week. Svinsst Và'ièy 7 # Nyssa Pharmacy TICKETS ms • / * ■ ' Bernard Frost, Feb. 12 Will Be Given Away MUST BE MOVED AT REDUCED PRICES Nordale Furniture Co. mm UNION PACIFIC Every Week --------------------- • ---------------------- By the Nyssa Theater Company N O H THE the Gate City Journal and local l M il. TtMEi Grant Rinehart, Feb. 12 THE TICKETS W ILL BE GIVEN TO JOURNAL READERS to CH ECK YO UR FARM MACHINERY BOTH IN NYSSA AND ON THE RURAL ROUTES! to O RD ER ALL REPAIR PARTS FOR YO U R International Machines HE wise fanner knows that it is smart to keep his equipment ready for efficient work. This year, it is a patriotic duty. In short, put your mach inery in first class working order for the 1942 Battle of Production. merchants who Advertise in the Journal .A m erica says "keep 'em flying." But to keep 'em flying we must keep 'em rollin g —on the rails. M aterials, thousands of carloads, for planes, tanks and guns must be rushed to production and assembly plants. Completed armament also must be transported. Union Pacific is powered to do the job. Twenty "Big Boys," largest steam locomotives ever built, have recently been added to the large fleet of other super-powered rail giants placed in service during the past five years. i See Our Large Stock Millions of dollars also have been invested in freight cars, new rails and property improvements. For defense as well as industry's normal needs, Union Pacific — the Strategic Middle Route connecting East with West— supplies the demand for dependable transportation. E. C. Crandall — Phone 27 — Nyssa, Ore. /Ac Tfiofrjeddive Eder Hardware Company UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD l //ic /t/u /c/& //n U e Read the rules and the list of participating merchants on the front pag2 of this issue of the Journal. Then read the ads to see whether your name is listed for a free ticket. It’s Really ’’Something For Nothing” Gate City Journal