Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, February 12, 1942, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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At The National ?tàt»x
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'hero to Jwr folk». rssfcr Eifimett to cttjr svSnind for a visit wiih rela-
tlvtt and frlthde
b« tatosn car* of.
Mr and Mrs. Winston Miller Of
' t rves. coast m. ” n :t be irreiect-
The “ Chalk Butte Hill Billy’*,’'
Betty M.cum, Cow HUlow In *
By John W. Kelly
Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Law
a while AEF ft c..as„
fahtile paralisis cropple, got her entertained the older group of
Ihfi Chinese hire supposed to h ive
people at the hall Saturday night. of Fair Acres were guests at a
W ASH ING TO N. D C. — Senator
.een placated by loan of this mon­ feet stuck in the mud Sunday and Dancing was enjoyed until 12:30. dinner served Sunday in the Will
Rufus Holman has Introduced a ey; the west coast legislators are fell and br-k* her left arm. Site
Qahley home in celebration of Mr.
when lunch was »erved.
biil creating the office of mineral
Qahleys birthday.
broke both bone* three or fôiir
proiu:tion adirlntstrator as a di-
W S. Fulrider, a former Ten
To prevent any more 'misunder- .n:hes ab-ve her wrist. On bone family and Mrs Roland Whitman
Visicn cf the department of the in-
was a clean break, square across. and baby of Oregon Trail, were □avis resident who died at his home
•irict. With the approval of the in­ ., landing” of speeches Archibald
at Nampa, was buried in the Tuck­
terior secretary, and when such MacLeish, librarian of congress and The other was a splintering, Jagged j Sunday guests at Roy Rookstool’s
er cemetery last Tuesday after­
action is d enied advisable in the
break. She was rushed to town to
Interest of successful prosecution .tgures, has been directed by the a doctor as soon as the mud and heme.
White Hou-e to scan all speeches
The annual meeting for the
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mocre of Boise
of wars In which the United States
Is now engaged, the administrator of top-flight officials before they never was strong and nealthy like members was held Sunday night and Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Hottle of
is authorized to subsidize the min­ are delivered. Censorship is some­ hèr brothers and sisters. With in- at the hall. New officers for the Eagle spent Sunday with Mrs
year are as follows: Chairman Florence Smith and Mrs. Anna
ing. producticn, refining cr benefi- thing new for cabinet members.
rantiie parelisi, at ten she realy
Senator Holman is one of a sub- .earned what suffering was. She John Hamilton; treasurer, Frank Barnum.
claticn of any strategic mineral or
Miss Arleen Wilkerson is stay­
critical netal by any person en­ comitittee of military affairs com- takes a meer two bones broke in
Cora Rookstool. Committees wi’.l ing with her aunt, Mrs. R. D. Se-
gaged in the operating of a mining mitlee which has been appointed her arm pretty cheerful.
be appointed later.
bree, and attending high school in
property which cannot be operated to investigate the allegation that
The llrst .part cf the year a
Betty Niccum fell Sunday break­ Notus.
with a rea onable profit without incompetent
promoted Instead of being dlsirls-
Mrs. Willard Bartles underwent
u subsidy
to putting his business in order.
The F.S.A. will hold a meeting a major operation at Memorial
Inti uducticn cf the measure was set* frcm the service. The practice
Our community hall held a business at the hall Wednesday and Thurs­
Park hospital last Tuesday.
caused by the delay of the Defense ut the senate voting en bloc on meeting Sunday night with a little
Miss Dorothy Thcmas, daughter
Pi -nt corporation in assisting i n ! long lists cf promotion, will be over half the members present. Ail j day.
of Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod Thomas
the production of metals required suspended while this subcommittee
cash and bills were received.
f 0r [he war such as chronmlta. does a little browsing around to
A Ten Davis, and Fred Hertig,
W ith such a small community I
Jr., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
eloper, zinc. etc. The senator says
ever, ine whether each proposed
Fred Hertig. Sr., of Ten Davis
that inasmuch as the government promotion is Justified.
gâtions at heme than we could | Romaine Jennings returned to were married February 1 at the
is neglecting ts increase the metals, '
# ---- ------ —
“ *
possibly handle the problem of | school Monday after being ab­ home cf Justice of the Peuce, John
and cutslde sources are being cut
LlflCOlfl HeiqhtS
financing the building of a hall ! sent the past two weeks with the Nelson in Caldwell. Mr. und Mrs.
o ff by Japanese activity, he be-
like ours has kept us guessing. I t 1 mumps.
William Hertig witnessed the mar­
lieves a complete new set-up should
Harry Lee Smith has been sick
was decided at our meeting to j
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman riage ceremony.
be established. I f enacted, the the past week.
levie a prcAty heavy assessment I entertained at Sunday dinner Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Larson left
measure would
be of
immense j Mr and Mrs Lislle Pennington
against all a embers and pay off and Mr;. S. B. Hoffman and Dave, Thursday for a visit with relatives
value to the mining Industry of | and scn spen t tlie week-end at the major part of the indebtedness, j
Mr. and Mrs. Janies Ritchie and in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Colo­
the far west where there are many <
parental homes.
Then work o ff the rest before do- | Garret Belle, and Mr. and Mrs.
properties which cannot produce
Lincoln Sunday school was well ing any more improvement. Our j
Alva Goodell and Alva, Jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Level-ton who
metals at current price ceilings.
attended Sunday morning in spite new board for the comm ing year j
Donna Belle. The dinner was in
An Oregon n an has
written to Dj me unfavorable roads. The will be Jonnie Hamilton, chairm an.1 honor of Mrs. Glenn and S. B are staying in the Claude Coffee
Inquiring pUptis c f the three lower classes, Frank Parker, treasurer and Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Alva Ocodell home at Riverside, spent Thursday
----------- —
nnd Friday with their son, Reid
whether the department is in the who had perfect attendance for Roy Rookstool, secretary.
whose birthdays occur thls month. j Overton, and wife In Black Can­
market for shark oil. He explained the preceding quarter, were award
Mrs. Leslie Topliff attended the
The 37 black-face ewes that
that shark oil dees not treeze and ed pin . Those who were absent
Arck Eastman bought a while back Chatter Box club meeting at the
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bower and
that it might be a good thing in on account of sickness were ex­
were regestered stuff. That is the John Bartholoma home in Nyssa children were Saturday guest; of
the mot rs of bombers which fly cused.
first regestered stuff to come into Heights Wednesday afternoon.
their mother, Mrs. Minnie Bower,
several miles h igh where the tem­
Geraldine Pettet was an over­ our Hollow. They are dandies too.
Betty Wyckoff returned to school at Lakeview.
perature is far below zero. The night guest at the home of Irene
He lost one of the best ewes Sun­ Monday after being absent a week
war department was not interested; Amidon In Valley View Wednesday.
because of illness.
day night.
told him to inquire elsewhere.
Word was received here of the
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were
Kay Fluister is planning to move
Answering ccn-plaints of a short­ death of Mrs. Eugene Reed In the
his house and barn yard back | dinner guests at the Mrs. W. E.
age c f agricultural labor in Ore­ Caldwell sanitarium
week. frcm where it is. As it is the house j Goodell home in Caldwell Satur­
gon. head of the selective Service F uneral services were held In Par­
Is on tne side of the road and day.
denies that it is due to farm boys ma Thursday. A large number of'
the barn yard on the other side J Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver
being drafted. Making a survey of neighbors and friends from this
which makes it very bad fer small j were in Ontario Friday.
Deschutes, Umatilla, Multnomah community attended.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison and
kiddies, young stock and poultry.
and c ther counties, General Hershey
Lyle Anderson and son, Vern, His new location is up on top of Eris and Mr. and Mrs. George
shows that about 10 percent of the have returned from a trip to points
the ridg and will give them a fine Cleaver attended the Good Neigh­
young men inducted into the ser­ in Washington.
view c f both Cow Hcllow and Sun­ bor night pregram at the Oregon
vice have had some agricultural
Virgil Spangler of Vanetta, Ore­ set Valley. They drilled a well at Slope grange meeting, Thursday
the gon. visited at the home of For­
their new location last fall. Being evening.
shortage to the high wages in rest Soyer while enroute from
J. W. Jennings is spending sev­
upon the ridg ttiey had to go a
shipyards and other war indus­ a visit with relatives in South D a ­
little over 300 feet for water. They | eral days in Portland.
tries and to voluntary enlistments. kota and Kansas.
Mr. Savage. Sr., who has been
think they have fine water and it
He gives it as high opinion that
Mr. and Mrs. Buel Hickey enter­ I stands up over a hundred feet in quite seriously ill, is much im­
there is still all the farm labor tained a number of little friends
j the well. They will never need proved.
nece-sary in Oregon If wages are for I he tenth birthday of their sen,
Mrs. C. C. W yckoff was in Nam­
: to worry about their well gdng
right. To attract labor to the farms, Milton,
were dry.
pa Monday.
h? declares, there should be a I played and refreshments served.
minimum wage of $30 a irenth and
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Prank were
Unless office of civilian defense business visitors last Monday in
changes its ru’e that there is not Caldwell and Saturday in Weiser.
Sadie Parker entertained
A group cf men of this commun­
a community in the northwest to
The Patch and Chat club will
whl-h fire equipment will be al­ meet February 19 at the home of the club at the home cf Addle ity sponsored a pinochle party at
located for extinguishing Incendi­ Mrs. Lyle Anderson. A series of Parkers. The following officers were the community hall last Wednes­
ary bombs if the population is less Red Cross first aid lessons will elected for one year: President, day night, February 4. Fifteen
Sadie Parker; vice president, Cora tables were in play. The proceeds |
than 500. Starting at 5000, the be given.
lrrger the city the more the fire
Mr. and Mrs. John Pennington Rookstool and secretary treasurer, will be given to the Red Cross. Re- |
apparatus gas masks and steel will leave for California, where Mr Hurtha Thompson. The Wahlne freshments of sandwiches, cookies .
helmets to be distributed. No pro- Pennington has been called for c’.ub accepted the services of a and coffee were served.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Andrews and ]
lady frcm Ontario to teach a six
vision is made for the scores of avtatlon service.
towns and villages which are as
Mr and Mrs Jim Htederbrant lessen course in first aid. Every Mr. and Mrs. John Pritchard were
exposed tc an air raid as is Port- were iaSf Sunday dinner guests at person interested is urged to at­ Sunday guests of their brother and
land. However, some protection j t h e h o m e o f M r a n d M r s R a l p h tend. A date will be announced sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pritchard,
at Homedale.
is provided against forest fires in I Thompson of Ontario,
an amendment to the priorities}
and Mrs
Harvey Holton
bill, offered by Senator McNary. sp-nt last week at the home of
The American Forestry associa­ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Holton
tion, which Includes all the private near Kingman Kolcny.
timber owners in the northwest, is
concerned about Incendiary fires
in the forests, The McNary amend­
ment author!-:« the president to
use the manpower of CCC camps
T lie Jnst-a-Mere club met Feb­
M O N D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 16, at 1 p. m.
to patrol municipal water systems, ruary 6 at the home of Mrs. John
generating systems and other pub­ Quigley in Nys'a. Ten members
lic utilities against thehazards of were present. Lunch was served
As Mr. Stephen is employed in National defense at
by the hostess. The next meeting
forest fires.
I will sell all our personal property and go to
Inside story of why congress vot­ will be held at the home of Mrs.
Mrs. James Stephen. Located first house
ed one half billion dollars for F. J. Cahill cn February 20
Carl Sebum shipped a carload north of Olie Filing Station or go from Nyssa to
China without a dissenting voice
ts that is the price taxpayers must of fat cattle to the Portland mar­
Langdon comer and follow highway west to Olie’s
pay for the siieech made by Secre­ ket the last of the week.
Clarence, son of Mr and Mrs. comer and first house north.
tary of the Navy Knox to mayors
on January 12. Secretary Knox, Glen 8utter, is suffering from a
who says he was misunderstood, severe case of the measles.
One Cow, 8 years old. Fresh about the last of July.
Edwin Kurtz is attending night
told the mayors that Hitler must
One cow 5 years old. Fresh last March. Giving about
first be disposed of before atten­ school at Ontario and is taking a
5 gallons a day now.
tion could be given to the Japan­ course in sheet metal work.
ese Chinese officials began talk­
Lawrence Keyser Is absent frcm One Cow 6 years old. Fresh in April. Giving about 5
ing of peace with Japan, saying school with the measles
Buena Vista
Upper Sunset
*%M« ty m* •»«**». ***
Thi MW itSiM# f l * « 1 1,1 •A* iU n '
ôfsnfcd fir us* Thsrsday,
Ml Ahd Kirs. Howard ffutch and"
tohs, Donny and Duane, John Enos,
Lois Moore, Olen Osbom. Marjorie
Cameron, Joe Hcbson, and Betty
Eachus were in Boise on business
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points
shopped in Nyssa Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft cal­
led on his sister and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson in Nampa
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long of
Nyssa spent the week-end with
her mother. Mrs. Ellen Spa A s
Mrs. Vernon Parker shopped in
Nyssa Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Pclnts and
son, Jimmy, of Nyssa were Sunday
guests at the Everett Points home.
Miss Mary Wymer of Parma
visited her sister, Mrs. Howard
Hutch, from. Sunday until Wed­
Glen Pounds and his brother
from Nyssa, Roy Pounds, visited
their parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Pounds, in Caldwell Sunday.
Mrs. Vernon Parker called on
her sister, Mrs. Ness Hatt of
Owyhee, Thursday.
Miss Babe Hart of Vale was a
Friday evening guest at the Olen
Pounds home.
M r and Mrs. Earl McKinney
were Saturday dinner guests at
ihe F. A. de Lespinasse home.
Mr ^
¡^ g
pèîàrton and
family ihoppad In Caldwell Satur­
In the Interest of national de­
fense the U. S. government 1* pur­
chasing the entire Mexican mer­
cury production.
— Quality Cleaners —
About Planting
in America
a War-lime Year?
at war is asking for -w w il t t e ,
maximum production of certain
crops, including dairy products.
Increased dairy production means
added demand for hay and forage.
For dependable crops, plant North­
land Brand Seeds.
T h a excellent quality
N arthlsnd Brand
Seed« it backed by tha 5 t- y * a r reputation of
these famous Am erican «eedtmen.
Horthrup King & Co.
r r 'm
ld * h#
1 •;
ww #
J ■* - ■'
Ten Davis
And New Electric Lines Must Be Curtailed
gallons of milk now.
Cow 4 years old. Fresh in April. Giving about 5
gallons of milk now.
One Cow 5 years old. Fresh in September. Giving
about 5 gallons of milk now.
One Heifer. 3 years old. Fresh in September. Giving 4
gallons a day now.
These are high producing Holstien cows and T.B. and
AB tested.
Three Holstein Heifers that will be fresh in August.
One Holstein Heifer. 6 months old.
Three bull calves.
One spot mare. 4 years old. Weight 1200. W ell broke
to work.
One yearling colt.
About 250 Leghorn hens, Larson strain, laying now.
About 20 tons of alfalfa hay. First and second
cutting, put up without rain. Two tons of barley.
About 3000 cwt. of oats. Two tons of spring wheat.
One set of work harness.
Some household goods, tools, forks, miscelaneous
and many articles not mentioned.
They’re not practical!
Burgessor, Feb.
Don’t be old-fashionH about repairing
yotfr car. The modern, practical thing
to do is let us take care of the mechani­
cal end of it. Our experts will keep a
close check on engine, ignition and
brakes. Our complete service is cheap­
er, more efficient, more practical.
Phunu M W
and Mate BL
Copper is precious these days — there's not
much more than enough for shells and tanks
and planes and ships.
We believe our customers will understand,
then, why government orders now forbid all but
very small extensions of electric lines, except
for defense or public health and safety needs.
Copper is needed more for war than for civil­
ian use — in fact, right now copper is one of the
most critical of wartime metals.
When the war is over, and supplies of copper
and other materials are once more available, our
company will be quick to resume its program of
extending low-cost electric service.
I D ¿X A
Does So M-JCH-Costs So U T T L E?
W . L. Bill Lane, Auctioneer — Phone 25-W, Nyssa
D. O. BLBEE, Clerk — TERM S C A S H !
No property to be removed until settled for.
Any neighbor having to sell is welcome to
bring it to this auction.
you enjoy Spring more.
Nyssa Heights
clothes a faultlessl y
groomed look.
That, plus
r . I A >¿¿0?